PC Nazis Boast of Another Scalp; Anthony Cumia

I have been discussing the employers interests the entire time. Their concern over their interests is what leads them to make the changes that we are discussing. You are still intelligent.....but you aren't paying attention.

I'm a SIRIUS subscriber. I have never listened to Opie and Anthony. I'm pretty sure that SIRIUS can survive losing the loyal listeners. There aren't that many.

Once again....you are moving the goalposts. Now the ADL is "pushing for" Oldman to be blackballed. Before, they were "having him" blackballed. Not the same thing. They don't have the ability to have him blackballed. They do have the ability to push for him to be blackballed.

Yeah, its not like Mel Gibson got blackballed or anything despite block buster hits one after another.


By who? Who blackballed him?

The producers who don't like him , Nimrod.
"We"? You aren't part of anything. Please, stop with the delusions of grandeur. You are a person of average intelligence at best that masks it in snark and a contrarian attitude.

It is interesting you bring up interests, no one has brought that up yet, but now that you do. Let's discuss it. How is it in the financial interest of Sirius to lose the Opie and Anthony listening base?

Or a more interesting question, what powers that be make it less financially damaging to lose many subscribers to the show as opposed to the alternative of keeping Opie and Anthony on?

No, I very much understand the meaning of the word. You are the dishonest one that is playing dumb and playing word games. The ADL is very much pushing for Oldman to be blackballed by producers.

I have been discussing the employers interests the entire time. Their concern over their interests is what leads them to make the changes that we are discussing. You are still intelligent.....but you aren't paying attention.

I'm a SIRIUS subscriber. I have never listened to Opie and Anthony. I'm pretty sure that SIRIUS can survive losing the loyal listeners. There aren't that many.

Once again....you are moving the goalposts. Now the ADL is "pushing for" Oldman to be blackballed. Before, they were "having him" blackballed. Not the same thing. They don't have the ability to have him blackballed. They do have the ability to push for him to be blackballed.
You are asking a very simple question, nothing that insightful or deep, it really doesn't touch the heart of the issue here at all. I am going beyond the "employer's choice", I am talking about media and pressure groups that push them to make these choices. That is a much more important question that gets to a much bigger issue.

Your statement that YOU THINK they will get by fine doesn't answer my question at all. How is it in the financial interest of Sirius to lose the Opie and Anthony listening base?

Or a more interesting question, what powers that be make it less financially damaging to lose many subscribers to the show as opposed to the alternative of keeping Opie and Anthony on?

The only one avoiding the real issues and question here is you by feigning ignorance.

Also, the goal posts were only moved in your delusional mind because you either have a limited command of the english language or are being deliberately dishonest in playing word games. This is a typical leftist ploy. Some here may be confused by it, but I am not.

"pushing for" and "having him blackballed" mean the same thing. No one said the ADL is firing him, that is something you made up. What i have said all along is the ADL, a "lobbying group" as you call them, is pushing for him to be blackballed by meeting with his producers.

They don't have the ability to have him blackballed. They do have the ability to push for him to be blackballed.

Cognitive dissonance and word games right here folks. This guy is in over his head and doesn't realize it. He literally says they dont have the ability to have him blackballed, then he says they do.

Which is it? LOL

LL is a poser and a moron both.
"We"? You aren't part of anything. Please, stop with the delusions of grandeur. You are a person of average intelligence at best that masks it in snark and a contrarian attitude.

It is interesting you bring up interests, no one has brought that up yet, but now that you do. Let's discuss it. How is it in the financial interest of Sirius to lose the Opie and Anthony listening base?

Or a more interesting question, what powers that be make it less financially damaging to lose many subscribers to the show as opposed to the alternative of keeping Opie and Anthony on?

No, I very much understand the meaning of the word. You are the dishonest one that is playing dumb and playing word games. The ADL is very much pushing for Oldman to be blackballed by producers.

I have been discussing the employers interests the entire time. Their concern over their interests is what leads them to make the changes that we are discussing. You are still intelligent.....but you aren't paying attention.

I'm a SIRIUS subscriber. I have never listened to Opie and Anthony. I'm pretty sure that SIRIUS can survive losing the loyal listeners. There aren't that many.

Once again....you are moving the goalposts. Now the ADL is "pushing for" Oldman to be blackballed. Before, they were "having him" blackballed. Not the same thing. They don't have the ability to have him blackballed. They do have the ability to push for him to be blackballed.
You are asking a very simple question, nothing that insightful or deep, it really doesn't touch the heart of the issue here at all. I am going beyond the "employer's choice", I am talking about media and pressure groups that push them to make these choices. That is a much more important question that gets to a much bigger issue.

