Paul Ryan Defended Stimulus -- When George W. Bush Wanted It In 2002 (VIDEO)

Planned Parenthood is bulls**t.

Planned Parenthood is not bullshit. The bullshit is all the LIES you right wing parrots chirp about an organization that has helped millions of women. 97% of Planned Parenthood services include preventive health care for women — including such services as breast cancer screenings, procedures to prevent cervical cancer, ovarian cancer treatment, Pap Smears and HPV Tests, pelvic exams, female infertility treatment, and treatments for infections.

My God, such BAD things for women.
Planned Parenthood is bulls**t.

Planned Parenthood is not bullshit. The bullshit is all the LIES you right wing parrots chirp about an organization that has helped millions of women. 97% of Planned Parenthood services include preventive health care for women — including such services as breast cancer screenings, procedures to prevent cervical cancer, ovarian cancer treatment, Pap Smears and HPV Tests, pelvic exams, female infertility treatment, and treatments for infections.

My God, such BAD things for women.

And so the Ryan remarks only apply to 3% of what Planned Parenthood does. And it's to bad he failed.

Just like your post and it's hyperbolic claims.
Planned Parenthood is bulls**t.

Planned Parenthood is not bullshit. The bullshit is all the LIES you right wing parrots chirp about an organization that has helped millions of women. 97% of Planned Parenthood services include preventive health care for women — including such services as breast cancer screenings, procedures to prevent cervical cancer, ovarian cancer treatment, Pap Smears and HPV Tests, pelvic exams, female infertility treatment, and treatments for infections.

My God, such BAD things for women.

And so the Ryan remarks only apply to 3% of what Planned Parenthood does. And it's to bad he failed.

Just like your post and it's hyperbolic claims.

Yes, Ryan's remarks only apply to 3% of what Planned Parenthood does. And the FACT federal money received by Planned Parenthood is not used to fund abortion services means Paul Ryan is overstepping his Constitutional powers. And, that makes Paul Ryan a BIG federal government bureaucrat trying to dictate what he has no right to get the federal government involved in.
Planned Parenthood is not bullshit. The bullshit is all the LIES you right wing parrots chirp about an organization that has helped millions of women. 97% of Planned Parenthood services include preventive health care for women — including such services as breast cancer screenings, procedures to prevent cervical cancer, ovarian cancer treatment, Pap Smears and HPV Tests, pelvic exams, female infertility treatment, and treatments for infections.

My God, such BAD things for women.

And so the Ryan remarks only apply to 3% of what Planned Parenthood does. And it's to bad he failed.

Just like your post and it's hyperbolic claims.

Yes, Ryan's remarks only apply to 3% of what Planned Parenthood does. And the FACT federal money received by Planned Parenthood is not used to fund abortion services means Paul Ryan is overstepping his Constitutional powers. And, that makes Paul Ryan a BIG federal government bureaucrat trying to dictate what he has no right to get the federal government involved in.

Jackass Alert !

Jackass Alert !

If they are recieving federal funds....they are within the purview of the congress.

Keep spinning there. But make sure you don't choke on your food.

Troll Lakhota is trying to equate smart economic stimulus policy to that of Obama's corrupt, failed Stimulus program - where he mindless wasted borrowed taxpayer money on things such as teaching African men how to wash their penises.

Your stimulus tax dollars at work: Teaching African men to wash their stuff after sex

Thread fail.

Been sayin' it all along.

If Obama wants to give tax breaks....great. But he should plan on cutting spending too.

