Parole who previous murdered 2, murders 3 more.

Warning, the video maybe hard to watch for some.
And of course, this is Chicago.

The constituency of Illinois voted for this current crop of profe$$ional politician$ & they are getting what they voted for. I mean what's wrong with that??? The German constituency voted into office good ole Oddball Heatliar in 1933. Nothing like open elections to be fair about it all. Just be careful who one votes for, for one just might get more than they bargained for!
Warning, the video maybe hard to watch for some.
And of course, this is Chicago.

Home invasion he was guilty of, one of the guys he hung out with got life in prison.
- A man who was recorded on a Cook County Jail phone confessing to the slaying of a man and a woman in their Albany Park neighborhood home in September 2009 has been charged with their murders, police said.

Christopher Doehring, 22, was charged Tuesday night with two counts of murder, two counts of home invasion and two counts of armed robbery for the deaths of Angelina Escobar and Alex Santiago on Sept. 21, 2009, in the 3500 block of West Sunnyside Avenue, according to police.
Life in prison is not the deterrent or punishment it use to be. If a person is convicted of murder they get one appeal if that fails they should immediately be taken to the steps of city hall doused in gasoline and set on fire. The murder rate will drop dramatically.
I REALLY like your 'direct approach' to deterring crime!

Liberals never learn

I bet most of them already forgot about Willie Horton

But I bet former Gov Michael Dukakis hasnt

Dukakis was cruising to the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination till a criminal in the Mass prison system serving for life on a double murder conviction was released on a weekend furlough and proceeded to rob, assault and rape till he was caught and dragged back to prison

Dukakis was already being painted as a wimp by repubs and dems alike

He even tried posing for photos in a Mass National Guard tank but that only added to the ridicule

Then Willie Horton came along and Guv Duke was finished
So someone who beats someone with a bat, leaves them permanently disabled and unable to provide for themselves or their family.. you're good with paying for 3 hots and a cot for this guy for 50 plus years?

I don't think financial considerations should be part of the mathematics.

What about someone who swindles a senior citizen of most of their money?
I’m not good with it, I am not opposed to the death penalty except in our current political state it is a bad idea. I never said anything about financial considerations, so I am not understanding that. You seem to post random thoughts which are irrelevant to a conversation.
I’m not good with it, I am not opposed to the death penalty except in our current political state it is a bad idea. I never said anything about financial considerations, so I am not understanding that. You seem to post random thoughts which are irrelevant to a conversation.
I was making a point that I don't think finances should be considered. You responded to it. It was anything but a random thought.
I was making a point that I don't think finances should be considered. You responded to it. It was anything but a random thought.
I never mentioned finances as having any bearing at all on the decision to execute or not. You babble about some cold blooded killer and some silly scenario then about old people getting scam. It was three random and poorly written thoughts so play stupid, but it was a random bunch of crap.
I never mentioned finances as having any bearing at all on the decision to execute or not. You babble about some cold blooded killer and some silly scenario then about old people getting scam. It was three random and poorly written thoughts so play stupid, but it was a random bunch of crap.
Where do you draw the line on who should be put to death and not if your concerns are financial?
It's a very nuanced and complex discussion. This guy certainly crossed the line. What about the spouse walking in on their partner and in a mental breakdown, does the unthinkable. Should they get the DP? Maybe, maybe not. But this guy, this guy is evil. No remorse, nothing. I think reasonable adults can see the difference between this guy and the jilted lover.

Can we all agree that this guy should have never been released? Would like to know what his prison record was like too.
It's a very nuanced and complex discussion.
This guy certainly crossed the line. What about the spouse walking in on their partner and in a mental breakdown, does the unthinkable. Should they get the DP? Maybe, maybe not.
Well...why is there some ambiguity? I am assuming you're talking about a partner having relations with someone else above. The partner nor the person they are cheating with have committed a crime. I get that it would be a crime of passion. However the victim is just as dead as if it were not a crime of passion.

When you (and I don't mean you personally) start qualifying the actions this is what leads to people getting 10 years for a muder conviction. "Well...they didn't mean to do it!!!"
But this guy, this guy is evil. No remorse, nothing. I think reasonable adults can see the difference between this guy and the jilted lover.
Huge difference in the actors. Not the action. The system is supposed to punish the action irregardless of the actor in my view.
Can we all agree that this guy should have never been released?
Would like to know what his prison record was like too.
I don't think that should be considered. Some crimes should not be eligible for parole. Prosecutors shouldn't be able to offer parole for some crimes. Murder==life in prison; no parole. I don't care if they found Jesus, Allah, and Jim Jones. The guy who was on parole shouldn't have been on parole to start with.

Well...why is there some ambiguity? I am assuming you're talking about a partner having relations with someone else above. The partner nor the person they are cheating with have committed a crime. I get that it would be a crime of passion. However the victim is just as dead as if it were not a crime of passion.

Our current legal system allows for different degrees of homicides. The court considers the assailant's methods, motives, previous history, and the entire context when sentencing. Yes, the outcome is the same, a murder has occurred. But I do believe context is important, and why our current judicial system allows for logical reasoning when sentencing.

If wife walks in on her husband and his mistress and take a lamp and cracks him over the back of the head and kills him, is that the same as the parolee that cold blooded executed three people in Chicago. It's murder, yes, but is it the same? Our court system historically and currently says no.

Now if the same wife knew about the affair, stalked the husband and woman, planned out her actions, days or weeks before, then executed them both, that is different and should be treated differently.

I don't think that should be considered. Some crimes should not be eligible for parole. Prosecutors shouldn't be able to offer parole for some crimes. Murder==life in prison; no parole. I don't care if they found Jesus, Allah, and Jim Jones. The guy who was on parole shouldn't have been on parole to start with.
Our current legal system allows for different degrees of homicides. The court considers the assailant's methods, motives, previous history, and the entire context when sentencing. Yes, the outcome is the same, a murder has occurred. But I do believe context is important, and why our current judicial system allows for logical reasoning when sentencing.

If wife walks in on her husband and his mistress and take a lamp and cracks him over the back of the head and kills him, is that the same as the parolee that cold blooded executed three people in Chicago. It's murder, yes, but is it the same? Our court system historically and currently says no.

Now if the same wife knew about the affair, stalked the husband and woman, planned out her actions, days or weeks before, then executed them both, that is different and should be treated differently.

Agree to disagree.

Justice is equal to punishment when it comes to murder. You can assign a value if your negligence results in pain and suffering. Murder takes a human life. There is no substitute in terms of earthly means. Once a life is taken…that’s it. What I would hope for though is that murder is a heavy bat tge prosecutor doesn’t deploy so often. Meaning for the jealous wife…perhaps write a law that calls such a crime “deliberate homicide” or whatever. Aka manslaughter. The parolee gets a murder rap

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