PC Nazis Boast of Another Scalp; Anthony Cumia

What happened to Oldman? Was he fired from something? What he said was not reasonable, by the way.

What Rpbertson said was not reasonable. Besides.....what's he doing these days?

Was Ron Paul fired for that? He was called an anti-Semite? Oh! The horror! I wonder if he objected to that and if his supporters had anything to say about it on social media. I wonder.
Did you read the quote, the ADL are getting him blackballed.

Of course, saying Jews have power in Hollywood, not reasonable because it doesn't fit the leftist pc narrative, even though they run most of the major studios. How come it isn't hateful when a Jewish LA Times writer says it, be Oldman gets blackballed for it?
Who runs Hollywood? C'mon - Los Angeles Times

Yes, the Bible is not reasonable, because it doesn't fit the leftist PC narrative. He was initially let go, but like I said before, much of the leftist presence in media/social media and their clout with these perpetually offended groups creates an illusion of popularity they dont have. The fact is, the people stood up and made their voices heard, and A&E backed down.

No one said Ron Paul was fired. And anti-semite is up there with pedophile and racist as words that destroy one's credibility in the culture. They are used to savaged and discredit people when their opponents dont have any valid counter points. I thought the issue was individuals being demonized for restrained and respectful views on policy matters by leftist media and pressure minority groups?

And what about jason richwine? you ignored that example

I didn't ignore it. I'd have had to have seen it in order to ignore it. Who is that? Never heard of him.

The ADL is going to,have Oldman blackballed? How are they going to do that?

lol, as if you don't understand how that works....roflmao
What happened to Oldman? Was he fired from something? What he said was not reasonable, by the way.

What Rpbertson said was not reasonable. Besides.....what's he doing these days?

Was Ron Paul fired for that? He was called an anti-Semite? Oh! The horror! I wonder if he objected to that and if his supporters had anything to say about it on social media. I wonder.
Did you read the quote, the ADL are getting him blackballed.

Of course, saying Jews have power in Hollywood, not reasonable because it doesn't fit the leftist pc narrative, even though they run most of the major studios. How come it isn't hateful when a Jewish LA Times writer says it, be Oldman gets blackballed for it?
Who runs Hollywood? C'mon - Los Angeles Times

Yes, the Bible is not reasonable, because it doesn't fit the leftist PC narrative. He was initially let go, but like I said before, much of the leftist presence in media/social media and their clout with these perpetually offended groups creates an illusion of popularity they dont have. The fact is, the people stood up and made their voices heard, and A&E backed down.

No one said Ron Paul was fired. And anti-semite is up there with pedophile and racist as words that destroy one's credibility in the culture. They are used to savaged and discredit people when their opponents dont have any valid counter points. I thought the issue was individuals being demonized for restrained and respectful views on policy matters by leftist media and pressure minority groups?

And what about jason richwine? you ignored that example

I didn't ignore it. I'd have had to have seen it in order to ignore it. Who is that? Never heard of him.

The ADL is going to,have Oldman blackballed? How are they going to do that?

Well, read the link, research it. It is another example of a person being blackballed by leftist media and pressure groups for views outside the pc.

What do you mean, how are they going to blackball? Do you understand what the term means. For future reference, since you obviously seem confused(or are playing dumb to be a snark, neither would surprise me).
Blackballed | Define Blackballed at Dictionary.com

They are talking to hollywood producers about him, they admitted that themselves. Why do you think they are doing it? To say, hey we think he is an anti-semitic bastard, but you should really hire him for your next film? :cuckoo:
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Yawn. Radio jock makes offensive comments and outrages listeners. Employer no longer wants to keep an employee that will cost them money. Fired. The free market in action, what's the issue again?

The listeners LOVE Anthony. They are outraged, but its because he was fired. They are cancelling subscriptions in droves, as can be observed on twitter. FIRING him is whats costing them money.

This is a PC issue, not a money issue.
Did you read the quote, the ADL are getting him blackballed.

