Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

What election law was violated if Trump used his own money to pay off this woman?

Undeclared funding of election candidate...

It is a campaign funding law...

nope not according to the FEC
the FEC is who TOLD the prosecutors it was a crime, the Judge determined there was a crime and law on the books before the Judge accepted Cohen's guilty plea.

The reason it was a felony, instead of the normal misdemeanor, is because another crime was committed while breaking the campaign finance law.... in the law it would normally be a misdemeanor fine and slap on the wrist, but because there was another crime committed with what they did, under the LAW it became a felony.
Really? Where's the evidence for all that?
Heard it on the news last night....
That's still his money, moron.

No it isn't, it is his BUSINESS'S money. So now I know you don't have a clue about law OR business.
He's the business owner. I have a corporation. That corporation bought a laptop. You're trying to tell me it's not my laptop. Wrong.

It's not YOUR laptop. It's the business's laptop. I sure hope you don't run your own business.
I own the business, moron. I own everything the business owns. There are no other shareholders, and that's exactly how Trump's business operates.
no it isn't how it is run, his family members are stake holders and so is his accountant, from what I've read....
"Stakeholders?" What they aren't is shareholders. He owns the business, not them.
What election law was violated if Trump used his own money to pay off this woman?

Undeclared funding of election candidate...

It is a campaign funding law...

nope not according to the FEC
the FEC is who TOLD the prosecutors it was a crime, the Judge determined there was a crime and law on the books before the Judge accepted Cohen's guilty plea.

The reason it was a felony, instead of the normal misdemeanor, is because another crime was committed while breaking the campaign finance law.... in the law it would normally be a misdemeanor fine and slap on the wrist, but because there was another crime committed with what they did, under the LAW it became a felony.
Really? Where's the evidence for all that?
Heard it on the news last night....
ROFL! In other words, it never happened.
Democrats and the media are just pissing people off with this nonsense.
How are Dems pissing people off? This is a repug investigation. A repug prosecutor appointed by a repug deputy AG is investigating a repug administration. The media is just reporting it.
There's not one Democrat in power that has anything to do w/any of it.

Yet, everything from the Republicans are "THE DEMS ARE EFFING US OVER!!!"



Well if they can't prove they are innocent, then they play victim.
We aren't required to prove they are innocent. As a matter of law, they are innocent until proven otherwise.
So while Trump INC. May not be able to donate, Trump the man, can self finance to his hearts content.
yes, Trump personally can donate as much as he wants out of his own personal funds, but NOT his business's funds.

His business can LOAN the trump campaign as much as they want, but they can not donate to it, is what I've read when looking it up during his campaign....
It's not a campaign expense, dingbat. I know I'll be saying that at least 10,000 times before this is all said and done.
So... In a nut shell. 2 years...... Russia Russia Russia....Which was the purpose of the special council. Nothing.. Nadda

Their while case now a Gold digging WHORE.


Obviously, you don't play chess. Mueller is taking out all the pieces until he gets to the "King." We all know who the Orange King is.....don't we.
Bottom line...YOUR president is an unindicted co-conspirator. The country has a criminal in the White House....This is worse than Watergate.

The GOP will do nothing until it is proven that trump not only knew about the Russian Hack of the DNC. He also "cheered it on." Mueller's final report that he will deliver to Congress will show them trump committed multiple crimes...including violation of election laws, money laundering, criminal collusion with a foreign adversary and the big one.....TREASON.

Let's see if the GOP can bury their heads in the sand on that one? If they do....they will be turning their back on the country. The United States has never had a more criminal individual in the White House. The man is a Mafia Boss....
So... In a nut shell. 2 years...... Russia Russia Russia....Which was the purpose of the special council. Nothing.. Nadda

Their while case now a Gold digging WHORE.


Obviously, you don't play chess. Mueller is taking out all the pieces until he gets to the "King." We all know who the Orange King is.....don't we.

They haven't understood Mueller plays at the level of an FBI Director, and Trump plays at the Shock Jock level.
So... In a nut shell. 2 years...... Russia Russia Russia....Which was the purpose of the special council. Nothing.. Nadda

Their while case now a Gold digging WHORE.


Obviously, you don't play chess. Mueller is taking out all the pieces until he gets to the "King." We all know who the Orange King is.....don't we.

They haven't understood Mueller plays at the level of an FBI Director, and Trump plays at the Shock Jock level.

