Pastor Protection Act - Florida Regulators Gone Wild.

Pastor Protection Act may arise from gay-marriage ruling

TALLAHASSEE — In the wake of a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, a proposal by Republican lawmakers called the Pastor Protection Act could fuel a debate during next year's legislative session.

Walker's petition at calls for a bill that will "be clear that religious leaders and houses of worship can't be forced by the government to violate their faith where marriage is concerned. … Religious leaders in the state of Florida must be absolutely secure in the knowledge that religious freedom is beyond the reach of government or coercion by the courts."

But Nadine Smith, executive director of the advocacy group Equality Florida, said religious leaders are already protected by the First Amendment.

What a waste of The Peoples resources.

If only the republicans actually believed their "smaller government" and "less regulations" mantras.

:rolleyes: Talk about your selective politicking.

What's your real problem with them providing an additional safeguard whether necessary or not. It's not like these lawmakers are overly busy. Look at your Federal Tax Laws. Talk about overkill.
Seems like an overreaction to an increabliy small minority of a miniorty.

A minority? There are over 300 million of us who enjoy the protections of the 1st Amendment...

I was speaking of gays. Please don't take this correction as a form of speech suppression, crybaby.
No, you were speaking of the pastors needing protection. Don't lie, crybully...
Seems like an overreaction to an increabliy small minority of a miniorty.

A minority? There are over 300 million of us who enjoy the protections of the 1st Amendment...

I was speaking of gays. Please don't take this correction as a form of speech suppression, crybaby.
No, you were speaking of the pastors needing protection. Don't lie, crybully...

Bullshit. It isn't my fault you haven't learned how to follow a conversation.
It's more pandering.

Perhaps...gee that entire cake thing comes to mind though

Churches are not, never have been, and, nor should be subject to public accommodation laws. If they did, a Catholic could demand a wedding service in a Synagogue and they would have to comply. I support a church's right to refuse to marry any couple as they see fit it.

You realize if the gays would cease with their quest to be viewed as "normal" this wouldn't be happening. It's sad laws like this are even considered but it's in response to gay's pushing it

I don't have the numbers right in front of me but I would that numbers of gays pushing for churches to be forced to marry them is terrible small. Besides, churches already are willing to marry gays all throughout Florida.

If even one is pushing it then that is why the law is proposed. Churches are under no obligation to marry homosexuals None
Like Catholic Churches have been pushed to marry previously divorced people.
"But Nadine Smith, executive director of the advocacy group Equality Florida, said religious leaders are already protected by the First Amendment."

Most on the right won't let facts and the truth stand in the way political demagoguery.

I can think of a whole bunch of businesses , including a bakery, who thought the First Amendment protected their right to tell the Homos to go pound sand and found out differently.
Does the Constitution address JUST clergymen?

No, of course not. The 1st is a guarantee to all citizens, not just some.

Here is a list of all the churches that have been forced to marry a couple in this nation:


Thank heavens this legislation came around to solve a nonexistent problem.
Then why are you so angry over a law you consider meaningless?
Never mind, we know why.
We're not angry. We are laughing at your expense.

The lawmakers know you're too stupid to get the joke. They'll get the rube vote for this trick.
Next up, Florida lawmakers spend time passing a law setting up a detailed system documenting illegal aliens....the kind from outer space.
The homosexual agenda is to force Churches to comply.
The usual ignorance, stupidity, and hate common to most on the right.
Useless legislation...the Constitution already protects 'freedom of religion' and thus protects religious leaders from being forced by the govt to engage in acts that conflict with their religion.

Sad that Americans feels so threatened by their government, that has shown a disregard for the Constitution and Rule of law, that they feel they have to do something like this to further protect their rights as American citizens.
Over reaction is a $300K + fine for refusing to bake a cake. You know it and I know it
Indeed it is. Does this bill change the public accommodation laws concerning gays in Florida?

