PEAK DEGENERACY: Caroline Bosmans' fashion for children


Gold Member
Aug 31, 2017
While browsing facebook I happened across this utterly depraved display of moral bankruptcy. The next time you hear someone complain about Trump's rude mouth, remember the name Caroline Bosman.

Her art comes right from the post modernist playbook and contains lots of subversive symbolism about corrupted innocence, death and decay. For example, one of her fashion lines is named "life is not a fairy tale" which has images of disney princesses vomiting black rainbows printed on the fabric.

A quick glance at her facebook page shows that her primary audience appears to be metropolitan elitists with big fat wallets and black, empty hearts. You know, the sort of person that demeans conservatives and traditional values. All of the kids modeling her clothes look abused, sad, drugged or just plain dead. Bruises and bandages is a common motif as is kids standing inside public restrooms, looking traumatized as usual.

Something is Terribly Wrong With The Caroline Bosmans Children’s Clothing Line
While browsing facebook I happened across this utterly depraved display of moral bankruptcy. The next time you hear someone complain about Trump's rude mouth, remember the name Caroline Bosman.

Her art comes right from the post modernist playbook and contains lots of subversive symbolism about corrupted innocence, death and decay. For example, one of her fashion lines is named "life is not a fairy tale" which has images of disney princesses vomiting black rainbows printed on the fabric.

A quick glance at her facebook page shows that her primary audience appears to be metropolitan elitists with big fat wallets and black, empty hearts. You know, the sort of person that demeans conservatives and traditional values. All of the kids modeling her clothes look abused, sad, drugged or just plain dead. Bruises and bandages is a common motif as is kids standing inside public restrooms, looking traumatized as usual.

Something is Terribly Wrong With The Caroline Bosmans Children’s Clothing Line
Very progressive
There is something very wrong with everyone involved in those pictures. The children are all blindfolded, or have their vision obstructed. Some of them look absolutely terrified. As if something has happened to them.

It's no accident. those photos were designed to illicit a negative reaction and the creeps enjoy trolling the inevitable negative comments they get on social media. One response said something like this: "You only hate it because you're too poor to afford these clothes. Or healthcare!"
Idk man, just stop with the normalization of faggotry , gender confusion and pedos, and all this goes away.

Kids are kids, man, damn! Let them play Barbie dolls or army men or something.

Kids don't need to know a damn thing about sex until puberty.
Idk man, just stop with the normalization of faggotry , gender confusion and pedos, and all this goes away.

Kids are kids, man, damn! Let them play Barbie dolls or army men or something.

Western civilization has been down this road before. It took a dictator to dislodge the Weimar Republic.
Idk man, just stop with the normalization of faggotry , gender confusion and pedos, and all this goes away.

Kids are kids, man, damn! Let them play Barbie dolls or army men or something.

Kids don't need to know a damn thing about sex until puberty.

"Kids don't need to know a damn thing about sex until puberty."

Yes that is though what normal and healthy minds agree BUT Leftists aka Progressives are not of normal and healthy minds, the deliberate sexualisation of young children is that deliberate and is designed to NORMALISE Paedophilia. Many of us on the Right did predict that after them LEGITIMISING LGBTQ they would NOT stop there we predicted the next on The Agenda to normalise Paedophilia and so in the pursuit of this you have degenerate human filth as Caroline Bosman and that type positioning young children in public in sexy clothing and in S&M poses and in BDSM poses in turn this operates with the Leftist aka Progressive Presstitutes when they write articles about how Paedophiles are just misunderstood and should not be considered criminals etc
Seriously? Robbing children of the innocence and fun of childhood? It takes a sick mind to want to do that.

Luckily for me, I was very protected from crap like that by my loved ones.

The leftist BSDMS might would get aroused over the way I got my ass beat every other day with a belt. Yeah, my loved ones didn't, but I was a bad boy and had to be disciplined somehow.

My mom figured out that she had to pull the pampers down to spank my ass when I laughed at her when she spanked me with them up. There were wooden spoons and rulers and paddles and yardsticks and belts, o my! :whip:

I got right after a while, though. :04:

Discouraging spanking is one of the biggest problems in Western Society today.

When I was in High School, they could paddle you up until you were a Sophomore.
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There is something very wrong with everyone involved in those pictures. The children are all blindfolded, or have their vision obstructed. Some of them look absolutely terrified. As if something has happened to them.

