PEE with LGBT: a REAL ad campaign


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
This ad campaign to say it by spraying it
came out in response to the proposed bathroom bill in TX:

'I pee with LGBT': Oscar-nominated director Richard Linklater directs ad against Texas bathroom bill | Politics | Dallas News

Ad Against Texas Bathroom Bill Encourages Everyone To 'Pee With LGBT' | The Huffington Post

TX has run into problems before with not recognizing anything other than birth certificate
gender. I believe the presiding law should preserve the existing/traditional male/female bathroom
segregation "but allow for exceptions" for transgender persons since this is a very tiny percentage.

In the future, businesses schools and other public facilities should include neutral or single stall facilities, and/or make that required if there is a segregation policy enforced. Just like buildings may be required to ADD handicap ramps to their facades. Older buildings can be grandfathered such as with historical landmarks that this would cause problems for.
This ad campaign to say it by spraying it
came out in response to the proposed bathroom bill in TX:

'I pee with LGBT': Oscar-nominated director Richard Linklater directs ad against Texas bathroom bill | Politics | Dallas News

Ad Against Texas Bathroom Bill Encourages Everyone To 'Pee With LGBT' | The Huffington Post

TX has run into problems before with not recognizing anything other than birth certificate
gender. I believe the presiding law should preserve the existing/traditional male/female bathroom
segregation "but allow for exceptions" for transgender persons since this is a very tiny percentage.

In the future, businesses schools and other public facilities should include neutral or single stall facilities, and/or make that required if there is a segregation policy enforced. Just like buildings may be required to ADD handicap ramps to their facades. Older buildings can be grandfathered such as with historical landmarks that this would cause problems for.

How about we ignore what the .00002% of people want?
How about the .00002% hold it like my Labrador does and go peepee and poopoo in the privacy of their own homes?
The only EQUAL way to do it is base it off biology.
Im sorry but I would bet my truck that a majority of women don't want to piss beside mentally ill grown men. I would also bet most parents don't want their little children pissing by mentally ill grown ups.
No reason they should get SPECIAL treatment.
After all, I thought equality was the point?
Male, female and other bathrooms. The other bathrooms will be toll restrooms until all costs have been recovered.
Sure I'll take a piss with the homo's just don't touch my junk or expect my grand kids to have to watch you.
The only EQUAL way to do it is base it off biology.
Im sorry but I would bet my truck that a majority of women don't want to piss beside mentally ill grown men. I would also bet most parents don't want their little children pissing by mentally ill grown ups.
No reason they should get SPECIAL treatment.
After all, I thought equality was the point?

Dear TNHarley
There are exceptions:
Trans man takes on selfie campaign to fight 'ridiculous' bathroom bans

For "trans" men who have FULLY transitioned to male in appearance,
it is equally awkward and "harassing" to the women and girls in the restroom
if such people are forced to be in there.

We make special accommodations for disabled people in wheelchairs.
If the LGBT would get over the fact that this is a SPECIAL case and acknowledge that,
we could accommodate instead of trying to change the whole blanket law for everyone when it doesn't apply to everyone!
The only EQUAL way to do it is base it off biology.
Im sorry but I would bet my truck that a majority of women don't want to piss beside mentally ill grown men. I would also bet most parents don't want their little children pissing by mentally ill grown ups.
No reason they should get SPECIAL treatment.
After all, I thought equality was the point?

Dear TNHarley
There are exceptions:
Trans man takes on selfie campaign to fight 'ridiculous' bathroom bans

For "trans" men who have FULLY transitioned to male in appearance,
it is equally awkward and "harassing" to the women and girls in the restroom
if such people are forced to be in there.

We make special accommodations for disabled people in wheelchairs.
If the LGBT would get over the fact that this is a SPECIAL case and acknowledge that,
we could accommodate instead of trying to change the whole blanket law for everyone when it doesn't apply to everyone!
I don't think comparing mental illness to physical disability is fair. At all.
The only EQUAL way to do it is base it off biology.
Im sorry but I would bet my truck that a majority of women don't want to piss beside mentally ill grown men. I would also bet most parents don't want their little children pissing by mentally ill grown ups.
No reason they should get SPECIAL treatment.
After all, I thought equality was the point?

Dear TNHarley
There are exceptions:
Trans man takes on selfie campaign to fight 'ridiculous' bathroom bans

For "trans" men who have FULLY transitioned to male in appearance,
it is equally awkward and "harassing" to the women and girls in the restroom
if such people are forced to be in there.

