PC Nazis Boast of Another Scalp; Anthony Cumia

No, you are just very stupid. I told you who the "who" is two times. You are just being annoying and playing dumb. It makes you look immature and petty than anything else.

I would be interested to know your take on something since you are clearly such a brilliant and insightful person, you are a liberal after all.

If media, social media, and political minority activist groups don't dictate the culture(including what is politically correct and what isn't), than who does? Aliens from the moon?

And see, you are just exposing you immaturity by saying, "ur butthurt hurd dur". It isn't me who is butthurt. It is your side, the left who is perpetually butthurt. It is butthurt people, people who are hypersensitive, with no humor, no personality, who demand a radio Shock Jock be fired for saying offensive things.

But you are so warped you can't recognize it.

You don't realize what you are saying is, "the left has no media power, no say in the culture, but you have to deal with the consequences we dish out if you say wrongspeak".

I'm telling you that there is no decider. If something is said that enough people object to....then a consequence may result. It is not those objecting who do the firing in these cases. They don't have that authority. The employers make the decision based on what is right for them. This upsets you.

There is no organization....no media conspiracy led by anyone. No minority groups controlling any social media.

I am a liberal. And you cannot offend me. Nothing you ever say will cause me to become outraged. I am a free speech proponent and I despise CONSERVATIVE efforts to censor it.

Question: what have you been forced not to say? Anything? Has the PC police come down on you?
You are just repeating yourself. Nothing new.

Look, just saying that left wing media and social media doesn't exist , saying groups like GLAAD, NAACP, ADL don't exist, and don't enforce a politically correct line doesn't make it so. But then it is funny, you than in the same breath say, "if enough people object, there will be consequences". Have you heard of the term cognitive dissonance?

Saying media and social media don't define culture socially and politically doesn't make it so, especially when you offer no alternative as to what dictates the culture.

Honestly, you need to come up with constructive and deeper response. This just doesn't suffice.

And your last two lines about no one forcing you not to say things and saying you supposedly oppose government restriction of speech. You are just proving my original point.

"Political correctness is insidious because it isn't codified in law. The powers that be in our system can point to the first amendment as an illusion of a free society.

'See, you can say what you want, we will just unleash TV and social media campaigns on you if you say something we disagree with. Even though we aren't a majority our media presence makes us look like we are and we will cost you your job and financial livelihood as a result. But you see, this doesn't violate free speech, we aren't arresting you. Were a free country, you can keep your job and make money, as long as you don't say hateful things, it is FREE SPEECH and the FREE MARKET after all.' "

OK.....let's try.

"We" in your world is GLAAD, The ADL and the NAACP. Is that right? They are the ones unleashing TV and social media campaigns IF YOU SAY SOMETHING THEY DISAGREE WITH. Is that the criteria? They disagree with what you say....and they will ruin you. That's your contention?

Now....they aren't the majority....but they control the media...so it looks like they are. Is that it? You think these groups control the media and thus you cannot disagree with them or they will ruin you. Right?

Oh...wait.....you then mentioned hateful things. So it isn't just disagreement after all? It's the way you disagree? You can disagree with GLAAD.....but you can't do so while saying that homos are all pedophiles. Have I got you?

Yes. I believe I do. You want to be able to ( or rather...you want famous public figures to be able to ) say hateful things and experience no reaction. That is it.
Sorry, pal. Special interest groups did not invent TV or social media. That they use it to express themselves is not hindering anyone else's rights.

I asked you....WHEN HAS YOUR FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION BEEN HINDERED BY THE PC POLICE? Has this cultural phenomenon affected you in any way. You never answered.
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I'm telling you that there is no decider. If something is said that enough people object to....then a consequence may result. It is not those objecting who do the firing in these cases. They don't have that authority. The employers make the decision based on what is right for them. This upsets you.

There is no organization....no media conspiracy led by anyone. No minority groups controlling any social media.

I am a liberal. And you cannot offend me. Nothing you ever say will cause me to become outraged. I am a free speech proponent and I despise CONSERVATIVE efforts to censor it.

Question: what have you been forced not to say? Anything? Has the PC police come down on you?
You are just repeating yourself. Nothing new.

Look, just saying that left wing media and social media doesn't exist , saying groups like GLAAD, NAACP, ADL don't exist, and don't enforce a politically correct line doesn't make it so. But then it is funny, you than in the same breath say, "if enough people object, there will be consequences". Have you heard of the term cognitive dissonance?