Your statement that YOU THINK they will get by fine doesn't answer my question at all. How is it in the financial interest of Sirius to lose the Opie and Anthony listening base?

Or a more interesting question, what powers that be make it less financially damaging to lose many subscribers to the show as opposed to the alternative of keeping Opie and Anthony on?

The only one avoiding the real issues and question here is you by feigning ignorance.

Also, the goal posts were only moved in your delusional mind because you either have a limited command of the english language or are being deliberately dishonest in playing word games. This is a typical leftist ploy. Some here may be confused by it, but I am not.

"pushing for" and "having him blackballed" mean the same thing. No one said the ADL is firing him, that is something you made up. What i have said all along is the ADL, a "lobbying group" as you call them, is pushing for him to be blackballed by meeting with his producers.

They don't have the ability to have him blackballed. They do have the ability to push for him to be blackballed.

Cognitive dissonance and word games right here folks. This guy is in over his head and doesn't realize it. He literally says they dont have the ability to have him blackballed, then he says they do.

Which is it? LOL

You is one a them fellers who uses lots a words to make a point. You might want to work on that.

SIRIUS clearly believes that losing the O&A audience is a better outcome than taking the PR hit that resulted from the guy's stupid comments. It probably has to do with advertisers. You know.....advertisers don't just buy O&A time. If they back out of O&A sponsorship.....they back out of other shit as well.

How many loyal.....drop SIRIUS altogether listeners do you think the show has?

I never called the ADL a lobbying group. Why are you putting words into my mouth? Need to? I think you do. I said that may be lobbying producers. Not the same thing.

It is a typical nutter ploy to accuse your opponent of being dishonest when he shows you that you are misusing words and trying to bullshit your way through a discussion.
I have been discussing the employers interests the entire time. Their concern over their interests is what leads them to make the changes that we are discussing. You are still intelligent.....but you aren't paying attention.

I'm a SIRIUS subscriber. I have never listened to Opie and Anthony. I'm pretty sure that SIRIUS can survive losing the loyal listeners. There aren't that many.

Once again....you are moving the goalposts. Now the ADL is "pushing for" Oldman to be blackballed. Before, they were "having him" blackballed. Not the same thing. They don't have the ability to have him blackballed. They do have the ability to push for him to be blackballed.
You are asking a very simple question, nothing that insightful or deep, it really doesn't touch the heart of the issue here at all. I am going beyond the "employer's choice", I am talking about media and pressure groups that push them to make these choices. That is a much more important question that gets to a much bigger issue.

Your statement that YOU THINK they will get by fine doesn't answer my question at all. How is it in the financial interest of Sirius to lose the Opie and Anthony listening base?

Or a more interesting question, what powers that be make it less financially damaging to lose many subscribers to the show as opposed to the alternative of keeping Opie and Anthony on?

The only one avoiding the real issues and question here is you by feigning ignorance.

Also, the goal posts were only moved in your delusional mind because you either have a limited command of the english language or are being deliberately dishonest in playing word games. This is a typical leftist ploy. Some here may be confused by it, but I am not.

"pushing for" and "having him blackballed" mean the same thing. No one said the ADL is firing him, that is something you made up. What i have said all along is the ADL, a "lobbying group" as you call them, is pushing for him to be blackballed by meeting with his producers.

They don't have the ability to have him blackballed. They do have the ability to push for him to be blackballed.

Cognitive dissonance and word games right here folks. This guy is in over his head and doesn't realize it. He literally says they dont have the ability to have him blackballed, then he says they do.

Which is it? LOL

You is one a them fellers who uses lots a words to make a point. You might want to work on that.

SIRIUS clearly believes that losing the O&A audience is a better outcome than taking the PR hit that resulted from the guy's stupid comments. It probably has to do with advertisers. You know.....advertisers don't just buy O&A time. If they back out of O&A sponsorship.....they back out of other shit as well.

How many loyal.....drop SIRIUS altogether listeners do you think the show has?

I never called the ADL a lobbying group. Why are you putting words into my mouth? Need to? I think you do. I said that may be lobbying producers. Not the same thing.

It is a typical nutter ploy to accuse your opponent of being dishonest when he shows you that you are misusing words and trying to bullshit your way through a discussion.

I don't think I am that wordy. I mean, i don't the typical one line liberal or neo-conservative memes but it isn't like I am writing essays here.

You are getting closer. A PR hit might be greater hit than subscribers' loss(I don't know how many will leave, I am not a subscriber, and just listen to opie and anthony occasionally on youtube, like I do with Howard Stern). But who is the PR hit committed by? It is committed by the media, social media, and pressure groups I was telling you about.

