Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

You’re assuming he didn’t know about it. In Touch did the same thing as the National Inquirer, sitting on the story; and Trump knew about that.

Link to what? That trump knew that the National Inquirer had her story and was sitting on it? It was revealed he knew about it on Cohen’s tape where they discussed buying the story from the inquirer.

Hey retard, you're mixing up the two whores.

Dumbfuck, I mixed up no one as I never said I was talking about only one porn star. I was clear, comparing the National Inqurier sitting on a story with In Touch sitting on a story. And we know for a fact that Trump knew the inquirer was sitting on a story even though the story wasn’t released to the public; meaning you’re assumption he didn’t know about the In Touch article stems only from your brain, which you’ve proven is deformed.
Trump knew about the National Enquirer story because the Publisher is a friend of his. Knowing about that story in no way implies he knew about the other story.
Fucking moron, I didn’t say Trump knew about the In Touch story because he knew about the Inquirer story. I said it’s ludicrous to assume he didn’t know about the In Touch story because he knew about the Inquirer story.
So while Trump INC. May not be able to donate, Trump the man, can self finance to his hearts content.
yes, Trump personally can donate as much as he wants out of his own personal funds, but NOT his business's funds.

His business can LOAN the trump campaign as much as they want, but they can not donate to it, is what I've read when looking it up during his campaign....
It's not a donation, turd.
Of course it is. “Anything of value for the purpose of influencing an election” is a contribution.
Link to what? That trump knew that the National Inquirer had her story and was sitting on it? It was revealed he knew about it on Cohen’s tape where they discussed buying the story from the inquirer.

Hey retard, you're mixing up the two whores.

Dumbfuck, I mixed up no one as I never said I was talking about only one porn star. I was clear, comparing the National Inqurier sitting on a story with In Touch sitting on a story. And we know for a fact that Trump knew the inquirer was sitting on a story even though the story wasn’t released to the public; meaning you’re assumption he didn’t know about the In Touch article stems only from your brain, which you’ve proven is deformed.
Trump knew about the National Enquirer story because the Publisher is a friend of his. Knowing about that story in no way implies he knew about the other story.
Fucking moron, I didn’t say Trump knew about the In Touch story because he knew about the Inquirer story. I said it’s ludicrous to assume he didn’t know about the In Touch story because he knew about the Inquirer story.
Who da fuck cares. Only reason you give a rats add about it is to get impeachment. If he fucked her itsi really not my dang business.

She said she did it for fitfut positions and dang money. She was trying to sell a story that did Trump for financial gain.

She wasn't accusing him of rape. She was bragging about it.

Russia my ass.
So while Trump INC. May not be able to donate, Trump the man, can self finance to his hearts content.
yes, Trump personally can donate as much as he wants out of his own personal funds, but NOT his business's funds.

His business can LOAN the trump campaign as much as they want, but they can not donate to it, is what I've read when looking it up during his campaign....
It's not a donation, turd.
Of course it is. “Anything of value for the purpose of influencing an election” is a contribution.
Paying Russian officials to dig dirt not included. Right??

That is your collusion
You sound very proud to be supporting an unindicted co-conspirator....What are you going to do when Mueller comes out with his report that squarely places trump in the lead for a treasonous endeavor with our greatest adversary? Are you still going to support a proven criminal.

Lanny Davis hinted that Cohen is prepared to provide evidence that not only did trump know about the June 2016 meeting....he knew about the Hacking before it happened and he cheered it on. He will soon be the 21st Century Benedict Arnold....He has already surpassed the criminality of Richard Nixon...Not only are the Feds after trump now, several states are lining up to take him and his criminal network down.

If I had a message for the Orange would be ENJOY THE ATTENTION AS president WHILE YOU CAN. Doomsday is just around the corner.
Look at the psychotic turd who doesn't give a hoot about the fact the Hillary hired Russian spies to dig up dirt on Trump have a hissy fit about Trump's son having a perfectly legal meeting.

Let me give you a hint, dumbass: Even if Trump did everything you claim, he didn't break any laws. Furthermore, he sure as hell didn't tell anyone to hack anyone.

On the one hand, Hillary paid Russian spies $5,000,000 for dirt on Trump. On the other, the Trump sons listened to a Russian try to lobby them for some legislation. the former is a crime, while the latter is perfectly legal. I know it enrages you mentally disturbed snowflakes that anyone would be interested in learning about Hillary's dirty deeds, but it's not a crime.
Stop lying, fucking moron. Hillary hired an American firm, not any Russian spies. And she never paid Fusion GPS $5 million.
Link to what? That trump knew that the National Inquirer had her story and was sitting on it? It was revealed he knew about it on Cohen’s tape where they discussed buying the story from the inquirer.

Hey retard, you're mixing up the two whores.