Of course, saying Jews have power in Hollywood, not reasonable because it doesn't fit the leftist pc narrative, even though they run most of the major studios. How come it isn't hateful when a Jewish LA Times writer says it, be Oldman gets blackballed for it?
Who runs Hollywood? C'mon - Los Angeles Times

Yes, the Bible is not reasonable, because it doesn't fit the leftist PC narrative. He was initially let go, but like I said before, much of the leftist presence in media/social media and their clout with these perpetually offended groups creates an illusion of popularity they dont have. The fact is, the people stood up and made their voices heard, and A&E backed down.

No one said Ron Paul was fired. And anti-semite is up there with pedophile and racist as words that destroy one's credibility in the culture. They are used to savaged and discredit people when their opponents dont have any valid counter points. I thought the issue was individuals being demonized for restrained and respectful views on policy matters by leftist media and pressure minority groups?

And what about jason richwine? you ignored that example

I didn't ignore it. I'd have had to have seen it in order to ignore it. Who is that? Never heard of him.

The ADL is going to,have Oldman blackballed? How are they going to do that?

Well, read the link, research it. It is another example of a person being blackballed by leftist media and pressure groups for views outside the pc.

What do you mean, how are they going to blackball? Do you understand what the term means. For future reference, since you obviously seem confused(or are playing dumb to be a snark, neither would surprise me).
Blackballed | Define Blackballed at Dictionary.com

They are talking to hollywood producers about him, they admitted that themselves. Why do you think they are doing it? To say, hate we think he is an anti-semitic bastard, but you should really hire him for your next film? :cuckoo:

If the ADL talks to Hollywood producers and asks them to not hire Oldman...that is NOT CALLED BLACKBALLING. That is called lobbying. And it is an example of free speech.

The ADL does not have any decision making power over Oldman. They don't vote on his SAG eligibility. Nothing. All they can do is bitch about him to his potential employers. What those potential employers do is their prerogative. Since the ADL has no such power...they cannot blackball the guy.

Now...I have been very kind to you asI find you to be a person of reasonable intelligence. I will, however, gladly play your game with you if you continue to drop in those remarks about my intelligence. If you want to use words....use them correctly. Don't assign meaning to them and then run around telling others that they are stupid for not using your definition.

Jason Richwine, by the way.....resigned over the response to his dopey dissertation. Who are you blaming that on?
If producers ban together and agree not to hire the guy not because he's wrong for the role or his
salary is too high that would seem to me like blackballing.
I didn't ignore it. I'd have had to have seen it in order to ignore it. Who is that? Never heard of him.

The ADL is going to,have Oldman blackballed? How are they going to do that?

Well, read the link, research it. It is another example of a person being blackballed by leftist media and pressure groups for views outside the pc.

What do you mean, how are they going to blackball? Do you understand what the term means. For future reference, since you obviously seem confused(or are playing dumb to be a snark, neither would surprise me).
Blackballed | Define Blackballed at Dictionary.com

They are talking to hollywood producers about him, they admitted that themselves. Why do you think they are doing it? To say, hate we think he is an anti-semitic bastard, but you should really hire him for your next film? :cuckoo:

If the ADL talks to Hollywood producers and asks them to not hire Oldman...that is NOT CALLED BLACKBALLING. That is called lobbying. And it is an example of free speech.

The ADL does not have any decision making power over Oldman. They don't vote on his SAG eligibility. Nothing. All they can do is bitch about him to his potential employers. What those potential employers do is their prerogative. Since the ADL has no such power...they cannot blackball the guy.

Now...I have been very kind to you asI find you to be a person of reasonable intelligence. I will, however, gladly play your game with you if you continue to drop in those remarks about my intelligence. If you want to use words....use them correctly. Don't assign meaning to them and then run around telling others that they are stupid for not using your definition.

Jason Richwine, by the way.....resigned over the response to his dopey dissertation. Who are you blaming that on?


"2.to exclude socially; ostracize: The whole town blackballed them."