Saying media and social media don't define culture socially and politically doesn't make it so, especially when you offer no alternative as to what dictates the culture.

Honestly, you need to come up with constructive and deeper response. This just doesn't suffice.

And your last two lines about no one forcing you not to say things and saying you supposedly oppose government restriction of speech. You are just proving my original point.

"Political correctness is insidious because it isn't codified in law. The powers that be in our system can point to the first amendment as an illusion of a free society.

'See, you can say what you want, we will just unleash TV and social media campaigns on you if you say something we disagree with. Even though we aren't a majority our media presence makes us look like we are and we will cost you your job and financial livelihood as a result. But you see, this doesn't violate free speech, we aren't arresting you. Were a free country, you can keep your job and make money, as long as you don't say hateful things, it is FREE SPEECH and the FREE MARKET after all.' "

OK.....let's try.

"We" in your world is GLAAD, The ADL and the NAACP. Is that right? They are the ones unleashing TV and social media campaigns IF YOU SAY SOMETHING THEY DISAGREE WITH. Is that the criteria? They disagree with what you say....and they will ruin you. That's your contention?

Now....they aren't the majority....but they control the media...so it looks like they are. Is that it? You think these groups control the media and thus you cannot disagree with them or they will ruin you. Right?

Oh...wait.....you then mentioned hateful things. So it isn't just disagreement after all? It's the way you disagree? You can disagree with GLAAD.....but you can't do so while saying that homos are all pedophiles. Have I got you?

Yes. I believe I do. You want to be able to ( or rather...you want famous public figures to be able to ) say hateful things and experience no reaction. That is it.
Sorry, pal. Special interest groups did not invent TV or social media. That they use it to express themselves is not hindering anyone else's rights.

I asked you....WHEN HAS YOUR FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION BEEN HINDERED BY THE PC POLICE? Has this cultural phenomenon affected you in any way. You never answered.
Ok, lets try... lol.

No GLAAD, ADL, NAACP are some examples of groups that command political and social pressure in the mainstream culture. They aren't the only groups or individuals, or the group that was necessarily responsible for Anthony Cumia's firing. But they are prominent examples.

Just go back to the Gary Oldman faux controversy last week for an example, He dared suggest that it is not a good idea to offend jews like mel gibson did because jews have influence in Hollywood. To prove Jews have no power in Hollywood, the ADL stepped in to insist Hollywood blackball him.

“We have just begun a conversation with his managing producer,” said Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the ADL. “At this point, we are not satisfied with what we have received. His apology is insufficient and not satisfactory.”

Gary Oldman Apology Blasted as ?Insufficient? by ADL | Variety

No I never said the ADL or NAACP controls the media or invented it, I very clearly said it is a convergence of politically correct/sensitive media and social media, pressure groups, and victim groups commanding a large presence on popular social media outlets that doesn't reflect majority perceptions and views.

You seem to lack basic reading comprehension skills.

Anything they disagree with is "hateful", these perpetual victim groups are perpetually outraged and offended. For example, Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty quoting the Bible on homosexuality was hateful enough for GLAAD to gin up a campaign to get him removed from TV. They failed in the long run. And this just proves my point these pressure groups don't reflect majority opinion, especially when people decide to stand up to them.

You keep repeating yourself and proving my point, anything that disagrees with the leftist social narrative is "hate", and no one's "rights" are being violated when they are fired and blackballed from employment. After all, no one technically has a right to a living. But you are just proving the insidious nature of it. There is a facade of legal protection, yet if you have market power(and the illusion of being the majority view through media presence), you can blackball people you dont like from having a livelihood.

No, it hasn't effected me personally. Neither has the Patriot Act or NSA spying as far as I know, but I oppose those things to. What's your point? That I should be an apathetic atomized individual that doesn't care about what happens in my society?
Howard Stern,Greaseman,O&A,Imus all were fired for saying something on air at one time or another.Now with social media saying something people don't like generates instant heat.
Sirius or any employer can fire someone for anything.
Subscribers can also respond..

Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
You are just repeating yourself. Nothing new.

Look, just saying that left wing media and social media doesn't exist , saying groups like GLAAD, NAACP, ADL don't exist, and don't enforce a politically correct line doesn't make it so. But then it is funny, you than in the same breath say, "if enough people object, there will be consequences". Have you heard of the term cognitive dissonance?