Dumbfuck, I mixed up no one as I never said I was talking about only one porn star. I was clear, comparing the National Inqurier sitting on a story with In Touch sitting on a story. And we know for a fact that Trump knew the inquirer was sitting on a story even though the story wasn’t released to the public; meaning you’re assumption he didn’t know about the In Touch article stems only from your brain, which you’ve proven is deformed.
Trump knew about the National Enquirer story because the Publisher is a friend of his. Knowing about that story in no way implies he knew about the other story.
Fucking moron, I didn’t say Trump knew about the In Touch story because he knew about the Inquirer story. I said it’s ludicrous to assume he didn’t know about the In Touch story because he knew about the Inquirer story.
Who da fuck cares. Only reason you give a rats add about it is to get impeachment. If he fucked her itsi really not my dang business.

She said she did it for fitfut positions and dang money. She was trying to sell a story that did Trump for financial gain.

She wasn't accusing him of rape. She was bragging about it.

Russia my ass.
You imbecile, I’ve never called for trump’s impeachment. Not even for his campaign finance laws violations.

Try arguing with reality, not with the voices you hear only in your head.
Last edited:
So while Trump INC. May not be able to donate, Trump the man, can self finance to his hearts content.
yes, Trump personally can donate as much as he wants out of his own personal funds, but NOT his business's funds.

His business can LOAN the trump campaign as much as they want, but they can not donate to it, is what I've read when looking it up during his campaign....
It's not a donation, turd.
Of course it is. “Anything of value for the purpose of influencing an election” is a contribution.
Paying Russian officials to dig dirt not included. Right??

That is your collusion
There is no crime for an ex-British spy to dig up dirt from Russians.
So while Trump INC. May not be able to donate, Trump the man, can self finance to his hearts content.
yes, Trump personally can donate as much as he wants out of his own personal funds, but NOT his business's funds.

His business can LOAN the trump campaign as much as they want, but they can not donate to it, is what I've read when looking it up during his campaign....
It's not a donation, turd.
Of course it is. “Anything of value for the purpose of influencing an election” is a contribution.
Paying Russian officials to dig dirt not included. Right??

That is your collusion
There is no crime for an ex-British spy to dig up dirt from Russians.
Actually, yes there is. Paying any foreign national with campaign money is illegal. Paying Russian spies with campaign money is illegal, and that's exactly what Hillary did.
You sound very proud to be supporting an unindicted co-conspirator....What are you going to do when Mueller comes out with his report that squarely places trump in the lead for a treasonous endeavor with our greatest adversary? Are you still going to support a proven criminal.

Lanny Davis hinted that Cohen is prepared to provide evidence that not only did trump know about the June 2016 meeting....he knew about the Hacking before it happened and he cheered it on. He will soon be the 21st Century Benedict Arnold....He has already surpassed the criminality of Richard Nixon...Not only are the Feds after trump now, several states are lining up to take him and his criminal network down.

If I had a message for the Orange would be ENJOY THE ATTENTION AS president WHILE YOU CAN. Doomsday is just around the corner.
Look at the psychotic turd who doesn't give a hoot about the fact the Hillary hired Russian spies to dig up dirt on Trump have a hissy fit about Trump's son having a perfectly legal meeting.

Let me give you a hint, dumbass: Even if Trump did everything you claim, he didn't break any laws. Furthermore, he sure as hell didn't tell anyone to hack anyone.

On the one hand, Hillary paid Russian spies $5,000,000 for dirt on Trump. On the other, the Trump sons listened to a Russian try to lobby them for some legislation. the former is a crime, while the latter is perfectly legal. I know it enrages you mentally disturbed snowflakes that anyone would be interested in learning about Hillary's dirty deeds, but it's not a crime.
Stop lying, fucking moron. Hillary hired an American firm, not any Russian spies. And she never paid Fusion GPS $5 million.

The American firm paid the Russian spies. It's ludicrous to claim that Hillary didn't know about it. No one pays $5,000,000 for a pile of smear without knowing who the source is.
So while Trump INC. May not be able to donate, Trump the man, can self finance to his hearts content.
yes, Trump personally can donate as much as he wants out of his own personal funds, but NOT his business's funds.

His business can LOAN the trump campaign as much as they want, but they can not donate to it, is what I've read when looking it up during his campaign....
It's not a donation, turd.
Of course it is. “Anything of value for the purpose of influencing an election” is a contribution.
Wrong. You keep ignoring all the examples I've supplied that prove you wrong. Of course, you aren't interested in the facts. You're only interested in advancing your narrative.
There is no crime for an ex-British spy to dig up dirt from Russians.

Funny isn't it? Those Brits can do what they want in Russia, and no amount of rightarded anger (or U.S. law) can do anything about it.

