House Passes Bill That Lifts 16 Million Children Out Of Poverty, But Senate GOP Says No Because It Will Help Biden

These kids are on the hook for 34 trillion dollars. And steady climbing by the second.

Getting children out of poverty is actually the very last thing they're doing in the broader, more meaningful scheme of things. lol...
The House passed a bipartisan tax bill that could help 16 million low-income children and restore some business tax breaks Wednesday, on a huge vote of 357-70. The bill expands the child tax credit to most of the 19 million children in low-income households that make too little to receive the full credit. It could lift as many as half a million kids out of poverty, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

GOP Sen. Grassley tells me he’s concerned passing Wyden-Smith tax bill might aid Biden’s re-election:“I think passing a tax bill that makes the president look good mailing out checks before the election, means he could be reelected and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts”.

If nothing else, the mother fuckers are predictable.
The bill expands welfare benefits for illegal aliens. That's right, us citizens pay more to citizens of other countries because of Biden's deliberate invasion...

Richard Stern, Director of the Heritage Foundation’s Herman Center for the Federal Budget and a former budget staffer to Johnson, told Breitbart News the bill is “a Trojan horse to expand welfare programs, including those that go to illegal aliens.”

He continued, “Most of the bill is an increase in spending and subsidies, not tax relief. 91.5% of what is being labeled as “middle class tax cuts” are actually going to a dramatic expansion of the welfare state. Further, the bill will create at least $155 billion in new federal deficits that will drive inflation and mortgage rates even higher. This is a reckless and fiscally irresponsible measure that will burden hard working American families.”

To hell it ain't. Low income people don't pay any Federal income taxes as it is. Like 49% of US households don't pay any Federal Income tax at all. That means somebody else is paying their share of the burden of the goddamn bloated Federal government. If you ain't paying any taxes but enjoying whatever the Federal government does for you then that sure as hell is welfare.

Instead of expanding that to even more why not make the Trump income tax reductions (that are due to expire in 2025) permanent? That way it helps all tax payers, not only the ones with children.
What dimocrap FILTH want is a Country where there is a huge mass of subserviant proles that do what the SCUM in the Media tell them to do. The leftist Church is the DISGUSTING FILTH. They get the dimocrap message out. You don't think the idiot dimocraps in here come with their own ideas, do you? These people are so stupid, they haven't had an original idea since they learned how to masturbate.

dimocrap SCUM want an obedient, pliant proletariat, a huge, ELITE orporate Class and an Elite class that rules everything.

All controlled by -- Guess who? IOW, they want to be like China. If it's happening in China, look for dimocrap scum to try it here.
The House passed a bipartisan tax bill that could help 16 million low-income children and restore some business tax breaks Wednesday, on a huge vote of 357-70. The bill expands the child tax credit to most of the 19 million children in low-income households that make too little to receive the full credit. It could lift as many as half a million kids out of poverty, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

GOP Sen. Grassley tells me he’s concerned passing Wyden-Smith tax bill might aid Biden’s re-election:“I think passing a tax bill that makes the president look good mailing out checks before the election, means he could be reelected and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts”.

If nothing else, the mother fuckers are predictable.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: DailyKos:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

These kids are on the hook for 34 trillion dollars. And steady climbing by the second.

Getting children out of poverty is actually the very last thing they're doing in the broader, more meaningful scheme of things. lol...

It's why the left promises loan forgiveness, societal sexual deviance, society or the village will take care of them.
Or be like Oregon and refuse to let them on the ballot
Ain't that a crock. You can't be on the ballot after you serve, but the next ballot is during your term and the OR supremes say "Uh, yeah, that's what it says but thats not what they meant." WTF. It is the law and it should be enforced as WRITTEN, not as "what they meant"
Ain't that a crock. You can't be on the ballot after you serve, but the next ballot is during your term and the OR supremes say "Uh, yeah, that's what it says but thats not what they meant." WTF. It is the law and it should be enforced as WRITTEN, not as "what they meant"

Oregon is just left loons, tree huggers, groomers and daffy malcontents.
These kids are on the hook for 34 trillion dollars. And steady climbing by the second.

Getting children out of poverty is actually the very last thing they're doing in the broader, more meaningful scheme of things. lol...

They want to start training kids as early as possible. They start in the schools with the breakfast/lunch/dinner programs, that teach children that mom and dad are the state, and that they need to look to the state for everything.
This is how Marxists train the masses.
dimocrap FILTH been lifting people out of poverty for the last 75 years.

dimocrap FILTH are richer. But nobody else is.

According to the latest ACS data, nearly 41 million people in the United States lived below the poverty line in 2022. That is nearly 1.5 million more people than in 2019, before the pandemic struck (Figure 1).Oct 11, 2023 to the latest ACS,pandemic struck (Figure 1).

Post-pandemic poverty is rising in America's suburbs | Brookings to the latest ACS,pandemic struck (Figure 1).
Thanks, dimocrap SCUM. Great job.

As usual
When you import poverty the number of impoverished grows. It really is simple. Increase aid for poverty and 20 million more poor will slither across the border.

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