Parking & Common Sense.

I do, however back into my driveway. That way I can see better pulling out into the street. People get annoyed if they are behind me though, I'm shaving a few seconds off of TV time. I notice quite a few other neighbors doing it now too.

You have to turn your head around to back up unless skilled in using the mirrors in your car. Give a short toot from your horn if someone is not looking. Don't give a long toot from your horn because that is aggressive behavior.
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I do, however back into my driveway. That way I can see better pulling out into the street. People get annoyed if they are behind me though, I'm shaving a few seconds off of TV time. I notice quite a few other neighbors doing it now too.

You have to turn your head around to back up unless skilled in using the mirrors in your car. Give a short toot from your horn is someone is not looking. Don't give a long toot from your horn because that is aggressive behavior.
I can see cars behind me on the road just fine. No, I don't toot my horn because it's obvious to a blind man what I'm doing. If some halfwit gets upset I'm good with that.
I do, however back into my driveway. That way I can see better pulling out into the street. People get annoyed if they are behind me though, I'm shaving a few seconds off of TV time. I notice quite a few other neighbors doing it now too.

You have to turn your head around to back up unless skilled in using the mirrors in your car. Give a short toot from your horn is someone is not looking. Don't give a long toot from your horn because that is aggressive behavior.
I can see cars behind me on the road just fine. No, I don't toot my horn because it's obvious to a blind man what I'm doing. If some halfwit gets upset I'm good with that.

A quick toot out in the country is merely a friendly greeting and to show superiority hold up the index finger of either hand which also displays a greeting. My party pad is out in the woods and an Owl is hooting outside as I write.
I do, however back into my driveway. That way I can see better pulling out into the street. People get annoyed if they are behind me though, I'm shaving a few seconds off of TV time. I notice quite a few other neighbors doing it now too.

You have to turn your head around to back up unless skilled in using the mirrors in your car. Give a short toot from your horn is someone is not looking. Don't give a long toot from your horn because that is aggressive behavior.
I can see cars behind me on the road just fine. No, I don't toot my horn because it's obvious to a blind man what I'm doing. If some halfwit gets upset I'm good with that.

A quick toot out in the country is merely a friendly greeting and to show superiority hold up the index finger of either hand which also displays a greeting. My party pad is out in the woods and an Owl is hooting outside as I write.
Put the Jim Beam down, pace yourself.
I do, however back into my driveway. That way I can see better pulling out into the street. People get annoyed if they are behind me though, I'm shaving a few seconds off of TV time. I notice quite a few other neighbors doing it now too.

You have to turn your head around to back up unless skilled in using the mirrors in your car. Give a short toot from your horn is someone is not looking. Don't give a long toot from your horn because that is aggressive behavior.
I can see cars behind me on the road just fine. No, I don't toot my horn because it's obvious to a blind man what I'm doing. If some halfwit gets upset I'm good with that.

A quick toot out in the country is merely a friendly greeting and to show superiority hold up the index finger of either hand which also displays a greeting. My party pad is out in the woods and an Owl is hooting outside as I write.
Put the Jim Beam down, pace yourself.

I don't drink brown liquor because it is bad for me. I judge a man by what kind of liquor he drinks and how he holds it.
I do, however back into my driveway. That way I can see better pulling out into the street. People get annoyed if they are behind me though, I'm shaving a few seconds off of TV time. I notice quite a few other neighbors doing it now too.

You have to turn your head around to back up unless skilled in using the mirrors in your car. Give a short toot from your horn is someone is not looking. Don't give a long toot from your horn because that is aggressive behavior.
I can see cars behind me on the road just fine. No, I don't toot my horn because it's obvious to a blind man what I'm doing. If some halfwit gets upset I'm good with that.

A quick toot out in the country is merely a friendly greeting and to show superiority hold up the index finger of either hand which also displays a greeting. My party pad is out in the woods and an Owl is hooting outside as I write.
Put the Jim Beam down, pace yourself.

I don't drink brown liquor because it is bad for me. I judge a man by what kind of liquor he drinks and how he holds it.
I can do 12 ounce curls with Pilsners all day long.
You have to turn your head around to back up unless skilled in using the mirrors in your car. Give a short toot from your horn is someone is not looking. Don't give a long toot from your horn because that is aggressive behavior.
I can see cars behind me on the road just fine. No, I don't toot my horn because it's obvious to a blind man what I'm doing. If some halfwit gets upset I'm good with that.

A quick toot out in the country is merely a friendly greeting and to show superiority hold up the index finger of either hand which also displays a greeting. My party pad is out in the woods and an Owl is hooting outside as I write.
Put the Jim Beam down, pace yourself.

I don't drink brown liquor because it is bad for me. I judge a man by what kind of liquor he drinks and how he holds it.
I can do 12 ounce curls with Pilsners all day long.