No, you are the only one playing word games now, claiming they aren't a lobbying group, but they lobby. And your point is? This is what your argument has been reduced to?

Come on this is getting sad.
You are asking a very simple question, nothing that insightful or deep, it really doesn't touch the heart of the issue here at all. I am going beyond the "employer's choice", I am talking about media and pressure groups that push them to make these choices. That is a much more important question that gets to a much bigger issue.

Your statement that YOU THINK they will get by fine doesn't answer my question at all. How is it in the financial interest of Sirius to lose the Opie and Anthony listening base?

Or a more interesting question, what powers that be make it less financially damaging to lose many subscribers to the show as opposed to the alternative of keeping Opie and Anthony on?

The only one avoiding the real issues and question here is you by feigning ignorance.

Also, the goal posts were only moved in your delusional mind because you either have a limited command of the english language or are being deliberately dishonest in playing word games. This is a typical leftist ploy. Some here may be confused by it, but I am not.

"pushing for" and "having him blackballed" mean the same thing. No one said the ADL is firing him, that is something you made up. What i have said all along is the ADL, a "lobbying group" as you call them, is pushing for him to be blackballed by meeting with his producers.

Cognitive dissonance and word games right here folks. This guy is in over his head and doesn't realize it. He literally says they dont have the ability to have him blackballed, then he says they do.

Which is it? LOL

You is one a them fellers who uses lots a words to make a point. You might want to work on that.

SIRIUS clearly believes that losing the O&A audience is a better outcome than taking the PR hit that resulted from the guy's stupid comments. It probably has to do with advertisers. You know.....advertisers don't just buy O&A time. If they back out of O&A sponsorship.....they back out of other shit as well.

How many loyal.....drop SIRIUS altogether listeners do you think the show has?

I never called the ADL a lobbying group. Why are you putting words into my mouth? Need to? I think you do. I said that may be lobbying producers. Not the same thing.

It is a typical nutter ploy to accuse your opponent of being dishonest when he shows you that you are misusing words and trying to bullshit your way through a discussion.

I don't think I am that wordy. I mean, i don't the typical one line liberal or neo-conservative memes but it isn't like I am writing essays here.

You are getting closer. A PR hit might be greater hit than subscribers' loss(I don't know how many will leave, I am not a subscriber, and just listen to opie and anthony occasionally on youtube, like I do with Howard Stern). But who is the PR hit committed by? It is committed by the media, social media, and pressure groups I was telling you about.

No, you are the only one playing word games now, claiming they aren't a lobbying group, but they lobby. And your point is? This is what your argument has been reduced to?

Come on this is getting sad.

Is the PR hit an organized effort orchestrated by a "we"? That is the issue here. Can you name someone who is leading the charge against O&A? Can you tell me WHO IT IS?

If not.....you are simply pissing in the wind.

It is ORGANIC. The guy says something stupid. It goes viral. People object. SIRIUS feels heat. SIRIUS cans the big mouth.

No organized effort AT ALL.
lol, not only did he demonstrate it, define it and explain it, he made you look like an idiot.

It must really suck to be as stupid as you are, from all appearances.

Jim...start a poll. You are in the bottom 10 when it comes to intelligence here. That's being kind.

Wow you are really caught up on who has what impressions of peoples intelligence.

That's funny because the really intelligent don't care; they have accomplishments that prove who and what they are, they don't need you ass-kissing trolls to reaffirm anything about them.


Nope. I am just caught up on making sure that idiots know their place. You are of limited intelligence......but you don't know it. You run around calling other people "morons". In 99% of the cases....the person you are talking to is of greater intelligence than you.

You need to be reminded of your station in life. I will do so as long as you shoot your mouth off regarding the intelligence of others.

You have said some of the stupidest things ever said on these pages. You have earned my attention.
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You is one a them fellers who uses lots a words to make a point. You might want to work on that.

SIRIUS clearly believes that losing the O&A audience is a better outcome than taking the PR hit that resulted from the guy's stupid comments. It probably has to do with advertisers. You know.....advertisers don't just buy O&A time. If they back out of O&A sponsorship.....they back out of other shit as well.

How many loyal.....drop SIRIUS altogether listeners do you think the show has?

I never called the ADL a lobbying group. Why are you putting words into my mouth? Need to? I think you do. I said that may be lobbying producers. Not the same thing.

It is a typical nutter ploy to accuse your opponent of being dishonest when he shows you that you are misusing words and trying to bullshit your way through a discussion.

