House Passes Bill That Lifts 16 Million Children Out Of Poverty, But Senate GOP Says No Because It Will Help Biden

And we still have a lower poverty rate. The same gasoline that was 10 cents a gallon when I was a kid is 3 bucks a gallon now. Why? The government doesn't price goods.
No, because the USD is only worth 10 cents today....DUUUUUUH!
A family of 4, who makes 40,000 now receives more many back in taxes than they paid

The democrats want to increase that amount and extend it to 14 million illegal alien children.
Did you know that 1/3 of all illegals file fraudulent tax returns claiming up to $21,000 in fraudulent child tax credits? By law that credit is not even available to illegals, you have to be a citizen. Last reported illegals were scamming us for $5 billion a year.
now they want to give illegal aliens more money
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The House passed a bipartisan tax bill that could help 16 million low-income children and restore some business tax breaks Wednesday, on a huge vote of 357-70. The bill expands the child tax credit to most of the 19 million children in low-income households that make too little to receive the full credit. It could lift as many as half a million kids out of poverty, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

GOP Sen. Grassley tells me he’s concerned passing Wyden-Smith tax bill might aid Biden’s re-election:“I think passing a tax bill that makes the president look good mailing out checks before the election, means he could be reelected and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts”.

If nothing else, the mother fuckers are predictable.

There's enough welfare in the tax code already, we don't need more. And before ya know it, illegals will be collecting it for their anchor babies. I've been paying higher taxes my whole life to support other peoples brats.

The House passed a bipartisan tax bill that could help 16 million low-income children and restore some business tax breaks Wednesday, on a huge vote of 357-70. The bill expands the child tax credit to most of the 19 million children in low-income households that make too little to receive the full credit. It could lift as many as half a million kids out of poverty, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

GOP Sen. Grassley tells me he’s concerned passing Wyden-Smith tax bill might aid Biden’s re-election:“I think passing a tax bill that makes the president look good mailing out checks before the election, means he could be reelected and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts”.

If nothing else, the mother fuckers are predictable.
Such is the reprehensible right – party over country, party over what’s the right thing to do, party over the will of the people.
The real fuckers are the goddamn Democrats that started the welfare for Negroes so as to get Negro votes for the next 200 years.

I am not responsible to pay for the welfare for your child. You are responsible as the child's parent.

You Moon Bats have never understood the concept of personal responsibility have you?

Besides, we are $34 trillion in debt and can't afford any more welfare. We have enough already.

If the Democrats want more welfare for the ghetto Negroes then how about them not spending billions on the Illegals and use that money?
U R 100% Correct, ,,LBJ's Great Society gave Blacks free everything as long as a Man was not in the home,,The Democrats did this in order to wreck the black family and cause so much dysfunction that Blacks would need the democrat handouts in exchange for votes.

Democrats are a fxcking Disgrace but what do you expect from a Front organization for the Billionaires and their secret police ( FBI )?
In the sixties one income supported a large family people cant afford a house much less kids

And that was because of the tax rates companies paid, and were able to avoid much of because they invested back into the company to pay for workers pensions. That and the anti trust laws that were still in place from the 1930's.

That all changed with the trickle down lie, that is supply side economics, drawn up by some clown named laffer on a napkin in a restaurant.

And the Reagan crowd ran with it, and we went from the greatest middleclass expansion from 1945-1980, when one income could support a family, to the deregulatory wild wild west of conservative economic criminal grift that we have to day.

The national debt was less than $1 trillion before 1980, and the $34 trillion it is today is directly a result of those criminal policies.

The child tax credit is nothing but another band aid that is now required for the theft of those criminal tax and deregulatory policies.

The fix is actually very simple. Return all anti trust laws that have been repealed in the last 40 years, and end all of the tax cuts from the Reagan, Bush, and Trump adminsistrations.

Now you don't need that pesky child tax credit anymore. See how easy that was?
And that was because of the tax rates companies paid, and were able to avoid much of because they invested back into the company to pay for workers pensions. That and the anti trust laws that were still in place from the 1930's.

That all changed with the trickle down lie, that is supply side economics, drawn up by some clown named laffer on a napkin in a restaurant.

And the Reagan crowd ran with it, and we went from the greatest middleclass expansion from 1945-1980, when one income could support a family, to the deregulatory wild wild west of conservative economic criminal grift that we have to day.

The national debt was less than $1 trillion before 1980, and the $34 trillion it is today is directly a result of those criminal policies.