Saying media and social media don't define culture socially and politically doesn't make it so, especially when you offer no alternative as to what dictates the culture.

Honestly, you need to come up with constructive and deeper response. This just doesn't suffice.

And your last two lines about no one forcing you not to say things and saying you supposedly oppose government restriction of speech. You are just proving my original point.

"Political correctness is insidious because it isn't codified in law. The powers that be in our system can point to the first amendment as an illusion of a free society.

'See, you can say what you want, we will just unleash TV and social media campaigns on you if you say something we disagree with. Even though we aren't a majority our media presence makes us look like we are and we will cost you your job and financial livelihood as a result. But you see, this doesn't violate free speech, we aren't arresting you. Were a free country, you can keep your job and make money, as long as you don't say hateful things, it is FREE SPEECH and the FREE MARKET after all.' "

OK.....let's try.

"We" in your world is GLAAD, The ADL and the NAACP. Is that right? They are the ones unleashing TV and social media campaigns IF YOU SAY SOMETHING THEY DISAGREE WITH. Is that the criteria? They disagree with what you say....and they will ruin you. That's your contention?

Now....they aren't the majority....but they control the media...so it looks like they are. Is that it? You think these groups control the media and thus you cannot disagree with them or they will ruin you. Right?

Oh...wait.....you then mentioned hateful things. So it isn't just disagreement after all? It's the way you disagree? You can disagree with GLAAD.....but you can't do so while saying that homos are all pedophiles. Have I got you?

Yes. I believe I do. You want to be able to ( or rather...you want famous public figures to be able to ) say hateful things and experience no reaction. That is it.
Sorry, pal. Special interest groups did not invent TV or social media. That they use it to express themselves is not hindering anyone else's rights.

I asked you....WHEN HAS YOUR FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION BEEN HINDERED BY THE PC POLICE? Has this cultural phenomenon affected you in any way. You never answered.
Ok, lets try... lol.

No GLAAD, ADL, NAACP are some examples of groups that command political and social pressure in the mainstream culture. They aren't the only groups or individuals, or the group that was necessarily responsible for Anthony Cumia's firing. But they are prominent examples.

Just go back to the Gary Oldman faux controversy last week for an example, He dared suggest that it is not a good idea to offend jews like mel gibson did because jews have influence in Hollywood. To prove Jews have no power in Hollywood, the ADL stepped in to insist Hollywood blackball him.

“We have just begun a conversation with his managing producer,” said Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the ADL. “At this point, we are not satisfied with what we have received. His apology is insufficient and not satisfactory.”

Gary Oldman Apology Blasted as ?Insufficient? by ADL | Variety

No I never said the ADL or NAACP controls the media or invented it, I very clearly said it is a convergence of politically correct/sensitive media and social media, pressure groups, and victim groups commanding a large presence on popular social media outlets that doesn't reflect majority perceptions and views.

You seem to lack basic reading comprehension skills.

Anything they disagree with is "hateful", these perpetual victim groups are perpetually outraged and offended. For example, Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty quoting the Bible on homosexuality was hateful enough for GLAAD to gin up a campaign to get him removed from TV. They failed in the long run. And this just proves my point these pressure groups don't reflect majority opinion, especially when people decide to stand up to them.

You keep repeating yourself and proving my point, anything that disagrees with the leftist social narrative is "hate", and no one's "rights" are being violated when they are fired and blackballed from employment. After all, no one technically has a right to a living. But you are just proving the insidious nature of it. There is a facade of legal protection, yet if you have market power(and the illusion of being the majority view through media presence), you can blackball people you dont like from having a livelihood.

No, it hasn't effected me personally. Neither has the Patriot Act or NSA spying as far as I know, but I oppose those things to. What's your point? That I should be an apathetic atomized individual that doesn't care about what happens in my society?

You aren't a stupid guy. You are just fucked up in the head. You have stated that
"anything that disagrees with the leftist social narrative is "hate"". That is a ridiculous comment. Shall I post examples of well known pundits expressing disagreement with the ADL or GLAAD and not being set upon by a social media campaign? How many would satisfy you?

And....do,you realize thAt you are repeating yourself and not proving your point?
OK.....let's try.