This is ostracization, they are trying to exclude him from employment for his beliefs. Sorry, there is no way to word yourself out of this one.

And your defense that it is "free speech" what they are doing is no defense, it doesn't make it right or ethical. What is legal is not necessarily moral or right.

The funny thing is, the left to this day complains of communists/socialists/leftists who were blackballed in the 50s from Hollywood. But now, when it happens to someone who says a kind of dirty secret about certain groups who run Hollywood it becomes "lobbying" and "free speech". You guys are so dishonest and inconsistent it is laughable.

In one breath you say the ADL are lobbyists, than you say they have no power. Are you saying lobbyists have no influence? If that is the case, I guess lobbyists have no power in washington since they don't directly vote on legislation. It is an absurd and childish notion and you know you are wrong. If the ADL has no power, why do they have so much money and the ability to meet with industry leaders and politicians? LOL at suggesting they have no power, "The ADL are just regular joes you see, me and you could get meetings with hollywood producers as well if we just ASKED".

You are digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself. Any rational person can see this.

You aren't intelligent, and you are a sarcastic prick.

He was forced to resign by Heritage to resign after media and ethnic pressure groups like la raza made a fit.

And that "dopey dissertation" was signed off on by a Harvard PHD committee. So I am wondering, what do you know about Race and IQ that they don't?
If producers ban together and agree not to hire the guy not because he's wrong for the role or his
salary is too high that would seem to me like blackballing.

Yes. And that would be the producers doing the blackballing.

Well duh it is the producers doing the blackballing, who said anything else? But as you said, the ADL is "lobbying for it". But the ADL has no power, lobbyists have no power. What are you saying again? :D
Well, read the link, research it. It is another example of a person being blackballed by leftist media and pressure groups for views outside the pc.

What do you mean, how are they going to blackball? Do you understand what the term means. For future reference, since you obviously seem confused(or are playing dumb to be a snark, neither would surprise me).
Blackballed | Define Blackballed at Dictionary.com

They are talking to hollywood producers about him, they admitted that themselves. Why do you think they are doing it? To say, hate we think he is an anti-semitic bastard, but you should really hire him for your next film? :cuckoo:

If the ADL talks to Hollywood producers and asks them to not hire Oldman...that is NOT CALLED BLACKBALLING. That is called lobbying. And it is an example of free speech.

The ADL does not have any decision making power over Oldman. They don't vote on his SAG eligibility. Nothing. All they can do is bitch about him to his potential employers. What those potential employers do is their prerogative. Since the ADL has no such power...they cannot blackball the guy.

Now...I have been very kind to you asI find you to be a person of reasonable intelligence. I will, however, gladly play your game with you if you continue to drop in those remarks about my intelligence. If you want to use words....use them correctly. Don't assign meaning to them and then run around telling others that they are stupid for not using your definition.

Jason Richwine, by the way.....resigned over the response to his dopey dissertation. Who are you blaming that on?


"2.to exclude socially; ostracize: The whole town blackballed them."

This is ostracization, they are trying to exclude him from employment for his beliefs. Sorry, there is no way to word yourself out of this one.

And your defense that it is "free speech" what they are doing is no defense, it doesn't make it right or ethical. What is legal is not necessarily moral or right.

The funny thing is, the left to this day complains of communists/socialists/leftists who were blackballed in the 50s from Hollywood. But now, when it happens to someone who says a kind of dirty secret about certain groups who run Hollywood it becomes "lobbying" and "free speech". You guys are so dishonest and inconsistent it is laughable.

In one breath you say the ADL are lobbyists, than you say they have no power. Are you saying lobbyists have no influence? If that is the case, I guess lobbyists have no power in washington since they don't directly vote on legislation. It is an absurd and childish notion and you know you are wrong. If the ADL has no power, why do they have so much money and the ability to meet with industry leaders and politicians? LOL at suggesting they have no power, "The ADL are just regular joes you see, me and you could get meetings with hollywood producers as well if we just ASKED".

