Pastor Protection Act - Florida Regulators Gone Wild.

"But Nadine Smith, executive director of the advocacy group Equality Florida, said religious leaders are already protected by the First Amendment."

Most on the right won't let facts and the truth stand in the way political demagoguery.

I can think of a whole bunch of businesses , including a bakery, who thought the First Amendment protected their right to tell the Homos to go pound sand and found out differently.
Well then, they didn't pay much attention to the business laws in their state when they got a business license, did they?
allow churches to opt out of this and opt into being taxed...simple as that....churches want to be all political then they should be taxed

Wait, so religious faith that has been in place for a thousand years, which now conflicts with newly minted party edicts should be punished?

Wow, you of the anti-liberty left sure show your Stalinist roots...
Over reaction is a $300K + fine for refusing to bake a cake. You know it and I know it
Indeed it is. Does this bill change the public accommodation laws concerning gays in Florida?

This bill is most likely in response to cake over kill. If you can't see that I can't help you.

Well it is an illogical response considering gays are not covered under Florida's public accommodation laws in the first place. Hells bells, the author of the bill admitted that churches are already protected from marrying couples to which they object. I expect to see more of this pandering and grandstanding from politicians with the campaign season in full swing.

An ounce of prevention.....comes to mind. Gays should have no problem with this bill if they never planned to force the issue. Right?

Florida has every right to pass redundant laws if they so wish.

I just think it's sad it's came to this point....and it most likely wouldn't have except the gays pushed too far, this is the pushback
I just think it's sad it's came to this point....and it most likely wouldn't have except the gays pushed too far, this is the pushback

It is quite clear we see this differently and I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree.

I like that even though when you and I disagree it doesn't turn into a food fight. lol
I just think it's sad it's came to this point....and it most likely wouldn't have except the gays pushed too far, this is the pushback

It is quite clear we see this differently and I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree.

I like that even though when you and I disagree it doesn't turn into a food fight. lol

Agreed. You're OK and I understand your stance but I have my own as well
What's your real problem with them providing an additional safeguard whether necessary or not. It's not like these lawmakers are overly busy. Look at your Federal Tax Laws. Talk about overkill.
The lawmakers are paid good money to put all those carveouts in the tax law. Their donors who benefit from them at your expense don't think it is a waste of time.
What's your real problem with them providing an additional safeguard whether necessary or not. It's not like these lawmakers are overly busy. Look at your Federal Tax Laws. Talk about overkill.
The lawmakers are paid good money to put all those carveouts in the tax law. Their donors who benefit from them at your expense don't think it is a waste of time.

The problem is that even the IRS doesn't understand it. You can get two different rulings back from the IRS on a tax issue.
What's your real problem with them providing an additional safeguard whether necessary or not. It's not like these lawmakers are overly busy. Look at your Federal Tax Laws. Talk about overkill.
The lawmakers are paid good money to put all those carveouts in the tax law. Their donors who benefit from them at your expense don't think it is a waste of time.

The problem is that even the IRS doesn't understand it. You can get two different rulings back from the IRS on a tax issue.
One of the many reasons I want to see all tax expenditures banned.
Well then, they didn't pay much attention to the business laws in their state when they got a business license, did they?

True. Of course that's why I could never iwn or run a business. NOBODY tells me who I have to associate with.
What's your real problem with them providing an additional safeguard whether necessary or not. It's not like these lawmakers are overly busy. Look at your Federal Tax Laws. Talk about overkill.
The lawmakers are paid good money to put all those carveouts in the tax law. Their donors who benefit from them at your expense don't think it is a waste of time.

The problem is that even the IRS doesn't understand it. You can get two different rulings back from the IRS on a tax issue.
One of the many reasons I want to see all tax expenditures banned.

I'm all in for aa Federal Sales Tax. Let's cut the burden on individuals, businesses, and corporations. Let's cut the size and political corruption of the IRS. Lets put H&R Block and the others out of business. Let's simplify things. We collect sales tax at the point of sale already, so it would not take a great deal of effort to collect a Federal Sales Tax at point of sale.
Seems like an overreaction to an increabliy small minority of a miniorty. Do we need a law to protect gays from murder b/c some foolish pastor believes it is okay to stone gays to death? Of course not.

Has that ever happened?

I mean, can you point to "pastors" stoning homosexuals to death?

Now as for the anti-liberty left attacking religious freedom, that's a daily occurrence, Little Sisters of the Poor, Sweet Cakes by Mellissa, et al.

Merely participating in a thread is a sign of anger? Too funny.

