Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

If Trump was worried about it ruining his marriage, he would have paid her off YEARS AGO, not the month before the election.

Quit being ridiculous.

She wasn't shopping her fairy tale years ago. Pecker told Cohen she was looking for a payday.

You dumbfuck, Stormy went public with her story in 2011 — no pay off.

Then she tries to go public with her story again in 2016 — this time, trump is running for president and he pays her for her silence.

Her story wasn't published in 2011, are you going to pretend Trump wouldn't have tried to buy that story had he known about it?

You’re assuming he didn’t know about it. In Touch did the same thing as the National Inquirer, sitting on the story; and Trump knew about that.

Link to what? That trump knew that the National Inquirer had her story and was sitting on it? It was revealed he knew about it on Cohen’s tape where they discussed buying the story from the inquirer.
Any which way but loose,

It once again, shows the disregard of the law, rules, norms, and regs., by Trump, and all the President's men, that he surrounds himself with....

Crooked Donald's true colors are on display, for those who have eyes, to see.... and they ain't pretty.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Here be a curious rub. If I raise money for flood victims, and instead use the money to pay off a woman who I harassed I am in fact, misappropriating funds. That is a crime. But if the money came from me, a fund I created, and filled with cash, and I used that to pay off the woman, is it still a crime?

Trump mostly self financed the campaign. At first, we heard how this proved he was never a serious candidate because he wasn’t doing fundraising. Then it was he was unpopular, because no one was donating to the rich guy. But in the end, he self financed his campaign. So even if the money came from money he set aside for the campaign, if it was from him personally in the beginning, was it still a crime?

Let’s say I have three bank accounts. One is personal, one is a business I own and run, say mowing lawns. A third is a fund I’ve set up to give money to Democrats. All three have money in them from me. All three are my money. Does it matter where I pay out from? Well, sort of on taxes. But otherwise? As long as it is my money, and I made that money legally, what difference does it make?
“Trump gained a personal benefit, so it can't legally be a campaign expense. “

So theoretically every thing spent during a campaign could fall under personal benefit since the candidate and the candidacy cannot be divided. Such idiocy is straight from crazy Kookoo land.

The FEC uses the rule of "irrespective". Would the expense have occurred irrespective of a candidacy?
Campaign finance laws state that candidates cannot use campaign funds for expenses that would exist irrespective of the campaign, Bradley explained. These laws were created to thwart bribery and to prevent candidates from misusing funds for their own benefit.

Former FEC Chairman: Trump Lawyer's Hush Money Is Not a Campaign Contribution


You just proved silencing Stormy was for the election since Trump would not have paid her to remain quiet had he not been running for president. We know that since his affair with her was many years earlier and at no time until he ran for president, did he pay for her silence. Not even when she went public with her story years ago.

You're assuming facts not in evidence and you're ignoring the dual benefit.

You have yet to post the law regarding dual benefits. Until you do, your claims of it are ignored. Meanwhile, you were shown the law which states “anything of value which is for the purpose of influencing an election” are considered campaign contributions.
Trump did not break any law. End of story.
Let’s say I have three bank accounts. One is personal, one is a business I own and run, say mowing lawns. A third is a fund I’ve set up to give money to Democrats. All three have money in them from me. All three are my money. Does it matter where I pay out from? Well, sort of on taxes. But otherwise? As long as it is my money, and I made that money legally, what difference does it make?
it matters according to the law.... primarily for tax law purposes.

1-Cohen/Trump Organization/Trump Foundation doctored the books, and repaid Cohen as ''Legal Expenses'' instead of a payoff to stormy for her silence.... this gave the Trump Org and Trump Foundation a tax ''write off'' for ''LEGAL EXPENSES''.... which was Tax Fraud, because the reimbursement was for Cohen paying Stormy Daniels.

2- Under campaign finance law, Corporations can not donate to a campaign

3- Trump's money to his campaign and inaugural funds wasn't a quarter of what was collected and spent.
I'm still waiting for one of the Prog Loons to 'SPLAIN how a plea agreement which is not part of case law turns into a legal precedent.

even better the guy plead guilty to a charge that was not a crime


You’re stating that
An attorney plead guilty to a charge that wasn’t a crime.

Sell bullshit somewhere else.