You are digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself. Any rational person can see this.

You aren't intelligent, and you are a sarcastic prick.

He was forced to resign by Heritage to resign after media and ethnic pressure groups like la raza made a fit.

And that "dopey dissertation" was signed off on by a Harvard PHD committee. So I am wondering, what do you know about Race and IQ that they don't?

Fine. You want it that way. We can do that.

You have spent dozens of posts and thousands of words and haven't proved a thing beyond your sadness that people can't be open bigots and face no consequences. You haven't proven that their is a "we" behind all or any of these public rebukes. You haven't proven that the employers were acting on anything but their own interests in any of the cases.

Now.....are you going to admit that you failed to properly understand the meaning of the term "blackball"? Got any integrity?
If producers ban together and agree not to hire the guy not because he's wrong for the role or his
salary is too high that would seem to me like blackballing.

Yes. And that would be the producers doing the blackballing.

Well duh it is the producers doing the blackballing, who said anything else? But as you said, the ADL is "lobbying for it". But the ADL has no power, lobbyists have no power. What are you saying again? :D

The. ADL has no ability to have him blackballed. That is what I am saying. They don't.
If the ADL talks to Hollywood producers and asks them to not hire Oldman...that is NOT CALLED BLACKBALLING. That is called lobbying. And it is an example of free speech.

The ADL does not have any decision making power over Oldman. They don't vote on his SAG eligibility. Nothing. All they can do is bitch about him to his potential employers. What those potential employers do is their prerogative. Since the ADL has no such power...they cannot blackball the guy.

Now...I have been very kind to you asI find you to be a person of reasonable intelligence. I will, however, gladly play your game with you if you continue to drop in those remarks about my intelligence. If you want to use words....use them correctly. Don't assign meaning to them and then run around telling others that they are stupid for not using your definition.

Jason Richwine, by the way.....resigned over the response to his dopey dissertation. Who are you blaming that on?


"2.to exclude socially; ostracize: The whole town blackballed them."

This is ostracization, they are trying to exclude him from employment for his beliefs. Sorry, there is no way to word yourself out of this one.

And your defense that it is "free speech" what they are doing is no defense, it doesn't make it right or ethical. What is legal is not necessarily moral or right.

The funny thing is, the left to this day complains of communists/socialists/leftists who were blackballed in the 50s from Hollywood. But now, when it happens to someone who says a kind of dirty secret about certain groups who run Hollywood it becomes "lobbying" and "free speech". You guys are so dishonest and inconsistent it is laughable.

In one breath you say the ADL are lobbyists, than you say they have no power. Are you saying lobbyists have no influence? If that is the case, I guess lobbyists have no power in washington since they don't directly vote on legislation. It is an absurd and childish notion and you know you are wrong. If the ADL has no power, why do they have so much money and the ability to meet with industry leaders and politicians? LOL at suggesting they have no power, "The ADL are just regular joes you see, me and you could get meetings with hollywood producers as well if we just ASKED".

You are digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself. Any rational person can see this.

You aren't intelligent, and you are a sarcastic prick.

He was forced to resign by Heritage to resign after media and ethnic pressure groups like la raza made a fit.

And that "dopey dissertation" was signed off on by a Harvard PHD committee. So I am wondering, what do you know about Race and IQ that they don't?

Fine. You want it that way. We can do that.

You have spent dozens of posts and thousands of words and haven't proved a thing beyond your sadness that people can't be open bigots and face no consequences. You haven't proven that their is a "we" behind all or any of these public rebukes. You haven't proven that the employers were acting on anything but their own interests in any of the cases.

Now.....are you going to admit that you failed to properly understand the meaning of the term "blackball"? Got any integrity?

"We"? You aren't part of anything. Please, stop with the delusions of grandeur. You are a person of average intelligence at best that masks it in snark and a contrarian attitude.

It is interesting you bring up interests, no one has brought that up yet, but now that you do. Let's discuss it. How is it in the financial interest of Sirius to lose the Opie and Anthony listening base?

