Patrick Stewart hates gays...right? That is what you guys say...right?

Patrick Stewart's best friend is Ian McKellan, so I highly doubt he is anti-gay. Besides yourself; who is saying Patrick Stewart hates gays around here? guys always say that if you support the bakers against the gays you hate therefore Patrick Stewart hates gays....? Right? according to your dumb ass logic...right?

As I suspected, no one here said Patrick Stewart hates gays.

My logic? That's odd b/c I am opposed to public accommodation laws in almost all instances. Earlier in this thread I even stated that a baker should have the right to serve or not serve any person as they see fit. Cool projection though. :thup:
Patrick Stewart's best friend is Ian McKellan, so I highly doubt he is anti-gay. Besides yourself; who is saying Patrick Stewart hates gays around here? guys always say that if you support the bakers against the gays you hate therefore Patrick Stewart hates gays....? Right? according to your dumb ass logic...right?

As I suspected, no one here said Patrick Stewart hates gays.

My logic? That's odd b/c I am opposed to public accommodation laws in almost all instances. Earlier in this thread I even stated that a baker should have the right to serve or not serve any person as they see fit. Cool projection though. :thup:

I didn't say Patrick Stewart hates gays...I know he is a big lib......I asked the question......if Patrick Stewart supports the baker....then that means he hates gays...right? That is what the leftards on these threads say if you support the bakers right to serve or not serve whoever they want....or if you are against the re-definition of marriage......

so if Patrick Stewart sides with the bakers, according to the leftards...he hates gay people....
Patrick Stewart's best friend is Ian McKellan, so I highly doubt he is anti-gay. Besides yourself; who is saying Patrick Stewart hates gays around here? guys always say that if you support the bakers against the gays you hate therefore Patrick Stewart hates gays....? Right? according to your dumb ass logic...right?

As I suspected, no one here said Patrick Stewart hates gays.

My logic? That's odd b/c I am opposed to public accommodation laws in almost all instances. Earlier in this thread I even stated that a baker should have the right to serve or not serve any person as they see fit. Cool projection though. :thup:

I didn't say Patrick Stewart hates gays...I know he is a big lib......I asked the question......if Patrick Stewart supports the baker....then that means he hates gays...right? That is what the leftards on these threads say if you support the bakers right to serve or not serve whoever they want....or if you are against the re-definition of marriage......

so if Patrick Stewart sides with the bakers, according to the leftards...he hates gay people....

That would be an incorrect assumption in my opinion. (Sort of like your previous assumptions about me were incorrect as well) I don't know if these people actually hate gays or not. Frankly, I don't give a shit if they do or not. I think a businesses should be able to serve or not serve whomever they wish.
Patrick Stewart's best friend is Ian McKellan, so I highly doubt he is anti-gay. Besides yourself; who is saying Patrick Stewart hates gays around here? guys always say that if you support the bakers against the gays you hate therefore Patrick Stewart hates gays....? Right? according to your dumb ass logic...right?

As I suspected, no one here said Patrick Stewart hates gays.

My logic? That's odd b/c I am opposed to public accommodation laws in almost all instances. Earlier in this thread I even stated that a baker should have the right to serve or not serve any person as they see fit. Cool projection though. :thup:

I didn't say Patrick Stewart hates gays...I know he is a big lib......I asked the question......if Patrick Stewart supports the baker....then that means he hates gays...right? That is what the leftards on these threads say if you support the bakers right to serve or not serve whoever they want....or if you are against the re-definition of marriage......

so if Patrick Stewart sides with the bakers, according to the leftards...he hates gay people....

That would be an incorrect assumption in my opinion. (Sort of like your previous assumptions about me were incorrect as well) I don't know if these people actually hate gays or not. Frankly, I don't give a shit if they do or not. I think a businesses should be able to serve or not serve whomever they wish.

And on that we is the lefties on this site who attack the defenders of these bakers as gay if someone defends a baker for using their business as they see fit and gets accused of hating gays....doesn't that mean that Patrick Stewart hates gays.....according to their standard?
Patrick Stewart's best friend is Ian McKellan, so I highly doubt he is anti-gay. Besides yourself; who is saying Patrick Stewart hates gays around here? guys always say that if you support the bakers against the gays you hate therefore Patrick Stewart hates gays....? Right? according to your dumb ass logic...right?

As I suspected, no one here said Patrick Stewart hates gays.

My logic? That's odd b/c I am opposed to public accommodation laws in almost all instances. Earlier in this thread I even stated that a baker should have the right to serve or not serve any person as they see fit. Cool projection though. :thup:

I didn't say Patrick Stewart hates gays...I know he is a big lib......I asked the question......if Patrick Stewart supports the baker....then that means he hates gays...right? That is what the leftards on these threads say if you support the bakers right to serve or not serve whoever they want....or if you are against the re-definition of marriage......

so if Patrick Stewart sides with the bakers, according to the leftards...he hates gay people....

