PC Nazis Boast of Another Scalp; Anthony Cumia

I have no doubt that Anthony is racist. Anybody who has listened to their show often enough knows that. What I don't understand is why he was fired for racist tweets, while SiriusXM made millions off his racist rants on air?

I'll miss that show. :(

That's pretty simple. His rants on the show were not bringing that much heat. SIRiUS never had to make the call before. This time, what he said got a strong enough reaction that SIRIUS felt it necessary.....for their bottom line....to can him.

The show will be aired. And you'll probably get it for less $$ than a SIRIUS subscription. He was not banned from speaking or doing his show. He was just fired from one media outlet.

So, SiriusXM folded like pussies because people on Twitter started making heat? That is pretty simple... and stupid. Sirius has an entire channel named after their show. Now they can rework that, all because of an issue that would have died down in a week.

It seems that is the case. Free market.
It seems that is the case. Free market.

Oh, I certainly support their right to fire Cumia. It's their business. Just a stupid decision on their part. He could have spoken about the issue on air, and the controversy still would have died in a week. Any regular listeners to their show know how Cumia feels in the first place.
Cumia has only himself to blame, a victim of his own stupidity and hate, having nothing to do with the myth of 'political correctness.'

". . . the myth of 'political correctness'?

Shut the hell up, you depraved, pathological liar, you despicable two-bit punk.

We all know who they are--the mindless, brainwashed dufeses on this board. They are the statist, bootlicking, leftist punks, like C_Clayton_Jones, jillian, PoliticalTorch, Siete, guno, AtheistBuddah, katsteve2012, hazlnut. . . . These are the idiots groomed by the public education system and popular culture who have never had an original thought of their own in their entire lives, the braying jackasses who at the drop of a hat make baby talk about racism, homophobia, xenophobia . . . ad nauseam. This is where they come from. This is who they are.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq6Gctxe81E]Political Correctness: The Control of Thought and Speech - YouTube[/ame]

Conservatives, libertarians (i.e., classical liberals of America’s founding ethos), are you not past the point of loathing them? Why engage them? Just tell them to shut the hell up every friggin’ time they open their yaps on this board.

They are nothing but a collection of clichés and slogans. They are cartoon cutouts. An endless, yet predictable stream of meaningless, prerecorded blather: up is down, right is wrong, day is night. They are race-baiting pimps and whores. They are the banal, unwashed barbarians of every gross violation of human decency and commonsense. They are merciless, baby-killing jackals, purveyors of sexual degeneracy who pray on innocent children in our schools. They are the indoctrinators. The tyrannical thugs. The PC space cadets. They are bullies and thugs. Thieves. Oppressors. The only thing they will ever understand about the rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.

They are the pitchfork-wielding Jacobins. They are intellectual cannibals and carrion. They are the Citizens. The Comrades. In other words, they are the robotically sterile drones of statism. Kneejerk reactionaries. They are the death of music and poetry, passion and romance. They routinely spew the mundane as if it were profundity. They speak in forked tongue, Orwellian technicalese. Drivel.

They are pathological liars. Political sociopaths. I loath them.
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Cumia has only himself to blame, a victim of his own stupidity and hate, having nothing to do with the myth of 'political correctness.'

". . . the myth of 'political correctness'?

Imagine that. You have to give him credit, he's the only person I know of -- on either end of the spectrum -- who actually denies its very existence. Talk about living in a vacuum, that's some pretty serious stuff right there. Then he'll ask you to provide some kind of code or document that proves its existence, like a PC Constitution that you can download from Amazon. Incredible.

Here's the thing: I can't swear to it, but I think it's possible that he may actually believe this stuff.

Let THAT one sink in a bit.

Reminds me of:


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The only reason a scalp has been taken is because White people go out of their way to hold themselves and their race accountable to the PC police, whereas minorities laugh at it. Political correctness will crumble from within once White people begin embracing their racial identity and start acting in their group interests.

There is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a myth contrived and propagated by the right in an effort to mitigate their ignorance and hate.

