Zone1 Pastor Andy Stanley to Host Rainbow Affirmation Conference With John Ortberg

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Jun 16, 2021
He doesn't even deserve the title of pastor in my book. These are not true Christians but followers of the antichrist and are not only going against the Bible to normalize LGBT crap, but they're going after kids now and wanting to normalize pedophilia. :mad:

Homosexual's, and homosexual pedophiles clearly have not read the bible, certainly this "pastor" has not, and if he has then he sure as hell is not paying attention, let alone lip service to the proscribed penalties for practicing homosexuality, or those who deliberately add, or subtract from the biblical message, its not as if the bible is somehow obscure, or full of obfuscation regarding homosexuality, its exactly why Sodom & Gomorrah were vaporized.

I am not judging anyone beyond the child rapers, I have no right or desire to do so, but make no mistake, the bible minces no words on the subject, if you are a practicing homosexual and you truly believe in God, you'd best repent immediately, if you're a practicing homosexual pederast/pedophile, you're going to burn no matter what, unless I gather you muster an absolutely spectacular example of repentance.... :wink:
The All Powerful Religious Left in this country is trying to force homosexuality up America's collective rectum.

They've been doing it for decades, and that's the real problem I have with Gay Marriage.

It originated as a religious rite of the Religious Left. The decision by the Far Left Supreme Court to establish it is a clear violation of the separation of church and state.
[W]hen we turn to practical reason the ruinous effects [of subjectivism] are found operating in full force. By practical reason I mean our judgement of good and evil. If you are surprised that I include this under the heading of reason at all, let me remind you that your surprise is itself one result of the subjectivism I am discussing. Until modern times no thinker of the first rank ever doubted that our judgements of value were rational judgements or that what they discovered was objective. It was taken for granted that in temptation passion was opposed, not to some sentiment, but to reason. Thus Plato thought, thus Aristotle, thus Hooker, Butler and Doctor Johnson. The modern view is very different. It does not believe that value judgements are really judgements at all. They are sentiments, or complexes, or attitudes, produced in a community by the pressure of its environment and its traditions, and differing from one community to another. To say that a thing is good is merely to express our feeling about it; and our feeling about it is the feeling we have been socially conditioned to have.

if you are a practicing homosexual and you truly believe in God, you'd best repent immediately,
I'd say the same for any other sin as well, but the Bible also makes clear that judgment BEGINS at the pulpit and a person who is becoming wealthy off the flock AND leading them into stumbling is setting themselves up for a horrific punishment.
I'd say the same for any other sin as well, but the Bible also makes clear that judgment BEGINS at the pulpit and a person who is becoming wealthy off the flock AND leading them into stumbling is setting themselves up for a horrific punishment.
I am no master of the biblical subject matter, but I have read that book, and its impossible to have read that book and conclude homosexuality is the ticket to ride to an afterlife, or rather one you'd wish to experience, further Jesus Christ instructed the flock on the matter of sin, he used the example of "adultry" to drive the point, but its crystal clear he was speaking of all sin, no matter what, and what he said is that just thinking about committing the physical act of adultry was indistinguishable from actually performing the physical act of adultry!

Now, if a man or women is a believer, what in that statement from the Christ would lead you to conclude he's just fine with it all???
I am no master of the biblical subject matter, but I have read that book, and its impossible to have read that book and conclude homosexuality is the ticket to ride to an afterlife, or rather one you'd wish to experience, further Jesus Christ instructed the flock on the matter of sin, he used the example of "adultry" to drive the point, but its crystal clear he was speaking of all sin, no matter what, and what he said is that just thinking about committing the physical act of adultry was indistinguishable from actually performing the physical act of adultry!

Now, if a man or women is a believer, what in that statement from the Christ would lead you to conclude he's just fine with it all???
Show us in the Bible where Jesus commanded you to condemn anyone..
This narrative is told in Matthew 9:10-17, Mark 2:15-22, and Luke 5:29-39. The Pharisee rebuke Jesus for eating with sinners, to which Jesus responds, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."

Jesus eats with sinners and tax-collectors - Wikipedia

We agree. Queers are sick just like everyone who doesn't believe they're in rebellion to God. Hopefully, this Pastor will get through to them.
Considering you have no idea what goes on in the church mentioned in the article you can't see if they are being led in that direction or not. That is an issue for them and God.
I know Christ told the sinners he died with they needed to repent........babble on trying to justify evil
We agree. Queers are sick just like everyone who doesn't believe they're in rebellion to God. Hopefully, this Pastor will get through to them.
That is up to the individual and their relationship with Christ.

No, it's Blue Letter Bible by J Vernon McGee. It basically gives me a better understanding of the Bible since because of the fact that the language is dated, it's rather difficult so I listen to him explaining it himself. I do a couple to a few audio tracks per day. :)

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