PBS, Vanessa Williams spark backlash over ‘black national anthem’

CRT? Why? How else do you describe the behavior of those who torch and loot businesses and commit violence against the people who own and operate these businesses? In
Uh...you kind of just answered your own question, in no small part.
has blm offered to help pay for the black owned businesses that got burt down during their fiery but mostly peaceful protests ?
I am not your assistant. Make your points.
screw you punk ! screw you and everything you stand for ! i love this country and you should be thankful that you are a citizen of this great nation ! thats my point commie ! and yes like an old record player that no one on the left has a legitimate answer for if you dont like it here get out and find a better place .
Last edited:
Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

She hurt your feelings, did she? (More and more we see a real need for CRT with all the whitey righties losing their sh*t over the littlest things)
Why stop at CRT?

Why not give black people their own nation so they can govern themselves and not be oppressed by a racist system? Don’t oppressed people usually want independence?
That’ll just result in trillions more in foreign aid.
So one can argue Obama’s Arab DNA all the way to Olduai Gorge. Where is the Indigenous national Anthem?
If that is the case then we can argue your European DNA, see other than the Native American nobody originated from this country.

Actually that isn't true since the so called "native" American came from Asia.
And we ALL came from Africa.
take your hideous ass back .
You sound triggered. I has a sad for you......:icon_cry:
CRT? Why? How else do you describe the behavior of those who torch and loot businesses and commit violence against the people who own and operate these businesses? In
Uh...you kind of just answered your own question, in no small part.
has blm offered to help pay for the black owned businesses that got burt down during their fiery but mostly peaceful protests ?
I am not your assistant. Make your points.
screw you punk ! screw you and everything you stand for ! i love this country and you should be thankful that you are a citizen of this great nation ! thats my point commie ! and yes like an old record player that no one on the left has a legitimate answer for if you dont like it here get out and find a better place .
"i love this country"..........................? While hating a very large chuck of our population?
CRT? Why? How else do you describe the behavior of those who torch and loot businesses and commit violence against the people who own and operate these businesses? In
Uh...you kind of just answered your own question, in no small part.
has blm offered to help pay for the black owned businesses that got burt down during their fiery but mostly peaceful protests ?
I am not your assistant. Make your poin

So one can argue Obama’s Arab DNA all the way to Olduai Gorge. Where is the Indigenous national Anthem?
If that is the case then we can argue your European DNA, see other than the Native American nobody originated from this country.

Actually that isn't true since the so called "native" American came from Asia.
And we ALL came from Africa.
take your hideous ass back .
You sound triggered. I has a sad for you......:icon_cry:
nah .... i aint been brainwashed into hating my country or my skin color and i havent turned in my man card ! and make no mistake ! even though this is a messageboard and i know the internet tough guy syndrome and all that crap ! you are talking to a real man !
CRT? Why? How else do you describe the behavior of those who torch and loot businesses and commit violence against the people who own and operate these businesses? In
Uh...you kind of just answered your own question, in no small part.
has blm offered to help pay for the black owned businesses that got burt down during their fiery but mostly peaceful protests ?
I am not your assistant. Make your points.
screw you punk ! screw you and everything you stand for ! i love this country and you should be thankful that you are a citizen of this great nation ! thats my point commie ! and yes like an old record player that no one on the left has a legitimate answer for if you dont like it here get out and find a better place .

Loves Murrica

Hates Americans
CRT? Why? How else do you describe the behavior of those who torch and loot businesses and commit violence against the people who own and operate these businesses? In
Uh...you kind of just answered your own question, in no small part.
has blm offered to help pay for the black owned businesses that got burt down during their fiery but mostly peaceful protests ?
I am not your assistant. Make your points.
screw you punk ! screw you and everything you stand for ! i love this country and you should be thankful that you are a citizen of this great nation ! thats my point commie ! and yes like an old record player that no one on the left has a legitimate answer for if you dont like it here get out and find a better place .
"i love this country"..........................? While hating a very large chuck of our population?
you love the patriotic people of this country .
CRT? Why? How else do you describe the behavior of those who torch and loot businesses and commit violence against the people who own and operate these businesses? In
Uh...you kind of just answered your own question, in no small part.
has blm offered to help pay for the black owned businesses that got burt down during their fiery but mostly peaceful protests ?
I am not your assistant. Make your points.
screw you punk ! screw you and everything you stand for ! i love this country and you should be thankful that you are a citizen of this great nation ! thats my point commie ! and yes like an old record player that no one on the left has a legitimate answer for if you dont like it here get out and find a better place .

Loves Murrica

Hates Americans
im not the one attacking every aspect of this great nation ! unlike you i realize how fortunate i am to live in this great country ! really why dont you go live in Africa ! clearly it isnt a racist continent .
Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

She hurt your feelings, did she? (More and more we see a real need for CRT with all the whitey righties losing their sh*t over the littlest things)
Why stop at CRT?