"We" in your world is GLAAD, The ADL and the NAACP. Is that right? They are the ones unleashing TV and social media campaigns IF YOU SAY SOMETHING THEY DISAGREE WITH. Is that the criteria? They disagree with what you say....and they will ruin you. That's your contention?

Now....they aren't the majority....but they control the media...so it looks like they are. Is that it? You think these groups control the media and thus you cannot disagree with them or they will ruin you. Right?

Oh...wait.....you then mentioned hateful things. So it isn't just disagreement after all? It's the way you disagree? You can disagree with GLAAD.....but you can't do so while saying that homos are all pedophiles. Have I got you?

Yes. I believe I do. You want to be able to ( or rather...you want famous public figures to be able to ) say hateful things and experience no reaction. That is it.
Sorry, pal. Special interest groups did not invent TV or social media. That they use it to express themselves is not hindering anyone else's rights.

I asked you....WHEN HAS YOUR FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION BEEN HINDERED BY THE PC POLICE? Has this cultural phenomenon affected you in any way. You never answered.
Ok, lets try... lol.

No GLAAD, ADL, NAACP are some examples of groups that command political and social pressure in the mainstream culture. They aren't the only groups or individuals, or the group that was necessarily responsible for Anthony Cumia's firing. But they are prominent examples.

Just go back to the Gary Oldman faux controversy last week for an example, He dared suggest that it is not a good idea to offend jews like mel gibson did because jews have influence in Hollywood. To prove Jews have no power in Hollywood, the ADL stepped in to insist Hollywood blackball him.

“We have just begun a conversation with his managing producer,” said Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the ADL. “At this point, we are not satisfied with what we have received. His apology is insufficient and not satisfactory.”

Gary Oldman Apology Blasted as ?Insufficient? by ADL | Variety

No I never said the ADL or NAACP controls the media or invented it, I very clearly said it is a convergence of politically correct/sensitive media and social media, pressure groups, and victim groups commanding a large presence on popular social media outlets that doesn't reflect majority perceptions and views.

You seem to lack basic reading comprehension skills.

Anything they disagree with is "hateful", these perpetual victim groups are perpetually outraged and offended. For example, Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty quoting the Bible on homosexuality was hateful enough for GLAAD to gin up a campaign to get him removed from TV. They failed in the long run. And this just proves my point these pressure groups don't reflect majority opinion, especially when people decide to stand up to them.

You keep repeating yourself and proving my point, anything that disagrees with the leftist social narrative is "hate", and no one's "rights" are being violated when they are fired and blackballed from employment. After all, no one technically has a right to a living. But you are just proving the insidious nature of it. There is a facade of legal protection, yet if you have market power(and the illusion of being the majority view through media presence), you can blackball people you dont like from having a livelihood.

No, it hasn't effected me personally. Neither has the Patriot Act or NSA spying as far as I know, but I oppose those things to. What's your point? That I should be an apathetic atomized individual that doesn't care about what happens in my society?

You aren't a stupid guy. You are just fucked up in the head. You have stated that
"anything that disagrees with the leftist social narrative is "hate"". That is a ridiculous comment. Shall I post examples of well known pundits expressing disagreement with the ADL or GLAAD and not being set upon by a social media campaign? How many would satisfy you?

And....do,you realize thAt you are repeating yourself and not proving your point?
You cover up ignorance in snark and sarcasm. It doesn't make you look smart, except maybe with the Jon Stewart crowd.

That's right, I can provide examples of someone disagreeing with gay marriage, amnesty, immigration policy, feminism, Israeli military action or foreign aid in a reasonable manner(though why a shock jock needs to be reasonable or measured in criticisms baffles me), and this being deemed as hate.

But you are conflating two things now, and mixing up what I am saying intentionally. no one said criticizing the ADL gets you fired. What I have said is groups like the ADL are responsible for blackballing people who don't adhere to the pc line. If you are going to criticize my position it least get it right. It really shouldn't be THAT difficult to do.

I am repeating myself where it is appropriate where you repeatedly ask the same questions, and I provide the same answers, than you just reword the question a bit. and the cycle continues. That is on you buddy.
Angry Anthony Cumia Fans Cancel SiriusXM Subscriptions After Firing Over Racist Tweets - TheWrap

Angry “Opie and Anthony” fans are canceling their subscriptions to SiriusXM after the satellite radio company fired co-host Anthony Cumia earlier this week for making racially inflammatory tweets.