An attorney and his Clinton Pal lawyer made a deal to get the years he could have served reduced from 65 down to a few.

And here is a clue: Trump spent his own money, which is not a crime. Compare that to the $375M fine that Obama's campaign paid to settle $1.8M of campaign fraud. Was Obama impeached for misusing Other People's Money? No.

This is a huge Crap Nothing Burger which you left wing loons are gobbling up to the point where you have terminal intellectual constipation.
I'm still waiting for one of the Prog Loons to 'SPLAIN how a plea agreement which is not part of case law turns into a legal precedent.

even better the guy plead guilty to a charge that was not a crime


You’re stating that
An attorney plead guilty to a charge that wasn’t a crime.

Sell bullshit somewhere else.

yes that is exactly right

eventually when nothing happens to Trump

and your butthurt grows uncontrolled

you will realize you have been played once again

but for now carry on with your

"we really REALLY got him this time" crap


It is not possible to plead guilty to something not a crime. In order to plead guilty you have to be charged, in order to be charged there has to be a crime.

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It's entirely possible to mischaracterize your actions to make them appear criminal when in reality they weren't. That's the pound of flesh Cohen gave the prosecutors for his deal.


Indeed. Clinton Pal Lanny Davis worked out a deal with Mueller to reduced 65 years down to a few by having Cohen tell Mueller what he wanted to hear.

This is a Stalinesque Show Plea.
even better the guy plead guilty to a charge that was not a crime


You’re stating that
An attorney plead guilty to a charge that wasn’t a crime.

Sell bullshit somewhere else.

yes that is exactly right

eventually when nothing happens to Trump

and your butthurt grows uncontrolled

you will realize you have been played once again

but for now carry on with your

"we really REALLY got him this time" crap


It is not possible to plead guilty to something not a crime. In order to plead guilty you have to be charged, in order to be charged there has to be a crime.

Sent from my iPhone using

It's entirely possible to mischaracterize your actions to make them appear criminal when in reality they weren't. That's the pound of flesh Cohen gave the prosecutors for his deal.


So, Trump's lawyer was so stupid that he did not know that this was happening and pleaded guilty to the fake charges anyhow?

Damn, Trump has terrible judgment in people if his lawyer is that fucking stupid.

Trump's FORMER lawyer was desperate to say anything to stay out of jail for 65 years. Clinton Pal Lanny Davis told him what to say to make Mueller satisfied.

In the end, Trump paid his own money to women as compensation for signing non-disclosure agreements.

You’re stating that
An attorney plead guilty to a charge that wasn’t a crime.

Sell bullshit somewhere else.

yes that is exactly right

eventually when nothing happens to Trump

and your butthurt grows uncontrolled

you will realize you have been played once again

but for now carry on with your

"we really REALLY got him this time" crap


It is not possible to plead guilty to something not a crime. In order to plead guilty you have to be charged, in order to be charged there has to be a crime.

Sent from my iPhone using

It's entirely possible to mischaracterize your actions to make them appear criminal when in reality they weren't. That's the pound of flesh Cohen gave the prosecutors for his deal.


So, Trump's lawyer was so stupid that he did not know that this was happening and pleaded guilty to the fake charges anyhow?

Damn, Trump has terrible judgment in people if his lawyer is that fucking stupid.

Trump's FORMER lawyer was desperate to say anything to stay out of jail for 65 yeas. Clinton Pal Lanny Davis told him what to say to make Mueller satisfied.

In the end, Trump paid his own money to women as compensation for signing non-disclosure agreements.


Not. A. Crime is right and as you say he used his own money.

Gotta love these tree stump dumb lefty loons who all scream WE GOT YA
Let’s say I have three bank accounts. One is personal, one is a business I own and run, say mowing lawns. A third is a fund I’ve set up to give money to Democrats. All three have money in them from me. All three are my money. Does it matter where I pay out from? Well, sort of on taxes. But otherwise? As long as it is my money, and I made that money legally, what difference does it make?
it matters according to the law.... primarily for tax law purposes.

1-Cohen/Trump Organization/Trump Foundation doctored the books, and repaid Cohen as ''Legal Expenses'' instead of a payoff to stormy for her silence.... this gave the Trump Org and Trump Foundation a tax ''write off'' for ''LEGAL EXPENSES''.... which was Tax Fraud, because the reimbursement was for Cohen paying Stormy Daniels.

