Pat Buchanan on Tariff Protectionism


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
This could also be called "on Economic Nationalism".

1. "America runs the largest trade deficits in history because we do not tax imports - they enter duty free - while exports carry in their price, the cost of all the taxes we impose on managers, workers, and companies that remain in the United States." By reversing this penalty-reward formula, the US could eliminate its trade deficit in a decade." (State of Emergency, pg. 265)

2. "...our message to the world: Every company and all products are welcome here. But if you want to sell here, you produce here, or you pay a stiff cover charge to get in. Would China, Europe, and Japan threaten retaliation ? Perhaps. But we shoud tell Beijing, Brussels, and Tokyo we will accept a combined VAT-tariff on US products entering their markets equal to our tariff on their goods, but no more. Equality and reciprocity, not globalization and free trade, should dictate the terms of trade. And would China, Japan, or Europe risk a trade war with the United States when all 3 run huge annual trade surpluses with the United States ?" (Suicide of a Superpower, pg.419)

3. "Every year Beijing exports to us 6 or 7 times the dollar volume we export to China. If the US lost 100% of world's markets we now have, but recaptured 100% of our own, we would be half a trillion in the black, for that is the size of our trade deficit with the world. We have nothing to lose but our trade deficits. We have a self-reliant republic to regain." (Suicide of a Superpower, pg. 420)

4. "Trade war ? Bring it on. We'll eat their lunch" (Death of the West, pg 114)

5. " Every nation that rose to world power did so by protecting and nurturing its manufacturing base - from Great Britain under the Acts of Navigation, to the United States from the Civil War to the Roaring Twenties, to Bismark's Germany before World War I, to postwar Japan, to China today. No nation rose to world power on free trade. From Britain after 1860 to America after 1960, free trade has been the policy of powers that put consumption before production, today before tomorrow." (Suicide of a Superpower, pg. 17)

I couldn't resist to add this from Lou Dobbs >>

"I strongly believe that US based companies should be subjected to tariffs, duties, and fees on any product and service they produce overseas for consumption in the US market."
(Lou Dobbs, War On the Middle Class, pg. 206)
I remember when Pat Buchanan ran for President and won the Maryland primary here. I voted for him. Smart man. Puts America first...
Absolutely. He would be a good replacement for Gary Cohn. Lou Dobbs would also be a good choice.

Yes it is...the real reason globalists and liberals are scared shitless over his tariff plan.....they know its going to create jobs and lower the trade deficit
Yes it is...the real reason globalists and liberals are scared shitless over his tariff plan.....they know its going to create jobs and lower the trade deficit
Well, many of them have personally gotten to be part of the outsourcing lunacy, and have investments in some of these companies. They don't like changes, and are fearful they may lose money.

The thing is, as I said before, Trump's job is to look after the nation, and the American people in general, not a bunch of investors with outsourcing stocks in their portfolios. And they should have known this day would come. I can't believe it has taken 30 years to get here. No wonder we're so debt and deficit ridden.

The next time anyone thinks about glorifying the past 4 dumbo presidents (Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, Obama), they should consider what these dopes have done to the country.
I did a recording session back then of a reworking of the tune Go Cat, Go! except it was changed to Go Pat, Go! and used for Buchanan’s POTUS campaign. All of my music colleagues are hardcore leftists and they ragged on Buchanan non-stop. But they got paid for the recording so they didn’t mind so much.
I guess principle has its price.
This could also be called "on Economic Nationalism".

1. "America runs the largest trade deficits in history because we do not tax imports - they enter duty free - while exports carry in their price, the cost of all the taxes we impose on managers, workers, and companies that remain in the United States." By reversing this penalty-reward formula, the US could eliminate its trade deficit in a decade." (State of Emergency, pg. 265)

2. "...our message to the world: Every company and all products are welcome here. But if you want to sell here, you produce here, or you pay a stiff cover charge to get in. Would China, Europe, and Japan threaten retaliation ? Perhaps. But we shoud tell Beijing, Brussels, and Tokyo we will accept a combined VAT-tariff on US products entering their markets equal to our tariff on their goods, but no more. Equality and reciprocity, not globalization and free trade, should dictate the terms of trade. And would China, Japan, or Europe risk a trade war with the United States when all 3 run huge annual trade surpluses with the United States ?" (Suicide of a Superpower, pg.419)

3. "Every year Beijing exports to us 6 or 7 times the dollar volume we export to China. If the US lost 100% of world's markets we now have, but recaptured 100% of our own, we would be half a trillion in the black, for that is the size of our trade deficit with the world. We have nothing to lose but our trade deficits. We have a self-reliant republic to regain." (Suicide of a Superpower, pg. 420)

4. "Trade war ? Bring it on. We'll eat their lunch" (Death of the West, pg 114)

5. " Every nation that rose to world power did so by protecting and nurturing its manufacturing base - from Great Britain under the Acts of Navigation, to the United States from the Civil War to the Roaring Twenties, to Bismark's Germany before World War I, to postwar Japan, to China today. No nation rose to world power on free trade. From Britain after 1860 to America after 1960, free trade has been the policy of powers that put consumption before production, today before tomorrow." (Suicide of a Superpower, pg. 17)

