Parents Sue Public School After Forcing Their Daughter To Convert To Islam In World History Class

I am willing to bet the farm that these parents do not want anything about Islam taught in school.

Given all that is going on in the world I can't say I blame them, but you've hit on something, let's teach EVERYTHING about Islam. How's that?

The good, the bad, and, the ugly. As a historian, it would be a great disservice not to discus such things.

Well it seems the left wants to dwell on only the bad the Christians have done....that and rewrite history to make them look bad (See the Crusades and how it's taught in public schools, a travesty)

Luckily only the fringe and foolish believe such historical revisionism.

I love history and it pisses me off when people get it wrong

Same here. That conversation we shared about The CSA and Lee earlier last week was very enjoyable. I could gas on all day about history, much to the chagrin of my husband. lol
Oh for goodness' sake, it is a World History course. I don't see anything wrong with the curriculum and the overly dramatic parents will likely lose this battle in court.

So teach the history of Islam...but don't you dare try to teach prayers or conversions, if you do then the Rosary and any religious prayer/conversion must be taught
nobody taught conversion

An act of "conversion" to any religion is defined by the given religion. It is a
fact that ISLAMIC LAW-----considers any person who recited the "shahada" in
the presence of muslim witnesses to BE a muslim -----a status which cannot ---by
Islamic law---be repudiated
think before typing next time

think about what???
what kind of idiocy you're putting out there.
Steve, once again you prove what an idiot you are.

Studying a subject in school is not the same thing as being forcibly converted.

That's not what Progressives tell us about Christianity. Displaying the Ten Commandments turns people Jewish
So teach the history of Islam...but don't you dare try to teach prayers or conversions, if you do then the Rosary and any religious prayer/conversion must be taught

I like the idea of forcing muslim kids to memorize the rosary prayers-----come
up with a SCHOOL set of rosary beads and do GROUP rosary recitations as
a HISTORY LESSON. I like the idea of every classroom including a
life-size statue of BUDDHA -------and all the kids be required to do the
rituals that Buddhists do----when around those statues
You know, if the kids never learn anything more than what you folks want, it will make them weak against their enemies.....

a jihadi know?
How to properly wear sacred underwear which will protect and increase ones ability to kill in the name of Allah....

the basic rule of UNDERWEAR-----is viable elastic------no woman should ever
forget that the ELASTIC degrades over time--------finding one's undies around one's
ankles-----in a public place is a trauma that can damage self image forever
Or she could gain weight...
Given all that is going on in the world I can't say I blame them, but you've hit on something, let's teach EVERYTHING about Islam. How's that?

The good, the bad, and, the ugly. As a historian, it would be a great disservice not to discus such things.

Well it seems the left wants to dwell on only the bad the Christians have done....that and rewrite history to make them look bad (See the Crusades and how it's taught in public schools, a travesty)

Luckily only the fringe and foolish believe such historical revisionism.

I love history and it pisses me off when people get it wrong

Same here. That conversation we shared about The CSA and Lee earlier last week was very enjoyable. I could gas on all day about history, much to the chagrin of my husband. lol

The Civil War is one of my fave topics, that and medieval times in Europe. We Celts were heartless bastards, the only ones more ruthless were the Spartans and Mongols.
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Nobody was forced to convert to Islam
The good, the bad, and, the ugly. As a historian, it would be a great disservice not to discus such things.

Well it seems the left wants to dwell on only the bad the Christians have done....that and rewrite history to make them look bad (See the Crusades and how it's taught in public schools, a travesty)

Luckily only the fringe and foolish believe such historical revisionism.

I love history and it pisses me off when people get it wrong

Same here. That conversation we shared about The CSA and Lee earlier last week was very enjoyable. I could gas on all day about history, much to the chagrin of my husband. lol

The Civil War is one of my fave topics, that and medieval times in Europe. We Celts were heartless bastards, the only ones more ruthless were the Spartans and Mongols.
If the Celts be so ruthless, why did they lose?
200,000 Celts against Julius Caesar and 60,000 Romans, at the battle of Alesia....Who do you think won?

The Romans....
The good, the bad, and, the ugly. As a historian, it would be a great disservice not to discus such things.

Well it seems the left wants to dwell on only the bad the Christians have done....that and rewrite history to make them look bad (See the Crusades and how it's taught in public schools, a travesty)

Luckily only the fringe and foolish believe such historical revisionism.

I love history and it pisses me off when people get it wrong

Same here. That conversation we shared about The CSA and Lee earlier last week was very enjoyable. I could gas on all day about history, much to the chagrin of my husband. lol

The Civil War is one of my fave topics, that and medieval times in Europe. We Celts were heartless bastards, the only ones more ruthless were the Spartans and Mongols.

The Pics, the Scots, and, the Celts resisted Roman rule of Britannia for so long that Hardian had to build a wall. :lol:
Religion should be outright banned in our public schools. This teach should be fired.
Religion should be outright banned in our public schools. This teach should be fired.

Yeah! Fuck the Constitution and the First Amendment! They should be teaching science, education, and infrastructure!
Well it seems the left wants to dwell on only the bad the Christians have done....that and rewrite history to make them look bad (See the Crusades and how it's taught in public schools, a travesty)

Luckily only the fringe and foolish believe such historical revisionism.

I love history and it pisses me off when people get it wrong

Same here. That conversation we shared about The CSA and Lee earlier last week was very enjoyable. I could gas on all day about history, much to the chagrin of my husband. lol

The Civil War is one of my fave topics, that and medieval times in Europe. We Celts were heartless bastards, the only ones more ruthless were the Spartans and Mongols.

The Pics, the Scots, and, the Celts resisted Roman rule of Britannia for so long that Hardian had to build a wall. :lol:

I was impressed with the Spartans, true warriors if ever there were any. Every Spartan male was a soldier, slaves did everything else and they couldn't retire until age 60....which was like being like 400 today LOL
I was impressed with the Spartans, true warriors if ever there were any. Every Spartan male was a soldier, slaves did everything else and they couldn't retire until age 60....which was like being like 400 today LOL

They were incredibly cruel and brutal people.
I was impressed with the Spartans, true warriors if ever there were any. Every Spartan male was a soldier, slaves did everything else and they couldn't retire until age 60....which was like being like 400 today LOL

They were incredibly cruel and brutal people.

Indeed they were, maybe the only ones more cruel and brutal were the Mongols. If the Mongols decided to conquer you it was game over
Oh for goodness' sake, it is a World History course. I don't see anything wrong with the curriculum and the overly dramatic parents will likely lose this battle in court.

So teach the history of Islam...but don't you dare try to teach prayers or conversions, if you do then the Rosary and any religious prayer/conversion must be taught

I am willing to bet the farm that these parents do not want anything about Islam taught in school.

I am not-----a grew up in a very Christian town----we learned about islam---
"monotheistic" "no pork" "Friday is sunday" -----enough- -----not too much
To me whatever the kids had to do, at the end of the day, its doesn't mean a thing, especially if they themselves do not mean one inch of it. Them school authority figures have zero control over what them kids are up to when they are not in school. What they do at home is their own business.

God bless you and them always!!!


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