Payback! Barr assigns prosecuter!

Trump was not legally elected. He is guilty of using finance campaign funds by paying off pornstars that Cohen is in jail for, he is guilty of using Kris Kobach to illegally purge millions of voters that swung the count in his favor, and Republicans swung the vote in the south by closing down 868 polls in mostly minority areas. That's how Trump won. He won it illegally, and you have zero evidence that what I just presented is false.
You mean the porn star that paid him?

Yes. After she lost her suit and had to pay his legal fees. And her attorney is going to be in jail for life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Irrelevant argument! Cohen is in jail for Trump orchestrating hush money payments. Trump has been implicated. Other lawsuits are other lawsuits. Ultimate fail again. You lose.
He is in jail for lying under oath. The same bill Clinton should be in jail for.
Negative! He pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations, and he is in jail for receiving checks from Trump. You are too ignorant about what is going on.
I may be ignorant, but you're stupid to believe what CNN feeds ya. Ignorance can be fixed, but stupid is forever.
Payback is not the AG's job.

That you think it is proves you don't understand US government.
Payback for losing the election isnt the FBI's job.
When did the FBI lose an election?
What the hell kind of question is that? The FBI cant run for office. Democrats however used the FBI to go after Trump, so as i said, "payback isnt the job of the FBI".
How did the Democrats use the FBI?
By using their high level connections and a bullshit dossier.
The FBI claimed it was accurate. Where is your information claiming it wasn't? Exactly, you don't have any. You're a bull shitter and a liar.
Please post the proof, or shut up.
Cohen is in jail for the crime Trump orchestrated. That is an established fact. Prosecutors have a court filing proving it.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You aren't saying or posting anything. Take a hike if you can't intelligently debate. The iphone nonsense is worth shit.
Your party will go down, with what you tried to do to an legal elected president.
Except he wasn't legally elected.
We know this many; ttps://

We don't know how many from 868 polls that were closed in the south in mostly minority areas, but we can safely say it was in the millions; ttps://

And where did the illegally purged voters come from? From Kris Kobach. Trump's personal butt boy; ttps:// Kobach is nothing but an election stealing criminal. Kobach at some point was even held in contempt after the election; ttps://

Last edited: 51 minutes ago
Lol the majority of states voted him in. Get over it,he will be YOUR president till 2024.
Irrelevant argument! Cohen is in jail for Trump orchestrating hush money payments. Trump has been implicated. Other lawsuits are other lawsuits. Ultimate fail again. You lose.
Like I said they got him for lying to Congress, if you had any credibility you would want Clinton in for the same. But I know you don't.
Wait a minute, you acknowledge Barr lied, and you still support Barr? You're as corrupt as he is then when you only go after the opposing side for other people you think committed crimes. You just proved to us that you only swing on one side of the fence, and that your loyalty is with party, and honesty can go to hell. Got it.

Trump is going to build a fence around you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Silly immature Trump Toads. What a waste of clean air.

You are so crazy [emoji12]. You probably voted for Hillary. You’re tard party spent over 40 million dollars and had the best legal minds in the country trying to get something on Donnie. It didn’t work, and you just can’t admit that the dossier was fake, and are criminals. It’s all going to be revealed soon. It’s going to take a lot less than two years. The you’re going to see some people go to jail.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
THe FBI said it wasn't fake, and none of these lying Republicans who support this criminal, have yet to prove it is fake. Including you. You lose again. Why do you insist on being made into a Sheep for Trump?
Cohen is in jail for the crime Trump orchestrated. That is an established fact. Prosecutors have a court filing proving it.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You aren't saying or posting anything. Take a hike if you can't intelligently debate. The iphone nonsense is worth shit.
Your party will go down, with what you tried to do to an legal elected president.
Except he wasn't legally elected.
We know this many; ttps://

We don't know how many from 868 polls that were closed in the south in mostly minority areas, but we can safely say it was in the millions; ttps://

And where did the illegally purged voters come from? From Kris Kobach. Trump's personal butt boy; ttps:// Kobach is nothing but an election stealing criminal. Kobach at some point was even held in contempt after the election; ttps://

Last edited: 51 minutes ago
Lol the majority of states voted him in. Get over it,he will be YOUR president till 2024.
You aren't making an argument against mine, because you can't. Which means you are a loser.
Like I said they got him for lying to Congress, if you had any credibility you would want Clinton in for the same. But I know you don't.
Wait a minute, you acknowledge Barr lied, and you still support Barr? You're as corrupt as he is then when you only go after the opposing side for other people you think committed crimes. You just proved to us that you only swing on one side of the fence, and that your loyalty is with party, and honesty can go to hell. Got it.

