Parents turned into the FBI by their children's school

That doesn't matter. there are plenty of private schools run by leftists and the godless. Obviously this is one. Let me rephrase. Get your kids out of leftist run gov't schools and those private schools that run a gov't school curriculum and put them in either home schooling or christian classical schools run BY Christians. There. That make youi happy sugar britches.
Better watch out for those christian schools too.
The Left only demands that of police officers, never teachers.

As the saying goes, we are all equal, only, some of us are more equal than others.
Actually, cameras in classrooms would be very interesting. How many parents would then see how their children behave? How many might use pics of young children in inappropriate ways?

Two mothers accused an Ohio private school of launching a retaliation campaign against them and their children after they questioned the school's leftist curriculum, the parents' lawsuit alleges.

Amy Gonzalez and Andrea Gross told Fox News Digital that Columbus Academy reported them to the FBI as "dangerous to the health and wellbeing of the entire Academy community" and attempted to destroy their reputation.

The mothers' complaint, filed on June 12, alleged that the school's administration overreacted to their questions regarding critical race theory curriculum and other instruction the parents believed was "indoctrination."

"And so when I say an overreaction, I mean an overreaction of calling the police on us, alerting almost 900 faculty members that they had alerted the FBI that we were dangerous. Just things that were so far beyond the pale that it would lead one to ask why? Why is the reaction so extreme?"

Why is the response so extreme they ask? Joe Biden started this by telling schools to alert the FBI if any parents have issues with Left wing curriculum and present them as domestic terrorists, much like those protesting at the capital became coup insurgents.

They are without a country now as are those who dare to question the powers that be
Quote from Biden, please.
Private schools, their rules. If the ladies didn't like the school, the curriculum or the teachers, they would have been better off pulling their kids out of the school, or even better, checking out the school, before sending their kids to it. I don't know what was said or how they approached them, but it was enough to upset somebody (probably more than one) at the school. I figure if public school, you have a beef, but private school, you are free to spend your money somewhere else.
they went to the fbi because parents disagreed with some of the things being taught ... thats the point of the story .
A sharp tongue is enough for snowflake teachers/staff, none want to be questioned about anything.....A private school is no different in that regard.

That said it could have been a simple case of "when assholes collide".
Sure but to the point of calling in the FBI? Nah, more to this story.
Sure but to the point of calling in the FBI? Nah, more to this story.
Perhaps, but I'll go with hurt feel-goods till then. Teachers and especially school administration peeps are 1st class assholes to deal with.

Every damn one of them thinks they have a better bead on things than the parent does.
Perhaps, but I'll go with hurt feel-goods till then. Teachers and especially school administration peeps are 1st class assholes to deal with.

Every damn one of them thinks they have a better bead on things than the parent does.
Sure. Knock yourself out.
Private schools, their rules. If the ladies didn't like the school, the curriculum or the teachers, they would have been better off pulling their kids out of the school, or even better, checking out the school, before sending their kids to it. I don't know what was said or how they approached them, but it was enough to upset somebody (probably more than one) at the school. I figure if public school, you have a beef, but private school, you are free to spend your money somewhere else.
You could have a point about taking their children out of the school

In fact I agree

But the so-called educators should be rin out of the profession for calling the FBI against the women

Two mothers accused an Ohio private school of launching a retaliation campaign against them and their children after they questioned the school's leftist curriculum, the parents' lawsuit alleges.

Amy Gonzalez and Andrea Gross told Fox News Digital that Columbus Academy reported them to the FBI as "dangerous to the health and wellbeing of the entire Academy community" and attempted to destroy their reputation.

The mothers' complaint, filed on June 12, alleged that the school's administration overreacted to their questions regarding critical race theory curriculum and other instruction the parents believed was "indoctrination."

"And so when I say an overreaction, I mean an overreaction of calling the police on us, alerting almost 900 faculty members that they had alerted the FBI that we were dangerous. Just things that were so far beyond the pale that it would lead one to ask why? Why is the reaction so extreme?"

Why is the response so extreme they ask? Joe Biden started this by telling schools to alert the FBI if any parents have issues with Left wing curriculum and present them as domestic terrorists, much like those protesting at the capital became coup insurgents.

They are without a country now as are those who dare to question the powers that be


That remind us of echoes of Nazi Germany 1930s!

.....and they say History doesn't repeat itself!

well they are wrong.
school is boring read a few books instead and open your eyes to reality and be aware that democrats want to run your life....for your own good OF COURSE....god forbid you be trusted to your own decision do yo u live in a racial jungle or something
You could have a point about taking their children out of the school

In fact I agree

But the so-called educators should be rin out of the profession for calling the FBI against the women
That is just it. You and I read the story, but we are on the outside and sometimes the story ain't all the story. There is no telling what was said by either side. In the last couple of years we have seen people that looked and sounded normal and believable, but actually did threaten people at schools and school boards. I sure don't have enough info to say either way in this case. I say, wait for the lawsuit, if there is a lawsuit, and if not, that tells a story in itself.
That is just it. You and I read the story, but we are on the outside and sometimes the story ain't all the story. There is no telling what was said by either side. In the last couple of years we have seen people that looked and sounded normal and believable, but actually did threaten people at schools and school boards. I sure don't have enough info to say either way in this case. I say, wait for the lawsuit, if there is a lawsuit, and if not, that tells a story in itself.
If you trust the FBI to tell the truth maybe you should accept their word

But I no longer trust anything they say

I guess you are suggesting the two mothers are domestic terrorists and that sounds pretty insane to me
If you trust the FBI to tell the truth maybe you should accept their word

But I no longer trust anything they say

I guess you are suggesting the two mothers are domestic terrorists and that sounds pretty insane to me
Nope, but they could have been vocal and insistent enough to scare some administrator at the private school and at any school, now, that is all it takes.
Nope, but they could have been vocal and insistent enough to scare some administrator at the private school and at any school, now, that is all it takes.

Educators in America were once among the best the country had to offer

Now they are at the bottom of the barrel

In this case they were exposed for grooming children and the biden FBI was called in to intimidate the parents and stifle dissent

These school teachers are perfect little nazi’s
How quickly they Forget the DOJ and FBI we're watching school board MEETINGS for parents who spoke out

Oh yeah and the left never harassed anyone that didn't agree with their retarded warped views

Shut up bigots!

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