The child tax credit is nothing but another band aid that is now required for the theft of those criminal tax and deregulatory policies.

The fix is actually very simple. Return all anti trust laws that have been repealed in the last 40 years, and end all of the tax cuts from the Reagan, Bush, and Trump adminsistrations.

Now you don't need that pesky child tax credit anymore. See how easy that was?
The greatest run-on nonsequitur I've seen in quite some time! :rofl:
Teabaggers will only support tax cuts if they lift multi-million $$$ corporations out of poverty.
The House passed a bipartisan tax bill that could help 16 million low-income children and restore some business tax breaks Wednesday, on a huge vote of 357-70. The bill expands the child tax credit to most of the 19 million children in low-income households that make too little to receive the full credit. It could lift as many as half a million kids out of poverty, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

GOP Sen. Grassley tells me he’s concerned passing Wyden-Smith tax bill might aid Biden’s re-election:“I think passing a tax bill that makes the president look good mailing out checks before the election, means he could be reelected and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts”.

If nothing else, the mother fuckers are predictable.
There are actually ZERO children in poverty. Any money these people get helps deadbeat parents because they are the ones in poverty, not the children.
The House passed a bipartisan tax bill that could help 16 million low-income children and restore some business tax breaks Wednesday, on a huge vote of 357-70. The bill expands the child tax credit to most of the 19 million children in low-income households that make too little to receive the full credit. It could lift as many as half a million kids out of poverty, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

GOP Sen. Grassley tells me he’s concerned passing Wyden-Smith tax bill might aid Biden’s re-election:“I think passing a tax bill that makes the president look good mailing out checks before the election, means he could be reelected and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts”.

If nothing else, the mother fuckers are predictable.
the house is in republican control, the senate is in democrat control. your post reflects nothing but your ignorance.
The House passed a bipartisan tax bill that could help 16 million low-income children and restore some business tax breaks Wednesday, on a huge vote of 357-70. The bill expands the child tax credit to most of the 19 million children in low-income households that make too little to receive the full credit. It could lift as many as half a million kids out of poverty, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

GOP Sen. Grassley tells me he’s concerned passing Wyden-Smith tax bill might aid Biden’s re-election:“I think passing a tax bill that makes the president look good mailing out checks before the election, means he could be reelected and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts”.

If nothing else, the mother fuckers are predictable.
Tell us again who is in control of the House.
the house is in republican control, the senate is in democrat control. your post reflects nothing but your ignorance.
Didn't you get the memo? Democrats cannot get anything done as long as there is one Republican around that might look at them sideways. They just can't do it.
horseshit. Trump's tax cuts cut taxes for eveyone that pays taxes.

Billionaires Are $2.2 Trillion Richer Since 2017 Trump- ...


Americans For Tax Fairness › billionaires-2-2-tr...
Sep 28, 2023 — Richest 748 Americans' Wealth Up 77% Since Cuts Passed, Tops $5 Trillion; Debt Caused by Trump Tax Cuts Now Used By GOP As Excuse to Cut ...

Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than ...

Forbes › sites › 2019/10/10 › trump-t...
Oct 10, 2019 — For the first time ever, America's 400 wealthiest people paid a lower tax rate in 2018 than any other group of people, according to a new ...

and for the record, do you know who pays corporate taxes? the consumers in the prices of everything we buy. Econ 101 idiot
Teabaggers have been claiming that, since Reagan. corporations lower the price of their goods and services when they get tax breaks?

Didn't you get the memo? Democrats cannot get anything done as long as there is one Republican around that might look at them sideways. They just can't do it.
Which party is blocking border control? Which party is funding the fiasco in UKraine? which party does senile corrupt joe belong to? whicch party is letting criminals walk free and kill innocent americans?
The House passed a bipartisan tax bill that could help 16 million low-income children and restore some business tax breaks Wednesday, on a huge vote of 357-70. The bill expands the child tax credit to most of the 19 million children in low-income households that make too little to receive the full credit. It could lift as many as half a million kids out of poverty, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

GOP Sen. Grassley tells me he’s concerned passing Wyden-Smith tax bill might aid Biden’s re-election:“I think passing a tax bill that makes the president look good mailing out checks before the election, means he could be reelected and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts”.

If nothing else, the mother fuckers are predictable.
Americans aren't stupid like you skrewey. Grifters grift, and that is exactly what this bill is.

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