PC Nazis Boast of Another Scalp; Anthony Cumia

The lice-infested, unwashed loons and dupes of politically correctness. . . .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5qBGFaCSFU]True "tolerance" from San Francisco Liberals! - YouTube[/ame]

Islam is a religion of peace. I will report you for hate speech. The new anti-Semitism of leftist pukes.
Robots. Slogan spouters. Cartoon cutouts. Mindless drones.

from what I have read & seen "Opie & Anthony" were always offensive, and outrageous, why was this different? Maybe the station wants new offensive material?
from what I have read & seen "Opie & Anthony" were always offensive, and outrageous, why was this different? Maybe the station wants new offensive material?

They had been fired from stations in the past for outrageous bits. SiriusXM knew what they were getting when they hired them.

I'm a big fan of the show, and I've heard Anthony say much worse on air. He even once called himself an "out of the closet racist". Their decision to fire him over something said off air baffles me.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVLP-qurBqU]Opie & Anthony: Ant's Racist Lines Make Jimmy Laugh - YouTube[/ame]
LOL, this country is becoming so gay, uptight, hypersensitive, and lacking in humor and character it is ridiculous. Headline News: Shock jock fired for saying offensive things.

With Opie and Anthony gone, and Howard Stern leaving in 2015, who do they think is going to bring the subscribers to Sirius?
Perhaps those who buy into the myth of 'political correctness' would be so kind as to cite the statute and jurisdiction codifying 'PC,' what's the penalty when one is convicted of the crime of using a racial slur, for example, and what's the amount of the fine and/or the length of incarceration.

Absent such a statute prohibiting racial slurs and its subsequent penalty once convicted, there is no such thing as 'political correctness.'

And that some on the right might perceive the myth of 'political correctness' as 'real' in the context of private society is subjective, partisan, and irrelevant.

Political correctness is insidious because it isn't codified in law. The powers that be in our system can point to the first amendment as an illusion of a free society.

"See, you can say what you want, we will just unleash TV and social media campaigns on you if you say something we disagree with. Even though we aren't a majority our media presence makes us look like we are and we will cost you your job and financial livelihood as a result. But you see, this doesn't violate free speech, we aren't arresting you. Were a free country, you can keep your job and make money, as long as you don't say hateful things, it is FREE SPEECH and the FREE MARKET after all."
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_xnt3by5mI]Freedom of speech, political correctness and how radio is dying (3/23/12) - YouTube[/ame]
Perhaps those who buy into the myth of 'political correctness' would be so kind as to cite the statute and jurisdiction codifying 'PC,' what's the penalty when one is convicted of the crime of using a racial slur, for example, and what's the amount of the fine and/or the length of incarceration.

Absent such a statute prohibiting racial slurs and its subsequent penalty once convicted, there is no such thing as 'political correctness.'

And that some on the right might perceive the myth of 'political correctness' as 'real' in the context of private society is subjective, partisan, and irrelevant.

Political correctness is insidious because it isn't codified in law. The powers that be in our system can point to the first amendment as an illusion of a free society.

"See, you can say what you want, we will just unleash TV and social media campaigns on you if you say something we disagree with. Even though we aren't a majority our media presence makes us look like we are and we will cost you your job and financial livelihood as a result. But you see, this doesn't violate free speech, we aren't arresting you. Were a free country, you can keep your job and make money, as long as you don't say hateful things, it is FREE SPEECH and the FREE MARKET after all."

Damn! You and Mac need to start a club or something. What a horrible thing you have uncovered!

Who is "we"? Do "we" have a leader? An organization of some kind? Where are "our" offices? Do "we" have a website?

This is all simply you whining about the fact that the are consequences and responsibilities that accompany your free speech.

The powers that be? Man....if there was ever a line of bull!
Perhaps those who buy into the myth of 'political correctness' would be so kind as to cite the statute and jurisdiction codifying 'PC,' what's the penalty when one is convicted of the crime of using a racial slur, for example, and what's the amount of the fine and/or the length of incarceration.

Absent such a statute prohibiting racial slurs and its subsequent penalty once convicted, there is no such thing as 'political correctness.'

And that some on the right might perceive the myth of 'political correctness' as 'real' in the context of private society is subjective, partisan, and irrelevant.

Political correctness is insidious because it isn't codified in law. The powers that be in our system can point to the first amendment as an illusion of a free society.

"See, you can say what you want, we will just unleash TV and social media campaigns on you if you say something we disagree with. Even though we aren't a majority our media presence makes us look like we are and we will cost you your job and financial livelihood as a result. But you see, this doesn't violate free speech, we aren't arresting you. Were a free country, you can keep your job and make money, as long as you don't say hateful things, it is FREE SPEECH and the FREE MARKET after all."