Anthony claimed on Tuesday that an African-American woman assaulted him in Times Square. In retaliation, he posted her photo and called her a string of profanities on Twitter including the c-word and “savage,” which triggered his firing.

Many loyal fans vented their frustration on social media by tweeting screenshots of their service cancellation emails, and wrote hashtags of support including #IStandWithAnthony and #CancelSiriusXM.
Angry Anthony Cumia Fans Cancel SiriusXM Subscriptions After Firing Over Racist Tweets - TheWrap

Angry “Opie and Anthony” fans are canceling their subscriptions to SiriusXM after the satellite radio company fired co-host Anthony Cumia earlier this week for making racially inflammatory tweets.

Anthony claimed on Tuesday that an African-American woman assaulted him in Times Square. In retaliation, he posted her photo and called her a string of profanities on Twitter including the c-word and “savage,” which triggered his firing.

Many loyal fans vented their frustration on social media by tweeting screenshots of their service cancellation emails, and wrote hashtags of support including #IStandWithAnthony and #CancelSiriusXM.

Anthony who? And why should I care?

Maybe he should do that.
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Ok, lets try... lol.

No GLAAD, ADL, NAACP are some examples of groups that command political and social pressure in the mainstream culture. They aren't the only groups or individuals, or the group that was necessarily responsible for Anthony Cumia's firing. But they are prominent examples.

Just go back to the Gary Oldman faux controversy last week for an example, He dared suggest that it is not a good idea to offend jews like mel gibson did because jews have influence in Hollywood. To prove Jews have no power in Hollywood, the ADL stepped in to insist Hollywood blackball him.

Gary Oldman Apology Blasted as ?Insufficient? by ADL | Variety

No I never said the ADL or NAACP controls the media or invented it, I very clearly said it is a convergence of politically correct/sensitive media and social media, pressure groups, and victim groups commanding a large presence on popular social media outlets that doesn't reflect majority perceptions and views.

You seem to lack basic reading comprehension skills.

Anything they disagree with is "hateful", these perpetual victim groups are perpetually outraged and offended. For example, Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty quoting the Bible on homosexuality was hateful enough for GLAAD to gin up a campaign to get him removed from TV. They failed in the long run. And this just proves my point these pressure groups don't reflect majority opinion, especially when people decide to stand up to them.

You keep repeating yourself and proving my point, anything that disagrees with the leftist social narrative is "hate", and no one's "rights" are being violated when they are fired and blackballed from employment. After all, no one technically has a right to a living. But you are just proving the insidious nature of it. There is a facade of legal protection, yet if you have market power(and the illusion of being the majority view through media presence), you can blackball people you dont like from having a livelihood.

No, it hasn't effected me personally. Neither has the Patriot Act or NSA spying as far as I know, but I oppose those things to. What's your point? That I should be an apathetic atomized individual that doesn't care about what happens in my society?

You aren't a stupid guy. You are just fucked up in the head. You have stated that
"anything that disagrees with the leftist social narrative is "hate"". That is a ridiculous comment. Shall I post examples of well known pundits expressing disagreement with the ADL or GLAAD and not being set upon by a social media campaign? How many would satisfy you?

And....do,you realize thAt you are repeating yourself and not proving your point?
You cover up ignorance in snark and sarcasm. It doesn't make you look smart, except maybe with the Jon Stewart crowd.

That's right, I can provide examples of someone disagreeing with gay marriage, amnesty, immigration policy, feminism, Israeli military action or foreign aid in a reasonable manner(though why a shock jock needs to be reasonable or measured in criticisms baffles me), and this being deemed as hate.

But you are conflating two things now, and mixing up what I am saying intentionally. no one said criticizing the ADL gets you fired. What I have said is groups like the ADL are responsible for blackballing people who don't adhere to the pc line. If you are going to criticize my position it least get it right. It really shouldn't be THAT difficult to do.

I am repeating myself where it is appropriate where you repeatedly ask the same questions, and I provide the same answers, than you just reword the question a bit. and the cycle continues. That is on you buddy.

Please provide the examples that you claim to have. Please make sure that you find those example where the criticism was carried out in a reasonable manner.

The level of RW butthurt on this thread is just entirely delicious.


Now THAT'S more like it!

