Parents Sue Public School After Forcing Their Daughter To Convert To Islam In World History Class

Steve, once again you prove what an idiot you are.

Studying a subject in school is not the same thing as being forcibly converted.

Grandma, It is a fact that in SHARIAH law---the recitation of the Shahada----in
the presence of a muslim witness does constitute a conversion to islam even if
the recitation is accompanied by a knife at the throat of the reciter. Long ago---
lots of people were forcibly baptized in the Christian faith----in fact in many cases
the "victims" were infants------which made them BY LAW-----Christians in some
countries. Way back-----persons converted to islam who -----went back to their
prior religions were OUTED and executed------and the Inquisition dealt with the "baptized" rejectionists. As idiotic as it is-------there are people who VERY MUCH resent being -----according to shariah law-----a muslim even if the idea is meaningless in civilized lands just as people whose infants were converted to Christianity by baptism were annoyed------back then..
Long ago-----like about 20 years ago, ---
I read a little handbook put out by the catholic church ---"FOR CATHOLIC NURSES"---------the book was written circa 1920. It provided DETAILED
instructions for the baptism of sick infants of "unknown" religion------so they
would make it into 'heaven' "just in case". I do happen to know that some
people did not like the idea that their kids were baptized no matter how meaningless the ritual was to them. Forced conversion has a history in Christianity ---
which is bitter to some people------in islam, -it is an ONGOING thing in some
cesspit countries. Some people are sensitive about those issues for all kinds
of personal reasons-----like their own family legacies
This suit is without merit, and will be tossed. I hope he is counter-sued for the school's attorney's fee and lost time. He's a hot-head right-wing Jerk for Jesus. The shit-storm he threatened the school with he's about to learn is Karma.

And the reason why he's the only one complaining? He's an A S S H O L E...
Steve, once again you prove what an idiot you are.

Studying a subject in school is not the same thing as being forcibly converted.

Grandma, It is a fact that in SHARIAH law---the recitation of the Shahada----in
the presence of a muslim witness does constitute a conversion to islam even if
the recitation is accompanied by a knife at the throat of the reciter. Long ago---
lots of people were forcibly baptized in the Christian faith----in fact in many cases
the "victims" were infants------which made them BY LAW-----Christians in some
countries. Way back-----persons converted to islam who -----went back to their
prior religions were OUTED and executed------and the Inquisition dealt with the "baptized" rejectionists. As idiotic as it is-------there are people who VERY MUCH resent being -----according to shariah law-----a muslim even if the idea is meaningless in civilized lands just as people whose infants were converted to Christianity by baptism were annoyed------back then..
Long ago-----like about 20 years ago, ---
I read a little handbook put out by the catholic church ---"FOR CATHOLIC NURSES"---------the book was written circa 1920. It provided DETAILED
instructions for the baptism of sick infants of "unknown" religion------so they
would make it into 'heaven' "just in case". I do happen to know that some
people did not like the idea that their kids were baptized no matter how meaningless the ritual was to them. Forced conversion has a history in Christianity ---
which is bitter to some people------in islam, -it is an ONGOING thing in some
cesspit countries. Some people are sensitive about those issues for all kinds
of personal reasons-----like their own family legacies
His kid is no more converted to Islam than any other faith that was mentioned, of which there were several.
This suit is without merit, and will be tossed. I hope he is counter-sued for the school's attorney's fee and lost time. He's a hot-head right-wing Jerk for Jesus. The shit-storm he threatened the school with he's about to learn is Karma.

And the reason why he's the only one complaining? He's an A S S H O L E...
Nobody is a jerk for Jesus. This father has seen the deadly implications of Islam. God will prevail. Islam teachings should be eradicated from schools. The school and teacher should be severely punished. Precedent should be set.
Personal conviction is irrelevant when it comes to Islam and Muslims. If a Muslim witnesses the memorization of the Five Pillars of Islam and the recital of the Shahada, he or she will inform you that you are indeed now, Muslim and if you say that you are not, you are open to being killed for apostacy.

Wow! That's incredible! and so believable. Those parents had better hire 24 hour armed guards for their little one.
I think it's interesting the course required the students to recite anything, usually memorizing material is sufficient to pass the test.

It's not uncommon for school administrators to treat any parental dissent at all as a threat.
Separation of Church and State unless it's for the Liberal Agenda of appeasement to Islam................Teaching the tenets of Islam is OK to some..................

Riddle me this.............Had they been ordering the kids to memorize the 10 Commandments what would be the response?