Everyone is at liberty to say whatever he wishes, to use any racial slur, to disparage any ethnic group, absent the fear of punitive measures by the state. Indeed, hate speech is protected speech, immune from government sanctions (R.A.V. v. City of St.Paul, Minnesota (1992)).

of course you are correct...

lol at emo rawlings weeping for the death of poetry... :lol:

They are nothing but a collection of clichés and slogans. They are cartoon cutouts. An endless, yet predictable stream of meaningless, prerecorded blather: up is down, right is wrong, day is night. They are race-baiting pimps and whores. They are the banal, unwashed barbarians of every gross violation of human decency and commonsense. They are merciless, baby-killing jackals, purveyors of sexual degeneracy who pray on innocent children in our schools. They are the indoctrinators. The tyrannical thugs. The PC space cadets. They are bullies and thugs. Thieves. Oppressors. The only thing they will ever understand about the rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.

They are the pitchfork-wielding Jacobins. They are intellectual cannibals and carrion. They are the Citizens. The Comrades. In other words, they are the robotically sterile drones of statism. Kneejerk reactionaries. They are the death of music and poetry, passion and romance. They routinely spew the mundane as if it were profundity.
Here's a tip for you, Ace. If you are not concerned with what others think of you, don't run around calling people stupid. Especially people who are obviously more intelligent than you. I'm telling you that I think you are an idiot. I can do that because I am far more intelligent than you are. It isn't a question.

Yeah, I doubt you entertain yourself with too many questions of any kind, you arrogant Nazi.

Now...I knew that you wouldn't think that what the guy said was racist. You'd never admit that. You have stated your opinion that what he said was innocent and had nothing to do with race. I have stated my opinion that what he said was, in fact, teeming with racism. It appears that his employer agrees with my assessment.

The point here is that this man is free to say whatever he wants. No arrest. No imprisonment. In fact, the only way he can be silenced by the government is if he goes on standard terrestrial network radio or TV and says something that the FCC considers obscene. Then he will be fined. His employer could lose the right to broadcast. Being a liberal, I think obscenity laws are fucking ridiculous. I would abolish them if given the chance.

How about you? You afraid of words like most uptight conservatives?

I am afraid of the looming fascist take over by ideological cum buckets like you.

But methinks your kind's game is now known and your low hanging fruit are disappearing fast. Cumia is going to end up far more famous and wealthy when this is all said and done, jack ass stupid fucktard.

You think so? You think he's going to profit from this episode?

That is an interesting take. Let's say you are right. Let's say that, a year from now, Cumia has a better gig that pays more and he reaches more listeners. Wouldn't that kind of blow your dopey premise right the fuck out of the shallow water in which you swim?

You might be stupid enough to miss the fact that you have destroyed your own argument. No....scratch that. You are definitely stupid enough.

Well done.

lol, you're not as bright as you would like to think you are if you think that is what I said or meant. The PC Nazis have been ruining people for a few years now, from Paula Deen to Brendan Eich, branching out from the old race-baiting shake-down of Jackson and Sharpton. And that is what is happening here with Cumia. But I think the tide may be turning and Cumia is going to emerge from this in better financial shape and with more popularity. Not because that is how you PC Nazis intended it, but because you will have failed and your failures are going to become increasingly frequent.

If you still cant see the meaning of that, then you are an ignoramus.
Cumia has only himself to blame, a victim of his own stupidity and hate, having nothing to do with the myth of 'political correctness.'

". . . the myth of 'political correctness'?

Shut the hell up, you depraved, pathological liar, you despicable two-bit punk.

:lol: oh the irony...

Oh, and what is the irony?

Look, folks, another leftist punk who thinks their imbecilic nonsense is . . . well . . . you know . . . self-evident.

Let's take another look at these morons. . . .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0pEtIulgVs]How a Libtard Left Wing Elitest Moron Thinks - YouTube[/ame]
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Yeah, I doubt you entertain yourself with too many questions of any kind, you arrogant Nazi.

I am afraid of the looming fascist take over by ideological cum buckets like you.

But methinks your kind's game is now known and your low hanging fruit are disappearing fast. Cumia is going to end up far more famous and wealthy when this is all said and done, jack ass stupid fucktard.

You think so? You think he's going to profit from this episode?

That is an interesting take. Let's say you are right. Let's say that, a year from now, Cumia has a better gig that pays more and he reaches more listeners. Wouldn't that kind of blow your dopey premise right the fuck out of the shallow water in which you swim?

You might be stupid enough to miss the fact that you have destroyed your own argument. No....scratch that. You are definitely stupid enough.

