Paul Ryan Budget: House Passes Bill To Spare Defense, Cut Food Aid, Health Care


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
By Michael McAuliff

WASHINGTON -- The House on Thursday passed its plan to spare the military's growing budget from mandatory cuts, instead slashing Medicaid, benefits for federal workers and programs to help feed hungry Americans.

The House drew up the "reconciliation budget" in hopes of heading off automatic cuts mandated in last summer's deal to raise the nation's debt limit. Under that deal, $1.2 trillion must be "sequestered" -- that is, cut -- from the budget over the next 10 years, with about half coming from the military. Such reductions would still allow the defense budget to grow by 20 percent.

The House GOP plan passed 218 to 199, with 16 Republicans and all Democrats voting no. It replaces about $100 billion in the mandatory cuts next year and more than $300 billion over the next decade.

Rather than decrease military spending, the plan reduces projected outlays elsewhere. The proposal, which emerged from the House Budget Committee chaired by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Monday, would cut $83 billion in federal retirement benefits (equivalent to about a 5 percent pay cut), save $49 billion by capping medical malpractice lawsuits, slash about $48 billion from Medicaid programs and cut food aid by more than $36 billion.

More: Paul Ryan Budget: House Passes Bill To Spare Defense, Cut Food Aid, Health Care
Budgets don't matter.

Harry Reid has already announced he will shirk his Constitutional duty to pass a budget resolution, thereby continuing to permit our nation to run rudderless and sticking our grandchildren with trillions of sovereign debt.
By Michael McAuliff

WASHINGTON -- The House on Thursday passed its plan to spare the military's growing budget from mandatory cuts, instead slashing Medicaid, benefits for federal workers and programs to help feed hungry Americans.

The House drew up the "reconciliation budget" in hopes of heading off automatic cuts mandated in last summer's deal to raise the nation's debt limit. Under that deal, $1.2 trillion must be "sequestered" -- that is, cut -- from the budget over the next 10 years, with about half coming from the military. Such reductions would still allow the defense budget to grow by 20 percent.

The House GOP plan passed 218 to 199, with 16 Republicans and all Democrats voting no. It replaces about $100 billion in the mandatory cuts next year and more than $300 billion over the next decade.

Rather than decrease military spending, the plan reduces projected outlays elsewhere. The proposal, which emerged from the House Budget Committee chaired by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Monday, would cut $83 billion in federal retirement benefits (equivalent to about a 5 percent pay cut), save $49 billion by capping medical malpractice lawsuits, slash about $48 billion from Medicaid programs and cut food aid by more than $36 billion.

More: Paul Ryan Budget: House Passes Bill To Spare Defense, Cut Food Aid, Health Care

Defense is ACTUALLY an enumerated power and responsibility of the Federal Government, food aid and other listed programs are local Government concerns and have no authority for federal programs. As for Federal retirement? They are planning to cut military retirement I believe other federal workers should get cuts too especially congressional personnel.
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One is the Constitutional duty of the Federal gubmint, the other is a responsibility of local and state concerns.

Read up on it.
It has nothing to do with the Constitution, it has only to do with rightist dogma.
One is the Constitutional duty of the Federal gubmint, the other is a responsibility of local and state concerns.

Read up on it.
It has nothing to do with the Constitution, it has only to do with rightist dogma.

Be so kind as to point out via a link to an article of the Constitution where in the Federal Government has any authority to pay for food programs or medicare? By the way did you whine when Obama cut medicare for Obama care?
One is the Constitutional duty of the Federal gubmint, the other is a responsibility of local and state concerns.

Read up on it.
It has nothing to do with the Constitution, it has only to do with rightist dogma.

Be so kind as to point out via a link to an article of the Constitution where in the Federal Government has any authority to pay for food programs or medicare? By the way did you whine when Obama cut medicare for Obama care?
That jackoff is only good for drive-by posts, dude.
While I realize the Rs don't care if children and the elderly starve to death ... (in fact, I suspect, they would prefer it because then they wouldn't have to pretend to give a rat's ass) ... something we all need to think about is that if Mittens was prez, he'd sign this in a New York minute.

As it is now, many children and elderly do go to bed every night hungry. No, this is not an issue of "budget". Its an issue of humanity.

There are other sources for the money we need. We do not need to take food out of the mouths of children.
While I realize the Rs don't care if children and the elderly starve to death ... (in fact, I suspect, they would prefer it because then they wouldn't have to pretend to give a rat's ass) ... something we all need to think about is that if Mittens was prez, he'd sign this in a New York minute.

As it is now, many children and elderly do go to bed every night hungry. No, this is not an issue of "budget". Its an issue of humanity.

There are other sources for the money we need. We do not need to take food out of the mouths of children.

Do the Democrats care about a constitutionally-mandated budget?

While I realize the Rs don't care if children and the elderly starve to death ... (in fact, I suspect, they would prefer it because then they wouldn't have to pretend to give a rat's ass) ... something we all need to think about is that if Mittens was prez, he'd sign this in a New York minute.

As it is now, many children and elderly do go to bed every night hungry. No, this is not an issue of "budget". Its an issue of humanity.

There are other sources for the money we need. We do not need to take food out of the mouths of children.

You are a lying piece of horse shit. But do keep it up it is so entertaining. State and Local Governments are responsible for those programs. Go ahead provide a quote from an article of the Constitution that authorizes Federal Money for such programs. You remember that document right? It spells out what the Fed can do?
One is the Constitutional duty of the Federal gubmint, the other is a responsibility of local and state concerns.

Read up on it.
It has nothing to do with the Constitution, it has only to do with rightist dogma.

No, I am pretty sure we provide for the common defense.

Which in a nuclear age puts you isolationists squarely in the back seat while the adults drive.
Fuck the mindless a-holes...LOL Who the HELL are they afraid of LOL

Yet more pub electioneering- they never stop that, or screwing with the nonrich and the country...and the sky is falling dupes...I know, cut taxes on the rich!!
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