Trump is going to build a fence around you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Silly immature Trump Toads. What a waste of clean air.

You are so crazy [emoji12]. You probably voted for Hillary. You’re tard party spent over 40 million dollars and had the best legal minds in the country trying to get something on Donnie. It didn’t work, and you just can’t admit that the dossier was fake, and are criminals. It’s all going to be revealed soon. It’s going to take a lot less than two years. The you’re going to see some people go to jail.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
THe FBI said it wasn't fake, and none of these lying Republicans who support this criminal, have yet to prove it is fake. Including you. You lose again. Why do you insist on being made into a Sheep for Trump?
You see that's where your stupidity kicks in.
Like I said they got him for lying to Congress, if you had any credibility you would want Clinton in for the same. But I know you don't.
Wait a minute, you acknowledge Barr lied, and you still support Barr? You're as corrupt as he is then when you only go after the opposing side for other people you think committed crimes. You just proved to us that you only swing on one side of the fence, and that your loyalty is with party, and honesty can go to hell. Got it.

Trump is going to build a fence around you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Silly immature Trump Toads. What a waste of clean air.

You are so crazy [emoji12]. You probably voted for Hillary. You’re tard party spent over 40 million dollars and had the best legal minds in the country trying to get something on Donnie. It didn’t work, and you just can’t admit that the dossier was fake, and are criminals. It’s all going to be revealed soon. It’s going to take a lot less than two years. The you’re going to see some people go to jail.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
THe FBI said it wasn't fake, and none of these lying Republicans who support this criminal, have yet to prove it is fake. Including you. You lose again. Why do you insist on being made into a Sheep for Trump?
Yes it was fake and Obama's FBI will also go down.
Like I said they got him for lying to Congress, if you had any credibility you would want Clinton in for the same. But I know you don't.
Wait a minute, you acknowledge Barr lied, and you still support Barr? You're as corrupt as he is then when you only go after the opposing side for other people you think committed crimes. You just proved to us that you only swing on one side of the fence, and that your loyalty is with party, and honesty can go to hell. Got it.

Trump is going to build a fence around you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Silly immature Trump Toads. What a waste of clean air.

You are so crazy [emoji12]. You probably voted for Hillary. You’re tard party spent over 40 million dollars and had the best legal minds in the country trying to get something on Donnie. It didn’t work, and you just can’t admit that the dossier was fake, and are criminals. It’s all going to be revealed soon. It’s going to take a lot less than two years. The you’re going to see some people go to jail.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
THe FBI said it wasn't fake, and none of these lying Republicans who support this criminal, have yet to prove it is fake. Including you. You lose again. Why do you insist on being made into a Sheep for Trump?

So when will he be impeached lulu, and when is he going to jail? After 2024? He’s been your king for close to 4 years now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You mean the porn star that paid him?

Yes. After she lost her suit and had to pay his legal fees. And her attorney is going to be in jail for life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Irrelevant argument! Cohen is in jail for Trump orchestrating hush money payments. Trump has been implicated. Other lawsuits are other lawsuits. Ultimate fail again. You lose.
He is in jail for lying under oath. The same bill Clinton should be in jail for.
Negative! He pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations, and he is in jail for receiving checks from Trump. You are too ignorant about what is going on.
I may be ignorant, but you're stupid to believe what CNN feeds ya. Ignorance can be fixed, but stupid is forever.
I don't need CNN. I just use accurate intelligence. It's not hard at all if you are honest with yourself. You could do it too, but you made a decision to die on a rock supporting a criminal and a person who was proven to not be legally elected.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You aren't saying or posting anything. Take a hike if you can't intelligently debate. The iphone nonsense is worth shit.
Your party will go down, with what you tried to do to an legal elected president.
Except he wasn't legally elected.
We know this many; ttps://

We don't know how many from 868 polls that were closed in the south in mostly minority areas, but we can safely say it was in the millions; ttps://