Damn! You and Mac need to start a club or something. What a horrible thing you have uncovered!

Who is "we"? Do "we" have a leader? An organization of some kind? Where are "our" offices? Do "we" have a website?

This is all simply you whining about the fact that the are consequences and responsibilities that accompany your free speech.

The powers that be? Man....if there was ever a line of bull!

It is out in the open. Nothing is uncovered. The rest of your spiel, you just proved my point, you have free speech, but if you say something that disagrees with the politically correct line, there will be consequences.

Clearly you can't read, I named the culprits, left wing hypersensitive media and social media, perpetually offended minority pressure groups, particularly those with an online presence. Its not a conspiracy, its just a convergence of forces. The left is using their market power if you will, their control of media and their ability to gather an online presence and gain access to popular media outlets, to enforce a uniform social and political line. Sure they can't put people in jail, but in today's America, getting someone fired and keeping them from gainful employment for views that deviate from the PC is almost as bad, when you combine it with the illusion of free speech codified in law, it becomes more insidious.

Yea, the media, social media, groups like GLADD, NAACP, ADL among others, they have no power, lol.
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Political correctness is insidious because it isn't codified in law. The powers that be in our system can point to the first amendment as an illusion of a free society.

"See, you can say what you want, we will just unleash TV and social media campaigns on you if you say something we disagree with. Even though we aren't a majority our media presence makes us look like we are and we will cost you your job and financial livelihood as a result. But you see, this doesn't violate free speech, we aren't arresting you. Were a free country, you can keep your job and make money, as long as you don't say hateful things, it is FREE SPEECH and the FREE MARKET after all."

Precisely, well put.

They've done it through the culture. They'll deflect by saying that what they do is not against the law, which is quite true. This is not a First Amendment issue, it's a cultural issue. The same end of the spectrum that argued so vociferously and passionately for freedom of expression has become what they used to loathe, they know it, but they will not admit it.

Watch what you say in public or private, or the Left will choose to (no one will force them to) determine and deliver the consequences. Narcissism and authoritarianism, just as they like it.

If you say something that "offends" me (whatever that means), I may engage you in spirited debate. Who knows, maybe I'll change your mind a bit or soften your stance a degree. But I would not go after your livelihood, that goes directly against the spirit of freedom of expression. That's the first thing these authoritarian thugs want.


Political correctness is insidious because it isn't codified in law. The powers that be in our system can point to the first amendment as an illusion of a free society.

"See, you can say what you want, we will just unleash TV and social media campaigns on you if you say something we disagree with. Even though we aren't a majority our media presence makes us look like we are and we will cost you your job and financial livelihood as a result. But you see, this doesn't violate free speech, we aren't arresting you. Were a free country, you can keep your job and make money, as long as you don't say hateful things, it is FREE SPEECH and the FREE MARKET after all."

Damn! You and Mac need to start a club or something. What a horrible thing you have uncovered!

Who is "we"? Do "we" have a leader? An organization of some kind? Where are "our" offices? Do "we" have a website?

This is all simply you whining about the fact that the are consequences and responsibilities that accompany your free speech.

The powers that be? Man....if there was ever a line of bull!

It is out in the open. Nothing is uncovered. The rest of your spiel, you just proved my point, you have free speech, but if you say something that disagrees with the politically correct line, there will be consequences.

Clearly you can't read, I named the culprits, left wing hypersensitive media and social media, perpetually offended minority pressure groups, particularly those with an online presence. Its not a conspiracy, its just a convergence of forces. The left is using their market power if you will, their control of media and their ability to gather an online presence and gain access to popular media outlets, to enforce a uniform social and political line. Sure they can't put people in jail, but in today's America, getting someone fired and keeping them from gainful employment for views that deviate from the PC is almost as bad, when you combine it with the illusion of free speech codified in law, it becomes more insidious.

Yea, the media, social media, groups like GLADD, NAACP, ADL among others, they have no power, lol.

You might be a little crazy. A convergence of forces who control the media? Who decides what is and is not PC? Is it something that just........is?

You are trying. I'll give you that. But I am still not getting the "who". All I see is you being butthurt because people have to take responsibility for their words.
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Political correctness is insidious because it isn't codified in law. The powers that be in our system can point to the first amendment as an illusion of a free society.

"See, you can say what you want, we will just unleash TV and social media campaigns on you if you say something we disagree with. Even though we aren't a majority our media presence makes us look like we are and we will cost you your job and financial livelihood as a result. But you see, this doesn't violate free speech, we aren't arresting you. Were a free country, you can keep your job and make money, as long as you don't say hateful things, it is FREE SPEECH and the FREE MARKET after all."

