PC Nazis Boast of Another Scalp; Anthony Cumia

Have you read the tweets that I linked for you?

The question is simple; what racist statement did Cumia make?

Why is that so hard for you to respond to?

Because there is no one specific racist statement. Cumia was speaking rudely about a black person so you race baiting fascists go with ambiguousness to avoid discussing anything specific.

But you have had one question/request to present the statement after another and you fail repeatedly.

You have no case, and are just backing up the race baiters you side with.

In short you are a PC Nazi.

I have asked you three times if you read the tweets. I simply want to know if you are curious enough about the case to read a dozen short statements.

If you tell me that you read the tweets, I will gladly tell you which ones that I think are racist. But I am not going to bother if you are not really interested.

Yes, jack ass, I read the tweets, now which one or more are racist?

Once again......the content doesn't matter for our discussion. I am debating you ( as if someone as stupid as you can actually debate ) regarding the existence of a PC police force and whether or not our 1st Amendment rights are in danger of being lost.

Yes, there obviously are PC Police, except they are really more like Brown Shirt Nazis than legit police.

The guy was fired by his boss......not the government. He is free to say whatever he wants. Are you intelligent enough to even understand what you are "debating"?

His bossed was coerced into firing him under the gun of a racist shakedown machine that should be illegal as it is moral the equivalent of black listing.

Frankly, it is ridiculous for you to claim you are debating me when you do not answer question I direct to you, you do not present facts, and you do not make cogent arguments. That is not debating, you stupid shit.

You are little more than a PC Nazi troll.
You'll notice they don't deny their actions; they defend them.

Intimidation, compliance, capitulation, submission. They're good with it.

Not much else to say.


They are good with it because they control/own most of the media.

For example, on FOX Bill O'Reilly had a show accusing some kids in Georgia of having a separate whites only prom, and he kicked off a firestorm of anti-racist PC indignation and hate directed at these kids, death threats, the whole nine yards.

And what did they actually do? They didn't have a prom, they had a small party celebrating their graduation and that small circle of friends were all white. That was not a school sponsored prom in any sense of the word.

Meanwhile, Hispanics, Asians and blacks across the country have segregated their own group only proms and graduations and not one white person has a hateful thing to say about it.

The double standard is really unquestionable by a reasonable person and when it is supported and continued by even 'conservative' networks like FOX, you know the game is rigged.

There is no stress relief valve and without it the broiler is going to blow.

The broiler?

Laugh out fucking loud stupid. You rock, dummy.

lol, it was a typo, Sherlock

In short you are a PC Nazi.

You'll notice they don't deny their actions; they defend them.

Intimidation, compliance, capitulation, submission. They're good with it.

Not much else to say.


You have been proven wrong so often on this subject.....it is not surprising that you don't have much to say.

Prove it. You have a track record in this one thread that you cannot debate and have no clue as to how to present evidence or make an argument based on that evidence.

You say you have proven someone wrong? Bullshit, prove it.
"I told them to back the fuck off, this wasn't their show. The **** then punched me again. Seems white boys don't hit back. Lucky savage."

"They aren't people."

"There's a deep seeded problem with violence in the black community"

Those three will do.

And....typo my ass. The "r" is nowhere near the "b" or the "o". You lie with such ease.
You'll notice they don't deny their actions; they defend them.

Intimidation, compliance, capitulation, submission. They're good with it.

Not much else to say.


You have been proven wrong so often on this subject.....it is not surprising that you don't have much to say.

Prove it. You have a track record in this one thread that you cannot debate and have no clue as to how to present evidence or make an argument based on that evidence.

You say you have proven someone wrong? Bullshit, prove it.

I wonder where you think you rank in terms of intelligence here at USMB? Do you think you are more intelligent than Mud? How about Staph? You brighter than Billyrock? More or less gullible than Redfish? How about 2A?
Perhaps those who buy into the myth of 'political correctness' would be so kind as to cite the statute and jurisdiction codifying 'PC,' what's the penalty when one is convicted of the crime of using a racial slur, for example, and what's the amount of the fine and/or the length of incarceration.

