PBS, Vanessa Williams spark backlash over ‘black national anthem’

I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Yup, nothing wrong with dividing America more and segregation of black culture. It’s time to accept the fact that these blacks who don’t accept American culture aren’t real Americans. Soon we can make the segregation legal and permanent and have them form their own nation, “Black America”, and their citizenship of America can be revoked. That way they can have their own government and cities, where they can’t be oppressed by whites anymore.

"Real Americans" don't storm the capitol much less bring confederate flags with them. Perhaps we should find every blob supporter and revoke their citizenship.

What is your definition of a Trump supporter? Is it someone who voted against Democrats or the rednecks that vandalized the Capitol?
the rednecks who stormed the capitol
and the ones who minimized what they did.

Essentially everyone who voted for the blob.

So you are basically saying “anyone who does not vote like you”. You are going to take their citizenship. This sounds like something Castro would do…… ironic given that he led a storming of Havana. By your own assessment, do you really equate the efforts and results of rednecks trespassing and vandalism at the US Capitol to the efforts and results of Castro? Do you really believe the US Democracy was ever under attack?

When America’s small businesses are attacked and it is justified as a free form of protest and criminals are given a pass to walk in and steal without punishment, it is clear Capitalism is under more threat than the Capitol.

Those who support the injuring and killing of capitol police during an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power doesn't seem to understand our nation's core principles.
Our Nation’s core principles include “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” How does giving criminals and thugs a pass to violate these core tenets when they torch businesses, steal from businesses, and commit violence against shop owners indicate a command of our Nation’s core principles?
"criminals and thugs"? All over the singing of a song on the 4th of July? Wow! We really need CRT.
More indoctrination dear?
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Yup, nothing wrong with dividing America more and segregation of black culture. It’s time to accept the fact that these blacks who don’t accept American culture aren’t real Americans. Soon we can make the segregation legal and permanent and have them form their own nation, “Black America”, and their citizenship of America can be revoked. That way they can have their own government and cities, where they can’t be oppressed by whites anymore.

"Real Americans" don't storm the capitol much less bring confederate flags with them. Perhaps we should find every blob supporter and revoke their citizenship.
Wow, talk about changing topics. Jan 6th was a protest by Americans to get the Senate to act within their constitutional authority. I know that goes over you head, but that’s the truth.

Back to the issue at hand, are blacks free or not? If not, why not give them their independence?

Was pointing out that you boys have zero standing to talk about "real Americans"....since clearly you hate the nation. This is why you guys killed a cop and injured 140 others.
since clearly you hate the nation.
they say the same shit about your side.....you two groups are so much alike.....
Except they tried to overthrow the government.
and many think the democrats were trying to overthrow a sitting president from day one.....and yea candy thats the way it looked...
Only to trump cultists who were groomed even before the election took place.
Uhm you impeached a president twice because he hurt your feelings..

How gay
"because he hurt your feelings"......no hun, that's not why fat donnie was Impeached. Perhaps if you actually read the Articles of Impeachment. Perhaps if you actually could read.
Holy cow meme's is what trump was impeached for?
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Yup, nothing wrong with dividing America more and segregation of black culture. It’s time to accept the fact that these blacks who don’t accept American culture aren’t real Americans. Soon we can make the segregation legal and permanent and have them form their own nation, “Black America”, and their citizenship of America can be revoked. That way they can have their own government and cities, where they can’t be oppressed by whites anymore.

"Real Americans" don't storm the capitol much less bring confederate flags with them. Perhaps we should find every blob supporter and revoke their citizenship.
Wow, talk about changing topics. Jan 6th was a protest by Americans to get the Senate to act within their constitutional authority. I know that goes over you head, but that’s the truth.

Back to the issue at hand, are blacks free or not? If not, why not give them their independence?

Was pointing out that you boys have zero standing to talk about "real Americans"....since clearly you hate the nation. This is why you guys killed a cop and injured 140 others.
since clearly you hate the nation.
they say the same shit about your side.....you two groups are so much alike.....
Except they tried to overthrow the government.
We did it before
Fuck that.

Hello no. No God damn black national anthem.

The national anthem is without color black or white. And now way in hell should it be about color, especially not the blacks. They fucking want everything.

If blacks want their own national anthem then they need to go make their own fucking country.
Did you hear the performance?
I don't speak jive
Of course you don't. (Even more evidence that we really need CRT)
So your giving me freedom to be spelling and Grammer illiterate ?

Thank you
Why change now? No one has stopped your illiterate posts so far, have they?
Of course they did, but now I can speak negro I get free range
Whatever trips your trigger, hun. :heehee:
And here you are
Indeed I am. Did that trip your trigger?
As long as you only use a black water fountain I am good
Of course. I'm sure that's EXACTLY what you believe and support. Sad for you that you were born 100 years too late for your Dream America.
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .

Our Anthem is for ALL Americans. Having separate ones divides us even further.
In 1776 was black folks considered as Americans?
Were the Irish and Italians?
Were they in America in 1776?
They were lied to later in Europe that the streets here were paved with gold and when they arrived they were locked in chains and built the railroads.
They were then left to fend for themselves and started businesses unlike you know who.
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Yup, nothing wrong with dividing America more and segregation of black culture. It’s time to accept the fact that these blacks who don’t accept American culture aren’t real Americans. Soon we can make the segregation legal and permanent and have them form their own nation, “Black America”, and their citizenship of America can be revoked. That way they can have their own government and cities, where they can’t be oppressed by whites anymore.

"Real Americans" don't storm the capitol much less bring confederate flags with them. Perhaps we should find every blob supporter and revoke their citizenship.
Wow, talk about changing topics. Jan 6th was a protest by Americans to get the Senate to act within their constitutional authority. I know that goes over you head, but that’s the truth.