Or a more interesting question, what powers that be make it less financially damaging to lose many subscribers to the show as opposed to the alternative of keeping Opie and Anthony on?

No, I very much understand the meaning of the word. You are the dishonest one that is playing dumb and playing word games. The ADL is very much pushing for Oldman to be blackballed by producers.
Yes. And that would be the producers doing the blackballing.

Well duh it is the producers doing the blackballing, who said anything else? But as you said, the ADL is "lobbying for it". But the ADL has no power, lobbyists have no power. What are you saying again? :D

The. ADL has no ability to have him blackballed. That is what I am saying. They don't.
They have the ability to put pressure on him to be blackballed, but the producers do the blackballing. That is what I have said all along. What is exactly your point?

Yes they do, that is the definition of lobbying. You said so yourself. Or are they no longer "lobbying"? What are they doing then?

"2.to exclude socially; ostracize: The whole town blackballed them."

This is ostracization, they are trying to exclude him from employment for his beliefs. Sorry, there is no way to word yourself out of this one.

And your defense that it is "free speech" what they are doing is no defense, it doesn't make it right or ethical. What is legal is not necessarily moral or right.

The funny thing is, the left to this day complains of communists/socialists/leftists who were blackballed in the 50s from Hollywood. But now, when it happens to someone who says a kind of dirty secret about certain groups who run Hollywood it becomes "lobbying" and "free speech". You guys are so dishonest and inconsistent it is laughable.

In one breath you say the ADL are lobbyists, than you say they have no power. Are you saying lobbyists have no influence? If that is the case, I guess lobbyists have no power in washington since they don't directly vote on legislation. It is an absurd and childish notion and you know you are wrong. If the ADL has no power, why do they have so much money and the ability to meet with industry leaders and politicians? LOL at suggesting they have no power, "The ADL are just regular joes you see, me and you could get meetings with hollywood producers as well if we just ASKED".

You are digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself. Any rational person can see this.

You aren't intelligent, and you are a sarcastic prick.

He was forced to resign by Heritage to resign after media and ethnic pressure groups like la raza made a fit.

And that "dopey dissertation" was signed off on by a Harvard PHD committee. So I am wondering, what do you know about Race and IQ that they don't?

Fine. You want it that way. We can do that.

You have spent dozens of posts and thousands of words and haven't proved a thing beyond your sadness that people can't be open bigots and face no consequences. You haven't proven that their is a "we" behind all or any of these public rebukes. You haven't proven that the employers were acting on anything but their own interests in any of the cases.

Now.....are you going to admit that you failed to properly understand the meaning of the term "blackball"? Got any integrity?

"We"? You aren't part of anything. Please, stop with the delusions of grandeur. You are a person of average intelligence at best that masks it in snark and a contrarian attitude.

It is interesting you bring up interests, no one has brought that up yet, but now that you do. Let's discuss it. How is it in the financial interest of Sirius to lose the Opie and Anthony listening base?

Or a more interesting question, what powers that be make it less financially damaging to lose many subscribers to the show as opposed to the alternative of keeping Opie and Anthony on?

No, I very much understand the meaning of the word. You are the dishonest one that is playing dumb and playing word games. The ADL is very much pushing for Oldman to be blackballed by producers.

I have been discussing the employers interests the entire time. Their concern over their interests is what leads them to make the changes that we are discussing. You are still intelligent.....but you aren't paying attention.

I'm a SIRIUS subscriber. I have never listened to Opie and Anthony. I'm pretty sure that SIRIUS can survive losing the loyal listeners. There aren't that many.

Once again....you are moving the goalposts. Now the ADL is "pushing for" Oldman to be blackballed. Before, they were "having him" blackballed. Not the same thing. They don't have the ability to have him blackballed. They do have the ability to push for him to be blackballed.
If the ADL talks to Hollywood producers and asks them to not hire Oldman...that is NOT CALLED BLACKBALLING. That is called lobbying. And it is an example of free speech.

