PBS, Vanessa Williams spark backlash over ‘black national anthem’

Superbadbrutha Who's the guy talking about historical stuff? I'm lost in the conversation and I don't know why people are talking about history here. Am I in the right thread?
Boo hoo! Someone's great-great-great grandfather was a slave and so I am on inter-generational welfare!

Never in history has a faction done so little to advance themselves as blacks have since 1865.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
Wow we never had a black president, do tell..
And Black Generals, Admirals, Senators, Congressional Reps, Mayors, Doctors, Lawyers, Entertainers, Actors, Athletes, MBAs.
Superbadbrutha Who's the guy talking about historical stuff? I'm lost in the conversation and I don't know why people are talking about history here. Am I in the right thread?
Boo hoo! Someone's great-great-great grandfather was a slave and so I am on inter-generational welfare!

Never in history has a faction done so little to advance themselves as blacks have since 1865.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
I suppose you believe that everyone who owns a business wants their White employees to succeed and start a rival company.
What parallel universe do you live in.
Answer the question, not come with some bullshit. What has happened to black folks goes far beyond owning a damn business.
Self pitying bullshit.
The owner of BET is laughing his ass off at suckers like you.
Robert Johnson is calling for reparations for what was done to black folks in this country, now laugh at that trick.
Since he hires trespassers and off-shores most of his work, he calls for reparations so you don't go begging him for job.
Have you submitted your resume to BET?
You do know that BET is owned by a white company, dumbass.
He sold out? Like I give a shit.
From which college did you graduate and with what degree(s)?
Superbadbrutha Who's the guy talking about historical stuff? I'm lost in the conversation and I don't know why people are talking about history here. Am I in the right thread?
Boo hoo! Someone's great-great-great grandfather was a slave and so I am on inter-generational welfare!

Never in history has a faction done so little to advance themselves as blacks have since 1865.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
I suppose you believe that everyone who owns a business wants their White employees to succeed and start a rival company.
What parallel universe do you live in.
Answer the question, not come with some bullshit. What has happened to black folks goes far beyond owning a damn business.
Self pitying bullshit.
The owner of BET is laughing his ass off at suckers like you.
Robert Johnson is calling for reparations for what was done to black folks in this country, now laugh at that trick.
Since he hires trespassers and off-shores most of his work, he calls for reparations so you don't go begging him for job.
Have you submitted your resume to BET?
You do know that BET is owned by a white company, dumbass.
He sold out? Like I give a shit.
From which college did you graduate and with what degree(s)?
The University of Fresh Off Of A Bitches Ass, I earned a PHD in Whoopin Ass.
Superbadbrutha Who's the guy talking about historical stuff? I'm lost in the conversation and I don't know why people are talking about history here. Am I in the right thread?
Boo hoo! Someone's great-great-great grandfather was a slave and so I am on inter-generational welfare!

Never in history has a faction done so little to advance themselves as blacks have since 1865.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
I suppose you believe that everyone who owns a business wants their White employees to succeed and start a rival company.
What parallel universe do you live in.
Answer the question, not come with some bullshit. What has happened to black folks goes far beyond owning a damn business.
Self pitying bullshit.
The owner of BET is laughing his ass off at suckers like you.
Robert Johnson is calling for reparations for what was done to black folks in this country, now laugh at that trick.
Since he hires trespassers and off-shores most of his work, he calls for reparations so you don't go begging him for job.
Have you submitted your resume to BET?
You do know that BET is owned by a white company, dumbass.
He sold out? Like I give a shit.
From which college did you graduate and with what degree(s)?
The University of Fresh Off Of A Bitches Ass, I earned a PHD in Whoopin Ass.
So you're a janitor by your own design.

Google "what business does robert johnson own" and submit your resume.
Superbadbrutha Who's the guy talking about historical stuff? I'm lost in the conversation and I don't know why people are talking about history here. Am I in the right thread?
Boo hoo! Someone's great-great-great grandfather was a slave and so I am on inter-generational welfare!

Never in history has a faction done so little to advance themselves as blacks have since 1865.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
Wow we never had a black president, do tell..
Yea that changed everything for black people. Kind of like when we had the first black general, first black astronaut, first black this and first black that.
And your the first black person who stumbled on the internet, you must be proud of yourself, you been around since argue with everyone
Superbadbrutha Who's the guy talking about historical stuff? I'm lost in the conversation and I don't know why people are talking about history here. Am I in the right thread?
Boo hoo! Someone's great-great-great grandfather was a slave and so I am on inter-generational welfare!

