Pass the Popcorn!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
FiveThirtyEight Predicts ‘No One’ Will Win a Majority of Democrat Delegates.

Thunderdome Brokered Convention! YES!

Could happen
Brokered Convention

Bloomberg is making a late charge

When Bernie Sanders is only pulling 25 to 26% of the vote and losing toe Mayor Pete in Iowa and barely winning in New Hampshire against Mayor Pete and Senator Amy tell me this Primary for the Democrats will be selected by the Super Delegates in the second round...

Hillary will save the day when round two votes come in and select her...


When Bernie Sanders is only pulling 25 to 26% of the vote and losing toe Mayor Pete in Iowa and barely winning in New Hampshire against Mayor Pete and Senator Amy tell me this Primary for the Democrats will be selected by the Super Delegates in the second round...

Hillary will save the day when round two votes come in and select her...

We all know it’s going to be Hillary to the rescue!
I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up as a brokered convention, but it might not matter who they eventually decide to nominate. If Bernie wins, a whole bunch of Dems and Independents won't vote for a socialist so he loses in the General. If it's anyone else then all those kids and other Bernie supporters will think they've been fucked over and won't vote in November for anyone else. Either way, I think the Dem Party is split and Trump wins. The question is what happens down ballot. It could be that the Dems also lose the House and the GOP keeps the Senate if the Dem turnout is low.
Democracy is often a messy affair, sometimes it even sucks, but it's much better than the alternative.
Hilarity will slither in and get that fat ass handed to her again. Hopefully this is the epic FAIL that makes the final arkancide inevitable.
If they feel they will lose the 2020 election perhaps they will go with Biden or an old warhorse like him and a mid level VP candidate with no aspirations of further political advancements. The Clinton family must be removed from the Dem influence. As the Obama family. We are a nation of 330 million people. At least make it look like we have a choice for our President. We have reduced the Bush family presence. The Kennedy family has been reduced a bit also over the years. This sounds like the mob.
Could happen
Brokered Convention

Bloomberg is making a late charge
Billionaire lover.

Bloomberg is ten times wealthier than Trump

Could happen
Brokered Convention

Bloomberg is making a late charge
Billionaire lover.

Bloomberg is ten times wealthier than Trump

It's been reported he is 60 times wealthier than bankrupt donald.

"It's been reported he is 60 times wealthier than bankrupt donald"
Well then....since pieces of shit hate wealthy people and love broke pieces of fellas must be ready to embrace

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