The ADL does not have any decision making power over Oldman. They don't vote on his SAG eligibility. Nothing. All they can do is bitch about him to his potential employers. What those potential employers do is their prerogative. Since the ADL has no such power...they cannot blackball the guy.

Now...I have been very kind to you asI find you to be a person of reasonable intelligence. I will, however, gladly play your game with you if you continue to drop in those remarks about my intelligence. If you want to use words....use them correctly. Don't assign meaning to them and then run around telling others that they are stupid for not using your definition.

Jason Richwine, by the way.....resigned over the response to his dopey dissertation. Who are you blaming that on?


"2.to exclude socially; ostracize: The whole town blackballed them."

This is ostracization, they are trying to exclude him from employment for his beliefs. Sorry, there is no way to word yourself out of this one.

And your defense that it is "free speech" what they are doing is no defense, it doesn't make it right or ethical. What is legal is not necessarily moral or right.

The funny thing is, the left to this day complains of communists/socialists/leftists who were blackballed in the 50s from Hollywood. But now, when it happens to someone who says a kind of dirty secret about certain groups who run Hollywood it becomes "lobbying" and "free speech". You guys are so dishonest and inconsistent it is laughable.

In one breath you say the ADL are lobbyists, than you say they have no power. Are you saying lobbyists have no influence? If that is the case, I guess lobbyists have no power in washington since they don't directly vote on legislation. It is an absurd and childish notion and you know you are wrong. If the ADL has no power, why do they have so much money and the ability to meet with industry leaders and politicians? LOL at suggesting they have no power, "The ADL are just regular joes you see, me and you could get meetings with hollywood producers as well if we just ASKED".

You are digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself. Any rational person can see this.

You aren't intelligent, and you are a sarcastic prick.

He was forced to resign by Heritage to resign after media and ethnic pressure groups like la raza made a fit.

And that "dopey dissertation" was signed off on by a Harvard PHD committee. So I am wondering, what do you know about Race and IQ that they don't?

Fine. You want it that way. We can do that.

You have spent dozens of posts and thousands of words and haven't proved a thing beyond your sadness that people can't be open bigots and face no consequences. You haven't proven that their is a "we" behind all or any of these public rebukes. You haven't proven that the employers were acting on anything but their own interests in any of the cases.

Now.....are you going to admit that you failed to properly understand the meaning of the term "blackball"? Got any integrity?

lol, not only did he demonstrate it, define it and explain it, he made you look like an idiot.

It must really suck to be as stupid as you are, from all appearances.

"2.to exclude socially; ostracize: The whole town blackballed them."

This is ostracization, they are trying to exclude him from employment for his beliefs. Sorry, there is no way to word yourself out of this one.

And your defense that it is "free speech" what they are doing is no defense, it doesn't make it right or ethical. What is legal is not necessarily moral or right.

The funny thing is, the left to this day complains of communists/socialists/leftists who were blackballed in the 50s from Hollywood. But now, when it happens to someone who says a kind of dirty secret about certain groups who run Hollywood it becomes "lobbying" and "free speech". You guys are so dishonest and inconsistent it is laughable.

In one breath you say the ADL are lobbyists, than you say they have no power. Are you saying lobbyists have no influence? If that is the case, I guess lobbyists have no power in washington since they don't directly vote on legislation. It is an absurd and childish notion and you know you are wrong. If the ADL has no power, why do they have so much money and the ability to meet with industry leaders and politicians? LOL at suggesting they have no power, "The ADL are just regular joes you see, me and you could get meetings with hollywood producers as well if we just ASKED".

You are digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself. Any rational person can see this.

You aren't intelligent, and you are a sarcastic prick.

He was forced to resign by Heritage to resign after media and ethnic pressure groups like la raza made a fit.

And that "dopey dissertation" was signed off on by a Harvard PHD committee. So I am wondering, what do you know about Race and IQ that they don't?

Fine. You want it that way. We can do that.