Separation of Church and State unless it's for the Liberal Agenda of appeasement to Islam................Teaching the tenets of Islam is OK to some..................

Riddle me this.............Had they been ordering the kids to memorize the 10 Commandments what would be the response?

All religions should be taught, especially those people kill each other over. And this hot-tempered asshole for Jesus is the only one complaining.
These parents have been hit directly and personally. They are making the right decision. Christianity is part of our White society and we must not let yhat be destroyed.
Yes, the Brown Middle Eastern religion is the religion of the White society.
But anyway it's fair enough isn't it, that case matches the suits brought against schools forcing Christian prayers on pupils.
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Steve, once again you prove what an idiot you are.

Studying a subject in school is not the same thing as being forcibly converted.

Grandma, It is a fact that in SHARIAH law---the recitation of the Shahada----in
the presence of a muslim witness does constitute a conversion to islam even if
the recitation is accompanied by a knife at the throat of the reciter. Long ago---
lots of people were forcibly baptized in the Christian faith----in fact in many cases
the "victims" were infants------which made them BY LAW-----Christians in some
countries. Way back-----persons converted to islam who -----went back to their
prior religions were OUTED and executed------and the Inquisition dealt with the "baptized" rejectionists. As idiotic as it is-------there are people who VERY MUCH resent being -----according to shariah law-----a muslim even if the idea is meaningless in civilized lands just as people whose infants were converted to Christianity by baptism were annoyed------back then..
Long ago-----like about 20 years ago, ---
I read a little handbook put out by the catholic church ---"FOR CATHOLIC NURSES"---------the book was written circa 1920. It provided DETAILED
instructions for the baptism of sick infants of "unknown" religion------so they
would make it into 'heaven' "just in case". I do happen to know that some
people did not like the idea that their kids were baptized no matter how meaningless the ritual was to them. Forced conversion has a history in Christianity ---
which is bitter to some people------in islam, -it is an ONGOING thing in some
cesspit countries. Some people are sensitive about those issues for all kinds
of personal reasons-----like their own family legacies
His kid is no more converted to Islam than any other faith that was mentioned, of which there were several.

fine------I am sure that you would agree that if a muslim kid were to be subjected
to a splash of holy water in the name of "THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY GHOST"------he would not be converted to Christianity either-------fine with me----------DO IT TO ALL OF THEM
Separation of Church and State unless it's for the Liberal Agenda of appeasement to Islam................Teaching the tenets of Islam is OK to some..................

Riddle me this.............Had they been ordering the kids to memorize the 10 Commandments what would be the response?


ten commandments might be ok for muslims-----BUT they should be memorized
in Hebrew
Separation of Church and State unless it's for the Liberal Agenda of appeasement to Islam................Teaching the tenets of Islam is OK to some..................

Riddle me this.............Had they been ordering the kids to memorize the 10 Commandments what would be the response?


ten commandments might be ok for muslims-----BUT they should be memorized
in Hebrew
Which version, there are several...
Memorizing the Five Pillars of Islam and reciting the Shahada in public, in front of a Muslim is all that is needed to become a Muslim. No doubt the Islamic curriculum provided the school (along with some schools having their students adopt Islamic "nicknames," is the promoters way of converting our youth. The school is either ignorant of this, or complicit. Parents should pull their children out until only the conflict issues between Islam and the west since its creation are taught, not immersing themselves in its teachings.
And all that is needed to be a Christian is??? Believing in the same fairy as the Muslims, sure... do you people always fall for the stupid?
You are the stupid one. Allah is satan, not God.
Separation of Church and State unless it's for the Liberal Agenda of appeasement to Islam................Teaching the tenets of Islam is OK to some..................

Riddle me this.............Had they been ordering the kids to memorize the 10 Commandments what would be the response?


ten commandments might be ok for muslims-----BUT they should be memorized
in Hebrew
Which version, there are several...

the standard Hebrew version------very cogent------and brief
The teacher should have known better. If this happened to one of ours the shit would hit the fan
Separation of Church and State unless it's for the Liberal Agenda of appeasement to Islam................Teaching the tenets of Islam is OK to some..................

Riddle me this.............Had they been ordering the kids to memorize the 10 Commandments what would be the response?


ten commandments might be ok for muslims-----BUT they should be memorized
in Hebrew
Which version, there are several...

the standard Hebrew version------very cogent------and brief
Chapter and verse?
The teacher should have known better. If this happened to one of ours the shit would hit the fan
The same course has been taught for years, and this is the only asshole for Jesus, who threatened the school staff and classroom, to complain.

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