House Passes Bill That Lifts 16 Million Children Out Of Poverty, But Senate GOP Says No Because It Will Help Biden

Because you and your cult stand in the way of every measure to address the wealth gap.

You can’t decrease the wealth gap by simply playing Robin Hood without serious long-term negative consequences. Democrats never think beyond their noses.
A family of 4, who makes 40,000 now receives more many back in taxes than they paid

The democrats want to increase that amount and extend it to 14 million illegal alien children.

This is what I have been saying for years now. Biden has already increased the CTC under the American Rescue Plan in 2021. It is merely another handout disguised a tax cut, as it has “tax” in the name. It is no such thing, in that you get money back whether you paid federal taxes or not. There is also an income restriction, so some of us don’t get a dime‘s worth of credit.

There is also the earned income tax credit, which is also a handout for many. A single-parent making less than 55k/yr with 3+ children gets $7400/yr as a “credit”. This is in addition to the child tax credit he/she will receive per child. If they aren’t working and pay no taxes, they obviously qualify for housing, food, etc, and they will get a “credit” check for 7400+ 1800(refundable part) per child. A single-parent with 3 kids under 17 in this situation would receive a $12800 check from the federal government in addition to welfare, SNAP, etc.

Edit: Add all of this to the COVID stimulus this same family would have received. No wonder people have been spending money in the last 3 years. They were flush with extra cash until inflation got out of control. Now they continue to spend like drunken sailors in the hopes that Biden will give them some more freebees. Personal debt is out of control. It is an economic house of cards.
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And that was because of the tax rates companies paid, and were able to avoid much of because they invested back into the company to pay for workers pensions. That and the anti trust laws that were still in place from the 1930's.

That all changed with the trickle down lie, that is supply side economics, drawn up by some clown named laffer on a napkin in a restaurant.

And the Reagan crowd ran with it, and we went from the greatest middleclass expansion from 1945-1980, when one income could support a family, to the deregulatory wild wild west of conservative economic criminal grift that we have to day.

The national debt was less than $1 trillion before 1980, and the $34 trillion it is today is directly a result of those criminal policies.

The child tax credit is nothing but another band aid that is now required for the theft of those criminal tax and deregulatory policies.

The fix is actually very simple. Return all anti trust laws that have been repealed in the last 40 years, and end all of the tax cuts from the Reagan, Bush, and Trump adminsistrations.

Now you don't need that pesky child tax credit anymore. See how easy that was?
To see the prolems are nation has, is not on a pamphlet. It is a huge book with many pages. We live beyond our means. Anyone on the positive side of employment in any way is privileged in that regard. 1.7 trillion-dollar deficit this year. Near 34 trillion dollars of debt total from the government. The World total government debt is 313 trillion dollars. All of those social programs and the military industrial complex and the federal legislation forcing states and cities to pay for social programs also. Then we give money to foreign nations and organizations. If we were taxed at the pre-Reagan tax cuts, we would be over 50% at 50 thousand dollars a year. There are thousands of taxes besides the federal income tax. There are small ones that add up. And who does not enjoy paying the sales tax? It's a treat I tell you. Wage taxes in most states and cities. Property tax. Interstate taxes. Fuel taxes. Moving taxes from many areas. This is just the tip of the iceberg. We were a rising nation in the 1960's. Now we are declining with our own selfishness causing it.
The House passed a bipartisan tax bill that could help 16 million low-income children and restore some business tax breaks Wednesday, on a huge vote of 357-70. The bill expands the child tax credit to most of the 19 million children in low-income households that make too little to receive the full credit. It could lift as many as half a million kids out of poverty, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

GOP Sen. Grassley tells me he’s concerned passing Wyden-Smith tax bill might aid Biden’s re-election:“I think passing a tax bill that makes the president look good mailing out checks before the election, means he could be reelected and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts”.

If nothing else, the mother fuckers are predictable.
If nothing else, Daily Kos is predictable. Grow up FFS!
Parents already don't have to feed their kids anymore. Free breakfast and lunch at any public school regardless of the families' financial status. SMFH.
Why aren't the GOP and Trump campaigning on that?

US economics is totally there to benefit the rich... Look at US income gap levels..


GOP see this graph and they want to beat Turkey and Mexico next year...
The House passed a bipartisan tax bill that could help 16 million low-income children and restore some business tax breaks Wednesday, on a huge vote of 357-70. The bill expands the child tax credit to most of the 19 million children in low-income households that make too little to receive the full credit. It could lift as many as half a million kids out of poverty, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

GOP Sen. Grassley tells me he’s concerned passing Wyden-Smith tax bill might aid Biden’s re-election:“I think passing a tax bill that makes the president look good mailing out checks before the election, means he could be reelected and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts”.

If nothing else, the mother fuckers are predictable.
With the GOP it’s always about politics NOT about good governance or good policy
The child tax credit is grift for votes.

It never ceases to amaze me how much animus so-call "conservatives" have towards giving money to poor people and young families. Tax cuts for billionaires? No problem. $500 a month per child is financial ruin for the country,

You landed equipment on the moon this week. You can afford a 20 year war in Afghanistan which accomplished nothing, but money for poor children. NO FUCKING WAY.
It never ceases to amaze me how much animus so-call "conservatives" have towards giving money to poor people and young families. Tax cuts for billionaires? No problem. $500 a month per child is financial ruin for the country,

You landed equipment on the moon this week. You can afford a 20 year war in Afghanistan which accomplished nothing, but money for poor children. NO FUCKING WAY.
Tend to your own knitting Hoser.