I'd say, it's even doubtful it'd be a violation of any law for any American to dig around in Russia to uncover the Trumpy's shenanigans over there, or for any U.S. campaign to pay for that service.

Just accepting same as a donation from a furriner would be icky. But our good rightards do what they do best, know nothing about anything, and lie about that which they do not understand with abandon in subservience to their Dear Leader. Just their vigor in advertising their ignorance, mendacity, and subservience is a puzzle.
yes, Trump personally can donate as much as he wants out of his own personal funds, but NOT his business's funds.

His business can LOAN the trump campaign as much as they want, but they can not donate to it, is what I've read when looking it up during his campaign....
It's not a donation, turd.
Of course it is. “Anything of value for the purpose of influencing an election” is a contribution.
Paying Russian officials to dig dirt not included. Right??

That is your collusion
There is no crime for an ex-British spy to dig up dirt from Russians.
Actually, yes there is. Paying any foreign national with campaign money is illegal. Paying Russian spies with campaign money is illegal, and that's exactly what Hillary did.
Fucking moron, Hillary paid an American firm, not a foreign national.
You sound very proud to be supporting an unindicted co-conspirator....What are you going to do when Mueller comes out with his report that squarely places trump in the lead for a treasonous endeavor with our greatest adversary? Are you still going to support a proven criminal.

Lanny Davis hinted that Cohen is prepared to provide evidence that not only did trump know about the June 2016 meeting....he knew about the Hacking before it happened and he cheered it on. He will soon be the 21st Century Benedict Arnold....He has already surpassed the criminality of Richard Nixon...Not only are the Feds after trump now, several states are lining up to take him and his criminal network down.

If I had a message for the Orange would be ENJOY THE ATTENTION AS president WHILE YOU CAN. Doomsday is just around the corner.
Look at the psychotic turd who doesn't give a hoot about the fact the Hillary hired Russian spies to dig up dirt on Trump have a hissy fit about Trump's son having a perfectly legal meeting.

Let me give you a hint, dumbass: Even if Trump did everything you claim, he didn't break any laws. Furthermore, he sure as hell didn't tell anyone to hack anyone.

On the one hand, Hillary paid Russian spies $5,000,000 for dirt on Trump. On the other, the Trump sons listened to a Russian try to lobby them for some legislation. the former is a crime, while the latter is perfectly legal. I know it enrages you mentally disturbed snowflakes that anyone would be interested in learning about Hillary's dirty deeds, but it's not a crime.
Stop lying, fucking moron. Hillary hired an American firm, not any Russian spies. And she never paid Fusion GPS $5 million.

The American firm paid the Russian spies. It's ludicrous to claim that Hillary didn't know about it. No one pays $5,000,000 for a pile of smear without knowing who the source is.
Fucking moron, there is no law against a non-candidate American based firm from collecting dirt on U.S. candidates running for election.

And again, Hillary never paid Fusion GPS $5 million. You only think she did because you’re a fucking moron.
So while Trump INC. May not be able to donate, Trump the man, can self finance to his hearts content.
yes, Trump personally can donate as much as he wants out of his own personal funds, but NOT his business's funds.

His business can LOAN the trump campaign as much as they want, but they can not donate to it, is what I've read when looking it up during his campaign....
It's not a donation, turd.
Of course it is. “Anything of value for the purpose of influencing an election” is a contribution.
Wrong. You keep ignoring all the examples I've supplied that prove you wrong. Of course, you aren't interested in the facts. You're only interested in advancing your narrative.
I’m quoting the law while you’re citing yourself. And as everyone here knows — you’re a fucking moron. :badgrin:
Why are you still trying to use that talking point? Trump's payment didn't come out of his own money. It came from his business.
That's still his money, moron.

No it isn't, it is his BUSINESS'S money. So now I know you don't have a clue about law OR business.
He's the business owner. I have a corporation. That corporation bought a laptop. You're trying to tell me it's not my laptop. Wrong.

It's not YOUR laptop. It's the business's laptop. I sure hope you don't run your own business.
I own the business, moron. I own everything the business owns. There are no other shareholders, and that's exactly how Trump's business operates.

IT'S STILL SEPARATE! You file taxes on your business, and you file separate personal taxes... Jesus Christ if you don't know better I sure the fuck hope you never get audited otherwise you are going to own a shit ton of money. You are supposed to track the income and expenditures of your business, you can't use it like a personal checking account.
You sound very proud to be supporting an unindicted co-conspirator....What are you going to do when Mueller comes out with his report that squarely places trump in the lead for a treasonous endeavor with our greatest adversary? Are you still going to support a proven criminal.

Lanny Davis hinted that Cohen is prepared to provide evidence that not only did trump know about the June 2016 meeting....he knew about the Hacking before it happened and he cheered it on. He will soon be the 21st Century Benedict Arnold....He has already surpassed the criminality of Richard Nixon...Not only are the Feds after trump now, several states are lining up to take him and his criminal network down.