Actually...trump plays at the level of the eighth grade bully on the playground. He is the one going around with his chest puffed out and boasting..."Look at me. I am a winner!"

When in actuality, all the other kids hate him and most are plotting to do him in. The man is a criminal at this that is not and may never be technically indicted....but he is a criminal.

I think we will see more crimes revealed by "trump incorporated" in the coming weeks and months. By the end of the year, the country will see that they have a Mafia Boss who is heading a criminal regime in the White House. The GOP will need to decide....continue to cower at the feet of a proven criminal or stand up and get him out of the White House.

Due to the cyclical nation of elections, the US Senate is probably out of reach for the Dems. But they will win the House. And they will begin some scathing investigations into trump and his criminal associates. By 2020....the GOP will be proven to be complicit with a criminal organization that not only broke multiple US laws...but were treasonous with our greatest foreign adversary. The criminal named trump will be Impeached as many...including some Repubs will actually consider indicting a sitting president. It may become a item left to the USSC.
I'm still waiting for one of the Prog Loons to 'SPLAIN how a plea agreement which is not part of case law turns into a legal precedent.

even better the guy plead guilty to a charge that was not a crime


You’re stating that
An attorney plead guilty to a charge that wasn’t a crime.

Sell bullshit somewhere else.

An attorney and his Clinton Pal lawyer made a deal to get the years he could have served reduced from 65 down to a few.

And here is a clue: Trump spent his own money, which is not a crime. Compare that to the $375M fine that Obama's campaign paid to settle $1.8M of campaign fraud. Was Obama impeached for misusing Other People's Money? No.

This is a huge Crap Nothing Burger which you left wing loons are gobbling up to the point where you have terminal intellectual constipation.

The Obama campaign did not file his last month before the election's donations to the FEC within the 9 days, the law allows.... they were late, during a very busy time.... and were fined for it.

There was no FRAUD, silly....

Stop buying in to right wing bull crap LIES so easily....

The reason what Cohen did was not a misdemeanor or simply a fine, is because another crime was committed along with the campaign finance malfeasance, which, according to the law, made the campaign finance misdoings a FELONY, if done with another crime.

Obabble also turned off the id verification so that a great deal of fraud was committed via online donations.

Just sayin.

Trump spent his own money. You people are so desperate.
You dumbfuck, Stormy went public with her story in 2011 — no pay off.

Then she tries to go public with her story again in 2016 — this time, trump is running for president and he pays her for her silence.

Her story wasn't published in 2011, are you going to pretend Trump wouldn't have tried to buy that story had he known about it?

You’re assuming he didn’t know about it. In Touch did the same thing as the National Inquirer, sitting on the story; and Trump knew about that.

Link to what? That trump knew that the National Inquirer had her story and was sitting on it? It was revealed he knew about it on Cohen’s tape where they discussed buying the story from the inquirer.

Hey retard, you're mixing up the two whores.

Dumbfuck, I mixed up no one as I never said I was talking about only one porn star. I was clear, comparing the National Inqurier sitting on a story with In Touch sitting on a story. And we know for a fact that Trump knew the inquirer was sitting on a story even though the story wasn’t released to the public; meaning you’re assumption he didn’t know about the In Touch article stems only from your brain, which you’ve proven is deformed.
You sound very proud to be supporting an unindicted co-conspirator....What are you going to do when Mueller comes out with his report that squarely places trump in the lead for a treasonous endeavor with our greatest adversary? Are you still going to support a proven criminal.

Lanny Davis hinted that Cohen is prepared to provide evidence that not only did trump know about the June 2016 meeting....he knew about the Hacking before it happened and he cheered it on. He will soon be the 21st Century Benedict Arnold....He has already surpassed the criminality of Richard Nixon...Not only are the Feds after trump now, several states are lining up to take him and his criminal network down.

If I had a message for the Orange would be ENJOY THE ATTENTION AS president WHILE YOU CAN. Doomsday is just around the corner.
Her story wasn't published in 2011, are you going to pretend Trump wouldn't have tried to buy that story had he known about it?

You’re assuming he didn’t know about it. In Touch did the same thing as the National Inquirer, sitting on the story; and Trump knew about that.

Link to what? That trump knew that the National Inquirer had her story and was sitting on it? It was revealed he knew about it on Cohen’s tape where they discussed buying the story from the inquirer.

Hey retard, you're mixing up the two whores.