To each his own.
It seems like common sense to me. Backing into traffic is much more dangerous than pulling forward into traffic.

If you ever saw my wife trying to back into a parking space you wouldnt want to be the car on either side.

That was almost funny......then I thought men say that all the time about 'women drivers'. So I'm curious, what does she say about her driving/parking skills????

Dont get me wrong,she's extremely intelligent with scholarships to Princeton,she just cant drive worth a shit.

So I take it, she admits to this?????

Oh absolutely. She gets out of my truck when we go 4 wheeling over the most meager obstacle.

She doesn't think much of your driving either huh? :lmao:

but I would have to agree, we women aren't as crazy about 4 wheeling in the manner even a mountain goat wouldn't do. Some of ya are just plain OUT OF YOUR MINDS.
If you ever saw my wife trying to back into a parking space you wouldnt want to be the car on either side.

That was almost funny......then I thought men say that all the time about 'women drivers'. So I'm curious, what does she say about her driving/parking skills????

Dont get me wrong,she's extremely intelligent with scholarships to Princeton,she just cant drive worth a shit.

So I take it, she admits to this?????

Oh absolutely. She gets out of my truck when we go 4 wheeling over the most meager obstacle.

She doesn't think much of your driving either huh? :lmao:

but I would have to agree, we women aren't as crazy about 4 wheeling in the manner even a mountain goat wouldn't do. Some of ya are just plain OUT OF YOUR MINDS.

Women drivers, jeeze give me a break.
If you ever saw my wife trying to back into a parking space you wouldnt want to be the car on either side.

That was almost funny......then I thought men say that all the time about 'women drivers'. So I'm curious, what does she say about her driving/parking skills????

Dont get me wrong,she's extremely intelligent with scholarships to Princeton,she just cant drive worth a shit.

So I take it, she admits to this?????

Oh absolutely. She gets out of my truck when we go 4 wheeling over the most meager obstacle.

She doesn't think much of your driving either huh? :lmao:

but I would have to agree, we women aren't as crazy about 4 wheeling in the manner even a mountain goat wouldn't do. Some of ya are just plain OUT OF YOUR MINDS.

This maneuver kinda freaked her out. I made Mr. January on the All Pro calendar with it.
Some guy ran into my truck while backing his car out of a parking spot the other day. Said he didn't see me.

Why do people pull forward into parking spots when they know they are going to have to back up into a lane of traffic when they leave that parking spot?

What is the reasoning that they are using when they decide to pull forward into a parking spot?

Do not feel bad because some asshat almost ran me over while backing in a damn space and thought it was funny...
Some guy ran into my truck while backing his car out of a parking spot the other day. Said he didn't see me.

Why do people pull forward into parking spots when they know they are going to have to back up into a lane of traffic when they leave that parking spot?

What is the reasoning that they are using when they decide to pull forward into a parking spot?

Because they are too lazy to back in,
But the thing is, it is much easier to back in than to back out. So the laziness theory doesn't jibe.
Some guy ran into my truck while backing his car out of a parking spot the other day. Said he didn't see me.

Why do people pull forward into parking spots when they know they are going to have to back up into a lane of traffic when they leave that parking spot?

What is the reasoning that they are using when they decide to pull forward into a parking spot?

Most people live in the moment giving no thought about thinking ahead. I feel deep sorrow for your truck because I have a new pickup. Did you get the guy's tag number? Did the guy just run off? Did you call the cops?
It is neither easier nor harder. In each case, you must back up.

The whole point is if you are a licensed driver, you must have the skills to park your vehicle in either direction.

My motto has always been, if you can't park it, don't drive it.
Some guy ran into my truck while backing his car out of a parking spot the other day. Said he didn't see me.

Why do people pull forward into parking spots when they know they are going to have to back up into a lane of traffic when they leave that parking spot?

What is the reasoning that they are using when they decide to pull forward into a parking spot?

Because they are too lazy to back in,
But the thing is, it is much easier to back in than to back out. So the laziness theory doesn't jibe.
Some guy ran into my truck while backing his car out of a parking spot the other day. Said he didn't see me.

Why do people pull forward into parking spots when they know they are going to have to back up into a lane of traffic when they leave that parking spot?

What is the reasoning that they are using when they decide to pull forward into a parking spot?

Most people live in the moment giving no thought about thinking ahead. I feel deep sorrow for your truck because I have a new pickup. Did you get the guy's tag number? Did the guy just run off? Did you call the cops?
It is neither easier nor harder. In each case, you must back up.

The whole point is if you are a licensed driver, you must have the skills to park your vehicle in either direction.

My motto has always been, if you can't park it, don't drive it.
You have a better field of vision going forward.
Some guy ran into my truck while backing his car out of a parking spot the other day. Said he didn't see me.