Absent such a statute prohibiting racial slurs and its subsequent penalty once convicted, there is no such thing as 'political correctness.'

And that some on the right might perceive the myth of 'political correctness' as 'real' in the context of private society is subjective, partisan, and irrelevant.
"I told them to back the fuck off, this wasn't their show. The **** then punched me again. Seems white boys don't hit back. Lucky savage."

And that is racist why? Because he said he was a white boy? lol

""They aren't people."

Criminals can behave with such savagery that they do not resemble people, and that is true of all races, so there is no race implied in that statement and thus no clear racism but what you want to spin that way.

""There's a deep seeded problem with violence in the black community"

That happens to be true, but all immigrant communities have had such problems, such as the 'fighting Irish', and they all had to learn how to act more responsibly as they faced the economic punishment of being shunned. Unfortunately for blacks, the feds now house clothe and feed them no matter what they do and so the process has been slowed quite a bit.

"Those three will do.

Do for nothing other than to demonstrate how desperately you *want* there to be racism inthis country and how ridiculous you will be to support 'your side'.

"And....typo my ass. The "r" is nowhere near the "b" or the "o". You lie with such ease.

I tried to type 'boiler' dumbass. I don't know what keys I actually hit but the autocorrect decided that broiler was the best to go with and I didn't notice the slight difference in spelling. This is just one more example of your irrational hatred where a perfectly legit explanation is dismissed out of hand by you so you can continue to hate.

You are your own worst enemy, dumbass.
Perhaps those who buy into the myth of 'political correctness' would be so kind as to cite the statute and jurisdiction codifying 'PC,' what's the penalty when one is convicted of the crime of using a racial slur, for example, and what's the amount of the fine and/or the length of incarceration.

Absent such a statute prohibiting racial slurs and its subsequent penalty once convicted, there is no such thing as 'political correctness.'

And that some on the right might perceive the myth of 'political correctness' as 'real' in the context of private society is subjective, partisan, and irrelevant.

lol, that is so fucking stupid, I hope you keep using that claim so that others can see you for the fraud and liar that you are.
You have been proven wrong so often on this subject.....it is not surprising that you don't have much to say.

Prove it. You have a track record in this one thread that you cannot debate and have no clue as to how to present evidence or make an argument based on that evidence.

You say you have proven someone wrong? Bullshit, prove it.

I wonder where you think you rank in terms of intelligence here at USMB? Do you think you are more intelligent than Mud? How about Staph? You brighter than Billyrock? More or less gullible than Redfish? How about 2A?

I really don't give a fuck what you or anyone else thinks about my IQ. That shit is for losers who cant get anything accomplished. I don't need it.
Prove it. You have a track record in this one thread that you cannot debate and have no clue as to how to present evidence or make an argument based on that evidence.

You say you have proven someone wrong? Bullshit, prove it.

I wonder where you think you rank in terms of intelligence here at USMB? Do you think you are more intelligent than Mud? How about Staph? You brighter than Billyrock? More or less gullible than Redfish? How about 2A?

I really don't give a fuck what you or anyone else thinks about my IQ. That shit is for losers who cant get anything accomplished. I don't need it.

Here's a tip for you, Ace. If you are not concerned with what others think of you, don't run around calling people stupid. Especially people who are obviously more intelligent than you. I'm telling you that I think you are an idiot. I can do that because I am far more intelligent than you are. It isn't a question.

Now...I knew that you wouldn't think that what the guy said was racist. You'd never admit that. You have stated your opinion that what he said was innocent and had nothing to do with race. I have stated my opinion that what he said was, in fact, teeming with racism. It appears that his employer agrees with my assessment.

The point here is that this man is free to say whatever he wants. No arrest. No imprisonment. In fact, the only way he can be silenced by the government is if he goes on standard terrestrial network radio or TV and says something that the FCC considers obscene. Then he will be fined. His employer could lose the right to broadcast. Being a liberal, I think obscenity laws are fucking ridiculous. I would abolish them if given the chance.

