PC Nazis Boast of Another Scalp; Anthony Cumia


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Lol, what was the specific racist statement made by Cumia?

And note the comments section is a full blown racism shout-fest.

Lol, and for the record, I have ancestors who fought for the Union at several major battles, so how am I guilty of racism when the accusation of all whites being engaged is obviously not true, and the slaves were bought originally from other black tribesmen in the first place?

Anthony Cumia, host of Opie and Anthony, tells News he has 'options' after being fired by SiriusXM for racist Twitter rant - NY Daily News

Anthony Cumia, host of Opie and Anthony, tells News he has 'options' after being fired by SiriusXM for racist Twitter rant

The show's over. The satellite radio company announced Friday that it axed the DJ after he fired off a string of racist tweets about a black woman he claimed punched him in Times Square. It was not immediately clear if Cumia's longtime co-host, Gregg (Opie) Hughes, would be allowed to continue their program.

Shock jock Anthony Cumia was yanked off the air for his racist Twitter rant against a black woman he claimed punched him in Times Square, SiriusXM announced Friday.

Cumia, one half of the longtime radio team “Opie & Anthony,” was fired by SiriusXM, who called the 53-year-old disc jockey’s remarks “hate-filled.”...

Cumia had plenty to say earlier this week on Twitter when he called the woman an “animal b---h” and a “savage.”

The foul-mouthed host argued on Twitter that he was the real victim .

“Sirius decided to cave and fire me,” he tweeted Friday. “Welcome to bizarro world. Fired for s--t that wasn’t even on the air & wasn’t illegal. So, who’s next?”

He said he wouldn’t apologize for any of the tweets he wrote since the alleged attack early Tuesday.

Cumia claims the woman punched him in the face after she realized she was in one of several pictures he had been taking at the Crossroads of the World

“Then she punched me 5 more times,” the radio host tweeted. “She’s lucky I was a white legal gun owner or she’d be dead. Then 5 blacks started giving me s--t!”

Police were never called to the scene and no witnesses have come forward .

So the chain of events are, as best I can tell that we actually know for a fact:
1) Cumia rants on twitter about being attacked by a black female.

2) The closest thing he said to a racist term, as far as I can see it were 'savage' (not a reference to race at all), 'black', (so its now racist for white people to call someone black?), 'bitch' (not a reference to race at all), and other rude but race-neutral things.

3) PC Nazis on Twitter get upset and threaten to boycott SiriusXM.

4) SiriusXM decides to abort the whole controversy by firing Cumia.

5) PC Nazis celebrate another scalp taken in their war against American culture.

So we once again have freedom of speech subordinated to the fear of being targeted by racist PC Nazis threatening a shakedown by a business owned by people who love money far more than freedom of speech.

And people there is far worse coming from the PC Nazi elite. Threatening the whole country into self censorship is only the beginning.
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Cumia has only himself to blame, a victim of his own stupidity and hate, having nothing to do with the myth of 'political correctness.'

Why? Cumia stated his personal beliefs on a topic on Twitter, not on the job, so the PC Nazis coerced SiriusXM to fire him.

Where is Cumia at fault? What was his racist statement?

Oh, that's right, you libtards don't answer questions, you only ask them.

Yawn. Radio jock makes offensive comments and outrages listeners. Employer no longer wants to keep an employee that will cost them money. Fired. The free market in action, what's the issue again?

Watch what you say, in public or private, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.


I have watched several shows on what Americans are most proud of about the USA and almost each and every one of them cited our freedom of speech.

The PC Nazis are turning this nation into a fascist police state.
Yawn. Radio jock makes offensive comments and outrages listeners. Employer no longer wants to keep an employee that will cost them money. Fired. The free market in action, what's the issue again?

They said it was because Cumia made racist statements.

What were they?

And its great to see that PC Nazis like you are quite comfortable with people being fired for making anti-PC statements, but it really isn't a surprise.
The only reason a scalp has been taken is because White people go out of their way to hold themselves and their race accountable to the PC police, whereas minorities laugh at it. Political correctness will crumble from within once White people begin embracing their racial identity and start acting in their group interests.
Has the OP bothered to take a look at the guy's tweets for himself? It seems that he has not.

And....Mac........the guy isn't being arrested nor punished by the government in any way. His private sector employer decided that he was no longer someone they want to have representing them. Free market in action.

If he were an unemployed citizen.....he would have faced absolutely zero consequences for his comments. Freedom rings!


Watch what you say, in public or private, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.


Who would of thought that actions have consequences? This is reality after all.

You could have just said "that's right Mac, I agree."

Why didn't you just say that?


Who is arguing that there should be no consequences at all for what one says?

Just keep the range of those consequences within reason. Firing someone for saying rude things away from the job then claiming that they were racist remarks is quite another.

And what statement did Cumia make that was racist?

Do you know? Or are you just making a knee-jerk 'the owners are right' response and have no clue?
The only reason a scalp has been taken is because White people go out of their way to hold themselves and their race accountable to the PC police, whereas minorities laugh at it. Political correctness will crumble from within once White people begin embracing their racial identity and start acting in their group interests.

Aside from the comment about 'racial identity' I agree.

Though I will say that if the PC Nazis keep pushing my racial identity in my face, I might have no other choice than to embrace it despite my preferences to not live that way.
Just keep the range of those consequences within reason.

And that's the key point that the PC Police will avoid. They have appointed themselves the arbiter of what is reasonable. Debating words and thoughts they don't like simply is not good enough for them, they have to be in charge of of issuing the "consequences".

It certainly is in line for their quest for a strong, authoritarian central government that has far more control over the populace.

Intimidation, compliance, capitulation, submission. America, 2014. And they're just getting started.

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Has the OP bothered to take a look at the guy's tweets for himself? It seems that he has not.

I have searched and the OP has the most detail I have found thus far, and I didn't see anything that was racist, and so I am asking the libtards like you to cite his racist statement. IF you cant do it then you have no case for making any claims of any kind.

And....Mac........the guy isn't being arrested nor punished by the government in any way. His private sector employer decided that he was no longer someone they want to have representing them. Free market in action.

Lol, what irony.

If he were an unemployed citizen.....he would have faced absolutely zero consequences for his comments. Freedom rings!

Yeah, a person is most free when they have nothing to lose.


And that is a big lie anyway as you PC Nazis are trying to put legal teeth into your censorship like they have in most of the rest of the English speaking world.

For the time being you rely on your race hustling brown shirts to do the dirty work for you, but you will change that as soon as you can.

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