Have fun with it, rub it in everyone's faces. What the hell. Just say "that's right, tough shit, we're gonna find a way to punish you whenever you say something we don't like, and there's not a fuckin' thing you can do about it! Ha ha! What we're doing is perfectly legal, intimidating people and businesses to conform and obey and act in a way that we require, and soon the entire fucking country will be afraid to say SHIT that we don't because they'll know that we'll take away their livelihood or fuck 'em up in some other way. We already have businesses from coast to coast firing people for what they say without one official complaint! We have people who are afraid to criticize our minority voters for fear of being called a racist! Holy shit, is this fun or WHAT! Too bad!! HA HA HA HA HA!"

Spike the ball, I say.

Finally some freakin' HONESTY on this thread.

You aren't a stupid guy. You are just fucked up in the head. You have stated that
"anything that disagrees with the leftist social narrative is "hate"". That is a ridiculous comment. Shall I post examples of well known pundits expressing disagreement with the ADL or GLAAD and not being set upon by a social media campaign? How many would satisfy you?

And....do,you realize thAt you are repeating yourself and not proving your point?
You cover up ignorance in snark and sarcasm. It doesn't make you look smart, except maybe with the Jon Stewart crowd.

That's right, I can provide examples of someone disagreeing with gay marriage, amnesty, immigration policy, feminism, Israeli military action or foreign aid in a reasonable manner(though why a shock jock needs to be reasonable or measured in criticisms baffles me), and this being deemed as hate.

But you are conflating two things now, and mixing up what I am saying intentionally. no one said criticizing the ADL gets you fired. What I have said is groups like the ADL are responsible for blackballing people who don't adhere to the pc line. If you are going to criticize my position it least get it right. It really shouldn't be THAT difficult to do.

I am repeating myself where it is appropriate where you repeatedly ask the same questions, and I provide the same answers, than you just reword the question a bit. and the cycle continues. That is on you buddy.

Please provide the examples that you claim to have. Please make sure that you find those example where the criticism was carried out in a reasonable manner.

Well, there is a Gary Oldman example above with the ADL

Here are more, if it will help you open your eyes.

GLAAD claiming Phil Robertson comments on the bible and homosexuality were "vile"
Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson uses vile stereotypes to tell GQ his thoughts on LGBT people | GLAAD

Ron Paul called top anti-semite for criticism of foreign policy and Israeli actions against Palestinians by ADL
Ron Paul called one of America's top anti-semites by ADL/AIPAC | Peace . Gold . LOVE

Jason Richwine forced to design after leftist media pressure and La Raza for "hateful" fact stating on race and IQ in regards to hispanic immigration on his Harvard dissertation that doesn't fit the leftist media narrative.
Couple examples off the top of my head.
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The level of RW butthurt on this thread is just entirely delicious.


Now THAT'S more like it!

Have fun with it, rub it in everyone's faces. What the hell. Just say "that's right, tough shit, we're gonna find a way to punish you whenever you say something we don't like, and there's not a fuckin' thing you can do about it! Ha ha! What we're doing is perfectly legal, intimidating people and businesses to conform and obey and act in a way that we require, and soon the entire fucking country will be afraid to say SHIT that we don't because they'll know that we'll take away their livelihood or fuck 'em up in some other way. We already have businesses from coast to coast firing people for what they say without one official complaint! We have people who are afraid to criticize our minority voters for fear of being called a racist! Holy shit, is this fun or WHAT! Too bad!! HA HA HA HA HA!"

Spike the ball, I say.

Finally some freakin' HONESTY on this thread.


I wonder if this guy has learned anything in the 50 or so discussions that we have had in which he has said the exact same thing?

It does seem personal, doesn't it? I wonder what it is that Mac said to someone that got him canned, or reprimanded at work? Nobody devotes so much time to a cause without some good reason.

C''mon earmuffs.....tell us what happened.
You cover up ignorance in snark and sarcasm. It doesn't make you look smart, except maybe with the Jon Stewart crowd.

That's right, I can provide examples of someone disagreeing with gay marriage, amnesty, immigration policy, feminism, Israeli military action or foreign aid in a reasonable manner(though why a shock jock needs to be reasonable or measured in criticisms baffles me), and this being deemed as hate.

But you are conflating two things now, and mixing up what I am saying intentionally. no one said criticizing the ADL gets you fired. What I have said is groups like the ADL are responsible for blackballing people who don't adhere to the pc line. If you are going to criticize my position it least get it right. It really shouldn't be THAT difficult to do.