I couldn't resist to add this from Lou Dobbs >>

"I strongly believe that US based companies should be subjected to tariffs, duties, and fees on any product and service they produce overseas for consumption in the US market."
(Lou Dobbs, War On the Middle Class, pg. 206)

Pat Buchanan and Lou Dobbs are idiots and hucksters like Trump. There are 144 million people working in steel using industries. They are a part of the middle class as well. Apparently it is okay to screw them. The fact is that this is the 21st century not the 19th century. This is becoming a knowledge based economy. There are plenty of jobs in this country that are begging for people.

Also trade statistics are misleading. The IPhone is a example of how misleading trade statistics are. Parts from the IPhone come from the entire world including the US. It is assembled in China. That means China adds less than $20 to the value of the IPhone yet the entire cost of the phone is considered a import from China. Cars that are supposedly made in Mexico are not made in Mexico. A number of the parts come from the US, are shipped to Mexico and assembled. That is a fraction of the cost of making the car yet the entire cost of the car is considered a import from Mexico.

Let's put the Electrolux decision to postpone a expansion of their plant on the debit side. That is jobs lost.

Yes it is...the real reason globalists and liberals are scared shitless over his tariff plan.....they know its going to create jobs and lower the trade deficit

It is not going to lower the trade deficit. More parts made with steel or aluminum will be made overseas and sent into the US.
Pat Buchanan and Lou Dobbs are idiots and hucksters like Trump. There are 144 million people working in steel using industries. They are a part of the middle class as well. Apparently it is okay to screw them. The fact is that this is the 21st century not the 19th century. This is becoming a knowledge based economy. There are plenty of jobs in this country that are begging for people.

Also trade statistics are misleading. The IPhone is a example of how misleading trade statistics are. Parts from the IPhone come from the entire world including the US. It is assembled in China. That means China adds less than $20 to the value of the IPhone yet the entire cost of the phone is considered a import from China. Cars that are supposedly made in Mexico are not made in Mexico. A number of the parts come from the US, are shipped to Mexico and assembled. That is a fraction of the cost of making the car yet the entire cost of the car is considered a import from Mexico.

Let's put the Electrolux decision to postpone a expansion of their plant on the debit side. That is jobs lost.
One need not read past your first sentence to know what an idiot you are, and how worthless your posts are.
No American is being screwed by Trump's tariffs. If you had even a college freshman's understanding of economics, you'd know that.

How much $tock of outsourcing companies is in YOUR portfolio ? :20:
I remember when Pat Buchanan ran for President and won the Maryland primary here. I voted for him. Smart man. Puts America first...

I voted for him too, though it was pretty much over by the time the primaries reached my state.

He should have won. The world we be a vastly better place if he had.
Damn even Pat Buchanan is abandoning the free market when Teump asks him to
Sounds like you know ZERO about Pat Buchanan.

I remember when Pat Buchanan ran for President and won the Maryland primary here. I voted for him. Smart man. Puts America first...
He was called racist and xenophobic for describing the immigration issue as an invasion. Two decades later the invasion is in full swing with the aid of treasonous Democrats.
The immigration into the US nowadays is like Vikings invading England in the 10th century, except that instead of using swords for their pillaging, now they use remittances$$, anchor baby racket, misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, sanctuary city sucking up to Democrats, etc
I remember when Pat Buchanan ran for President and won the Maryland primary here. I voted for him. Smart man. Puts America first...
He was called racist and xenophobic for describing the immigration issue as an invasion. Two decades later the invasion is in full swing with the aid of treasonous Democrats.
The immigration into the US nowadays is like Vikings invading England in the 10th century, except that instead of using swords for their pillaging, now they use remittances$$, anchor baby racket, misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, sanctuary city sucking up to Democrats, etc
At least the southern states had the nobility to secede and forfeit any fed assistance. The current new confederacy counts on too much fed money so they twist the constitution to try to justify their treason.
Maryland is so dependent on the business from the nearby federal city that if they actually seceded they would end up resembling Venezuela.
I remember when Pat Buchanan ran for President and won the Maryland primary here. I voted for him. Smart man. Puts America first...
He was called racist and xenophobic for describing the immigration issue as an invasion. Two decades later the invasion is in full swing with the aid of treasonous Democrats.
The immigration into the US nowadays is like Vikings invading England in the 10th century, except that instead of using swords for their pillaging, now they use remittances$$, anchor baby racket, misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, sanctuary city sucking up to Democrats, etc
At least the southern states had the nobility to secede and forfeit any fed assistance. The current new confederacy counts on too much fed money so they twist the constitution to try to justify their treason.
Maryland is so dependent on the business from the nearby federal city that if they actually seceded they would end up resembling Venezuela.
Maryland is usually listed as the wealthiest state. Not everyone here makes money from the Fed.

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