To see the prolems are nation has, is not on a pamphlet. It is a huge book with many pages. We live beyond our means. Anyone on the positive side of employment in any way is privileged in that regard. 1.7 trillion-dollar deficit this year. Near 34 trillion dollars of debt total from the government. The World total government debt is 313 trillion dollars. All of those social programs and the military industrial complex and the federal legislation forcing states and cities to pay for social programs also. Then we give money to foreign nations and organizations. If we were taxed at the pre-Reagan tax cuts, we would be over 50% at 50 thousand dollars a year. There are thousands of taxes besides the federal income tax. There are small ones that add up. And who does not enjoy paying the sales tax? It's a treat I tell you. Wage taxes in most states and cities. Property tax. Interstate taxes. Fuel taxes. Moving taxes from many areas. This is just the tip of the iceberg. We were a rising nation in the 1960's. Now we are declining with our own selfishness causing it.
The problem our Nation has can be boiled down to two words: dimocrap scum

Period. There is simply no need to further complicate it. Every problem this Country has, or has ever had, can be directly traced to dimocrap scum. From the Civil War, to Jim Crow, to -- Everything. WW1, the Deprression, WW2, Viet Nam, Korea; race riots, every shit show we've ever had in this Country is directly attributable to dimocrap scum.

The sooner the DNC is extinct, the better off the world will be.
Just four Republicans voted for it. In the end, even McConnell backtracked and voted against the package that he had helped develop.
Because the republican base has been here before with lib grandiose plans and promises from the washington establishment and got nothing

We want the wall and money to police the border the way Abbott in Texas is doing but over the entire border

We want illegals and phony asylum seekers returned to mexico the same day they show up at our border

Not 4,999 per day that biden will happily admit over the rest of his time in office

If you want to improve the House bill with even more border security than it already has just speak up and we’ll get it done

But no more pantomimes, slight of hands tricks, or bait and switch
The House passed a bipartisan tax bill that could help 16 million low-income children and restore some business tax breaks Wednesday, on a huge vote of 357-70. The bill expands the child tax credit to most of the 19 million children in low-income households that make too little to receive the full credit. It could lift as many as half a million kids out of poverty, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

GOP Sen. Grassley tells me he’s concerned passing Wyden-Smith tax bill might aid Biden’s re-election:“I think passing a tax bill that makes the president look good mailing out checks before the election, means he could be reelected and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts”.

If nothing else, the mother fuckers are predictable.

I thought Bidenomics lifted all Lobbyists and Ukraine? WTF
Because the republican base has been here before with lib grandiose plans and promises from the washington establishment and got nothing.
Lib "Grandiose plans"?

Trump Has Said Mexico Will Pay For Wall At Least 20 ...


Fortune › 2018/12/13 › trump-mexico-borde...
Dec 13, 2018 — President Donald Trump has repeated the campaign rallying cry that Mexico will pay for a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border since at ...

We want the wall and money to police the border the way Abbott in Texas is doing but over the entire border
From Mexico?
Like Trump promised?
We want illegals and phony asylum seekers returned to mexico the same day they show up at our border
Well, that's the way it would be, under the bipartisan border bill, when it reaches a certain level.
Not 4,999 per day that biden will happily admit over the rest of his time in office
NOT admit.

The bill stated that temporary border emergency authority would be automatically activated by the Department of Homeland Security secretary if there is an average of 5,000 or more migrant encounters a day over seven consecutive days — or if there are 8,500 or more such encounters on any single day.

Encounters........NOT admissions.
Your listening the the former liar in chief.
If you want to improve the House bill with even more border security than it already has just speak up and we’ll get it done

But no more pantomimes, slight of hands tricks, or bait and switch
Darn.........if it was such a bait and switch, vote and pass it, sign into law and in 11 months Trump can fix it.
The Federal Government needs to put Miele in charge of spending; it needs to be Mieled
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Lib "Grandiose plans"?

Trump Has Said Mexico Will Pay For Wall At Least 20 ...

View attachment 909262
Fortune › 2018/12/13 › trump-mexico-borde...
Dec 13, 2018 — President Donald Trump has repeated the campaign rallying cry that Mexico will pay for a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border since at ...

From Mexico?
Like Trump promised?

Well, that's the way it would be, under the bipartisan border bill, when it reaches a certain level.

NOT admit.

The bill stated that temporary border emergency authority would be automatically activated by the Department of Homeland Security secretary if there is an average of 5,000 or more migrant encounters a day over seven consecutive days — or if there are 8,500 or more such encounters on any single day.

Encounters........NOT admissions.
Your listening the the former liar in chief.

Darn.........if it was such a bait and switch, vote and pass it, sign into law and in 11 months Trump can fix it.
My post did not single our democrats as the only offenders

Bash republican swamp rats also and you wont hear any complaints from me

In fact the republican senators have the most to lose from a bad border bill that base voters like myself do not like

As for trump it was a throwaway line that was so much fun to use that he couldnt put it down

But I never took it seriously
My post did not single our democrats as the only offenders

Bash republican swamp rats also and you wont hear any complaints from me
They were the worst hypocrites for decades.
In fact the republican senators have the most to lose from a bad border bill that base voters like myself do not like
Of course you don't.
That would make Biden look somewhat good.
As for trump it was a throwaway line that was so much fun to use that he couldnt put it down
"Throwaway line"?
That was his entire line.

Then Biden gets into office, and..............

Mexico to put $1.5 bln into upgrading border as Biden ...​

Reuters › world › americas › presidents-...

Jul 12, 2022 — Casting immigration as a "hemispheric challenge", Biden met Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and top Mexican officials in the White ...

But I never took it seriously
Either did any other thinking person or MEXICO.

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