Paul Ryan Balances New Budget By Embracing Obama Policies

stinkprogress assumptions and 'facts'... LOL... no.. I will wait for truthful reporting
Here's one more source.

Paul Ryan?s budget keeps Obama?s Medicare cuts. Full stop.

Since the Romney campaign wants to run against President Obama’s cuts to Medicare, it’s something of a problem for them that Paul Ryan’s budget includes those very same cuts to Medicare. And so they’ve come up with a somewhat confused and confusing argument to distinguish the two plans.
<from the same link>
Here&#8217;s what everyone agrees on: Ryan and Obama include the same cuts to the Medicare program itself. So if you&#8217;re an insurance company participating in the Medicare Advantage program, you&#8217;re getting the same cut no matter who wins the election. So the answer to the first question is, &#8220;the same amount as the Obama administration.&#8221;
By Igor Volsky and Pat Garofalo

Throughout the 2012 presidential campaign, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) railed against the Medicare savings included in the Affordable Care Act, campaigned against President Obama’s desire to increase marginal tax rates on the very wealthy, and promised that a Romney administration would offset the looming sequester.

But next week, just four months after losing the November election, Ryan plans to unveil a budget that incorporates many of the policies he campaigned against, since the very changes he opposed as a vice presidential candidate can now help him reach his goal of balancing the budget in 10 years — and go a long way towards reducing the deficit:

1. Savings from Obamacare.

2. War savings.

3. Revenue from the fiscal cliff deal.

Ryan’s budget is also expected to include savings from the so-called sequester, which Ryan voted for but later opposed. During the presidential campaign, he claimed that its defense cuts are “devastating,” though after losing admitted, “that $1.2 trillion in spending cuts, we can’t lose those spending cuts. “

DETAILS (w/Supporting Links): Paul Ryan Balances New Budget By Embracing Obama Policies

So are you saying your dear leader will be out on the campaign trail for the next few weeks supporting it?
By Igor Volsky and Pat Garofalo

Throughout the 2012 presidential campaign, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) railed against the Medicare savings included in the Affordable Care Act, campaigned against President Obama’s desire to increase marginal tax rates on the very wealthy, and promised that a Romney administration would offset the looming sequester.

But next week, just four months after losing the November election, Ryan plans to unveil a budget that incorporates many of the policies he campaigned against, since the very changes he opposed as a vice presidential candidate can now help him reach his goal of balancing the budget in 10 years — and go a long way towards reducing the deficit:

1. Savings from Obamacare.

2. War savings.

3. Revenue from the fiscal cliff deal.

Ryan’s budget is also expected to include savings from the so-called sequester, which Ryan voted for but later opposed. During the presidential campaign, he claimed that its defense cuts are “devastating,” though after losing admitted, “that $1.2 trillion in spending cuts, we can’t lose those spending cuts. “

DETAILS (w/Supporting Links): Paul Ryan Balances New Budget By Embracing Obama Policies

So are you saying your dear leader will be out on the campaign trail for the next few weeks supporting it?

Paul Ryan....



"Paul Ryan offered his budget on Tuesday. Let's do give him props for making the effort and all. The vast majority of his colleagues are potted plants on this front, reading talking points, sometimes banging the table and doing precious little else. But what Ryan calls a budget is what any CEO would call a firing offense. It uses some numbers and some words that appear in real budgets. But it neglects some other key elements ... like arithmetic or the truth or a greater economic purpose."

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