Pat Buchanan on Tariff Protectionism

I remember when Pat Buchanan ran for President and won the Maryland primary here. I voted for him. Smart man. Puts America first...
He was called racist and xenophobic for describing the immigration issue as an invasion. Two decades later the invasion is in full swing with the aid of treasonous Democrats.
The immigration into the US nowadays is like Vikings invading England in the 10th century, except that instead of using swords for their pillaging, now they use remittances$$, anchor baby racket, misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, sanctuary city sucking up to Democrats, etc
At least the southern states had the nobility to secede and forfeit any fed assistance. The current new confederacy counts on too much fed money so they twist the constitution to try to justify their treason.
Maryland is so dependent on the business from the nearby federal city that if they actually seceded they would end up resembling Venezuela.
Maryland is usually listed as the wealthiest state. Not everyone here makes money from the Fed.
Yes, they do. Either directly or indirectly. I’m a local DC merchant. I consider myself a money launderer. (FB wouldn’t allow me to list that as an occupation)

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