That would be an incorrect assumption in my opinion. (Sort of like your previous assumptions about me were incorrect as well) I don't know if these people actually hate gays or not. Frankly, I don't give a shit if they do or not. I think a businesses should be able to serve or not serve whomever they wish.

And on that we is the lefties on this site who attack the defenders of these bakers as gay if someone defends a baker for using their business as they see fit and gets accused of hating gays....doesn't that mean that Patrick Stewart hates gays.....according to their standard?

According to those standards? Yes. I don't follows those standards so I am in the clear.
Patrick Stewart's best friend is Ian McKellan, so I highly doubt he is anti-gay. Besides yourself; who is saying Patrick Stewart hates gays around here? guys always say that if you support the bakers against the gays you hate therefore Patrick Stewart hates gays....? Right? according to your dumb ass logic...right?

As I suspected, no one here said Patrick Stewart hates gays.

My logic? That's odd b/c I am opposed to public accommodation laws in almost all instances. Earlier in this thread I even stated that a baker should have the right to serve or not serve any person as they see fit. Cool projection though. :thup:

I didn't say Patrick Stewart hates gays...I know he is a big lib......I asked the question......if Patrick Stewart supports the baker....then that means he hates gays...right? That is what the leftards on these threads say if you support the bakers right to serve or not serve whoever they want....or if you are against the re-definition of marriage......

so if Patrick Stewart sides with the bakers, according to the leftards...he hates gay people....
Have you yet answered my question about the PA laws in Northern Ireland?
Patrick Stewart's best friend is Ian McKellan, so I highly doubt he is anti-gay. Besides yourself; who is saying Patrick Stewart hates gays around here? guys always say that if you support the bakers against the gays you hate therefore Patrick Stewart hates gays....? Right? according to your dumb ass logic...right?

As I suspected, no one here said Patrick Stewart hates gays.

My logic? That's odd b/c I am opposed to public accommodation laws in almost all instances. Earlier in this thread I even stated that a baker should have the right to serve or not serve any person as they see fit. Cool projection though. :thup:

I didn't say Patrick Stewart hates gays...I know he is a big lib......I asked the question......if Patrick Stewart supports the baker....then that means he hates gays...right? That is what the leftards on these threads say if you support the bakers right to serve or not serve whoever they want....or if you are against the re-definition of marriage......

so if Patrick Stewart sides with the bakers, according to the leftards...he hates gay people....

That would be an incorrect assumption in my opinion. (Sort of like your previous assumptions about me were incorrect as well) I don't know if these people actually hate gays or not. Frankly, I don't give a shit if they do or not. I think a businesses should be able to serve or not serve whomever they wish.

And on that we is the lefties on this site who attack the defenders of these bakers as gay if someone defends a baker for using their business as they see fit and gets accused of hating gays....doesn't that mean that Patrick Stewart hates gays.....according to their standard?
PA laws have been on the books for several decades....why this sudden problem with them? Answer that please.
Patrick Stewart came out for freedom in Ireland.....he supports the bakers who objected to baking the cake for gays because they objected to the words on the cake.....

So does this mean that Patrick Stewart.....hates gays? That he wants gays murdered like the muslims?

Watch Patrick Stewart Supports Gay Cake Bakery - Breitbart

Patrick Stewart has backed the Northern Ireland bakery that refused to bake a cake promoting gay marriage, saying people should not be forced to write messages they disagree with.

Ashers Bakery was fined £500 last month after it refused to bake a cake bearing the words “support gay marriage” for a gay rights activist. The text was supposed to be accompanied by a picture of Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie.

The McArthur family who own the bakery are appealing the decision.

Although many said the ruling was a victory for “equal rights”, Patrick Stewart told BBC Newsnight: “Finally I found myself on the side of the bakers.”

He told BBC Newsnight: “It was not because it was a gay couple that they objected, it was not because they were celebrating some sort of marriage or an agreement between them.

“It was the actual words on the cake they objected to. Because they found the words offensive.”

So...according to this story....Patrick Stewart hates gay people.....he must...he supports the bakery.....he is a gay hater....

Now they will destroy him....

Now the Borg Collective ( and Patrick Stewart was actually a part of the Borg Collective so he should know...) will destroy him...
Barry Goldwater had a problem with his opposition to the CRA back in the 60's. Goldwater was a social Libertarian, who coincidentally was all for gays in the military, but he opposed the CRA because he didn't believe you can legislate racial hatred out of peoples hearts, and telling segregationists they must serve blacks in a restaurant, would make them want to serve them less.

As far as people like you, in the US, you either hate gays because God says they're wrong, or men kissing makes you uncomfortable, or you're just hating gays because the Republican Party hates them.

In the US, we have laws against discrimination based on sexual orientation, unless you're one of those backwater redneck states that was among the last to end segregation, and Bakeries are not religious institutions.
Patrick Stewart's best friend is Ian McKellan so I highly doubt he is anti-gay. Besides yourself; who is saying Patrick Stewart hates gays around here?