If I had a message for the Orange would be ENJOY THE ATTENTION AS president WHILE YOU CAN. Doomsday is just around the corner.
Look at the psychotic turd who doesn't give a hoot about the fact the Hillary hired Russian spies to dig up dirt on Trump have a hissy fit about Trump's son having a perfectly legal meeting.

Let me give you a hint, dumbass: Even if Trump did everything you claim, he didn't break any laws. Furthermore, he sure as hell didn't tell anyone to hack anyone.

On the one hand, Hillary paid Russian spies $5,000,000 for dirt on Trump. On the other, the Trump sons listened to a Russian try to lobby them for some legislation. the former is a crime, while the latter is perfectly legal. I know it enrages you mentally disturbed snowflakes that anyone would be interested in learning about Hillary's dirty deeds, but it's not a crime.

The Intell Community hates trump. He chose Putin over their word on the word stage. They will find out his crimes and he will pay. Count on it....
Her story wasn't published in 2011, are you going to pretend Trump wouldn't have tried to buy that story had he known about it?

You’re assuming he didn’t know about it. In Touch did the same thing as the National Inquirer, sitting on the story; and Trump knew about that.

Link to what? That trump knew that the National Inquirer had her story and was sitting on it? It was revealed he knew about it on Cohen’s tape where they discussed buying the story from the inquirer.

Hey retard, you're mixing up the two whores.

Dumbfuck, I mixed up no one as I never said I was talking about only one porn star. I was clear, comparing the National Inqurier sitting on a story with In Touch sitting on a story. And we know for a fact that Trump knew the inquirer was sitting on a story even though the story wasn’t released to the public; meaning you’re assumption he didn’t know about the In Touch article stems only from your brain, which you’ve proven is deformed.

Poor little retard, there's nothing being reported or written, that I've seen, that says Trump was aware of the In Touch interview. If he were aware, why would he pay her to not give an interview that she had already given several years before? You're the one making assumptions against logic.

So while Trump INC. May not be able to donate, Trump the man, can self finance to his hearts content.
yes, Trump personally can donate as much as he wants out of his own personal funds, but NOT his business's funds.

His business can LOAN the trump campaign as much as they want, but they can not donate to it, is what I've read when looking it up during his campaign....
It's not a donation, turd.
Of course it is. “Anything of value for the purpose of influencing an election” is a contribution.
Wrong. You keep ignoring all the examples I've supplied that prove you wrong. Of course, you aren't interested in the facts. You're only interested in advancing your narrative.

Hillary Hillary Hillary....yet whose people are pleading guilty and being convicted....Cause you really don't know what you are talking about.
Bottom line...YOUR president is an unindicted co-conspirator. The country has a criminal in the White House....This is worse than Watergate.

The GOP will do nothing until it is proven that trump not only knew about the Russian Hack of the DNC. He also "cheered it on." Mueller's final report that he will deliver to Congress will show them trump committed multiple crimes...including violation of election laws, money laundering, criminal collusion with a foreign adversary and the big one.....TREASON.

Let's see if the GOP can bury their heads in the sand on that one? If they do....they will be turning their back on the country. The United States has never had a more criminal individual in the White House. The man is a Mafia Boss....

Hey dumb ass, Cohen didn't plead to conspiracy, how could he have a co-conspirator?

Hey retard, you're mixing up the two whores.

Dumbfuck, I mixed up no one as I never said I was talking about only one porn star. I was clear, comparing the National Inqurier sitting on a story with In Touch sitting on a story. And we know for a fact that Trump knew the inquirer was sitting on a story even though the story wasn’t released to the public; meaning you’re assumption he didn’t know about the In Touch article stems only from your brain, which you’ve proven is deformed.
Trump knew about the National Enquirer story because the Publisher is a friend of his. Knowing about that story in no way implies he knew about the other story.
Fucking moron, I didn’t say Trump knew about the In Touch story because he knew about the Inquirer story. I said it’s ludicrous to assume he didn’t know about the In Touch story because he knew about the Inquirer story.
Who da fuck cares. Only reason you give a rats add about it is to get impeachment. If he fucked her itsi really not my dang business.

She said she did it for fitfut positions and dang money. She was trying to sell a story that did Trump for financial gain.

She wasn't accusing him of rape. She was bragging about it.

Russia my ass.
You imbecile, I’ve never called for trump’s impeachment. Not even for his campaign finance laws violations.

Try arguing with reality, not with the voices you hear only in your head.
The dang Democrap agenda is Impeachment..........that is what they are shooting for.........many have stated it...........including Waterhead ....go stalk those who you don't like Waters...........

And Mr. Imbecile..............You have to Impeach him for this so called crime...........duh........

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