PBS, Vanessa Williams spark backlash over ‘black national anthem’

Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

She hurt your feelings, did she? (More and more we see a real need for CRT with all the whitey righties losing their sh*t over the littlest things)
Why stop at CRT?

Why not give black people their own nation so they can govern themselves and not be oppressed by a racist system? Don’t oppressed people usually want independence?

They have them already. Places like Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, etc. I hear they're pretty awesome... :laughing0301:
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
No other group in America has gotten anything near the special advantageous treatment that black America has gotten over the last 50 years. People are tired of hearing this bullshit.
Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

She hurt your feelings, did she? (More and more we see a real need for CRT with all the whitey righties losing their sh*t over the littlest things)
personally I'm a bit critical of CRT, but imo you're right that that the faux conservatives' outrage is really about themselves and apparently their insecurity. Everyone's memories of the Fourth begin, and end, with their personal experiences. We all are influenced by what we were told of how our forebearers experienced the Fourth. We aren't somehow diminished by how more recent first and second generation immigrants see it, or how black people see it ... even though a goodly number of them, like Obama, did not have parents or grandparents who hailed from slaves.
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Yup, nothing wrong with dividing America more and segregation of black culture. It’s time to accept the fact that these blacks who don’t accept American culture aren’t real Americans. Soon we can make the segregation legal and permanent and have them form their own nation, “Black America”, and their citizenship of America can be revoked. That way they can have their own government and cities, where they can’t be oppressed by whites anymore.

"Real Americans" don't storm the capitol much less bring confederate flags with them. Perhaps we should find every blob supporter and revoke their citizenship.
Wow, talk about changing topics. Jan 6th was a protest by Americans to get the Senate to act within their constitutional authority. I know that goes over you head, but that’s the truth.

Back to the issue at hand, are blacks free or not? If not, why not give them their independence?

Was pointing out that you boys have zero standing to talk about "real Americans"....since clearly you hate the nation. This is why you guys killed a cop and injured 140 others.
No one killed a cop. The one cop died from an unrelated health issue. Never heard you once say that BLM and Antifa are unAmerican for injuring and murdering police.
Isn't that YOUR dream? lol
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Obviously there was something wrong with the "National Anthem", so she sang the racially divisive "BLACK national anthem" instead. The National Anthem is for all Americans, but this new horseshit is only for our nations constantly troublesome and destructive black population. One more reason for the next generation to become racist. Great job guys. Your crap is screwing up our great nation and all the advances we've made.
Sorry to hear you were so traumatized. :itsok:
Are you sorry for your parties extremely divisive behavior? I bet you arent.
Our party doesn't have "extremely divisive behavior"....we are not responsible for your on-going victimhood attitude. Your lack of self-esteem is all on you.
Always alway always remember
Most of these causes have never been about being treated equally.
They are about being treated specially and never so evident as right now
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Obviously there was something wrong with the "National Anthem", so she sang the racially divisive "BLACK national anthem" instead. The National Anthem is for all Americans, but this new horseshit is only for our nations constantly troublesome and destructive black population. One more reason for the next generation to become racist. Great job guys. Your crap is screwing up our great nation and all the advances we've made.
Sorry to hear you were so traumatized. :itsok:
Are you sorry for your parties extremely divisive behavior? I bet you arent.
Our party doesn't have "extremely divisive behavior"....we are not responsible for your on-going victimhood attitude. Your lack of self-esteem is all on you.
I dunno. I don't perceive an appreciable difference in rhetoric from trumpiles turning on gopers for not supporting Trump's bs about stolen elections and AOC's primarying or threats of primarying centrists.

But I don't think Antifa or other groups supporting violence are actually dems, while Trump's insurrectionists probably are committed Trump voters ... or those who could find their way to a polling place
Always alway always remember
Most of these causes have never been about being treated equally.
They are about being treated specially and never so evident as right now
All of Trumpanzee challenges were treated equally to other challenges. Trump's gripe is that HE wasn't give the same procedural treatment of a civil suit rather than an election challenge. Which is what coyote tried to explain.
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Obviously there was something wrong with the "National Anthem", so she sang the racially divisive "BLACK national anthem" instead. The National Anthem is for all Americans, but this new horseshit is only for our nations constantly troublesome and destructive black population. One more reason for the next generation to become racist. Great job guys. Your crap is screwing up our great nation and all the advances we've made.
Sorry to hear you were so traumatized. :itsok:
Are you sorry for your parties extremely divisive behavior? I bet you arent.
Our party doesn't have "extremely divisive behavior"....we are not responsible for your on-going victimhood attitude. Your lack of self-esteem is all on you.
You are denying your parties never ending hate on EVERYFUCKINGTHING? All you people do is talk about how everything is racist. You spread division like possessed demons; like your life depends on it.
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Obviously there was something wrong with the "National Anthem", so she sang the racially divisive "BLACK national anthem" instead. The National Anthem is for all Americans, but this new horseshit is only for our nations constantly troublesome and destructive black population. One more reason for the next generation to become racist. Great job guys. Your crap is screwing up our great nation and all the advances we've made.
Sorry to hear you were so traumatized. :itsok:
Are you sorry for your parties extremely divisive behavior? I bet you arent.
Our party doesn't have "extremely divisive behavior"....we are not responsible for your on-going victimhood attitude. Your lack of self-esteem is all on you.
I dunno. I don't perceive an appreciable difference in rhetoric from trumpiles turning on gopers for not supporting Trump's bs about stolen elections and AOC's primarying or threats of primarying centrists.