You have spent dozens of posts and thousands of words and haven't proved a thing beyond your sadness that people can't be open bigots and face no consequences. You haven't proven that their is a "we" behind all or any of these public rebukes. You haven't proven that the employers were acting on anything but their own interests in any of the cases.

Now.....are you going to admit that you failed to properly understand the meaning of the term "blackball"? Got any integrity?

lol, not only did he demonstrate it, define it and explain it, he made you look like an idiot.

It must really suck to be as stupid as you are, from all appearances.

Jim...start a poll. You are in the bottom 10 when it comes to intelligence here. That's being kind.
Fine. You want it that way. We can do that.

You have spent dozens of posts and thousands of words and haven't proved a thing beyond your sadness that people can't be open bigots and face no consequences. You haven't proven that their is a "we" behind all or any of these public rebukes. You haven't proven that the employers were acting on anything but their own interests in any of the cases.

Now.....are you going to admit that you failed to properly understand the meaning of the term "blackball"? Got any integrity?

"We"? You aren't part of anything. Please, stop with the delusions of grandeur. You are a person of average intelligence at best that masks it in snark and a contrarian attitude.

It is interesting you bring up interests, no one has brought that up yet, but now that you do. Let's discuss it. How is it in the financial interest of Sirius to lose the Opie and Anthony listening base?

Or a more interesting question, what powers that be make it less financially damaging to lose many subscribers to the show as opposed to the alternative of keeping Opie and Anthony on?

No, I very much understand the meaning of the word. You are the dishonest one that is playing dumb and playing word games. The ADL is very much pushing for Oldman to be blackballed by producers.

I have been discussing the employers interests the entire time. Their concern over their interests is what leads them to make the changes that we are discussing. You are still intelligent.....but you aren't paying attention.

I'm a SIRIUS subscriber. I have never listened to Opie and Anthony. I'm pretty sure that SIRIUS can survive losing the loyal listeners. There aren't that many.

Once again....you are moving the goalposts. Now the ADL is "pushing for" Oldman to be blackballed. Before, they were "having him" blackballed. Not the same thing. They don't have the ability to have him blackballed. They do have the ability to push for him to be blackballed.

Yeah, its not like Mel Gibson got blackballed or anything despite block buster hits one after another.

"We"? You aren't part of anything. Please, stop with the delusions of grandeur. You are a person of average intelligence at best that masks it in snark and a contrarian attitude.

It is interesting you bring up interests, no one has brought that up yet, but now that you do. Let's discuss it. How is it in the financial interest of Sirius to lose the Opie and Anthony listening base?

Or a more interesting question, what powers that be make it less financially damaging to lose many subscribers to the show as opposed to the alternative of keeping Opie and Anthony on?

No, I very much understand the meaning of the word. You are the dishonest one that is playing dumb and playing word games. The ADL is very much pushing for Oldman to be blackballed by producers.

I have been discussing the employers interests the entire time. Their concern over their interests is what leads them to make the changes that we are discussing. You are still intelligent.....but you aren't paying attention.

I'm a SIRIUS subscriber. I have never listened to Opie and Anthony. I'm pretty sure that SIRIUS can survive losing the loyal listeners. There aren't that many.

Once again....you are moving the goalposts. Now the ADL is "pushing for" Oldman to be blackballed. Before, they were "having him" blackballed. Not the same thing. They don't have the ability to have him blackballed. They do have the ability to push for him to be blackballed.

Yeah, its not like Mel Gibson got blackballed or anything despite block buster hits one after another.


By who? Who blackballed him?
Fine. You want it that way. We can do that.

You have spent dozens of posts and thousands of words and haven't proved a thing beyond your sadness that people can't be open bigots and face no consequences. You haven't proven that their is a "we" behind all or any of these public rebukes. You haven't proven that the employers were acting on anything but their own interests in any of the cases.

Now.....are you going to admit that you failed to properly understand the meaning of the term "blackball"? Got any integrity?

