Pastor that "cures gays" accused of sexual coercion

Why would I demonstrate something that is a. common knowledge and b. easily found out for yourself.

Nice to know you need to be spoon fed. :thup:

You are getting spanked, IMO, not because you did not state the obvious in your Op but because you began a thread that is causing some folks that nasty uncomfy feeling...and because you hold the apparently unpopular view that some christians have been a bit cavialier about the pastors they employ.

I doubt anyone reading up about this guys seriously thinks he can beat these charges.

Cavalier? I wasn't aware that churches were only supposed to employ perfect people as pastors. Gonna be a lot of empty pulpits under THAT rule.

The real problem with Ravi's thread, and why she's getting her ass kicked, is because she started it in order to have a forum for a nasty rush to judgement, and a lot of other smug, superior hypocrites like her ran over to join in. Being a rotten person is never a good basis for winning an argument.
The only smug hypocrite I see here is you...oh, and Pastor Eddie.

Long's church and his personal life are manifestations of the "prosperity Gospel" he preaches. Also called "name it and claim it," this style of preaching states that God does not want you to be poor — indeed, Long preaches that Jesus was not poor — and that riches are a sign of God's blessing.
Long himself drives a $350,000 Bentley, bought a $1.1 million home in 2005 and favors gold necklaces and Rolex watches. When the Atlanta Journal-Constitution asked him about the $3 million he received from the church and its charities between 1997 and 2000, Long was defiant.
"We're not just a church; we're an international corporation," he said. "We're not just a bumbling bunch of preachers who can't talk and all we're doing is baptizing babies. I deal with the White House. I deal with Tony Blair. I deal with presidents around the world. I pastor a multimillion-dollar congregation."
Questions Have Long Surrounded Accused Minister : NPR
I'm finding the Catholic priests are crap crew, defending the black megachurch pastor rather amusing.
You are getting spanked, IMO, not because you did not state the obvious in your Op but because you began a thread that is causing some folks that nasty uncomfy feeling...and because you hold the apparently unpopular view that some christians have been a bit cavialier about the pastors they employ.

I doubt anyone reading up about this guys seriously thinks he can beat these charges.

Cavalier? I wasn't aware that churches were only supposed to employ perfect people as pastors. Gonna be a lot of empty pulpits under THAT rule.

The real problem with Ravi's thread, and why she's getting her ass kicked, is because she started it in order to have a forum for a nasty rush to judgement, and a lot of other smug, superior hypocrites like her ran over to join in. Being a rotten person is never a good basis for winning an argument.
The only smug hypocrite I see here is you...oh, and Pastor Eddie.

Long's church and his personal life are manifestations of the "prosperity Gospel" he preaches. Also called "name it and claim it," this style of preaching states that God does not want you to be poor — indeed, Long preaches that Jesus was not poor — and that riches are a sign of God's blessing.
Long himself drives a $350,000 Bentley, bought a $1.1 million home in 2005 and favors gold necklaces and Rolex watches. When the Atlanta Journal-Constitution asked him about the $3 million he received from the church and its charities between 1997 and 2000, Long was defiant.
"We're not just a church; we're an international corporation," he said. "We're not just a bumbling bunch of preachers who can't talk and all we're doing is baptizing babies. I deal with the White House. I deal with Tony Blair. I deal with presidents around the world. I pastor a multimillion-dollar congregation."
Questions Have Long Surrounded Accused Minister : NPR

Your gleeful schadenfreude just proves my point about your lack of character. By all means, continue to impress us all with what a wonderful human being you are. Just don't wonder why your life is such a shit sandwich that you HAVE to find your pleasure in the problems of others.
every day when i wake up, i get down on my knees and say a little prayer thanking god that i'm not waking up next to cecilie.

true story
Cavalier? I wasn't aware that churches were only supposed to employ perfect people as pastors. Gonna be a lot of empty pulpits under THAT rule.

The real problem with Ravi's thread, and why she's getting her ass kicked, is because she started it in order to have a forum for a nasty rush to judgement, and a lot of other smug, superior hypocrites like her ran over to join in. Being a rotten person is never a good basis for winning an argument.
The only smug hypocrite I see here is you...oh, and Pastor Eddie.

