Pat Buchanan - Trump is Hitting on Anger over Massive 3rd-world invasion of america


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
It really is insane what Little Barry is doing. Name one other country where you can illegally invade and get free health care and welfare and a drivers license and free k-12 for your 9 kids.

Buchanan Trump Is Hitting on Anger Over Massive Third-World Invasion Changing America - Breitbart
july 26 2015 Sunday on “Meet the Press,” conservative political commentator and author Pat Buchanan said Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is tapping into voters anger over a massive third-world “invasion” that is changing America “dramatically.’

Buchanan said Trump is strong on, “The trade issue, export of American jobs and factories and what’s happening to the American middle class. The other one Trump is hitting, which is one of the hottest issues in the whole West as well as the United States, is the massive invasion, if you will, and what people feel is the conquest of the West by massive Third World immigration coming from refugees and border jumpers and all the rest. He’s wired into both of these and they’re enormously popular issues.”
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Even liberals are sick of seeing schools and hospitals closed by all this unskilled illiterate disease-ridden third world trash.
Illegal immigration is the most important issue in this country at this time and Trump should stay focused on it. The other Republican candidates should jump on that issue too, instead of playing the liberal's game of divide and conquer.
your guys cant win without cheating in elections.

your being watched and you cant win
Buchanan is right regardless of his perceived racism. America is growing weaker because we are increasingly not of the same stock that made this country what it was. As we leave our European heritage, so it leaves us.
Illegal immigration is the most important issue in this country at this time and Trump should stay focused on it. The other Republican candidates should jump on that issue too, instead of playing the liberal's game of divide and conquer.

Trump is a billionaire and doesn't need the bribes the corporations are offering him. The other candidates are mere millionaires and grab at the corporate bribes. I don't see that changing. T
"Pat Buchanan - Trump is Hitting on Anger over Massive 3rd-world invasion of america"

Trump is 'hitting on' the unwarranted fear and hate many on the right have with regard to Hispanic immigrants, along with the endemic nativism that's long been a part of the GOP.

He's also exposing the ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and the right of all persons in the United State to due process of the law, including those undocumented.
i actually feel pity for black liberals

Black unemployment is hovering just below TWICE the White unemployment rate, and much higher thqan Hispanic unemployment, though not twice as high,.

who will suffer the most if Democrats get their wish and grant amnesty, and it IS AMNESTY, to 15 million or so mostly Hispanic people?

will it be whites suffering the most?

NOPE; it will be the same ultra-loyal Black POOR AND WORKING POOR liberals taken advantage of AGAIN, and taken to the cleaners, bent over by a Democrat Party that is very aware Hispanics have passed Black people in population in the USA

the smarmy, bougie lib intellectuals ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ wont suffer, the regular black folk in the streets, in the cities, are going to get his BAD
i actually feel pity for black liberals

Black unemployment is hovering just below TWICE the White unemployment rate, and much higher thqan Hispanic unemployment, though not twice as high,.

who will suffer the most if Democrats get their wish and grant amnesty, and it IS AMNESTY, to 15 million or so mostly Hispanic people?

will it be whites suffering the most?

NOPE; it will be the same ultra-loyal Black POOR AND WORKING POOR liberals taken advantage of AGAIN, and taken to the cleaners, bent over by a Democrat Party that is very aware Hispanics have passed Black people in population in the USA

the smarmy, bougie lib intellectuals ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ wont suffer, the regular black folk in the streets, in the cities, are going to get his BAD
They seem to like it.
He's also exposing the ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and the right of all persons in the United State to due process of the law, including those undocumented.

Rights of the undocumented??? HAHAHA. Invade mexico as an illegal alien and see how many rights they give you. Will they give you a drivers license and welfare and free health care and free k-12 for your 9 kids?
Buchanan is right regardless of his perceived racism. America is growing weaker because we are increasingly not of the same stock that made this country what it was. As we leave our European heritage, so it leaves us.

What's all this "we" shit, numbskull? Haven't you said a million times that you live in some European helllhole?
Buchanan is right regardless of his perceived racism. America is growing weaker because we are increasingly not of the same stock that made this country what it was. As we leave our European heritage, so it leaves us.

What's all this "we" shit, numbskull? Haven't you said a million times that you live in some European helllhole?
Prague is hardly a hellhole. Google the world's most beautiful cities and you'll find it on nearly every list. As for me, I have been a US citizen since the moment I was born and later became a Greek citizen as well. I can use we for the US, Greece and Europe.

Go whine elsewhere.
It really is insane what Little Barry is doing. Name one other country where you can illegally invade and get free health care and welfare and a drivers license and free k-12 for your 9 kids.

Buchanan Trump Is Hitting on Anger Over Massive Third-World Invasion Changing America - Breitbart
july 26 2015 Sunday on “Meet the Press,” conservative political commentator and author Pat Buchanan said Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is tapping into voters anger over a massive third-world “invasion” that is changing America “dramatically.’

Buchanan said Trump is strong on, “The trade issue, export of American jobs and factories and what’s happening to the American middle class. The other one Trump is hitting, which is one of the hottest issues in the whole West as well as the United States, is the massive invasion, if you will, and what people feel is the conquest of the West by massive Third World immigration coming from refugees and border jumpers and all the rest. He’s wired into both of these and they’re enormously popular issues.”
The Bush jr. country, The Clinton country, the GW Bush country, The Reagan country...
Buchanan is right regardless of his perceived racism. America is growing weaker because we are increasingly not of the same stock that made this country what it was. As we leave our European heritage, so it leaves us.
Screw you WASP's...

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