Pastor Protection Act - Florida Regulators Gone Wild.

The number of churches that have been forced to marry gays is the same numbers of pastors stoning homosexuals to death. Which is zero. Sure, murder is already illegal but the added redundancy makes some people sleep better at night. We need a "Protect Queers From Stoning Act" just in case.

Again, there is an open war on the 1st Amendment by the democrats. Religious freedom is the intended victim and has been attacked dozens of times. Cick-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby, et al. As of yet, the democrats have not openly assaulted a church, but with Scalia gone and the possibility of another Kagan type who is openly hostile to America and the Constitution, the outright dictating of what churches preach by the party is not far off. A Kagan led court is likely to declare the Bill of Rights unconsitutional. There is nothing frivolous about this act. It is prudent given the climate of our failing nation.
Fear! Fear! Fear!

Hate! Hate! Hate!

You can only succeed is stripping Americans of civil rights if we stand by an allow it.
and they are standing by and allowing it.
What civil rights are we "standing by and allowing" to be stripped?
"The Left has been engaged in a century-long attack on the first principles of America, the Constitution, and the culture that necessarily undergirds freedom.
"Americans are wrapped in an intricate web of government policies and procedures. Our federal government, once limited to certain core functions, now dominates virtually every area of American life. States, localities, and private institutions are increasingly submerged by national programs.
"Government authority is all but unquestioned, seemingly restricted only by expediency and the occasional budget constraint. Congress passes massive pieces of legislation with little serious deliberation, including bills that are written in secret and unread before the vote.
"The disastrous result is an education system that upholds mediocrity in the name of relativism; an ever-expanding and centralized government, unmoored from constitutional limits; judges openly making laws and shaping society based on pop philosophy rather than serious jurisprudence; and growing confusion over America’s legitimate role in the world, made all the more apparent by the fundamental threat posed by radical Islamists."

The Patriot’s Guide: What You Can Do to Restore Liberty in America
I love it..."What You Can Do to Restore Liberty in America"......send them money. :lol:
The number of churches that have been forced to marry gays is the same numbers of pastors stoning homosexuals to death. Which is zero. Sure, murder is already illegal but the added redundancy makes some people sleep better at night. We need a "Protect Queers From Stoning Act" just in case.

Again, there is an open war on the 1st Amendment by the democrats. Religious freedom is the intended victim and has been attacked dozens of times. Cick-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby, et al. As of yet, the democrats have not openly assaulted a church, but with Scalia gone and the possibility of another Kagan type who is openly hostile to America and the Constitution, the outright dictating of what churches preach by the party is not far off. A Kagan led court is likely to declare the Bill of Rights unconsitutional. There is nothing frivolous about this act. It is prudent given the climate of our failing nation.

You'll have to excuse me if I don't share your hysterical view of the future. lol
That's because you're a brainwashed statist. If you had any sense of history or of the constitution itself, you would be fairly hysterical. Because trust me, even those idiots who support totalitarianism will be damaged and killed by it.

People such as yourself have been shitting their pants in hysterics since the founding of this nation but this time the end is nigh. Spare me.
Yes, we are called patriots. We're the ones who fight the wars against tyranny. While cowardly morons like you sit back and complain, and attach yourselves to whomever pays you the most.

She added while sitting back and complaining on the Internet. lol. You're nothing more than a self-righteous bag of hot air.
So you are also against the "violent" fine in Oregon against the employer who discriminated against his Christian employee? That fine was using the same PA law and was even greater than the cake people had to pay.

And what are you talking about "forcing a person to buy a product" Are you off topic? If so, is it because, again, you have no substantial point to make?

Ah, mixing apples and sea turtles again I see - a favorite of yours. Of course employee protection has nothing to do with PA laws.

Oh, and THAT was a classic example of a straw man fallacy.

No...your kind were the Tories.....fighting against the Patriots who were the liberals who created something new, something far far from conservative, with the creation of this country. You would have been the first on the boat back to England....because, as we saw with the Oregon crazies, you're not about to put YOUR life on the line for your so-called beliefs.

So it is her advocating for a centralized government with a single ruler who enforces the social and religious views held in the capital on an unwilling populace by force? :eek:

Sounds a lot more like you, Shortbus.
What civil rights are we "standing by and allowing" to be stripped?

You are actively at war to end freedom of speech and freedom of religion. You and your filthy party can only prevail if the decent people in this nation stand by and allow you to go forward unchallenged.
Again, there is an open war on the 1st Amendment by the democrats. Religious freedom is the intended victim and has been attacked dozens of times. Cick-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby, et al. As of yet, the democrats have not openly assaulted a church, but with Scalia gone and the possibility of another Kagan type who is openly hostile to America and the Constitution, the outright dictating of what churches preach by the party is not far off. A Kagan led court is likely to declare the Bill of Rights unconsitutional. There is nothing frivolous about this act. It is prudent given the climate of our failing nation.

