PBS, Vanessa Williams spark backlash over ‘black national anthem’

1/7th of the population, mired in dysfunctionalism, will never run this country. The cries of racism are easily fake enough to keep the proper power structure in place
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .

Our Anthem is for ALL Americans. Having separate ones divides us even further.
In 1776 was black folks considered as Americans?
Were the Irish and Italians?
Were they in America in 1776?
They were lied to later in Europe that the streets here were paved with gold and when they arrived they were locked in chains and built the railroads.
They were then left to fend for themselves and started businesses unlike you know who.
Well we were here in 1776 and we weren't given any damn independence. Also Italians and Irish were eventually excepted as white and it didn't take a Constitutional Amendment, Civil Rights Act or Votings Right Act to make them bonfide citizens either. Also their treatment was NOTHING in comparison to what black folks have had to endure in this country.
Blacks have been receiving welfare since the 50s and have been using it as an excuse to have sex with anything that moves.
Indeependent haha hey man. Don't say stuff like that. Haha you're crazy. That's not going to bring good conversation or togetherness. That ain't going to make anybody feel good or insightful. You wild child
Superbadbrutha Who's the guy talking about historical stuff? I'm lost in the conversation and I don't know why people are talking about history here. Am I in the right thread?
Boo hoo! Someone's great-great-great grandfather was a slave and so I am on inter-generational welfare!

Never in history has a faction done so little to advance themselves as blacks have since 1865.
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Yup, nothing wrong with dividing America more and segregation of black culture. It’s time to accept the fact that these blacks who don’t accept American culture aren’t real Americans. Soon we can make the segregation legal and permanent and have them form their own nation, “Black America”, and their citizenship of America can be revoked. That way they can have their own government and cities, where they can’t be oppressed by whites anymore.

"Real Americans" don't storm the capitol much less bring confederate flags with them. Perhaps we should find every blob supporter and revoke their citizenship.
Wow, talk about changing topics. Jan 6th was a protest by Americans to get the Senate to act within their constitutional authority. I know that goes over you head, but that’s the truth.

Back to the issue at hand, are blacks free or not? If not, why not give them their independence?

Was pointing out that you boys have zero standing to talk about "real Americans"....since clearly you hate the nation. This is why you guys killed a cop and injured 140 others.
since clearly you hate the nation.
they say the same shit about your side.....you two groups are so much alike.....
Except they tried to overthrow the government.
We did it before
Fuck that.

Hello no. No God damn black national anthem.

The national anthem is without color black or white. And now way in hell should it be about color, especially not the blacks. They fucking want everything.

If blacks want their own national anthem then they need to go make their own fucking country.
Did you hear the performance?
I don't speak jive
Of course you don't. (Even more evidence that we really need CRT)
So your giving me freedom to be spelling and Grammer illiterate ?

Thank you
Why change now? No one has stopped your illiterate posts so far, have they?
Of course they did, but now I can speak negro I get free range
Whatever trips your trigger, hun. :heehee:
And here you are
Indeed I am. Did that trip your trigger?
As long as you only use a black water fountain I am good
Of course. I'm sure that's EXACTLY what you believe and support. Sad for you that you were born 100 years too late for your Dream America.
You can't figure this out can you?
Indeependent a lot of the schools and the media won't drop the past. They're drilling history into people's minds as if it's something that they have to be concerned about today.

For example we should be really angry at the British for the rule on this land up until our independence from them. We should be mad at them because they taxed us so badly and we should not get over it.

Today's the day to start a new day to get up off my feet and do good and make myself succeed for today into tomorrow. Yesterday does nothing for me and I cannot change yesterday but I could be a good person today and work as hard as I can to make money and be good to my fellow man and family.

Living in the past is dangerous. Nobody likes an ex-girlfriend that lives in the past and only talks about her ex-husband or ex-boyfriend. Who wants to drive down the street with a girl in hand and she tells you about her ex-boyfriend all the time? Nobody wants to hear that. It's about making yourself good and not worry about the past. Learn from your mistakes and learn to become a better person.

The idea that should be pushed around to the children's minds and the people that need it is to be a good person and do the best you can and to stay away from gangs and drugs. And for a particular people they should be told to marry the girl that they have kids with and do they best they can to have a successful family.
This thread is classic right wing crap.
They have a real problem with people who do not conform to their vision of what America is.