Never in history has a faction done so little to advance themselves as blacks have since 1865.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
I suppose you believe that everyone who owns a business wants their White employees to succeed and start a rival company.
What parallel universe do you live in.
Answer the question, not come with some bullshit. What has happened to black folks goes far beyond owning a damn business.
Self pitying bullshit.
The owner of BET is laughing his ass off at suckers like you.
Robert Johnson is calling for reparations for what was done to black folks in this country, now laugh at that trick.
Since he hires trespassers and off-shores most of his work, he calls for reparations so you don't go begging him for job.
Have you submitted your resume to BET?
You do know that BET is owned by a white company, dumbass.
He sold out? Like I give a shit.
From which college did you graduate and with what degree(s)?
The University of Fresh Off Of A Bitches Ass, I earned a PHD in Whoopin Ass.
So you're a janitor by your own design.

Google "what business does robert johnson own" and submit your resume.
Did you look down on your pops because he was a janitor?
Superbadbrutha I turned away for 20 minutes and now I have like 30 replies. Or notifications. And as soon as I click on one to check it then all of them disappear and I don't know which one I checked last. Is somebody asking me a question?
Superbadbrutha Who's the guy talking about historical stuff? I'm lost in the conversation and I don't know why people are talking about history here. Am I in the right thread?
Boo hoo! Someone's great-great-great grandfather was a slave and so I am on inter-generational welfare!

Never in history has a faction done so little to advance themselves as blacks have since 1865.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
I suppose you believe that everyone who owns a business wants their White employees to succeed and start a rival company.
What parallel universe do you live in.
Answer the question, not come with some bullshit. What has happened to black folks goes far beyond owning a damn business.
Self pitying bullshit.
The owner of BET is laughing his ass off at suckers like you.
Robert Johnson is calling for reparations for what was done to black folks in this country, now laugh at that trick.
Since he hires trespassers and off-shores most of his work, he calls for reparations so you don't go begging him for job.
Have you submitted your resume to BET?
You do know that BET is owned by a white company, dumbass.
He sold out? Like I give a shit.
From which college did you graduate and with what degree(s)?
The University of Fresh Off Of A Bitches Ass, I earned a PHD in Whoopin Ass.
So you're a janitor by your own design.

Google "what business does robert johnson own" and submit your resume.
Did you look down on your pops because he was a janitor?
He worked for the US Postal service and I never looked down on him but he didn't bitch about growing up during the depression.
I look down on people who call "racism".
Superbadbrutha Who's the guy talking about historical stuff? I'm lost in the conversation and I don't know why people are talking about history here. Am I in the right thread?
Boo hoo! Someone's great-great-great grandfather was a slave and so I am on inter-generational welfare!

Never in history has a faction done so little to advance themselves as blacks have since 1865.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.

Please tell me another faction of the population that has whined as long about their suffering from decades ago, in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
Dusty Hahaha why do you people have to die? I was reading the other day how somebody strapped Dynamite to their body and walked into a crowd and blew themselves up. I did a podcast on a girl that married one of those guys and they wouldn't let her back to her original country of Germany I think. Nobody should die. Religious people are crazy for killing
Actually people have to die. Look it up
I think that both Dr. Booker T. Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., would be very sad if they knew that we have finally come to the point when there are two national anthems -- one for African Americans and one presumably for all the other Americans.

I believe that by doing so, African Americans are simply reinforcing the idea that there are two Americas.

Ironically, African Americans are unwittingly supporting the idea of so-called White Nationalists that both groups are incompatible and should live in separate nations.

I am 84, so ...

Younger Americans, however, are in for some very "interesting" times in the coming decades.
DigitalDrifter Describe American please. What is America now and what was America in the past and what do you think America will be in the future?

"Describe American please"

Someone who is a citizen of the United States

"What was America"

America was a melting pot where people came, surrendered a good deal of where they came from to become American united in language, western culture and ideals, capitalism, self-reliant, all champions of the Bill of Rights. A thriving mono-culture, proud, happy, individual empowered over government.

"What is America now"

America is a place with no identity, no singular focus, tribal, expensive, fractured, lazy, divided, unhappy, lacking in law and order, loss of self-reliance, empowered government over the individual.

"What do you think America will be in the future?"

What exists south of our border and from the African continent. Violent, lawless, tribal, not a pleasant place.
Dusty Look what up? Should I look up Hitler's explanation why people should die or should I look up some popular threads from Islamic terrorists of why people should die? Hahaha
This thread is classic right wing crap.
They have a real problem with people who do not conform to their vision of what America is.

But rather than discuss the whys and wherefores they turn hostile from the outset and propose either setting up a separate state or repatriating fellow Americans to a country they have never been to.

How do you live with such people who despise you unless you accept the world on their terms.

In nation terms America is a baby and there is still plenty of time for you to find a national narrative.

