Parking & Common Sense.

Speaking of cars, would you drive a rice burner to a construction site? My truck is in the shop all next week and all I have to drive is my brother-in-laws 96 Nissan Sentra. I could take the bus.

Not sure how 'the guys' would view that, but I'd think you'd be ok as long as it's not a powder blue Prius.......:lol:
Some guy ran into my truck while backing his car out of a parking spot the other day. Said he didn't see me.

Why do people pull forward into parking spots when they know they are going to have to back up into a lane of traffic when they leave that parking spot?

What is the reasoning that they are using when they decide to pull forward into a parking spot?

Because they are too lazy to back in,
But the thing is, it is much easier to back in than to back out. So the laziness theory doesn't jibe.
Some guy ran into my truck while backing his car out of a parking spot the other day. Said he didn't see me.

Why do people pull forward into parking spots when they know they are going to have to back up into a lane of traffic when they leave that parking spot?

What is the reasoning that they are using when they decide to pull forward into a parking spot?

Most people live in the moment giving no thought about thinking ahead. I feel deep sorrow for your truck because I have a new pickup. Did you get the guy's tag number? Did the guy just run off? Did you call the cops?

I think ahead and this is how I accomplish a dent free pickup. I park far away from the store doors where there is few if any cars. I take up four parking spaces. Most people have a herding behavior and park as close as they can to the store doors. I have to do more walking but walking is good exercise.
Problem with that is, some jackass always parks next to my car, always, when I park at the farthest end of the lot.

Not a car within 200 spaces. I come out of the store and he's backed in and within 7 inches so that I can't open the door to get in.

I waited for said jackass and asked him what his problem was.

That and some idiot decides to pass me on the right this morning with barely enough room to get by me as I'm making a right turn. Jeep has less than 100 miles on it and if I hadn't caught his stupid ass out of the corner of my eye I would be paying for a not so new car.

I'm thinking we need to start shooting these people, lol.

Ha! I thought that was just me! It's always a hunk of junk too!
You are so right!

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