How about you? You afraid of words like most uptight conservatives?
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I wonder where you think you rank in terms of intelligence here at USMB? Do you think you are more intelligent than Mud? How about Staph? You brighter than Billyrock? More or less gullible than Redfish? How about 2A?

I really don't give a fuck what you or anyone else thinks about my IQ. That shit is for losers who cant get anything accomplished. I don't need it.

Here's a tip for you, Ace. If you are not concerned with what others think of you, don't run around calling people stupid. Especially people who are obviously more intelligent than you. I'm telling you that I think you are an idiot. I can do that because I am far more intelligent than you are. It isn't a question.

Yeah, I doubt you entertain yourself with too many questions of any kind, you arrogant Nazi.

Now...I knew that you wouldn't think that what the guy said was racist. You'd never admit that. You have stated your opinion that what he said was innocent and had nothing to do with race. I have stated my opinion that what he said was, in fact, teeming with racism. It appears that his employer agrees with my assessment.

The point here is that this man is free to say whatever he wants. No arrest. No imprisonment. In fact, the only way he can be silenced by the government is if he goes on standard terrestrial network radio or TV and says something that the FCC considers obscene. Then he will be fined. His employer could lose the right to broadcast. Being a liberal, I think obscenity laws are fucking ridiculous. I would abolish them if given the chance.

How about you? You afraid of words like most uptight conservatives?

I am afraid of the looming fascist take over by ideological cum buckets like you.

But methinks your kind's game is now known and your low hanging fruit are disappearing fast. Cumia is going to end up far more famous and wealthy when this is all said and done, jack ass stupid fucktard.
I really don't give a fuck what you or anyone else thinks about my IQ. That shit is for losers who cant get anything accomplished. I don't need it.

Here's a tip for you, Ace. If you are not concerned with what others think of you, don't run around calling people stupid. Especially people who are obviously more intelligent than you. I'm telling you that I think you are an idiot. I can do that because I am far more intelligent than you are. It isn't a question.

Yeah, I doubt you entertain yourself with too many questions of any kind, you arrogant Nazi.

Now...I knew that you wouldn't think that what the guy said was racist. You'd never admit that. You have stated your opinion that what he said was innocent and had nothing to do with race. I have stated my opinion that what he said was, in fact, teeming with racism. It appears that his employer agrees with my assessment.

The point here is that this man is free to say whatever he wants. No arrest. No imprisonment. In fact, the only way he can be silenced by the government is if he goes on standard terrestrial network radio or TV and says something that the FCC considers obscene. Then he will be fined. His employer could lose the right to broadcast. Being a liberal, I think obscenity laws are fucking ridiculous. I would abolish them if given the chance.

How about you? You afraid of words like most uptight conservatives?

I am afraid of the looming fascist take over by ideological cum buckets like you.

But methinks your kind's game is now known and your low hanging fruit are disappearing fast. Cumia is going to end up far more famous and wealthy when this is all said and done, jack ass stupid fucktard.

You think so? You think he's going to profit from this episode?

That is an interesting take. Let's say you are right. Let's say that, a year from now, Cumia has a better gig that pays more and he reaches more listeners. Wouldn't that kind of blow your dopey premise right the fuck out of the shallow water in which you swim?

You might be stupid enough to miss the fact that you have destroyed your own argument. No....scratch that. You are definitely stupid enough.

Well done.
You'll notice they don't deny their actions; they defend them.

Intimidation, compliance, capitulation, submission. They're good with it.

Not much else to say.


You have been proven wrong so often on this subject.....it is not surprising that you don't have much to say.

Prove it. You have a track record in this one thread that you cannot debate and have no clue as to how to present evidence or make an argument based on that evidence.

You say you have proven someone wrong? Bullshit, prove it.

"... proven wrong so often..."

Too funny.

My little stalker friend -- he keeps posting directly to me, even asking me questions, even though he knows I finally put him on ignore and can only see his posts when he's quoted -- has decided that he is the arbiter of what "proof" is. He has decided. You can't make this shit up. It's right there, black & white.