EVERY adult involved in this disturbing display of young children in BDSM situations should be ARRESTED, there is NO place in civilised healthy Society for these filthy creatures who are obviously getting sexually aroused and/or gratification by dressing, posing and photographing young children in these TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE ways. Arrest them. Get them OUT of civilised healthy Society AND make a PUBLIC humiliation of them as the warning to others that if they do the same then they will be hunted down and they also will get NO MERCY.

In Jr. high, me and my best friend came up with the idea of wearing 3 pairs of underwear the day you know you're gonna get paddled.

Seriously? Robbing children of the innocence and fun of childhood? It takes a sick mind to want to do that.

Luckily for me, I was very protected from crap like that by my loved ones.

The leftist BSDMS might would get aroused over the way I got my ass beat every other day with a belt. Yeah, my loved ones didn't, but I was a bad boy and had to be disciplined somehow.

My mom figured out that she had to pull the pampers down to spank my ass when I laughed at her when she spanked me with them up. There were wooden spoons and rulers and paddles and yardsticks and belts, o my! :whip:

I got right after a while, though. :04:

Discouraging spanking is one of the biggest problems in Western Society today.

Yes well thanks to Leftists aka Progressives a lot of Society is now SICK, they have for decades promoted ALL that is perverted and degenerate and Brainwashed via the Propaganda MSM and Hollyweird that ALL the things that for Centuries that have been considered good and positive and healthy and productive to Society are ALL evil or racist or bigoted or Nazi-esque for eg: The Nuclear Family, a LARGE family of four or more children, children also need a father, men ARE supposed to be the PROTECTORS of women, there are some things that men can do that women CANNOT do, there are some things that women can do that men CANNOT do, no time in HISTORY were men and women physically equal, Society has always looked to the Strong to lead it etc these things the Leftists aka Progressives have for decades been trashing as WRONG as EVIL as what is BAD about Western Society.

And at the same time they have promoted EVERYTHING that is detrimental to a productive and healthy Society eg. Faggots, Lesbos, Transgenders, Abortion as a Lifestyle CHOICE, children do NOT need a father, women do NOT need a man around when they could get with the programme and be a Lesbo instead, women can do ANYTHING a man can, do NOT have ANY children or IF you do then JUST have ONE child because having MORE is only helping Global Warming or whatever, Society does NOT need the Strong to lead it because that is Hitler/Mussolini whatever instead a Society needs the WEAK to lead it like Obama and that Faggot Macron etc So yes a lot of Society is now SICK thanks to Leftists aka Progressives.

The way to rectify this is to eradicate the poison, eradicate the cancer and that is the eradication of Leftism and that can be achieved you just need a strong stomach and ZERO EMOTIONS to do it.
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While browsing facebook I happened across this utterly depraved display of moral bankruptcy. The next time you hear someone complain about Trump's rude mouth, remember the name Caroline Bosman.

Her art comes right from the post modernist playbook and contains lots of subversive symbolism about corrupted innocence, death and decay. For example, one of her fashion lines is named "life is not a fairy tale" which has images of disney princesses vomiting black rainbows printed on the fabric.

A quick glance at her facebook page shows that her primary audience appears to be metropolitan elitists with big fat wallets and black, empty hearts. You know, the sort of person that demeans conservatives and traditional values. All of the kids modeling her clothes look abused, sad, drugged or just plain dead. Bruises and bandages is a common motif as is kids standing inside public restrooms, looking traumatized as usual.

Something is Terribly Wrong With The Caroline Bosmans Children’s Clothing Line
Great, kids practically wearing Gimp suits. Lets strip away their humanity and objectify them and attempt to normalize abuse towards them by way of claiming it's art. This isn't art, it's just plain sick. .
While browsing facebook I happened across this utterly depraved display of moral bankruptcy. The next time you hear someone complain about Trump's rude mouth, remember the name Caroline Bosman.

Her art comes right from the post modernist playbook and contains lots of subversive symbolism about corrupted innocence, death and decay. For example, one of her fashion lines is named "life is not a fairy tale" which has images of disney princesses vomiting black rainbows printed on the fabric.

A quick glance at her facebook page shows that her primary audience appears to be metropolitan elitists with big fat wallets and black, empty hearts. You know, the sort of person that demeans conservatives and traditional values. All of the kids modeling her clothes look abused, sad, drugged or just plain dead. Bruises and bandages is a common motif as is kids standing inside public restrooms, looking traumatized as usual.

Something is Terribly Wrong With The Caroline Bosmans Children’s Clothing Line
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