Precisely, well put.

They've done it through the culture. They'll deflect by saying that what they do is not against the law, which is quite true. This is not a First Amendment issue, it's a cultural issue. The same end of the spectrum that argued so vociferously and passionately for freedom of expression has become what they used to loathe, they know it, but they will not admit it.

Watch what you say in public or private, or the Left will choose to (no one will force them to) determine and deliver the consequences. Narcissism and authoritarianism, just as they like it.

If you say something that "offends" me (whatever that means), I may engage you in spirited debate. Who knows, maybe I'll change your mind a bit or soften your stance a degree. But I would not go after your livelihood, that goes directly against the spirit of freedom of expression. That's the first thing these authoritarian thugs want.



Damn! You and Mac need to start a club or something. What a horrible thing you have uncovered!

Who is "we"? Do "we" have a leader? An organization of some kind? Where are "our" offices? Do "we" have a website?

This is all simply you whining about the fact that the are consequences and responsibilities that accompany your free speech.

The powers that be? Man....if there was ever a line of bull!

It is out in the open. Nothing is uncovered. The rest of your spiel, you just proved my point, you have free speech, but if you say something that disagrees with the politically correct line, there will be consequences.

Clearly you can't read, I named the culprits, left wing hypersensitive media and social media, perpetually offended minority pressure groups, particularly those with an online presence. Its not a conspiracy, its just a convergence of forces. The left is using their market power if you will, their control of media and their ability to gather an online presence and gain access to popular media outlets, to enforce a uniform social and political line. Sure they can't put people in jail, but in today's America, getting someone fired and keeping them from gainful employment for views that deviate from the PC is almost as bad, when you combine it with the illusion of free speech codified in law, it becomes more insidious.

Yea, the media, social media, groups like GLADD, NAACP, ADL among others, they have no power, lol.

You might be a little crazy. A convergence of forces who control the media? Who decides what is and is not PC? Is it something that just........is?

You are trying. I'll give you that. But I am still not getting the "who". All I see is you being butthurt because people have to take responsibility for their words.
No, you are just very stupid. I told you who the "who" is two times. You are just being annoying and playing dumb. It makes you look immature and petty than anything else.

I would be interested to know your take on something since you are clearly such a brilliant and insightful person, you are a liberal after all.

If media, social media, and political minority activist groups don't dictate the culture(including what is politically correct and what isn't), than who does? Aliens from the moon?

And see, you are just exposing you immaturity by saying, "ur butthurt hurd dur". It isn't me who is butthurt. It is your side, the left who is perpetually butthurt. It is butthurt people, people who are hypersensitive, with no humor, no personality, who demand a radio Shock Jock be fired for saying offensive things.

But you are so warped you can't recognize it.

You don't realize what you are saying is, "the left has no media power, no say in the culture, but you have to deal with the consequences we dish out if you say wrongspeak".
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It is out in the open. Nothing is uncovered. The rest of your spiel, you just proved my point, you have free speech, but if you say something that disagrees with the politically correct line, there will be consequences.

Clearly you can't read, I named the culprits, left wing hypersensitive media and social media, perpetually offended minority pressure groups, particularly those with an online presence. Its not a conspiracy, its just a convergence of forces. The left is using their market power if you will, their control of media and their ability to gather an online presence and gain access to popular media outlets, to enforce a uniform social and political line. Sure they can't put people in jail, but in today's America, getting someone fired and keeping them from gainful employment for views that deviate from the PC is almost as bad, when you combine it with the illusion of free speech codified in law, it becomes more insidious.

Yea, the media, social media, groups like GLADD, NAACP, ADL among others, they have no power, lol.

You might be a little crazy. A convergence of forces who control the media? Who decides what is and is not PC? Is it something that just........is?

You are trying. I'll give you that. But I am still not getting the "who". All I see is you being butthurt because people have to take responsibility for their words.
No, you are just very stupid. I told you who the "who" is two times. You are just being annoying and playing dumb. It makes you look immature and petty than anything else.

I would be interested to know your take on something since you are clearly such a brilliant and insightful person, you are a liberal after all.

If media, social media, and political minority activist groups don't dictate the culture(including what is politically correct and what isn't), than who does? Aliens from the moon?

And see, you are just exposing you immaturity by saying, "ur butthurt hurd dur". It isn't me who is butthurt. It is your side, the left who is perpetually butthurt. It is butthurt people, people who are hypersensitive, with no humor, no personality, who demand a radio Shock Jock be fired for saying offensive things.