This bill is most likely in response to cake over kill. If you can't see that I can't help you.

Well it is an illogical response considering gays are not covered under Florida's public accommodation laws in the first place. Hells bells, the author of the bill admitted that churches are already protected from marrying couples to which they object. I expect to see more of this pandering and grandstanding from politicians with the campaign season in full swing.
Perhaps...gee that entire cake thing comes to mind though

Churches are not, never have been, and, nor should be subject to public accommodation laws. If they did, a Catholic could demand a wedding service in a Synagogue and they would have to comply. I support a church's right to refuse to marry any couple as they see fit it.

You realize if the gays would cease with their quest to be viewed as "normal" this wouldn't be happening. It's sad laws like this are even considered but it's in response to gay's pushing it

I don't have the numbers right in front of me but I would that numbers of gays pushing for churches to be forced to marry them is terrible small. Besides, churches already are willing to marry gays all throughout Florida.

If even one is pushing it then that is why the law is proposed. Churches are under no obligation to marry homosexuals None
Like Catholic Churches have been pushed to marry previously divorced people.

Not by the government they haven't...
Over reaction is a $300K + fine for refusing to bake a cake. You know it and I know it
Indeed it is. Does this bill change the public accommodation laws concerning gays in Florida?

This bill is most likely in response to cake over kill. If you can't see that I can't help you.

Well it is an illogical response considering gays are not covered under Florida's public accommodation laws in the first place. Hells bells, the author of the bill admitted that churches are already protected from marrying couples to which they object. I expect to see more of this pandering and grandstanding from politicians with the campaign season in full swing.

An ounce of prevention.....comes to mind. Gays should have no problem with this bill if they never planned to force the issue. Right?
The GOP will be holding a Hate Pride parade through downtown this weekend. Get there early to get a spot curbside to catch their lugies!

Republican mayor Dick Swett will launch the parade with the burning of negro, raghead, homo, and sp*c effigies.

Come on down and show your Hate Pride!

Voter registrars will be there to add you to the GOP voter registry.
The GOP will be holding a Hate Pride parade through downtown this weekend. Get there early to be in the front row to catch their lugies!

Republican mayor Dick Swett will launch the parade with the burning of negro, Muslim, gay, and Mexican effigies.

Come on down and show your Hate Pride!

Really? What city? What's the route?
Over reaction is a $300K + fine for refusing to bake a cake. You know it and I know it
Indeed it is. Does this bill change the public accommodation laws concerning gays in Florida?

This bill is most likely in response to cake over kill. If you can't see that I can't help you.

Well it is an illogical response considering gays are not covered under Florida's public accommodation laws in the first place. Hells bells, the author of the bill admitted that churches are already protected from marrying couples to which they object. I expect to see more of this pandering and grandstanding from politicians with the campaign season in full swing.

An ounce of prevention.....comes to mind. Gays should have no problem with this bill if they never planned to force the issue. Right?

Florida has every right to pass redundant laws if they so wish.
Pastor Protection Act may arise from gay-marriage ruling

TALLAHASSEE — In the wake of a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, a proposal by Republican lawmakers called the Pastor Protection Act could fuel a debate during next year's legislative session.

Walker's petition at calls for a bill that will "be clear that religious leaders and houses of worship can't be forced by the government to violate their faith where marriage is concerned. … Religious leaders in the state of Florida must be absolutely secure in the knowledge that religious freedom is beyond the reach of government or coercion by the courts."

But Nadine Smith, executive director of the advocacy group Equality Florida, said religious leaders are already protected by the First Amendment.

What a waste of The Peoples resources.

If only the republicans actually believed their "smaller government" and "less regulations" mantras.

:rolleyes: Talk about your selective politicking.

Yeah, it's not like you vicious fuckers would point a gun at someone's head and demand they bake a cake or something.

Oh wait.

You know, when you march around in jackboots crushing the rights of others as you anti-liberty leftists do, people tend to notice.

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