You'll have to excuse me if I don't share your hysterical view of the future. lol
That's because you're a brainwashed statist. If you had any sense of history or of the constitution itself, you would be fairly hysterical. Because trust me, even those idiots who support totalitarianism will be damaged and killed by it.

People such as yourself have been shitting their pants in hysterics since the founding of this nation but this time the end is nigh. Spare me.
Yes, we are called patriots. We're the ones who fight the wars against tyranny. While cowardly morons like you sit back and complain, and attach yourselves to whomever pays you the most.

She added while sitting back and complaining on the Internet. lol. You're nothing more than a self-righteous bag of hot air.

Shows what you know, lol.
What civil rights are we "standing by and allowing" to be stripped?

You are actively at war to end freedom of speech and freedom of religion. You and your filthy party can only prevail if the decent people in this nation stand by and allow you to go forward unchallenged.
I had no idea a wedding cake was about religion. I guess people who have been married five times, and gotten five wedding cakes, are holier than gays.

And I'm sorry you are unable to express you ignorant bigotry whenever you like.

Oh, wait...
Freedom of religion is being stamped out! We must be allowed to stop these n*ggers from mixing with and marrying Whites! It's against God and the Bible!

We cannot allow them to get their cooties all over my precious lunch counter!
I had no idea a wedding cake was about religion.

You are either stupid, or lying.

In this case, lying is the correct answer.

Meh, you're a democrat, pathological by nature.

I guess people who have been married five times, and gotten five wedding cakes, are holier than gays.

And I'm sorry you are unable to express you ignorant bigotry whenever you like.

Oh, wait...

Ah yes, logical fallacy - literally the only form of "logic" used by leftists.

Jesus is a myth. If there is a god, it is not the goat herder in the sky that Abraham dreamed up.

That said, we are a nation founded on the principle of individual rights, the corner stone of these being the right to free speech and the right to religion.

You filthy leftists are assaulting these basic rights, and must be stopped.
Pastor Protection Act may arise from gay-marriage ruling

TALLAHASSEE — In the wake of a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, a proposal by Republican lawmakers called the Pastor Protection Act could fuel a debate during next year's legislative session.

Walker's petition at calls for a bill that will "be clear that religious leaders and houses of worship can't be forced by the government to violate their faith where marriage is concerned. … Religious leaders in the state of Florida must be absolutely secure in the knowledge that religious freedom is beyond the reach of government or coercion by the courts."

But Nadine Smith, executive director of the advocacy group Equality Florida, said religious leaders are already protected by the First Amendment.

What a waste of The Peoples resources.

If only the republicans actually believed their "smaller government" and "less regulations" mantras.

:rolleyes: Talk about your selective politicking.

Remember when segregation used to be about Religion and "freedom".

And slavery too.
How about the federal government staying out of everything that's personal
How about the federal government staying out of everything that's personal
Federal government should have nothing to do with your income, what you drive, who you marry, what you think, your cell phone contents and so on...
Pastor Protection Act may arise from gay-marriage ruling

TALLAHASSEE — In the wake of a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, a proposal by Republican lawmakers called the Pastor Protection Act could fuel a debate during next year's legislative session.

Walker's petition at calls for a bill that will "be clear that religious leaders and houses of worship can't be forced by the government to violate their faith where marriage is concerned. … Religious leaders in the state of Florida must be absolutely secure in the knowledge that religious freedom is beyond the reach of government or coercion by the courts."

But Nadine Smith, executive director of the advocacy group Equality Florida, said religious leaders are already protected by the First Amendment.

What a waste of The Peoples resources.

If only the republicans actually believed their "smaller government" and "less regulations" mantras.

:rolleyes: Talk about your selective politicking.

Remember when segregation used to be about Religion and "freedom".

And slavery too.
At some point they'll start putting Christians in "re-education camps."
Not too far in the future. Child welfare is already aggressively engaged in removing children from religious homes.
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Why does it even require a law when the 1st Amendment specifically protects freedom of religion and not freedom of sodomites?
Freedom of religion isn't stopping Obama from pushing the birth control mandate.
Here is a list of all the churches that have been forced to marry a couple in this nation:


Thank heavens this legislation came around to solve a nonexistent problem.
Then why are you so angry over a law you consider meaningless?
Never mind, we know why.
We're not angry. We are laughing at your expense.

The lawmakers know you're too stupid to get the joke. They'll get the rube vote for this trick.
Next up, Florida lawmakers spend time passing a law setting up a detailed system documenting illegal aliens....the kind from outer space.
The homosexual agenda is to force Churches to comply.
The usual ignorance, stupidity, and hate common to most on the right.
Yet another hater of freedom spews again.

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