Back to the issue at hand, are blacks free or not? If not, why not give them their independence?

Was pointing out that you boys have zero standing to talk about "real Americans"....since clearly you hate the nation. This is why you guys killed a cop and injured 140 others.
since clearly you hate the nation.
they say the same shit about your side.....you two groups are so much alike.....
Except they tried to overthrow the government.
and many think the democrats were trying to overthrow a sitting president from day one.....and yea candy thats the way it looked...
Only to trump cultists who were groomed even before the election took place.
Uhm you impeached a president twice because he hurt your feelings..

How gay
"because he hurt your feelings"......no hun, that's not why fat donnie was Impeached. Perhaps if you actually read the Articles of Impeachment. Perhaps if you actually could read.
Holy cow meme's is what trump was impeached for?

Might be too much for you to read, tho.
Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

Not sure why there would be a backlash. But I get that Murdoch and his wackos are faux-raging again
The right wing rage-machine is going full blast. That much is certain.
and in the meantime leftists assaulted peaceful protesters trying to protect the rights of real women and little girls .
candycorn The melody is boring. The melody is no match for the national anthem. You should hum that song and tell me how automatically wonderful it is. Then hum the national anthem and tell me how great it is. Some songs have nice melodies and others are just boring. Songs are meant to catch you melodically otherwise they shouldn't be songs.
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Yup, nothing wrong with dividing America more and segregation of black culture. It’s time to accept the fact that these blacks who don’t accept American culture aren’t real Americans. Soon we can make the segregation legal and permanent and have them form their own nation, “Black America”, and their citizenship of America can be revoked. That way they can have their own government and cities, where they can’t be oppressed by whites anymore.

"Real Americans" don't storm the capitol much less bring confederate flags with them. Perhaps we should find every blob supporter and revoke their citizenship.
Wow, talk about changing topics. Jan 6th was a protest by Americans to get the Senate to act within their constitutional authority. I know that goes over you head, but that’s the truth.

Back to the issue at hand, are blacks free or not? If not, why not give them their independence?

Was pointing out that you boys have zero standing to talk about "real Americans"....since clearly you hate the nation. This is why you guys killed a cop and injured 140 others.
since clearly you hate the nation.
they say the same shit about your side.....you two groups are so much alike.....
Except they tried to overthrow the government.
and many think the democrats were trying to overthrow a sitting president from day one.....and yea candy thats the way it looked...

Show me video of it. I got pictures of blob supports storming the capitol.

Lets see how it looked....
calling for his impeachment as soon as he took office....you have 4 years of various democrats calling for that and trying to find some way to get rid of the guy.....
bodecea if you don't know a hidden meaning in something and take it at face value then what's the problem with that? What's the problem with seeing the good and something and I can tell you the problem of seeing bad and everything. Some people have a good perspective on things and others shout negativity
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Yup, nothing wrong with dividing America more and segregation of black culture. It’s time to accept the fact that these blacks who don’t accept American culture aren’t real Americans. Soon we can make the segregation legal and permanent and have them form their own nation, “Black America”, and their citizenship of America can be revoked. That way they can have their own government and cities, where they can’t be oppressed by whites anymore.

"Real Americans" don't storm the capitol much less bring confederate flags with them. Perhaps we should find every blob supporter and revoke their citizenship.
Wow, talk about changing topics. Jan 6th was a protest by Americans to get the Senate to act within their constitutional authority. I know that goes over you head, but that’s the truth.

Back to the issue at hand, are blacks free or not? If not, why not give them their independence?

Was pointing out that you boys have zero standing to talk about "real Americans"....since clearly you hate the nation. This is why you guys killed a cop and injured 140 others.
since clearly you hate the nation.
they say the same shit about your side.....you two groups are so much alike.....
Except they tried to overthrow the government.
and many think the democrats were trying to overthrow a sitting president from day one.....and yea candy thats the way it looked...
Only to trump cultists who were groomed even before the election took place.
it was more than trumps people....not all of us are fooled by the methods you party people use to keep us divided....
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Its divisive
So one can argue Obama’s Arab DNA all the way to Olduai Gorge. Where is the Indigenous national Anthem?
If that is the case then we can argue your European DNA, see other than the Native American nobody originated from this country.

Actually that isn't true since the so called "native" American came from Asia.
candycorn The melody is boring. The melody is no match for the national anthem. You should hum that song and tell me how automatically wonderful it is. Then hum the national anthem and tell me how great it is. Some songs have nice melodies and others are just boring. Songs are meant to catch you melodically otherwise they shouldn't be songs.
The Nat'l Anthem is an old English drinking song. Appropriate, IMO.
Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

What is unAmerican about it, aren't black folks Americans as well.

I can't believe you just said that. You answered your own question.
The fact that black folks ARE Americans means the National Anthem is their Anthem as well. Sheesh.
So one can argue Obama’s Arab DNA all the way to Olduai Gorge. Where is the Indigenous national Anthem?
If that is the case then we can argue your European DNA, see other than the Native American nobody originated from this country.

Actually that isn't true since the so called "native" American came from Asia.
And we ALL came from Africa.

What he wrote was false, that is what you miss.
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .

Our Anthem is for ALL Americans. Having separate ones divides us even further.
In 1776 was black folks considered as Americans?

Time for you to refresh your history knowledge. The Star Spangled Banner didn't become the official National Anthem until 1931.
They don't? Funny I took a history course and Americans overthrew the British
You didn't take no history course, dropout.

I took a lot of history classes and have many history books, Americans did defeat the English but with a lot of French help in the latter years.

Notice you didn't offer a real counterpoint at all.


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