"We"? You aren't part of anything. Please, stop with the delusions of grandeur. You are a person of average intelligence at best that masks it in snark and a contrarian attitude.

It is interesting you bring up interests, no one has brought that up yet, but now that you do. Let's discuss it. How is it in the financial interest of Sirius to lose the Opie and Anthony listening base?

Or a more interesting question, what powers that be make it less financially damaging to lose many subscribers to the show as opposed to the alternative of keeping Opie and Anthony on?

No, I very much understand the meaning of the word. You are the dishonest one that is playing dumb and playing word games. The ADL is very much pushing for Oldman to be blackballed by producers.

I have been discussing the employers interests the entire time. Their concern over their interests is what leads them to make the changes that we are discussing. You are still intelligent.....but you aren't paying attention.

I'm a SIRIUS subscriber. I have never listened to Opie and Anthony. I'm pretty sure that SIRIUS can survive losing the loyal listeners. There aren't that many.

Once again....you are moving the goalposts. Now the ADL is "pushing for" Oldman to be blackballed. Before, they were "having him" blackballed. Not the same thing. They don't have the ability to have him blackballed. They do have the ability to push for him to be blackballed.
You are asking a very simple question, nothing that insightful or deep, it really doesn't touch the heart of the issue here at all. I am going beyond the "employer's choice", I am talking about media and pressure groups that push them to make these choices. That is a much more important question that gets to a much bigger issue.

Your statement that YOU THINK they will get by fine doesn't answer my question at all. How is it in the financial interest of Sirius to lose the Opie and Anthony listening base?

Or a more interesting question, what powers that be make it less financially damaging to lose many subscribers to the show as opposed to the alternative of keeping Opie and Anthony on?

The only one avoiding the real issues and question here is you by feigning ignorance.

Also, the goal posts were only moved in your delusional mind because you either have a limited command of the english language or are being deliberately dishonest in playing word games. This is a typical leftist ploy. Some here may be confused by it, but I am not.

"pushing for" and "having him blackballed" mean the same thing. No one said the ADL is firing him, that is something you made up. What i have said all along is the ADL, a "lobbying group" as you call them, is pushing for him to be blackballed by meeting with his producers.

They don't have the ability to have him blackballed. They do have the ability to push for him to be blackballed.

Cognitive dissonance and word games right here folks. This guy is in over his head and doesn't realize it. He literally says they dont have the ability to have him blackballed, then he says they do.

Which is it? LOL
I have been discussing the employers interests the entire time. Their concern over their interests is what leads them to make the changes that we are discussing. You are still intelligent.....but you aren't paying attention.

I'm a SIRIUS subscriber. I have never listened to Opie and Anthony. I'm pretty sure that SIRIUS can survive losing the loyal listeners. There aren't that many.

Once again....you are moving the goalposts. Now the ADL is "pushing for" Oldman to be blackballed. Before, they were "having him" blackballed. Not the same thing. They don't have the ability to have him blackballed. They do have the ability to push for him to be blackballed.

Yeah, its not like Mel Gibson got blackballed or anything despite block buster hits one after another.


By who? Who blackballed him?
Primarily Jewish hollywood producers.

He had to stake out and start his own company because of it.
Fine. You want it that way. We can do that.

You have spent dozens of posts and thousands of words and haven't proved a thing beyond your sadness that people can't be open bigots and face no consequences. You haven't proven that their is a "we" behind all or any of these public rebukes. You haven't proven that the employers were acting on anything but their own interests in any of the cases.

Now.....are you going to admit that you failed to properly understand the meaning of the term "blackball"? Got any integrity?

lol, not only did he demonstrate it, define it and explain it, he made you look like an idiot.

It must really suck to be as stupid as you are, from all appearances.

Jim...start a poll. You are in the bottom 10 when it comes to intelligence here. That's being kind.

Wow you are really caught up on who has what impressions of peoples intelligence.

That's funny because the really intelligent don't care; they have accomplishments that prove who and what they are, they don't need you ass-kissing trolls to reaffirm anything about them.


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