I am repeating myself where it is appropriate where you repeatedly ask the same questions, and I provide the same answers, than you just reword the question a bit. and the cycle continues. That is on you buddy.

Please provide the examples that you claim to have. Please make sure that you find those example where the criticism was carried out in a reasonable manner.

Well, there is a Gary Oldman example above with the ADL

Here are more, if it will help you open your eyes.

GLAAD claiming Phil Robertson comments on the bible and homosexuality were "vile"
Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson uses vile stereotypes to tell GQ his thoughts on LGBT people | GLAAD

Ron Paul called top anti-semite for criticism of foreign policy and Israeli actions against Palestinians by ADL
Ron Paul called one of America's top anti-semites by ADL/AIPAC | Peace . Gold . LOVE

Couple examples off the top of my head.

What happened to Oldman? Was he fired from something? What he said was not reasonable, by the way.

What Rpbertson said was not reasonable. Besides.....what's he doing these days?

Was Ron Paul fired for that? He was called an anti-Semite? Oh! The horror! I wonder if he objected to that and if his supporters had anything to say about it on social media. I wonder.
Perhaps those who buy into the myth of 'political correctness' would be so kind as to cite the statute and jurisdiction codifying 'PC,' what's the penalty when one is convicted of the crime of using a racial slur, for example, and what's the amount of the fine and/or the length of incarceration.

Absent such a statute prohibiting racial slurs and its subsequent penalty once convicted, there is no such thing as 'political correctness.'

And that some on the right might perceive the myth of 'political correctness' as 'real' in the context of private society is subjective, partisan, and irrelevant.

Political correctness is insidious because it isn't codified in law. The powers that be in our system can point to the first amendment as an illusion of a free society.

"See, you can say what you want, we will just unleash TV and social media campaigns on you if you say something we disagree with. Even though we aren't a majority our media presence makes us look like we are and we will cost you your job and financial livelihood as a result. But you see, this doesn't violate free speech, we aren't arresting you. Were a free country, you can keep your job and make money, as long as you don't say hateful things, it is FREE SPEECH and the FREE MARKET after all."

Social ostracism is such an insidious thing. What do you propose the solution be? Guaranteed employment? That doesn't sound like a conservative value.
Please provide the examples that you claim to have. Please make sure that you find those example where the criticism was carried out in a reasonable manner.

Well, there is a Gary Oldman example above with the ADL

Here are more, if it will help you open your eyes.

GLAAD claiming Phil Robertson comments on the bible and homosexuality were "vile"
Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson uses vile stereotypes to tell GQ his thoughts on LGBT people | GLAAD

Ron Paul called top anti-semite for criticism of foreign policy and Israeli actions against Palestinians by ADL
Ron Paul called one of America's top anti-semites by ADL/AIPAC | Peace . Gold . LOVE

Couple examples off the top of my head.

What happened to Oldman? Was he fired from something? What he said was not reasonable, by the way.

What Rpbertson said was not reasonable. Besides.....what's he doing these days?

Was Ron Paul fired for that? He was called an anti-Semite? Oh! The horror! I wonder if he objected to that and if his supporters had anything to say about it on social media. I wonder.
Did you read the quote, the ADL are getting him blackballed.

Of course, saying Jews have power in Hollywood, not reasonable because it doesn't fit the leftist pc narrative, even though they run most of the major studios. How come it isn't hateful when a Jewish LA Times writer says it, be Oldman gets blackballed for it?
Who runs Hollywood? C'mon - Los Angeles Times

Yes, the Bible is not reasonable, because it doesn't fit the leftist PC narrative. He was initially let go, but like I said before, much of the leftist presence in media/social media and their clout with these perpetually offended groups creates an illusion of popularity they dont have. The fact is, the people stood up and made their voices heard, and A&E backed down.

No one said Ron Paul was fired. And anti-semite is up there with pedophile and racist as words that destroy one's credibility in the culture. They are used to savaged and discredit people when their opponents dont have any valid counter points. I thought the issue was individuals being demonized for restrained and respectful views on policy matters by leftist media and pressure minority groups?

And what about jason richwine? you ignored that example
Perhaps those who buy into the myth of 'political correctness' would be so kind as to cite the statute and jurisdiction codifying 'PC,' what's the penalty when one is convicted of the crime of using a racial slur, for example, and what's the amount of the fine and/or the length of incarceration.