But you are so warped you can't recognize it.

You don't realize what you are saying is, "the left has no media power, no say in the culture, but you have to deal with the consequences we dish out if you say wrongspeak".

I'm telling you that there is no decider. If something is said that enough people object to....then a consequence may result. It is not those objecting who do the firing in these cases. They don't have that authority. The employers make the decision based on what is right for them. This upsets you.

There is no organization....no media conspiracy led by anyone. No minority groups controlling any social media.

I am a liberal. And you cannot offend me. Nothing you ever say will cause me to become outraged. I am a free speech proponent and I despise CONSERVATIVE efforts to censor it.

Question: what have you been forced not to say? Anything? Has the PC police come down on you?
You might be a little crazy. A convergence of forces who control the media? Who decides what is and is not PC? Is it something that just........is?

You are trying. I'll give you that. But I am still not getting the "who". All I see is you being butthurt because people have to take responsibility for their words.
No, you are just very stupid. I told you who the "who" is two times. You are just being annoying and playing dumb. It makes you look immature and petty than anything else.

I would be interested to know your take on something since you are clearly such a brilliant and insightful person, you are a liberal after all.

If media, social media, and political minority activist groups don't dictate the culture(including what is politically correct and what isn't), than who does? Aliens from the moon?

And see, you are just exposing you immaturity by saying, "ur butthurt hurd dur". It isn't me who is butthurt. It is your side, the left who is perpetually butthurt. It is butthurt people, people who are hypersensitive, with no humor, no personality, who demand a radio Shock Jock be fired for saying offensive things.

But you are so warped you can't recognize it.

You don't realize what you are saying is, "the left has no media power, no say in the culture, but you have to deal with the consequences we dish out if you say wrongspeak".

I'm telling you that there is no decider. If something is said that enough people object to....then a consequence may result. It is not those objecting who do the firing in these cases. They don't have that authority. The employers make the decision based on what is right for them. This upsets you.

There is no organization....no media conspiracy led by anyone. No minority groups controlling any social media.

I am a liberal. And you cannot offend me. Nothing you ever say will cause me to become outraged. I am a free speech proponent and I despise CONSERVATIVE efforts to censor it.

Question: what have you been forced not to say? Anything? Has the PC police come down on you?
You are just repeating yourself. Nothing new.

Look, just saying that left wing media and social media doesn't exist , saying groups like GLAAD, NAACP, ADL don't exist, and don't enforce a politically correct line doesn't make it so. But then it is funny, you than in the same breath say, "if enough people object, there will be consequences". Have you heard of the term cognitive dissonance?

Saying media and social media don't define culture socially and politically doesn't make it so, especially when you offer no alternative as to what dictates the culture.

Honestly, you need to come up with constructive and deeper response. This just doesn't suffice.

And your last two lines about no one forcing you not to say things and saying you supposedly oppose government restriction of speech. You are just proving my original point.

"Political correctness is insidious because it isn't codified in law. The powers that be in our system can point to the first amendment as an illusion of a free society.

'See, you can say what you want, we will just unleash TV and social media campaigns on you if you say something we disagree with. Even though we aren't a majority our media presence makes us look like we are and we will cost you your job and financial livelihood as a result. But you see, this doesn't violate free speech, we aren't arresting you. Were a free country, you can keep your job and make money, as long as you don't say hateful things, it is FREE SPEECH and the FREE MARKET after all.' "
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The level of RW butthurt on this thread is just entirely delicious.

As I said to the other poster:

You are just exposing you immaturity by saying, "ur butthurt hurd dur". It isn't me who is butthurt. It is your side, the left who is perpetually butthurt. It is butthurt people, people who are hypersensitive, with no humor, no personality, who demand a radio Shock Jock be fired for saying offensive things.

And how about I put up a signature of a graphic of dead Palestinians. Or would that be insensitive to the ADL and be an anti-semitic canard?
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The level of RW butthurt on this thread is just entirely delicious.

As I said to the other poster:

You are just exposing you immaturity by saying, "ur butthurt hurd dur". It isn't me who is butthurt. It is your side, the left who is perpetually butthurt. It is butthurt people, people who are hypersensitive, with no humor, no personality, who demand a radio Shock Jock be fired for saying offensive things.

And how about I put up a signature of a graphic of dead Palestinians. Or would that be insensitive to the ADL and be an anti-semitic canard?

Oh, please, reach down, remind yourself that you have a set of balls (no matter how small) and act like a man.

The shock-jock said fuck-waddy things that got him fired, EXACTLY in the spirit of the Free-Market economy that so many RWNJs profess to adore. lol.... Nobody got him fired, other than he himself.


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