And where did the illegally purged voters come from? From Kris Kobach. Trump's personal butt boy; ttps:// Kobach is nothing but an election stealing criminal. Kobach at some point was even held in contempt after the election; ttps://

Last edited: 51 minutes ago
Lol the majority of states voted him in. Get over it,he will be YOUR president till 2024.
You aren't making an argument against mine, because you can't. Which means you are a loser.
The electoral college says, FUCK YOU!
Yes. After she lost her suit and had to pay his legal fees. And her attorney is going to be in jail for life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Irrelevant argument! Cohen is in jail for Trump orchestrating hush money payments. Trump has been implicated. Other lawsuits are other lawsuits. Ultimate fail again. You lose.
He is in jail for lying under oath. The same bill Clinton should be in jail for.
Negative! He pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations, and he is in jail for receiving checks from Trump. You are too ignorant about what is going on.
I may be ignorant, but you're stupid to believe what CNN feeds ya. Ignorance can be fixed, but stupid is forever.
I don't need CNN. I just use accurate intelligence. It's not hard at all if you are honest with yourself. You could do it too, but you made a decision to die on a rock supporting a criminal and a person who was proven to not be legally elected.
A majority of states elected him. Sorry you're in the minority. Trump has done a great job!
Wait a minute, you acknowledge Barr lied, and you still support Barr? You're as corrupt as he is then when you only go after the opposing side for other people you think committed crimes. You just proved to us that you only swing on one side of the fence, and that your loyalty is with party, and honesty can go to hell. Got it.

Trump is going to build a fence around you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Silly immature Trump Toads. What a waste of clean air.

You are so crazy [emoji12]. You probably voted for Hillary. You’re tard party spent over 40 million dollars and had the best legal minds in the country trying to get something on Donnie. It didn’t work, and you just can’t admit that the dossier was fake, and are criminals. It’s all going to be revealed soon. It’s going to take a lot less than two years. The you’re going to see some people go to jail.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
THe FBI said it wasn't fake, and none of these lying Republicans who support this criminal, have yet to prove it is fake. Including you. You lose again. Why do you insist on being made into a Sheep for Trump?
You see that's where your stupidity kicks in.
Really? And my argument up against your non-argument is my stupidity? Lol! Okay boss! Keep drinking that Trump sewage and see where it leads you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You aren't saying or posting anything. Take a hike if you can't intelligently debate. The iphone nonsense is worth shit.
Your party will go down, with what you tried to do to an legal elected president.
Except he wasn't legally elected.
We know this many; ttps://

We don't know how many from 868 polls that were closed in the south in mostly minority areas, but we can safely say it was in the millions; ttps://

And where did the illegally purged voters come from? From Kris Kobach. Trump's personal butt boy; ttps:// Kobach is nothing but an election stealing criminal. Kobach at some point was even held in contempt after the election; ttps://

Last edited: 51 minutes ago
Lol the majority of states voted him in. Get over it,he will be YOUR president till 2024.
You aren't making an argument against mine, because you can't. Which means you are a loser.

Your queen dyke lost, and Don is in office. No argument needed. How many sleepless nights are you going to have. You are just a low level loser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Barr Assigns U.S. Attorney in Connecticut to Review Origins of Russia Inquiry

Ask me how big a smile broke out on my face a few minutes ago?:113::113:


So great.....long time coming. Political eye poking is such a hoot to watch!
Looks like the democrats have run out of rugs to sweep their dirt under.
the right wing has even less to work with.
I'm curious as to what you mean, please expound on your post so that we can understand what
you are talking about.
Barr lied either when he said he had questions about spying, or in a tweet he said there was spying? Which one do you think it is, or is it both? We know one of them is a lie for sure.
So you say, BMW :rolleyes-41:
You aren't saying or posting anything. Take a hike if you can't intelligently debate. The iphone nonsense is worth shit.
Your party will go down, with what you tried to do to an legal elected president.
Except he wasn't legally elected.
We know this many; ttps://

We don't know how many from 868 polls that were closed in the south in mostly minority areas, but we can safely say it was in the millions; ttps://

And where did the illegally purged voters come from? From Kris Kobach. Trump's personal butt boy; ttps:// Kobach is nothing but an election stealing criminal. Kobach at some point was even held in contempt after the election; ttps://