Absent such a statute prohibiting racial slurs and its subsequent penalty once convicted, there is no such thing as 'political correctness.'

And that some on the right might perceive the myth of 'political correctness' as 'real' in the context of private society is subjective, partisan, and irrelevant.

Political correctness is insidious because it isn't codified in law. The powers that be in our system can point to the first amendment as an illusion of a free society.

"See, you can say what you want, we will just unleash TV and social media campaigns on you if you say something we disagree with. Even though we aren't a majority our media presence makes us look like we are and we will cost you your job and financial livelihood as a result. But you see, this doesn't violate free speech, we aren't arresting you. Were a free country, you can keep your job and make money, as long as you don't say hateful things, it is FREE SPEECH and the FREE MARKET after all."

Social ostracism is such an insidious thing. What do you propose the solution be? Guaranteed employment? That doesn't sound like a conservative value.

I am not a conservative, so I don't really care what "conservative values" are.

The solution is a change in the culture. How this can happen, I am not sure really. A paradigm shift needs to occur.
Well, there is a Gary Oldman example above with the ADL

Here are more, if it will help you open your eyes.

GLAAD claiming Phil Robertson comments on the bible and homosexuality were "vile"
Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson uses vile stereotypes to tell GQ his thoughts on LGBT people | GLAAD

Ron Paul called top anti-semite for criticism of foreign policy and Israeli actions against Palestinians by ADL
Ron Paul called one of America's top anti-semites by ADL/AIPAC | Peace . Gold . LOVE

Couple examples off the top of my head.

What happened to Oldman? Was he fired from something? What he said was not reasonable, by the way.

What Rpbertson said was not reasonable. Besides.....what's he doing these days?

Was Ron Paul fired for that? He was called an anti-Semite? Oh! The horror! I wonder if he objected to that and if his supporters had anything to say about it on social media. I wonder.
Did you read the quote, the ADL are getting him blackballed.

Of course, saying Jews have power in Hollywood, not reasonable because it doesn't fit the leftist pc narrative, even though they run most of the major studios. How come it isn't hateful when a Jewish LA Times writer says it, be Oldman gets blackballed for it?
Who runs Hollywood? C'mon - Los Angeles Times

Yes, the Bible is not reasonable, because it doesn't fit the leftist PC narrative. He was initially let go, but like I said before, much of the leftist presence in media/social media and their clout with these perpetually offended groups creates an illusion of popularity they dont have. The fact is, the people stood up and made their voices heard, and A&E backed down.

No one said Ron Paul was fired. And anti-semite is up there with pedophile and racist as words that destroy one's credibility in the culture. They are used to savaged and discredit people when their opponents dont have any valid counter points. I thought the issue was individuals being demonized for restrained and respectful views on policy matters by leftist media and pressure minority groups?

And what about jason richwine? you ignored that example

I didn't ignore it. I'd have had to have seen it in order to ignore it. Who is that? Never heard of him.

The ADL is going to,have Oldman blackballed? How are they going to do that?
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The solution is a change in the culture. How this can happen, I am not sure really. A paradigm shift needs to occur.

Well, I don't see that happening, at least any time soon. They've been very patient and persistent in getting to this point.

And look at all their posts on this thread, some variation of "tough shit". They know how difficult it would be to unwind this.

The level of RW butthurt on this thread is just entirely delicious.

As I said to the other poster:

You are just exposing you immaturity by saying, "ur butthurt hurd dur". It isn't me who is butthurt. It is your side, the left who is perpetually butthurt. It is butthurt people, people who are hypersensitive, with no humor, no personality, who demand a radio Shock Jock be fired for saying offensive things.

And how about I put up a signature of a graphic of dead Palestinians. Or would that be insensitive to the ADL and be an anti-semitic canard?

Oh, please, reach down, remind yourself that you have a set of balls (no matter how small) and act like a man.

The shock-jock said fuck-waddy things that got him fired, EXACTLY in the spirit of the Free-Market economy that so many RWNJs profess to adore. lol.... Nobody got him fired, other than he himself.


Lol, you don't think someone can get another person fired in a 'free market economy'?

Then you are fucking stupid as hell. It happens all the time. The only difference is that we have a PC network of Brown Shirts who are doing to people purely in the basis of that person having a different opinion.


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