But I don't think Antifa or other groups supporting violence are actually dems, while Trump's insurrectionists probably are committed Trump voters ... or those who could find their way to a polling place
If they arent dems, why do dems defend them? Hell, many of you tried to pretend ANTIFA didnt even exist. I will never understand the logic of that moronic political move.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
No other group in America has gotten anything near the special advantageous treatment that black America has gotten over the last 50 years. People are tired of hearing this bullshit.
Please by all means give us a list of the special advantages black folks have rec'd that you have not. I bet money you will not post that list.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
No other group in America has gotten anything near the special advantageous treatment that black America has gotten over the last 50 years. People are tired of hearing this bullshit.
Please by all means give us a list of the special advantages black folks have rec'd that you have not. I bet money you will not post that list.
Enrollment and hiring quotas resulting in reduced entry requirements across the board. You can start and stop there. What else do you want? Wait, I know, you want the government to somehow guarantee equal outcomes on top of that.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
No other group in America has gotten anything near the special advantageous treatment that black America has gotten over the last 50 years. People are tired of hearing this bullshit.
Please by all means give us a list of the special advantages black folks have rec'd that you have not. I bet money you will not post that list.
You need that list AGAIN? How many times do you need to see it before you remember?
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
No other group in America has gotten anything near the special advantageous treatment that black America has gotten over the last 50 years. People are tired of hearing this bullshit.
Please by all means give us a list of the special advantages black folks have rec'd that you have not. I bet money you will not post that list.
You need that list AGAIN? How many times do you need to see it before you remember?
Yea give me that bullshit list again.
It is hard to advance when one group has fought so hard to make sure you slowly advance. Please tell me another faction of the population that has suffered in this country as black folks have. I'll wait for your answer.
No other group in America has gotten anything near the special advantageous treatment that black America has gotten over the last 50 years. People are tired of hearing this bullshit.
Please by all means give us a list of the special advantages black folks have rec'd that you have not. I bet money you will not post that list.
You need that list AGAIN? How many times do you need to see it before you remember?
Yea give me that bullshit list again.
Anything that isn’t welfare is bullshit to you.
Indeependent the Indians had it pretty bad as well. The ones that survived at least. They are only a small fraction left in this country, I'm like every other community. Although at one time there were a very big population, now they're one of the smallest. How come every other race is growing in size and they are not? Explain that one. Privilege might not have a lot to do with it, but maybe it does.
Mark Richard just imagine every other movie you saw or every other sitcom or every other commercial that you saw was an Indian guy dating some white women or black women. Actually they're probably never was a commercial like that. How does that happen? Privilege? Can't be, there's got to be an explanation for that.
Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

Sure, when you've had your whole life being treated differently by some white people, I'd guess you'd just say "fuck it, we're going to do our own thing"
frigidweirdo to use identity politics, I was treated differently by white people and black people and Asian people in Mexican people then others were treated by the same people. And then there was other people that were treated differently than I was and then there was other people treated differently than they were. Some people got picked on and some people didn't.
Elon musk was bullied as a kid. How to become successful if he was treated badly is a mystery. Some people never succeed because they are victim of some traumatic event that happened when they were kids. But others become successful. I'm not sure if Barack Obama was picked on as a kid. But you would assume so if he was black.
frigidweirdo to use identity politics, I was treated differently by white people and black people and Asian people in Mexican people then others were treated by the same people. And then there was other people that were treated differently than I was and then there was other people treated differently than they were. Some people got picked on and some people didn't.
Elon musk was bullied as a kid. How to become successful if he was treated badly is a mystery. Some people never succeed because they are victim of some traumatic event that happened when they were kids. But others become successful. I'm not sure if Barack Obama was picked on as a kid. But you would assume so if he was black.

Different people react differently to things. Why someone was bullied can have a big impact, how they were bullied can have a big impact.

You can't just say being bullied as if it's the same experience for all.

Different people get treated differently in society, then again, black people and Native Americans have suffered the worst, by far.

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