Patriotic culture warriors are terrified of drag queens, illegals, & extremely rare vaccine injuries. But tens of thousands of annual gun deaths: meh!

this piece addresses an important, under explored, element of our gun crisis, though i do not agree with the personal attacks against conservatives

The fact is that far right wing Republicans do not believe that someone who wants to buy a gun should have any restrictions placed on it. The majority of people believe there should be reasonable restrictions. That includes a good chunk of Republicans. There is another piece that I read that shows how right wing Nazis and their enablers like Fox News are creating paranoia that leads to MAGA types shooting people for no reason.

"A teenager trying to pick up his younger brothers in a Kansas City neighborhood knocked on the wrong door and got shot in the head and arm. A group of friends mistakenly drove up the wrong driveway in rural upstate New York and a 20-year-old woman in the passenger seat of one of the cars was shot and killed. A high school cheerleader in Texas tried to get in a car she mistook for her own and was grazed by a bullet while her friend was shot in the back and left in critical condition."

"Andrew Lester, 84, was a paranoid man, according to his grandson. Lester opened fire twice on Ralph Yarl, 16, when the Black teen mistakenly rang his doorbell last Thursday as he attempted to pick up his younger siblings from a neighbor. Klint Lundwig later told the Kansas City Star that his grandfather in the past few years had become caught up in “a 24-hour news cycle of fear and paranoia” that “further radicalized him in a lot of ways.” Black bodies are always to be feared in a place like America, no matter their age."

Unfortunately many of the right wing Nazis on this board further this shameful thing with their paranoid conspiracy theories.
this piece addresses an important, under explored, element of our gun crisis, though i do not agree with the personal attacks against conservatives

First of all, in a country with 300 + million people, they will be dying by the tens of thousands for all sorts of things.

Secondly just because Conservatives may take issue with drag Queens.. illegal immigration and experimental vaccines, calling them Terrified is very anecdotal ... there are zero facts to back that up
reasoning. Its simply used to try and disqualify other opinions without listening to arguments, facts or concerns for society.

Those things also have zero to do with the millions of legal gun owners in the US who handle and store their guns properly. The one really doesnt have anything to do with the other.

I have guns, and I don't own them out of fear... its such bull crap.I own them because they were left to me through the family and a couple others I had bought through the years to go target shooting.
this piece addresses an important, under explored, element of our gun crisis, though i do not agree with the personal attacks against conservatives

The problem aren't the firearms, the problem is the persons using them. Example: In China, 33 people were killed and 139 injured in a knife attack spree. In Japan, 19 people were killed and 26 injured in a knife attack spree. Let's move on from knives, even there many many more examples of knife attacks on multiple people. In France, 86 people died and 434 injured by a single man with a truck, running them down. In Canada, 10 people killed and 15 injured by a male running them down with a van. Many other vehicle attacks have occurred. How about "explosives?" Well, do you recall the Boston Marathon. Two males and an "Improvised-Explosive-Device," via a pressure cooker. Making explosive devices isn't difficult.
As for firearms, 99.9% of the millions and millions of firearms owners are law-abiding citizens and thus no danger to your or others and their firearms don't sneak out at night and go after people. All of the gun crimes are caused by a small segment of society, especially in the inner-cities harboring a negative-culture ideology.
Lefties fear law abiding citizens who take advantage of the 2nd Amendment but they seem to admire mass murderers like the Nashville shooter. Show us the manifest and be proud .
I guess once this guy addresses the 102 fatalities per day in car accidents I’ll listen, if he wants to play that game. Guns account for 46 per day

There are 124 gun deaths per day in the USA, not 46.


Over 375 THOUSAND Americans died from heart attacks last year, but gun deaths were around 34 thousand.

Guns aren't a "natural cause".
Maybe it's government sponsored sub-standard education or wishful thinking on the part of the left but the right really doesn't fear drag queens. They are concerned about protecting their kids from perverts and groomers. The hypocrite left seems to condone premeditated murder of little kids by trannie terrorists. The right wants to see enforcement of current gun laws but the left seems conflicted about keeping guns away from street gangs and brain damaged politicians.

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