2- Under campaign finance law, Corporations can not donate to a campaign

3- Trump's money to his campaign and inaugural funds wasn't a quarter of what was collected and spent.

I’m not sure on legal expenses for paying off a lawsuit, even before it is filed. After all, payment of settlements and even decisions is a legal expense. But it depends, at least according to the tax lawyers website.

Are Attorney's Fees Tax Deductible? -

It may be that the legal fees were not even claimed on the taxes, which makes tax fraud a non issue. As far as corporations, I think you are wrong on that. Corporations regularly donate to PAC’s, and other associated organizations, and the individuals can and do give the maximum to the candidate. Also they give to the parties. See Hollywood for examples of that. So while Trump INC. May not be able to donate, Trump the man, can self finance to his hearts content. It’s been done many times before. And it will be done again with certainty.

Also deciding what is Trump Corporate money, and what is Trump personal money, when he is the Corporations main asset, is a little tricky. Obviously he has way more than two bank accounts.
I'm still waiting for one of the Prog Loons to 'SPLAIN how a plea agreement which is not part of case law turns into a legal precedent.

even better the guy plead guilty to a charge that was not a crime


You’re stating that
An attorney plead guilty to a charge that wasn’t a crime.

Sell bullshit somewhere else.

An attorney and his Clinton Pal lawyer made a deal to get the years he could have served reduced from 65 down to a few.

And here is a clue: Trump spent his own money, which is not a crime. Compare that to the $375M fine that Obama's campaign paid to settle $1.8M of campaign fraud. Was Obama impeached for misusing Other People's Money? No.

This is a huge Crap Nothing Burger which you left wing loons are gobbling up to the point where you have terminal intellectual constipation.

The Obama campaign did not file his last month before the election's donations to the FEC within the 9 days, the law allows.... they were late, during a very busy time.... and were fined for it.

There was no FRAUD, silly....

Stop buying in to right wing bull crap LIES so easily....

The reason what Cohen did was not a misdemeanor or simply a fine, is because another crime was committed along with the campaign finance malfeasance, which, according to the law, made the campaign finance misdoings a FELONY, if done with another crime.
In the Edwards case, the money was not his own. It came from big campaign donors, and it still obviously had an effect on his viability as a candidate in the next election.

Why are you still trying to use that talking point? Trump's payment didn't come out of his own money. It came from his business.
That's still his money, moron.

No it isn't, it is his BUSINESS'S money. So now I know you don't have a clue about law OR business.
He's the business owner. I have a corporation. That corporation bought a laptop. You're trying to tell me it's not my laptop. Wrong.

It's not YOUR laptop. It's the business's laptop. I sure hope you don't run your own business.
I own the business, moron. I own everything the business owns. There are no other shareholders, and that's exactly how Trump's business operates.
I'm still waiting for one of the Prog Loons to 'SPLAIN how a plea agreement which is not part of case law turns into a legal precedent.

even better the guy plead guilty to a charge that was not a crime


You’re stating that
An attorney plead guilty to a charge that wasn’t a crime.

Sell bullshit somewhere else.

An attorney and his Clinton Pal lawyer made a deal to get the years he could have served reduced from 65 down to a few.

And here is a clue: Trump spent his own money, which is not a crime. Compare that to the $375M fine that Obama's campaign paid to settle $1.8M of campaign fraud. Was Obama impeached for misusing Other People's Money? No.

This is a huge Crap Nothing Burger which you left wing loons are gobbling up to the point where you have terminal intellectual constipation.

The Obama campaign did not file his last month before the election's donations to the FEC within the 9 days, the law allows.... they were late, during a very busy time.... and were fined for it.

There was no FRAUD, silly....

Stop buying in to right wing bull crap LIES so easily....

The reason what Cohen did was not a misdemeanor or simply a fine, is because another crime was committed along with the campaign finance malfeasance, which, according to the law, made the campaign finance misdoings a FELONY, if done with another crime.

Trumpians don’t do nuance.
So while Trump INC. May not be able to donate, Trump the man, can self finance to his hearts content.
yes, Trump personally can donate as much as he wants out of his own personal funds, but NOT his business's funds.