Taking tax money and using to fund Solyndra.....that is just what we were fearful of.
Media Matters feed talking points to MSNBC again, and the brainless post them like good little liberals. Bush spent way too much money, and that tax rebate was probably a mistake, But I do remember receiving a check from that much....much smaller Bush stimulus. Obama's stimulus was mainly pension bailouts for Public and some private sector unions. I think only 18% went to infrastructure improvements

It's kind of funny least Obama thought so

[ame=]Obama: Shovel Ready jobs not shovel ready - YouTube[/ame]
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Media Matters feed talking points to MSNBC again, and the brainless post them like good little liberals. Bush spent way too much money, and that tax rebate was probably a mistake, But I do remember receiving a check from that much....much smaller Bush stimulus. Obama's stimulus was mainly pension bailouts for Public and some private sector unions. I think only 18% went to infrastructure improvements

It's kind of funny least Obama thought so

Obama: Shovel Ready jobs not shovel ready - YouTube

Wo !!!

When was that....he hasn't been to a jobs council meeting in a while.
Read what he wrote.

Ryan was talking about tax cuts.

You think they have the integrity to be honest about it? They would rather pretend Ryan is a hypocrite and pretend that somehow justifies their support for Obama being a bigger hypocrite and detriment to this nation.

Imagine how politics would change if people were just honest with themselves.
Paul Ryan's lifelong hypocracy is obvious to anybody who wants to review his record.
And so the Ryan remarks only apply to 3% of what Planned Parenthood does. And it's to bad he failed.

Just like your post and it's hyperbolic claims.

Yes, Ryan's remarks only apply to 3% of what Planned Parenthood does. And the FACT federal money received by Planned Parenthood is not used to fund abortion services means Paul Ryan is overstepping his Constitutional powers. And, that makes Paul Ryan a BIG federal government bureaucrat trying to dictate what he has no right to get the federal government involved in.

Jackass Alert !

Jackass Alert !

If they are recieving federal funds....they are within the purview of the congress.

Keep spinning there. But make sure you don't choke on your food.

If there is anything said that requires an 'alert', you just said it, even though you are totally obtuse to what you just said.

You right wing turds are not for less intrusive government. You LOVE government when it dictates your world view. There are a LOT of conservative agencies that receive federal funds. So Congress has the right to dictate what they do with their PRIVATE funding.
I mean for sure people, LETS talk about RYANS record INSTEAD of the Dear Leaders and his comrades in arms..

Never assume anything that liberals say is correct.

Always check the premise.
By Ryan Grimm

WASHINGTON - When Congressman Paul Ryan has been asked the past few years about the value of stimulus to the sagging economy and the nation's jobless, the Wisconsin Republican has dismissed it as meaningless, and dubbed it "sugar-high economics."

But that's when President Obama is pushing for the spending. When it was President George W. Bush arguing for more stimulus to boost a slow economy in the early 2000s, Ryan's economic analysis was entirely different.

"What we're trying to accomplish today with the passage of this third stimulus package is to create jobs and help the unemployed," Ryan said, in comments unearthed by MSNBC's "Up with Chris Hayes" and provided to HuffPost. "What we're trying to accomplish is to pass the kinds of legislation that when they've passed in the past have grown the economy and gotten people back to work."

Video of the comments will be aired at 8:00 a.m. Sunday on MSNBC.

More: Paul Ryan Defended Stimulus -- When George W. Bush Wanted It In 2002 (VIDEO)

NOTE: Ryan is a hypocritical two-faced un-American lying piece of wingnut shit.

The Bullshit just gets deeper and deeper.
Yes, Ryan's remarks only apply to 3% of what Planned Parenthood does. And the FACT federal money received by Planned Parenthood is not used to fund abortion services means Paul Ryan is overstepping his Constitutional powers. And, that makes Paul Ryan a BIG federal government bureaucrat trying to dictate what he has no right to get the federal government involved in.

Jackass Alert !

Jackass Alert !

If they are recieving federal funds....they are within the purview of the congress.

Keep spinning there. But make sure you don't choke on your food.

If there is anything said that requires an 'alert', you just said it, even though you are totally obtuse to what you just said.

You right wing turds are not for less intrusive government. You LOVE government when it dictates your world view. There are a LOT of conservative agencies that receive federal funds. So Congress has the right to dictate what they do with their PRIVATE funding.

Could you name a conservative agency of government?

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