I don't think I am that wordy. I mean, i don't the typical one line liberal or neo-conservative memes but it isn't like I am writing essays here.

You are getting closer. A PR hit might be greater hit than subscribers' loss(I don't know how many will leave, I am not a subscriber, and just listen to opie and anthony occasionally on youtube, like I do with Howard Stern). But who is the PR hit committed by? It is committed by the media, social media, and pressure groups I was telling you about.

No, you are the only one playing word games now, claiming they aren't a lobbying group, but they lobby. And your point is? This is what your argument has been reduced to?

Come on this is getting sad.

Is the PR hit an organized effort orchestrated by a "we"? That is the issue here. Can you name someone who is leading the charge against O&A? Can you tell me WHO IT IS?

If not.....you are simply pissing in the wind.

It is ORGANIC. The guy says something stupid. It goes viral. People object. SIRIUS feels heat. SIRIUS cans the big mouth.

No organized effort AT ALL.

LOL, you aren't "we", and I never said "we". Didn't we already have this conversation a couple pages ago?

You are a pest, you hold no sway in the cultural zeitgeist. Get over yourself.

Who is leading the charge? It seems like politically correct Sirius media bosses, and probably a group of perpetually offended minority twitterers that brought it to their attention? Seems obvious to me.
I don't think I am that wordy. I mean, i don't the typical one line liberal or neo-conservative memes but it isn't like I am writing essays here.

You are getting closer. A PR hit might be greater hit than subscribers' loss(I don't know how many will leave, I am not a subscriber, and just listen to opie and anthony occasionally on youtube, like I do with Howard Stern). But who is the PR hit committed by? It is committed by the media, social media, and pressure groups I was telling you about.

No, you are the only one playing word games now, claiming they aren't a lobbying group, but they lobby. And your point is? This is what your argument has been reduced to?

Come on this is getting sad.

Is the PR hit an organized effort orchestrated by a "we"? That is the issue here. Can you name someone who is leading the charge against O&A? Can you tell me WHO IT IS?

If not.....you are simply pissing in the wind.

It is ORGANIC. The guy says something stupid. It goes viral. People object. SIRIUS feels heat. SIRIUS cans the big mouth.

No organized effort AT ALL.

LOL, you aren't "we", and I never said "we". Didn't we already have this conversation a couple pages ago?

You are a pest, you hold no sway in the cultural zeitgeist. Get over yourself.

Who is leading the charge? It seems like politically correct Sirius media bosses, and probably a group of perpetually offended minority twitterers that brought it to their attention? Seems obvious to me.

One time. Look over your posts and see where you referred to "we". You have done so many times. I am responding to your comments.

Now...in one post where I said " we can do that " I was referring to you and I. You responded with some dopey insult for some reason....thinking that I was propping myself up. You are having difficulty.

Try to keep up. This game gets really tedious when you cannot remember what you have written. All the more reason for brevity.

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Is the PR hit an organized effort orchestrated by a "we"? That is the issue here. Can you name someone who is leading the charge against O&A? Can you tell me WHO IT IS?

If not.....you are simply pissing in the wind.

It is ORGANIC. The guy says something stupid. It goes viral. People object. SIRIUS feels heat. SIRIUS cans the big mouth.

No organized effort AT ALL.

LOL, you aren't "we", and I never said "we". Didn't we already have this conversation a couple pages ago?

You are a pest, you hold no sway in the cultural zeitgeist. Get over yourself.

Who is leading the charge? It seems like politically correct Sirius media bosses, and probably a group of perpetually offended minority twitterers that brought it to their attention? Seems obvious to me.

One time. Look over your posts and see where you referred to "we". You have done so many times. I am responding to your comments.

Now...in one post where I said " we can do that " I was referring to you and I. You responded with some dopey insult for some reason....thinking that I was propping myself up. You are having difficulty.

Try to keep up. This game gets really tedious when you cannot remember what you have written. All the more reason for brevity.

LOL, now you are whining about the word "we".

God you are pathetic.
LOL, you aren't "we", and I never said "we". Didn't we already have this conversation a couple pages ago?

You are a pest, you hold no sway in the cultural zeitgeist. Get over yourself.

Who is leading the charge? It seems like politically correct Sirius media bosses, and probably a group of perpetually offended minority twitterers that brought it to their attention? Seems obvious to me.

One time. Look over your posts and see where you referred to "we". You have done so many times. I am responding to your comments.

Now...in one post where I said " we can do that " I was referring to you and I. You responded with some dopey insult for some reason....thinking that I was propping myself up. You are having difficulty.