Last edited: 51 minutes ago
Lol the majority of states voted him in. Get over it,he will be YOUR president till 2024.
You aren't making an argument against mine, because you can't. Which means you are a loser.
The electoral college says, FUCK YOU!
Irrelevant argument! Cohen is in jail for Trump orchestrating hush money payments. Trump has been implicated. Other lawsuits are other lawsuits. Ultimate fail again. You lose.
He is in jail for lying under oath. The same bill Clinton should be in jail for.
Negative! He pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations, and he is in jail for receiving checks from Trump. You are too ignorant about what is going on.
I may be ignorant, but you're stupid to believe what CNN feeds ya. Ignorance can be fixed, but stupid is forever.
I don't need CNN. I just use accurate intelligence. It's not hard at all if you are honest with yourself. You could do it too, but you made a decision to die on a rock supporting a criminal and a person who was proven to not be legally elected.
A majority of states elected him. Sorry you're in the minority. Trump has done a great job!
The electoral college had nothing to do with Trump's proven cheating schemes.
Yes. After she lost her suit and had to pay his legal fees. And her attorney is going to be in jail for life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Irrelevant argument! Cohen is in jail for Trump orchestrating hush money payments. Trump has been implicated. Other lawsuits are other lawsuits. Ultimate fail again. You lose.
He is in jail for lying under oath. The same bill Clinton should be in jail for.
Negative! He pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations, and he is in jail for receiving checks from Trump. You are too ignorant about what is going on.
I may be ignorant, but you're stupid to believe what CNN feeds ya. Ignorance can be fixed, but stupid is forever.
I don't need CNN. I just use accurate intelligence. It's not hard at all if you are honest with yourself. You could do it too, but you made a decision to die on a rock supporting a criminal and a person who was proven to not be legally elected.

You need FOX.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You aren't saying or posting anything. Take a hike if you can't intelligently debate. The iphone nonsense is worth shit.
Your party will go down, with what you tried to do to an legal elected president.
Except he wasn't legally elected.
We know this many; ttps://

We don't know how many from 868 polls that were closed in the south in mostly minority areas, but we can safely say it was in the millions; ttps://

And where did the illegally purged voters come from? From Kris Kobach. Trump's personal butt boy; ttps:// Kobach is nothing but an election stealing criminal. Kobach at some point was even held in contempt after the election; ttps://

Last edited: 51 minutes ago
Lol the majority of states voted him in. Get over it,he will be YOUR president till 2024.
You aren't making an argument against mine, because you can't. Which means you are a loser.

Your queen dyke lost, and Don is in office. No argument needed. How many sleepless nights are you going to have. You are just a low level loser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I sleep fine knowing Clinton, (lock her up), actually was meant for (Trump who will be locked up for real federal crimes).
Barr Assigns U.S. Attorney in Connecticut to Review Origins of Russia Inquiry

Ask me how big a smile broke out on my face a few minutes ago?:113::113:


So great.....long time coming. Political eye poking is such a hoot to watch!
Payback is not the AG's job.

That you think it is proves you don't understand US government.

Equal justice under the law is the AG's job! Some high ranking officials from the Obama Administration are about to learn how that works.
Irrelevant argument! Cohen is in jail for Trump orchestrating hush money payments. Trump has been implicated. Other lawsuits are other lawsuits. Ultimate fail again. You lose.
He is in jail for lying under oath. The same bill Clinton should be in jail for.
Negative! He pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations, and he is in jail for receiving checks from Trump. You are too ignorant about what is going on.
I may be ignorant, but you're stupid to believe what CNN feeds ya. Ignorance can be fixed, but stupid is forever.
I don't need CNN. I just use accurate intelligence. It's not hard at all if you are honest with yourself. You could do it too, but you made a decision to die on a rock supporting a criminal and a person who was proven to not be legally elected.

You need FOX.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have more respect for myself than to watch entertainment propaganda.
Barr Assigns U.S. Attorney in Connecticut to Review Origins of Russia Inquiry

Ask me how big a smile broke out on my face a few minutes ago?:113::113:


So great.....long time coming. Political eye poking is such a hoot to watch!
Payback is not the AG's job.

That you think it is proves you don't understand US government.

Equal justice under the law is the AG's job! Some high ranking officials from the Obama Administration are about to learn how that works.
He failed miserably already.

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