But rather than discuss the whys and wherefores they turn hostile from the outset and propose either setting up a separate state or repatriating fellow Americans to a country they have never been to.

How do you live with such people who despise you unless you accept the world on their terms.

In nation terms America is a baby and there is still plenty of time for you to find a national narrative.

Calm down.
Indeependent haha hey man. Don't say stuff like that. Haha you're crazy. That's not going to bring good conversation or togetherness. That ain't going to make anybody feel good or insightful. You wild child
You obviously haven't been here too long.
This conversation has been going on since Trump decided to run for President.
White Man & Republicans BAD!
This thread is classic right wing crap.
They have a real problem with people who do not conform to their vision of what America is.

But rather than discuss the whys and wherefores they turn hostile from the outset and propose either setting up a separate state or repatriating fellow Americans to a country they have never been to.

How do you live with such people who despise you unless you accept the world on their terms.

In nation terms America is a baby and there is still plenty of time for you to find a national narrative.

Calm down.

You're not even an American, so butt out.
So, now we have a National Anthem, and a Black National Anthem.

What next?

A red National Anthem, for Native Americans?

a pink National Anthem for lgbtq?

A Yellow National Anthem for Asians?

So much for One Nation under God.

We need a White National Anthem...
This thread is classic right wing crap.
They have a real problem with people who do not conform to their vision of what America is.

But rather than discuss the whys and wherefores they turn hostile from the outset and propose either setting up a separate state or repatriating fellow Americans to a country they have never been to.

How do you live with such people who despise you unless you accept the world on their terms.

In nation terms America is a baby and there is still plenty of time for you to find a national narrative.

Calm down.
Bullshit Tammy first the racist as fuck negros try to divide us with BLM now it's the negros anthem ,they disrespect blacks who fought and died for this country
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Yup, nothing wrong with dividing America more and segregation of black culture. It’s time to accept the fact that these blacks who don’t accept American culture aren’t real Americans. Soon we can make the segregation legal and permanent and have them form their own nation, “Black America”, and their citizenship of America can be revoked. That way they can have their own government and cities, where they can’t be oppressed by whites anymore.

"Real Americans" don't storm the capitol much less bring confederate flags with them. Perhaps we should find every blob supporter and revoke their citizenship.
Wow, talk about changing topics. Jan 6th was a protest by Americans to get the Senate to act within their constitutional authority. I know that goes over you head, but that’s the truth.

Back to the issue at hand, are blacks free or not? If not, why not give them their independence?

Was pointing out that you boys have zero standing to talk about "real Americans"....since clearly you hate the nation. This is why you guys killed a cop and injured 140 others.
since clearly you hate the nation.
they say the same shit about your side.....you two groups are so much alike.....
Except they tried to overthrow the government.
and many think the democrats were trying to overthrow a sitting president from day one.....and yea candy thats the way it looked...
Only to trump cultists who were groomed even before the election took place.
Uhm you impeached a president twice because he hurt your feelings..

How gay
"because he hurt your feelings"......no hun, that's not why fat donnie was Impeached. Perhaps if you actually read the Articles of Impeachment. Perhaps if you actually could read.
Holy cow meme's is what trump was impeached for?

Might be too much for you to read, tho.
Who has the bigger dick

Indeependent Yeah, the left wing people are all about name calling and trolling people and bringing on negativity. To be the bigger and better person, for yourself, don't succumb to that attitude they give. Chaos breeds chaos and calm breeds calm.

They want you to fight and be bad. They don't like to be the only ones dark.

They will try to take you off topic 99% of the time and the other percent they will call you names and bash you. Take their responses lately and ignore the negative and just stay cool and they will hate you for it but you will feel better as a person. I'm telling you, try it.
Canon Shooter No we don't. Don't succumb to the devil's ways. Don't go along with separation and segregation. That's what they want and if you want a white national anthem then they win because they get what they want and you will follow. Hahaha
Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

She hurt your feelings, did she? (More and more we see a real need for CRT with all the whitey righties losing their sh*t over the littlest things)
Why stop at CRT?

Why not give black people their own nation so they can govern themselves and not be oppressed by a racist system? Don’t oppressed people usually want independence?
There are several black nations. If they want a black national anthem they should sing it in a black nation.

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