Another beautiful example of how these people think, that they are the final arbiters.

Narcissism, control, intimidation, control, control. It's apparently in their blood.

You have been proven wrong so often on this subject.....it is not surprising that you don't have much to say.

Prove it. You have a track record in this one thread that you cannot debate and have no clue as to how to present evidence or make an argument based on that evidence.

You say you have proven someone wrong? Bullshit, prove it.

"... proven wrong so often..."

Too funny.

My little stalker friend -- he keeps posting directly to me, even asking me questions, even though he knows I finally put him on ignore and can only see his posts when he's quoted -- has decided that he is the arbiter of what "proof" is. He has decided. You can't make this shit up. It's right there, black & white.

Another beautiful example of how these people think, that they are the final arbiters.

Narcissism, control, intimidation, control, control. It's apparently in their blood.


Earmuffs! You never fail me. Always there when I call. How does it feel knowing that you are in the exact same place on this issue as an idiot bigot like Jim? That has got to sting a little.
I have no doubt that Anthony is racist. Anybody who has listened to their show often enough knows that. What I don't understand is why he was fired for racist tweets, while SiriusXM made millions off his racist rants on air?

I'll miss that show. :(
I have no doubt that Anthony is racist. Anybody who has listened to their show often enough knows that. What I don't understand is why he was fired for racist tweets, while SiriusXM made millions off his racist rants on air?

I'll miss that show. :(

That's pretty simple. His rants on the show were not bringing that much heat. SIRiUS never had to make the call before. This time, what he said got a strong enough reaction that SIRIUS felt it necessary.....for their bottom line....to can him.

The show will be aired. And you'll probably get it for less $$ than a SIRIUS subscription. He was not banned from speaking or doing his show. He was just fired from one media outlet.
I have no doubt that Anthony is racist. Anybody who has listened to their show often enough knows that. What I don't understand is why he was fired for racist tweets, while SiriusXM made millions off his racist rants on air?

I'll miss that show. :(

That's pretty simple. His rants on the show were not bringing that much heat. SIRiUS never had to make the call before. This time, what he said got a strong enough reaction that SIRIUS felt it necessary.....for their bottom line....to can him.

The show will be aired. And you'll probably get it for less $$ than a SIRIUS subscription. He was not banned from speaking or doing his show. He was just fired from one media outlet.

So, SiriusXM folded like pussies because people on Twitter started making heat? That is pretty simple... and stupid. Sirius has an entire channel named after their show. Now they can rework that, all because of an issue that would have died down in a week.
lol Opey & Anthony sound just like USMB regulars...

She objected to being in the images and punched him multiple times as she called him a 'white motherf***er', he claimed on his Twitter feed.

He uploaded photos that he claim show her throwing punches at him, branding her a 'c*** animal'.

'Savage violent animal f***s prey on white people,' he continued in the hours-long rant. 'Easy targets. This C*** has no clue how lucky she was. She belted me 10 times. I had a gun.

'She's lucky I was a white legal gun owner or she'd be dead. Then 5 blacks started giving me s***!'

'I hope a home boy beats her to death,' he added. 'They aren't people.'


When Twitter users asked why he didn't press charges, he responded that there were no police officers around and that she said she would claim he had sexually harassed her if he reported it.

'Lying c***,' he wrote. 'I hope she gets shot in her ass f*** face. Ugh.'

'It's really open season on white people in this day and age,' Cumia wrote. 'No recourse. Fight back and you're a racist. The predators know this. Good luck.'



oops she accidentally got into my photo... aww poor creeper got clocked!
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Without mentioning race, he criticized a woman who was independently known to be black. That's enough to put a white hood on his head.
I just got done listening to a clip on Youtube of a black caller saying that Anthony's rants have almost caused him to cancel his XM subscription in the past.

Anthony responded "Don't worry. Sirius will do that when you stop paying the bills."

He is a racist prick, but a funny racist prick. :lol:

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