Calm down.
It’s classic fact based info which you must disregard and label racist
Dusty Look what up? Should I look up Hitler's explanation why people should die or should I look up some popular threads from Islamic terrorists of why people should die? Hahaha
I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Domestic enemies have to die just as well as any other

DigitalDrifter that's a great description. Although I think the leftist want more control. I think they wanted dictatorship. They want leaders to censor people. Mexico doesn't have much censorship. There's too many different countries in Africa with different laws to compare so I can't reference Africa loss because there's so many different laws in the different countries. But up until the Barack Obama days, the United States is doing pretty good for itself in progress. Then Barack Obama create an ideology and now people want power and control and they want to silence people and destroy the American culture and system and history (all the history except for the history they want to keep). I assume that if we keep on the path that we are on now with the leftist in control of everything, America will become something like a cross between Venezuela and North Korea and maybe China. A very dangerous place to live freely. A very dangerous place to voice your opinion. A place that won't allow you to read or learn or see whatever you want to see, instead only what they give you.
DigitalDrifter that's a great description. Although I think the leftist want more control. I think they wanted dictatorship. They want leaders to censor people. Mexico doesn't have much censorship. There's too many different countries in Africa with different laws to compare so I can't reference Africa loss because there's so many different laws in the different countries. But up until the Barack Obama days, the United States is doing pretty good for itself in progress. Then Barack Obama create an ideology and now people want power and control and they want to silence people and destroy the American culture and system and history (all the history except for the history they want to keep). I assume that if we keep on the path that we are on now with the leftist in control of everything, America will become something like a cross between Venezuela and North Korea and maybe China. A very dangerous place to live freely. A very dangerous place to voice your opinion. A place that won't allow you to read or learn or see whatever you want to see, instead only what they give you.

I can't disagree with any of this.
Superbadbrutha Who's the guy talking about historical stuff? I'm lost in the conversation and I don't know why people are talking about history here. Am I in the right thread?
Boo hoo! Someone's great-great-great grandfather was a slave and so I am on inter-generational welfare!

Never in history has a faction done so little to advance themselves as blacks have since 1865.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
I suppose you believe that everyone who owns a business wants their White employees to succeed and start a rival company.
What parallel universe do you live in.
Answer the question, not come with some bullshit. What has happened to black folks goes far beyond owning a damn business.
Self pitying bullshit.
The owner of BET is laughing his ass off at suckers like you.
Robert Johnson is calling for reparations for what was done to black folks in this country, now laugh at that trick.
Since he hires trespassers and off-shores most of his work, he calls for reparations so you don't go begging him for job.
Have you submitted your resume to BET?
You do know that BET is owned by a white company, dumbass.
He sold out? Like I give a shit.
From which college did you graduate and with what degree(s)?
The University of Fresh Off Of A Bitches Ass, I earned a PHD in Whoopin Ass.
So you're a janitor by your own design.

Google "what business does robert johnson own" and submit your resume.
Did you look down on your pops because he was a janitor?
He worked for the US Postal service and I never looked down on him but he didn't bitch about growing up during the depression.
I look down on people who call "racism".
Most racist do.
Superbadbrutha Who's the guy talking about historical stuff? I'm lost in the conversation and I don't know why people are talking about history here. Am I in the right thread?
Boo hoo! Someone's great-great-great grandfather was a slave and so I am on inter-generational welfare!

Never in history has a faction done so little to advance themselves as blacks have since 1865.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
I suppose you believe that everyone who owns a business wants their White employees to succeed and start a rival company.
What parallel universe do you live in.
Answer the question, not come with some bullshit. What has happened to black folks goes far beyond owning a damn business.
Self pitying bullshit.
The owner of BET is laughing his ass off at suckers like you.
Robert Johnson is calling for reparations for what was done to black folks in this country, now laugh at that trick.
Since he hires trespassers and off-shores most of his work, he calls for reparations so you don't go begging him for job.
Have you submitted your resume to BET?
You do know that BET is owned by a white company, dumbass.
He sold out? Like I give a shit.
From which college did you graduate and with what degree(s)?
The University of Fresh Off Of A Bitches Ass, I earned a PHD in Whoopin Ass.
So you're a janitor by your own design.

Google "what business does robert johnson own" and submit your resume.
Did you look down on your pops because he was a janitor?
He worked for the US Postal service and I never looked down on him but he didn't bitch about growing up during the depression.
I look down on people who call "racism".
Most racist do.
Poor little 90 year old SuperBadBruther.
Why aren't you out keeping your neighborhood safe from Whitey?
Superbadbrutha Who's the guy talking about historical stuff? I'm lost in the conversation and I don't know why people are talking about history here. Am I in the right thread?
Boo hoo! Someone's great-great-great grandfather was a slave and so I am on inter-generational welfare!

Never in history has a faction done so little to advance themselves as blacks have since 1865.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.

Please tell me another faction of the population that has whined as long about their suffering from decades ago, in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
The only other group you could be speaking of is Native Americans and look what you have done to them.

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