Why not give black people their own nation so they can govern themselves and not be oppressed by a racist system? Don’t oppressed people usually want independence?
That’ll just result in trillions more in foreign aid.
Nope, no foreign aid. They’d have to be completely independent.

But that’s why they won’t go that far. The same reason they don’t immigrate back to Africa. They’d rather be “oppressed” in a white society than make their own way, because they know white culture is better than their forsaken one.
Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

What is unAmerican about it, aren't black folks Americans as well.

I can't believe you just said that. You answered your own question.
The fact that black folks ARE Americans means the National Anthem is their Anthem as well. Sheesh.
What a shame they refused to play the National Anthem then.....oh, wait.


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candycorn The melody is boring. The melody is no match for the national anthem. You should hum that song and tell me how automatically wonderful it is. Then hum the national anthem and tell me how great it is. Some songs have nice melodies and others are just boring. Songs are meant to catch you melodically otherwise they shouldn't be songs.
The Nat'l Anthem is an old English drinking song. Appropriate, IMO.
The Nat'l Anthem is an old English drinking song.


it's an 'old English drinking TUNE.
I watched it live and I did find the alternate agenda singing to be improper. It’s a Celebration of American Independence and not some brand new make pretend PC “holiday”. Plus she needs to get away from the dinner table
CRT? Why? How else do you describe the behavior of those who torch and loot businesses and commit violence against the people who own and operate these businesses? In
Uh...you kind of just answered your own question, in no small part.
has blm offered to help pay for the black owned businesses that got burt down during their fiery but mostly peaceful protests ?
I am not your assistant. Make your points.
screw you punk ! screw you and everything you stand for ! i love this country and you should be thankful that you are a citizen of this great nation ! thats my point commie ! and yes like an old record player that no one on the left has a legitimate answer for if you dont like it here get out and find a better place .
He confessed previously that the adults he lives with are extreme liberals and being about 19 years old he runs everything by them and provides the feedback that he receives
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .

Our Anthem is for ALL Americans. Having separate ones divides us even further.
In 1776 was black folks considered as Americans?
Were the Irish and Italians?
Were they in America in 1776?
They were lied to later in Europe that the streets here were paved with gold and when they arrived they were locked in chains and built the railroads.
They were then left to fend for themselves and started businesses unlike you know who.
Well we were here in 1776 and we weren't given any damn independence. Also Italians and Irish were eventually excepted as white and it didn't take a Constitutional Amendment, Civil Rights Act or Votings Right Act to make them bonfide citizens either. Also their treatment was NOTHING in comparison to what black folks have had to endure in this country.
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .

Our Anthem is for ALL Americans. Having separate ones divides us even further.
In 1776 was black folks considered as Americans?
Were the Irish and Italians?
Were they in America in 1776?
They were lied to later in Europe that the streets here were paved with gold and when they arrived they were locked in chains and built the railroads.
They were then left to fend for themselves and started businesses unlike you know who.
Well we were here in 1776 and we weren't given any damn independence. Also Italians and Irish were eventually excepted as white and it didn't take a Constitutional Amendment, Civil Rights Act or Votings Right Act to make them bonfide citizens either. Also their treatment was NOTHING in comparison to what black folks have had to endure in this country.

As I have mentioned to you, the Anthem wasn't officially adopted until 1931. If it isn't good enough for you and other blacks, then as far as I'm concerned you can continue your self-segregation from the rest of us.
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .

Our Anthem is for ALL Americans. Having separate ones divides us even further.
In 1776 was black folks considered as Americans?
Were the Irish and Italians?
Were they in America in 1776?
They were lied to later in Europe that the streets here were paved with gold and when they arrived they were locked in chains and built the railroads.
They were then left to fend for themselves and started businesses unlike you know who.
Well we were here in 1776 and we weren't given any damn independence. Also Italians and Irish were eventually excepted as white and it didn't take a Constitutional Amendment, Civil Rights Act or Votings Right Act to make them bonfide citizens either. Also their treatment was NOTHING in comparison to what black folks have had to endure in this country.
Who is “we”
We means us. You were not there then. Another feelings fakery.
candycorn The melody is boring. The melody is no match for the national anthem. You should hum that song and tell me how automatically wonderful it is. Then hum the national anthem and tell me how great it is. Some songs have nice melodies and others are just boring. Songs are meant to catch you melodically otherwise they shouldn't be songs.
The Nat'l Anthem is an old English drinking song. Appropriate, IMO.
The Nat'l Anthem is an old English drinking song.


it's an 'old English drinking TUNE.
The melody is taken from an old English drinking song. The point was a bar customer had to be able to sing it through its entirety to prove they weren’t too drunk to be served another round.
The words of star spangled banner are nothing but patriotism.
Democrats should all be exiled to Connecticut.
DigitalDrifter IT was done on July 4, the militant black panther type racists are at it again---trying to take over and this time with help from the CHINESE and our corrupt billionaires. They want to destroy american culture and exceptionalism and replace it all including the holidays with black marxism

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