Well done.

lol, you're not as bright as you would like to think you are if you think that is what I said or meant. The PC Nazis have been ruining people for a few years now, from Paula Deen to Brendan Eich, branching out from the old race-baiting shake-down of Jackson and Sharpton. And that is what is happening here with Cumia. But I think the tide may be turning and Cumia is going to emerge from this in better financial shape and with more popularity. Not because that is how you PC Nazis intended it, but because you will have failed and your failures are going to become increasingly frequent.

If you still cant see the meaning of that, then you are an ignoramus.

Of course! Cumia is the turning point! From now on, nobody will be fired for saying stupid thiings. That must be because, as you have claimed, we are losing our free speech. Right?

It isn't possible to be more inconsistent.
So politically correctness (essentially cultural Marxism) is a myth? Does that mean it doesn't exist? It's not real?


You see, folks: why engage them? They're insane. They're pathological liars. Up is down. Black is white. They even lie to themselves. Deny that which we all known to be real and true.

They are lunatics. Punks. Thugs. Braying jackasses. Dupes. Shills. Pretenders.

They are snakes, cockroaches, vermin, crotch rot.
You think so? You think he's going to profit from this episode?

That is an interesting take. Let's say you are right. Let's say that, a year from now, Cumia has a better gig that pays more and he reaches more listeners. Wouldn't that kind of blow your dopey premise right the fuck out of the shallow water in which you swim?

You might be stupid enough to miss the fact that you have destroyed your own argument. No....scratch that. You are definitely stupid enough.

Well done.

lol, you're not as bright as you would like to think you are if you think that is what I said or meant. The PC Nazis have been ruining people for a few years now, from Paula Deen to Brendan Eich, branching out from the old race-baiting shake-down of Jackson and Sharpton. And that is what is happening here with Cumia. But I think the tide may be turning and Cumia is going to emerge from this in better financial shape and with more popularity. Not because that is how you PC Nazis intended it, but because you will have failed and your failures are going to become increasingly frequent.

If you still cant see the meaning of that, then you are an ignoramus.

Of course! Cumia is the turning point! From now on, nobody will be fired for saying stupid thiings. That must be because, as you have claimed, we are losing our free speech. Right?

It isn't possible to be more inconsistent.

lol, you don't even know what a 'turning point' is or what it means. Amazing.

By your idiotic way of thinking, there were no battles in the Civil War after the turning point at the battle of Gettysburg or in WW2 after Stalingrad.

You are an embicile and you yourself prove it.
You think so? You think he's going to profit from this episode?

That is an interesting take. Let's say you are right. Let's say that, a year from now, Cumia has a better gig that pays more and he reaches more listeners. Wouldn't that kind of blow your dopey premise right the fuck out of the shallow water in which you swim?

You might be stupid enough to miss the fact that you have destroyed your own argument. No....scratch that. You are definitely stupid enough.

Well done.

lol, you're not as bright as you would like to think you are if you think that is what I said or meant. The PC Nazis have been ruining people for a few years now, from Paula Deen to Brendan Eich, branching out from the old race-baiting shake-down of Jackson and Sharpton. And that is what is happening here with Cumia. But I think the tide may be turning and Cumia is going to emerge from this in better financial shape and with more popularity. Not because that is how you PC Nazis intended it, but because you will have failed and your failures are going to become increasingly frequent.

If you still cant see the meaning of that, then you are an ignoramus.

Of course! Cumia is the turning point! From now on, nobody will be fired for saying stupid thiings. That must be because, as you have claimed, we are losing our free speech. Right?

It isn't possible to be more inconsistent.

Shut. The. Hell. Up. You. Useless. Dupe.

You. Statist. Bootlicking. Two. Bit. Punk.

You. Mindless. Rube.
More on that supposed myth. . . .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77M2e3APoXk]This is What "Political Correctness" Has Done to Our Society (Funny 1992 Sketch) - YouTube[/ame]
More on that mythical phenomenon. . . .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y6wBQTT9DA]The idiocy of political correct antirealism pt 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y6wBQTT9DA]The idiocy of political correct antirealism pt 1 - YouTube[/ame]

More on that mythical paradigm. . . .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRw5BxFTqrE]Karen Straughan. Political Correctness: Dominant Dictatorial Social Control System - YouTube[/ame]

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