Why do people pull forward into parking spots when they know they are going to have to back up into a lane of traffic when they leave that parking spot?

What is the reasoning that they are using when they decide to pull forward into a parking spot?

Because they are too lazy to back in,
But the thing is, it is much easier to back in than to back out. So the laziness theory doesn't jibe.
Some guy ran into my truck while backing his car out of a parking spot the other day. Said he didn't see me.

Why do people pull forward into parking spots when they know they are going to have to back up into a lane of traffic when they leave that parking spot?

What is the reasoning that they are using when they decide to pull forward into a parking spot?

Most people live in the moment giving no thought about thinking ahead. I feel deep sorrow for your truck because I have a new pickup. Did you get the guy's tag number? Did the guy just run off? Did you call the cops?
It is neither easier nor harder. In each case, you must back up.

The whole point is if you are a licensed driver, you must have the skills to park your vehicle in either direction.

My motto has always been, if you can't park it, don't drive it.
You have a better field of vision going forward.
Which means nothing.

You have a better field of vision going forward into a parking slot that is surrounded by at most three vehicles whereas if you back out, you may have to contend with one, possibly two.

The entire point boils down to this. If you wish to drive, you must MASTER the skills necessary. Backing a vehicle is a skill that is as essential as driving forward. I have no use for people who cannot park their cars. They need someone to park it for them and take away their keys.
Four or five months ago, I was leaving a Walmart parking lot. I was traveling down the lane when a woman shot out in front of Me, then drove off. I avoided her because when I saw the reverse lights come on, I looked at her and the thing that flabbergasted Me the most was not that she couldn't see when backing up.


There is little use in stating which is safer when there are people who won't even bother to look. It pisses Me off no end when people walk around, drive around, or just go through life as if they are the only assholes in the whole world.
Some guy ran into my truck while backing his car out of a parking spot the other day. Said he didn't see me.

Why do people pull forward into parking spots when they know they are going to have to back up into a lane of traffic when they leave that parking spot?

What is the reasoning that they are using when they decide to pull forward into a parking spot?
Seems so obvious, doesn't it?. My dad (motor cycle rider, truck driver, traffic cop), taught me to drive. He was the only driver I've ever known better than I.
I do, however back into my driveway. That way I can see better pulling out into the street. People get annoyed if they are behind me though, I'm shaving a few seconds off of TV time. I notice quite a few other neighbors doing it now too.

You have to turn your head around to back up unless skilled in using the mirrors in your car. Give a short toot from your horn is someone is not looking. Don't give a long toot from your horn because that is aggressive behavior.
I can see cars behind me on the road just fine. No, I don't toot my horn because it's obvious to a blind man what I'm doing. If some halfwit gets upset I'm good with that.

A quick toot out in the country is merely a friendly greeting and to show superiority hold up the index finger of either hand which also displays a greeting. My party pad is out in the woods and an Owl is hooting outside as I write.
Put the Jim Beam down, pace yourself.

I don't drink brown liquor because it is bad for me. I judge a man by what kind of liquor he drinks and how he holds it.
Like, by the neck of the bottle?
That was almost funny......then I thought men say that all the time about 'women drivers'. So I'm curious, what does she say about her driving/parking skills????

Dont get me wrong,she's extremely intelligent with scholarships to Princeton,she just cant drive worth a shit.

So I take it, she admits to this?????

Oh absolutely. She gets out of my truck when we go 4 wheeling over the most meager obstacle.

She doesn't think much of your driving either huh? :lmao:

but I would have to agree, we women aren't as crazy about 4 wheeling in the manner even a mountain goat wouldn't do. Some of ya are just plain OUT OF YOUR MINDS.

Women drivers, jeeze give me a break.

Don't.....EVEN......go there! :badgrin:

I admit there are some wacky women drivers out there........but I've also seen as many men that don't know WTF they're doing behind the wheel.
That was almost funny......then I thought men say that all the time about 'women drivers'. So I'm curious, what does she say about her driving/parking skills????

Dont get me wrong,she's extremely intelligent with scholarships to Princeton,she just cant drive worth a shit.

So I take it, she admits to this?????

Oh absolutely. She gets out of my truck when we go 4 wheeling over the most meager obstacle.

She doesn't think much of your driving either huh? :lmao:

but I would have to agree, we women aren't as crazy about 4 wheeling in the manner even a mountain goat wouldn't do. Some of ya are just plain OUT OF YOUR MINDS.

This maneuver kinda freaked her out. I made Mr. January on the All Pro calendar with it.
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You would fit right in with my oldest son & his buddies!
Speaking of cars, would you drive a rice burner to a construction site? My truck is in the shop all next week and all I have to drive is my brother-in-laws 96 Nissan Sentra. I could take the bus.

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