Dumbfuck, I mixed up no one as I never said I was talking about only one porn star. I was clear, comparing the National Inqurier sitting on a story with In Touch sitting on a story. And we know for a fact that Trump knew the inquirer was sitting on a story even though the story wasn’t released to the public; meaning you’re assumption he didn’t know about the In Touch article stems only from your brain, which you’ve proven is deformed.
Trump knew about the National Enquirer story because the Publisher is a friend of his. Knowing about that story in no way implies he knew about the other story.
You’re assuming he didn’t know about it. In Touch did the same thing as the National Inquirer, sitting on the story; and Trump knew about that.

Link to what? That trump knew that the National Inquirer had her story and was sitting on it? It was revealed he knew about it on Cohen’s tape where they discussed buying the story from the inquirer.

Hey retard, you're mixing up the two whores.

Dumbfuck, I mixed up no one as I never said I was talking about only one porn star. I was clear, comparing the National Inqurier sitting on a story with In Touch sitting on a story. And we know for a fact that Trump knew the inquirer was sitting on a story even though the story wasn’t released to the public; meaning you’re assumption he didn’t know about the In Touch article stems only from your brain, which you’ve proven is deformed.
Trump knew about the National Enquirer story because the Publisher is a friend of his. Knowing about that story in no way implies he knew about the other story.

trump has lied so much in all these criminal matters...he really has forgotten what the last lie he told was.

The man is a criminal. He has slammed the intelligence community with his love for Putin and the intelligence community is about to pay his orange ass back....
You sound very proud to be supporting an unindicted co-conspirator....What are you going to do when Mueller comes out with his report that squarely places trump in the lead for a treasonous endeavor with our greatest adversary? Are you still going to support a proven criminal.

Lanny Davis hinted that Cohen is prepared to provide evidence that not only did trump know about the June 2016 meeting....he knew about the Hacking before it happened and he cheered it on. He will soon be the 21st Century Benedict Arnold....He has already surpassed the criminality of Richard Nixon...Not only are the Feds after trump now, several states are lining up to take him and his criminal network down.

If I had a message for the Orange would be ENJOY THE ATTENTION AS president WHILE YOU CAN. Doomsday is just around the corner.
Look at the psychotic turd who doesn't give a hoot about the fact the Hillary hired Russian spies to dig up dirt on Trump have a hissy fit about Trump's son having a perfectly legal meeting.

Let me give you a hint, dumbass: Even if Trump did everything you claim, he didn't break any laws. Furthermore, he sure as hell didn't tell anyone to hack anyone.

On the one hand, Hillary paid Russian spies $5,000,000 for dirt on Trump. On the other, the Trump sons listened to a Russian try to lobby them for some legislation. the former is a crime, while the latter is perfectly legal. I know it enrages you mentally disturbed snowflakes that anyone would be interested in learning about Hillary's dirty deeds, but it's not a crime.
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So while Trump INC. May not be able to donate, Trump the man, can self finance to his hearts content.
yes, Trump personally can donate as much as he wants out of his own personal funds, but NOT his business's funds.

His business can LOAN the trump campaign as much as they want, but they can not donate to it, is what I've read when looking it up during his campaign....
That makes sense.

Here we go go Hey Donald Trump can I borrow some money.

Mr. Donald Trump says sure Donald.

Does Donald speak to himself. He owns it. It's his.
So while Trump INC. May not be able to donate, Trump the man, can self finance to his hearts content.
yes, Trump personally can donate as much as he wants out of his own personal funds, but NOT his business's funds.

His business can LOAN the trump campaign as much as they want, but they can not donate to it, is what I've read when looking it up during his campaign....
It's not a donation, turd.
So... In a nut shell. 2 years...... Russia Russia Russia....Which was the purpose of the special council. Nothing.. Nadda

Their while case now a Gold digging WHORE.


Obviously, you don't play chess. Mueller is taking out all the pieces until he gets to the "King." We all know who the Orange King is.....don't we.
He's fragging anything he can find. It is investigating to find a crime. NOT INVESTIGTING a crime.

His scope was Russia not an analysis on everything he did his whole life. Why don't you impeach him for stealing milk money as a kid.

This is an attempted coup of an elected President .

Your side overlooked the criminals from your side, and they are criminals.

Double standards and a mockery of Justice.
Tell me about shareholders of the so called Trump business that loaned money???

If there are who owns over 50%

A porn star gold digger out of Russia Collusion.

I again say Ray Charles could see how corrupt this is.

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