Meh, supporting the crushing of civil rights may not be based on anger, but it sure isn't a sign of joy...
I'm all in for aa Federal Sales Tax. Let's cut the burden on individuals, businesses, and corporations. Let's cut the size and political corruption of the IRS. Lets put H&R Block and the others out of business. Let's simplify things. We collect sales tax at the point of sale already, so it would not take a great deal of effort to collect a Federal Sales Tax at point of sale.

Great idea. Way to ensure that people like me NEVER AGAIN MAKE A PURCHASE THAT IS NOT 100% NECESSARY FOR MY SURVIVAL. The Communistwealth of Massachusetts already taxes my purchases at 6.25%. That already reduces my discretionary apending. Add a Federal Sales Tax on top and that spending goes away entirely.
I was speaking of gays. Please don't take this correction as a form of speech suppression, crybaby.

The left is dedicated to ending civil rights.

The 1st Amendment has been under an onslaught by the democrats since Obama took office. Homosexuals are the weapon the radical left is using to crush the 1st.

Ending freedom of speech and freedom of religion is job #1 for the democrats. Without Scalia to protect them, civil rights are in the most precarious position they have faced since the British burned down the White House.
Has that ever happened?

I mean, can you point to "pastors" stoning homosexuals to death?

Now as for the anti-liberty left attacking religious freedom, that's a daily occurrence, Little Sisters of the Poor, Sweet Cakes by Mellissa, et al.

The number of churches that have been forced to marry gays is the same numbers of pastors stoning homosexuals to death. Which is zero. Sure, murder is already illegal but the added redundancy makes some people sleep better at night. We need a "Protect Queers From Stoning Act" just in case.
I love all the totalitarian pukes speaking up for state controlled and regulated religion. What horseshit.
Pastor Protection Act may arise from gay-marriage ruling

TALLAHASSEE — In the wake of a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, a proposal by Republican lawmakers called the Pastor Protection Act could fuel a debate during next year's legislative session.

Walker's petition at calls for a bill that will "be clear that religious leaders and houses of worship can't be forced by the government to violate their faith where marriage is concerned. … Religious leaders in the state of Florida must be absolutely secure in the knowledge that religious freedom is beyond the reach of government or coercion by the courts."

But Nadine Smith, executive director of the advocacy group Equality Florida, said religious leaders are already protected by the First Amendment.

What a waste of The Peoples resources.

If only the republicans actually believed their "smaller government" and "less regulations" mantras.

:rolleyes: Talk about your selective politicking.

Yeah, it's not like you vicious fuckers would point a gun at someone's head and demand they bake a cake or something.

Oh wait.

You know, when you march around in jackboots crushing the rights of others as you anti-liberty leftists do, people tend to notice.
1. No one pointed a gun at anyone's head to demand they bake a cake. That is YOUR fantasy.

2. States have PA laws that have been around for over 50 years.....that's 50 years that the likes of you WASTED when you could have been organizing efforts to get those laws repealed. But it's easier to just whine on social media than actually DO anything.
Has that ever happened?

I mean, can you point to "pastors" stoning homosexuals to death?

Now as for the anti-liberty left attacking religious freedom, that's a daily occurrence, Little Sisters of the Poor, Sweet Cakes by Mellissa, et al.

The number of churches that have been forced to marry gays is the same numbers of pastors stoning homosexuals to death. Which is zero. Sure, murder is already illegal but the added redundancy makes some people sleep better at night. We need a "Protect Queers From Stoning Act" just in case.
Well, some of the Right do have a gleam in their eye and envy in their heart when they talk of moooslims throwing gays off rooftops. Look at my signature.
"In 1936, the Reich Church was created. This did not have the Christian cross as its symbol but the swastika. The Bible was replaced by “Mein Kampf” which was placed on the altar. By it was a sword. Only invited Nazis were allowed to give sermons in a Reich Church.

"In 1941, a secret report compiled by Protestants stated that children in Germany were being brought up minus a Christian education. It stated that the Nazis confiscated vast areas of church property and that the Catholic Church in Germany was suffering from the same fate."

The Church in Nazi Germany - History Learning Site

Taxing the churches will leave them open to federal seizure. Get a clue you fucking morons.
I was speaking of gays. Please don't take this correction as a form of speech suppression, crybaby.

The left is dedicated to ending civil rights.

The 1st Amendment has been under an onslaught by the democrats since Obama took office. Homosexuals are the weapon the radical left is using to crush the 1st.

Ending freedom of speech and freedom of religion is job #1 for the democrats. Without Scalia to protect them, civil rights are in the most precarious position they have faced since the British burned down the White House.

Are your hats rimmed in mercury? :lol:

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