Well...he supports bakers who didnt fully unquestionably support all things gay marriage.

Instantly that makes him anti gay and doomed to hell where the great Katouloo will banish him to the dark underworld for all etermity. Sorry...little South Park reference.

Maybe he just hates wedding cakes. That "royal icing" actually nauseates me
I don't like weddings*, so I won't ask anyone to bake me a cake.

I am one of those people that would get a license, then go out on the town and have fun with my prospective partner.

If there has to be a formal ceremony I won't be the one organizing it.

*Can find a better use for 5-10k, like a trip to some place nice.
The following video was about a man who always wanted to crash a car through his garage door. That pretty much sums up Breitbart.
"So does this mean that Patrick Stewart.....hates gays? That he wants gays murdered like the muslims?"

No, it means that you're an ignorant idiot who doesn't know his thread fails as a false comparison fallacy.
What's really amazing here is the story itself. This bakery (yeah I know it's not in the U.S.) has been charged with unlawful discrimination for refusing to write the words "support gay marriage".

How will the left feel if they (the bakery) lose the appeal ?
Is this the road the left feels comfortable leading us down ?
So...according to this story....Patrick Stewart hates gay people.....he must...he supports the bakery.....he is a gay hater....

Now they will destroy him....

Now the Borg Collective ( and Patrick Stewart was actually a part of the Borg Collective so he should know...) will destroy him...

Naw, I think Patrick Stewart was destroyed by appearing in Star Trek:Nemesis. Pretty much killed his career after that.

But anyway, not really the same thing. Not in the US, not refusing service, just a specific message.

That said, in the UK, this isn't an issue, you can't refuse service based on this.
What's really amazing here is the story itself. This bakery (yeah I know it's not in the U.S.) has been charged with unlawful discrimination for refusing to write the words "support gay marriage".

How will the left feel if they (the bakery) lose the appeal ?
Is this the road the left feels comfortable leading us down ?

I'm good with it.

I guess my issue with all you homophobes is that it was because of you we got a second term of George W. Stupid, who proceeded to fuck up the country. If the rest of us have to deal with busted 401K's and underwater mortgages, you dips have to bake the fucking cake.
What's really amazing here is the story itself. This bakery (yeah I know it's not in the U.S.) has been charged with unlawful discrimination for refusing to write the words "support gay marriage".

How will the left feel if they (the bakery) lose the appeal ?
Is this the road the left feels comfortable leading us down ?

I'm good with it.

I guess my issue with all you homophobes is that it was because of you we got a second term of George W. Stupid, who proceeded to fuck up the country. If the rest of us have to deal with busted 401K's and underwater mortgages, you dips have to bake the fucking cake.

Yes, not baking cakes caused the Democrat controlled Fannie May and Freddie Mac. You people are seriously 'round the bend.
What's really amazing here is the story itself. This bakery (yeah I know it's not in the U.S.) has been charged with unlawful discrimination for refusing to write the words "support gay marriage".

How will the left feel if they (the bakery) lose the appeal ?
Is this the road the left feels comfortable leading us down ?

I'm good with it.

I guess my issue with all you homophobes is that it was because of you we got a second term of George W. Stupid, who proceeded to fuck up the country. If the rest of us have to deal with busted 401K's and underwater mortgages, you dips have to bake the fucking cake.

So you'd be okay then if the baker was forced to write some pro-Nazi comments on the cake then.
Patrick Stewart came out for freedom in Ireland.....he supports the bakers who objected to baking the cake for gays because they objected to the words on the cake.....

So does this mean that Patrick Stewart.....hates gays? That he wants gays murdered like the muslims?

Watch Patrick Stewart Supports Gay Cake Bakery - Breitbart

Patrick Stewart has backed the Northern Ireland bakery that refused to bake a cake promoting gay marriage, saying people should not be forced to write messages they disagree with.

Ashers Bakery was fined £500 last month after it refused to bake a cake bearing the words “support gay marriage” for a gay rights activist. The text was supposed to be accompanied by a picture of Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie.

The McArthur family who own the bakery are appealing the decision.

Although many said the ruling was a victory for “equal rights”, Patrick Stewart told BBC Newsnight: “Finally I found myself on the side of the bakers.”

He told BBC Newsnight: “It was not because it was a gay couple that they objected, it was not because they were celebrating some sort of marriage or an agreement between them.

“It was the actual words on the cake they objected to. Because they found the words offensive.”

So...according to this story....Patrick Stewart hates gay people.....he must...he supports the bakery.....he is a gay hater....

Now they will destroy him....

Now the Borg Collective ( and Patrick Stewart was actually a part of the Borg Collective so he should know...) will destroy him...
Good for him.

You can be fine with gay marriage while still accepting and not punishing others who are not.

Life is complicated.

Nice to know I'm not alone on this.


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