Try to keep up. This game gets really tedious when you cannot remember what you have written. All the more reason for brevity.

LOL, now you are whining about the word "we".

God you are pathetic.

I am explaining it because you got stuck on it. Twice now you have taken it upon yourself to tell me that I am not "we" and that I am overestimating my importance. That is really stupid because. I have never claimed to be "we". I use the quotation marks for just that reason.

Who is "we", asshole? Who is the "we" that is leading the charge against Opie & Anthony? Name them.
Without mentioning race, he criticized a woman who was independently known to be black. That's enough to put a white hood on his head.

1) He specifically mentioned race and called her racist names.
2) He also called her a number of misogynistic names.
3) He went on to incite violence against this woman and post her photograph.

This is why he was fired. And he should have been.
Cumia has only himself to blame, a victim of his own stupidity and hate, having nothing to do with the myth of 'political correctness.'

So if it's true as Cumia describes, what was inappropriate about what he said ?

I do agree though when you say he was "stupid". He was indeed, since he should have known that whatever he was going to say was going to be twisted by ding dongs like you, and turned into a racial incident whether it was or not.
Without mentioning race, he criticized a woman who was independently known to be black. That's enough to put a white hood on his head.

1) He specifically mentioned race and called her racist names.
2) He also called her a number of misogynistic names.
3) He went on to incite violence against this woman and post her photograph.

This is why he was fired. And he should have been.

Oh look everyone, Mr Sensitive metro-sexual Joey has spoken !
Without mentioning race, he criticized a woman who was independently known to be black. That's enough to put a white hood on his head.

1) He specifically mentioned race and called her racist names.
2) He also called her a number of misogynistic names.
3) He went on to incite violence against this woman and post her photograph.

This is why he was fired. And he should have been.

Oh look everyone, Mr Sensitive metro-sexual Joey has spoken !

More of a matter of practicality.

Some of the things he said like, "I hope she gets shot" and 'I should have smashed her face" while posting pictures of her on line, could be really problematic for XM/Sirius if one of his fans actually did do violence to this woman.

Unless they did the practical thing and fired his ass.

Again, I had a co-worker who was fired for merely posting a resume on Craig's LIst that said that "she wasn't happy at her job".

This strikes me as an appropriate sanction.

I'm a huge, huge fan of Christopher Hitchens, and I'm watching/listening to a YouTube video of him right now. He just said something so perfect that my little world will collapse if I don't share it.

"If someone tells me that I've hurt their feelings, I'm still waiting to hear what your point is. I'm very depressed that, in this country, you can be told 'well, that's offensive', as if those words constitute an argument, or a comment. Not to me they don't, and I'm not running for anything."

Dammit Hitch, I wish you were still around.


I'm a huge, huge fan of Christopher Hitchens, and I'm watching/listening to a YouTube video of him right now. He just said something so perfect that my little world will collapse if I don't share it.

"If someone tells me that I've hurt their feelings, I'm still waiting to hear what your point is. I'm very depressed that, in this country, you can be told 'well, that's offensive', as if those words constitute an argument, or a comment. Not to me they don't, and I'm not running for anything."

Dammit Hitch, I wish you were still around.


Whoa! That's deep! Totally unrelated to the discussion we are having.....but way deep.

Watch what you say, in public or private, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.


I have watched several shows on what Americans are most proud of about the USA and almost each and every one of them cited our freedom of speech.

The PC Nazis are turning this nation into a fascist police state.

How exactly?

The guy worked for a private company that thought he was going to cost them money.

They got rid of him.
Has the OP bothered to take a look at the guy's tweets for himself? It seems that he has not.

And....Mac........the guy isn't being arrested nor punished by the government in any way. His private sector employer decided that he was no longer someone they want to have representing them. Free market in action.

If he were an unemployed citizen.....he would have faced absolutely zero consequences for his comments. Freedom rings!


So you agree that Hollywood was in the right to blacklist those folks in the 50s. Actions have consequences, they weren't jailed, free market in action.
Has the OP bothered to take a look at the guy's tweets for himself? It seems that he has not.

And....Mac........the guy isn't being arrested nor punished by the government in any way. His private sector employer decided that he was no longer someone they want to have representing them. Free market in action.

If he were an unemployed citizen.....he would have faced absolutely zero consequences for his comments. Freedom rings!


So you agree that Hollywood was in the right to blacklist those folks in the 50s. Actions have consequences, they weren't jailed, free market in action.

Starting posts with the word "so" is usually an indication of bullshit to follow.

You've advanced the discussion exactly zero paces. Congratulations.

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