Pardon trump, I don't think so....

Not to worry. He won't be re-elected.

Well, Joe Biden definitely won't be reelected, so I guess we won't have a president?
I mean, who would want to go back to world peace, border security,
global dominance, low crime, a stable economy, affordable,
plentiful food, energy, rent and utilities?!

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Only 14% report being prosperous under Joe Biden.
Biden pardons 11 nonviolent drug offenders, thousands on certain marijuana charges.

You forgot the drug and booze bootlegger/traffickers, the court martialed officer and the female murderer. Whoops. Dumbass.

All CONVICTED, confessed felons. You'd rather put a convicted murderer back on the streets than a real estate developer merely ACCUSED of inflating the estimated value opinion of his own real estate before paying the bank back fully on time.

Psycho bitch.

You know, in Africa, they have a use for people like you. After shrinking the head, they scoop out the brains then use the empty skull as a cereal bowl. 🥣
or maybe biden should be a dictator , for just 1 day, of, course. doesnt biden have the same article 2 that "let's me do anything i want" as trump claims?

one day is enough to protect his predecessor from prosecution and personal harm by whisking trump to an undisclosed location on lease from cuba.
Trump for dictator until every leftists has been run out of America.
Again with the above the law crap? Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Clapper, and Fauci are above the law. Don't forget Killary. Non thread, just old and repeated propaganda.
Yeah, I agree totally. Can you tell me what laws were broken by these criminals who think that they are above the law?
Lets look at Secret Documents found in Trumps possession. Hard to deny.
As are Trumps admission he took them intentionally and ordered them hidden
While you're at it look at Biden garage to see if he has anymore classified documents from his senator days

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