Long's church and his personal life are manifestations of the "prosperity Gospel" he preaches. Also called "name it and claim it," this style of preaching states that God does not want you to be poor — indeed, Long preaches that Jesus was not poor — and that riches are a sign of God's blessing.
Long himself drives a $350,000 Bentley, bought a $1.1 million home in 2005 and favors gold necklaces and Rolex watches. When the Atlanta Journal-Constitution asked him about the $3 million he received from the church and its charities between 1997 and 2000, Long was defiant.
"We're not just a church; we're an international corporation," he said. "We're not just a bumbling bunch of preachers who can't talk and all we're doing is baptizing babies. I deal with the White House. I deal with Tony Blair. I deal with presidents around the world. I pastor a multimillion-dollar congregation."
Questions Have Long Surrounded Accused Minister : NPR

Your gleeful schadenfreude just proves my point about your lack of character. By all means, continue to impress us all with what a wonderful human being you are. Just don't wonder why your life is such a shit sandwich that you HAVE to find your pleasure in the problems of others.
awww....I have never claimed to be a wonderful human being (well, except that one PM). That would be your claim about yourself, Cesspool.
every day when i wake up, i get down on my knees and say a little prayer thanking god that i'm not waking up next to cecilie.

true story

You forgot to mention the part where God replies, "I was answering HER prayer, not yours."
every day when i wake up, i get down on my knees and say a little prayer thanking god that i'm not waking up next to cecilie.

true story

That would be the most boring life in existance.

I bet even the sammiches would be boring.
Pastor that "cures gays" accused of sexual coercion

The conservative conundrum:

He's a bible-thumping southern Christian who's against homosexuality.

But he's black.

Can't imagine how that's a conundrum for conservatives. We wait to see how the evidence plays out, and then we act appropriately according to said evidence. Seems pretty simple to ME. Don't see what his skin color has to do with anything.
You know.......this pastor spent a great deal of his time speaking out against homosexuals.

What ever happened to what Yeshua said in "love God above all else, and love one another as you love God"? In that particular commandment, you should accept them for who they are and not try to change them, because their sexuality is between them and God, not them and every other human.

And if it's proven this idiot has really done something? I hope they roast the fucker over the coals like they did Ted Haggard.
Pastor that "cures gays" accused of sexual coercion

The conservative conundrum:

He's a bible-thumping southern Christian who's against homosexuality.

But he's black.

Because Conservatives don't like Blacks?...

Because Blacks aren't Conservative?...



Oh wait... Those are Uncle Toms, Correct?...

What about this guy that BSNBC Attempted to Portray as a White Man @ a Tea Party Rally:



Oh, really? You know him personally, do you? Friends with the accusers? Attend that church? Have personal knowledge of all of the circumstances involved? Or is it just that you've decided that any religious person ever accused of wrongdoing must be a guilty sleazebag because that way, you can feel better about your own life?

I'd be really interested to know how you come by your "certain knowledge" of his guilt, and I'd be even more interested to see you engage in a little self-reflection concerning your words and attitudes.

I am not convinced of his guilt because he is religious, Cecile. I will admit, proving an anti-gay activist is gay delights me, and I might be biased. However, what convinces me is, four plaintiffs have separately accused him, the pattern of conduct alleged is the same, and the evidence adduced so far (a pattern of spending, traveling together, gifts, contacts, etc.) is (to me) pretty conclusive.

BTW, I hate Clinton with a passion. If he's ever been accused of rape, I missed it. May I have a link?

You know what would convince me? To actually see the evidence presented in court, to a jury, rebutted by his lawyer, and then him being convicted. Until then, I don't know that these accusers didn't get together ahead of time and plan this for personal reasons of their own. I don't know that they weren't all paid by some gay activist group, come to that.

As far as "delights you", why would you take delight in someone else's unhappiness? The way I see it, the people most obsessed with helping alcoholics overcome their addiction is other alcoholics who have already been there in that struggle. Would you "delight" in seeing an AA mentor falling from grace because it "proves that he's a hypocrite" for preaching sobriety? Maybe the same holds true for homosexuality, and the people who care most about helping others change their lives are the ones who are also struggling with it.

As for Bill Clinton, what rock were you hiding under? Or are we going to try Ravi's tack of "it's not really an accusation unless criminal charges are brought"?

Juanita Broaddrick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I knew about Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers and Paula Jones....but not this lady. Man, I despise Clinton. And I will never forget Hillary with that smug bitch expression "I am not a Tammy Wynette, just standing by her man".

No bitch, you could not reach the hem of Tammy Wynette's skirt.

Thankies, Cecilie. You've made my day.

[ame=]YouTube - Hillary is Tammy![/ame]
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