His business can LOAN the trump campaign as much as they want, but they can not donate to it, is what I've read when looking it up during his campaign....
Why are you still trying to use that talking point? Trump's payment didn't come out of his own money. It came from his business.
That's still his money, moron.

No it isn't, it is his BUSINESS'S money. So now I know you don't have a clue about law OR business.
He's the business owner. I have a corporation. That corporation bought a laptop. You're trying to tell me it's not my laptop. Wrong.

It's not YOUR laptop. It's the business's laptop. I sure hope you don't run your own business.
I own the business, moron. I own everything the business owns. There are no other shareholders, and that's exactly how Trump's business operates.
no it isn't how it is run, his family members are stake holders and so is his accountant, from what I've read....
She wasn't shopping her fairy tale years ago. Pecker told Cohen she was looking for a payday.

You dumbfuck, Stormy went public with her story in 2011 — no pay off.

Then she tries to go public with her story again in 2016 — this time, trump is running for president and he pays her for her silence.

Her story wasn't published in 2011, are you going to pretend Trump wouldn't have tried to buy that story had he known about it?

You’re assuming he didn’t know about it. In Touch did the same thing as the National Inquirer, sitting on the story; and Trump knew about that.

Link to what? That trump knew that the National Inquirer had her story and was sitting on it? It was revealed he knew about it on Cohen’s tape where they discussed buying the story from the inquirer.

Hey retard, you're mixing up the two whores.

That's still his money, moron.

No it isn't, it is his BUSINESS'S money. So now I know you don't have a clue about law OR business.
He's the business owner. I have a corporation. That corporation bought a laptop. You're trying to tell me it's not my laptop. Wrong.

It's not YOUR laptop. It's the business's laptop. I sure hope you don't run your own business.
If you own the business it is your laptop.

Prove I claimed the dang thing on taxes. Did I do it as a business expense?? Or did I buy a computer and use it at work.

It still is his computer.

If he owns a business he can sell the dang business. ItsI his.

No... if you own the business, and you report it as an expenditure of business funds, it is your business's laptop. If your business goes under and you have business loans, the bank is going to take the laptop because it is the property of the business, not your's.

Holy shit. No wonder one juror stopped 10 counts on Manafort, there are some people in this country that can't understand simple business shit.
A distinction without a difference.
What election law was violated if Trump used his own money to pay off this woman?

Undeclared funding of election candidate...

It is a campaign funding law...

nope not according to the FEC
the FEC is who TOLD the prosecutors it was a crime, the Judge determined there was a crime and law on the books before the Judge accepted Cohen's guilty plea.

The reason it was a felony, instead of the normal misdemeanor, is because another crime was committed while breaking the campaign finance law.... in the law it would normally be a misdemeanor fine and slap on the wrist, but because there was another crime committed with what they did, under the LAW it became a felony.
Really? Where's the evidence for all that?
I'm still waiting for one of the Prog Loons to 'SPLAIN how a plea agreement which is not part of case law turns into a legal precedent.

even better the guy plead guilty to a charge that was not a crime


You’re stating that
An attorney plead guilty to a charge that wasn’t a crime.

Sell bullshit somewhere else.

An attorney and his Clinton Pal lawyer made a deal to get the years he could have served reduced from 65 down to a few.

And here is a clue: Trump spent his own money, which is not a crime. Compare that to the $375M fine that Obama's campaign paid to settle $1.8M of campaign fraud. Was Obama impeached for misusing Other People's Money? No.

This is a huge Crap Nothing Burger which you left wing loons are gobbling up to the point where you have terminal intellectual constipation.

The Obama campaign did not file his last month before the election's donations to the FEC within the 9 days, the law allows.... they were late, during a very busy time.... and were fined for it.

There was no FRAUD, silly....

Stop buying in to right wing bull crap LIES so easily....

The reason what Cohen did was not a misdemeanor or simply a fine, is because another crime was committed along with the campaign finance malfeasance, which, according to the law, made the campaign finance misdoings a FELONY, if done with another crime.

Trumpians don’t do nuance.
Psycho snowflakes like you don't do nuance. Everything that isn't perfectly according to the book is fraud and a felony with you brain damages assholes, but only when were talking about Republicans. Whenever Democrats are involved, it's a triviality, a non issue, nothing.

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