We make special accommodations for disabled people in wheelchairs.
If the LGBT would get over the fact that this is a SPECIAL case and acknowledge that,
we could accommodate instead of trying to change the whole blanket law for everyone when it doesn't apply to everyone!
I don't think comparing mental illness to physical disability is fair. At all.

Come on now... don't point out the obvious and simplify the issue...that takes away the fun for the dramatic types who love to make this retarded and complex.
The only EQUAL way to do it is base it off biology.
Im sorry but I would bet my truck that a majority of women don't want to piss beside mentally ill grown men. I would also bet most parents don't want their little children pissing by mentally ill grown ups.
No reason they should get SPECIAL treatment.
After all, I thought equality was the point?

Dear TNHarley
There are exceptions:
Trans man takes on selfie campaign to fight 'ridiculous' bathroom bans

For "trans" men who have FULLY transitioned to male in appearance,
it is equally awkward and "harassing" to the women and girls in the restroom
if such people are forced to be in there.

We make special accommodations for disabled people in wheelchairs.
If the LGBT would get over the fact that this is a SPECIAL case and acknowledge that,
we could accommodate instead of trying to change the whole blanket law for everyone when it doesn't apply to everyone!
I don't think comparing mental illness to physical disability is fair. At all.

Dear TNHarley
1. Not all cases are mental illness and disorder
But if you believe that, sure, I Constitutionally defend your beliefs
BUT EQUALLY as beliefs that some people have a SPIRITUAL identity of the opposite gender they were born into
2. so if the two beliefs are treated equal, where neither is proven true for ALL CASES,
then we have equal faith based arguments. Both should be defended,
neither should be either ESTABLISHED nor PROHIBITED by govt.
3. thus, again, I'd say either go with neutral/single stall facilities
or work out arrangements privately case by case with each facility
and don't try to make one blanket policy unless it's neutral and doesn't affect either one
The only EQUAL way to do it is base it off biology.
Im sorry but I would bet my truck that a majority of women don't want to piss beside mentally ill grown men. I would also bet most parents don't want their little children pissing by mentally ill grown ups.
No reason they should get SPECIAL treatment.
After all, I thought equality was the point?

Dear TNHarley
There are exceptions:
Trans man takes on selfie campaign to fight 'ridiculous' bathroom bans

For "trans" men who have FULLY transitioned to male in appearance,
it is equally awkward and "harassing" to the women and girls in the restroom
if such people are forced to be in there.

We make special accommodations for disabled people in wheelchairs.
If the LGBT would get over the fact that this is a SPECIAL case and acknowledge that,
we could accommodate instead of trying to change the whole blanket law for everyone when it doesn't apply to everyone!
I don't think comparing mental illness to physical disability is fair. At all.

Dear TNHarley
1. Not all cases are mental illness and disorder
But if you believe that, sure, I Constitutionally defend your beliefs
BUT EQUALLY as beliefs that some people have a SPIRITUAL identity of the opposite gender they were born into
2. so if the two beliefs are treated equal, where neither is proven true for ALL CASES,
then we have equal faith based arguments. Both should be defended,
neither should be either ESTABLISHED nor PROHIBITED by govt.
3. thus, again, I'd say either go with neutral/single stall facilities
or work out arrangements privately case by case with each facility
and don't try to make one blanket policy unless it's neutral and doesn't affect either one
Transgenders that deny biology are mentally ill. I am sure there are some that just wanted to "change" genders and that's fine. Weird, but I wouldn't label them ill.
Spiritual identity doesn't matter. If it did, equality couldn't exist. Ever. That's why biology is the ONLY answer. It is fool proof and gives both genders EQUAL treatment.
On your third point, that's not a bad idea. But I wouldn't want to force places to accommodate.
Of course, I am never one to think we should change the law for .000001% of the population.
That's a pandoras box that would be DEVESTATING to open.
The only EQUAL way to do it is base it off biology.
Im sorry but I would bet my truck that a majority of women don't want to piss beside mentally ill grown men. I would also bet most parents don't want their little children pissing by mentally ill grown ups.
No reason they should get SPECIAL treatment.
After all, I thought equality was the point?

Dear TNHarley
There are exceptions:
Trans man takes on selfie campaign to fight 'ridiculous' bathroom bans

For "trans" men who have FULLY transitioned to male in appearance,
it is equally awkward and "harassing" to the women and girls in the restroom
if such people are forced to be in there.

We make special accommodations for disabled people in wheelchairs.
If the LGBT would get over the fact that this is a SPECIAL case and acknowledge that,
we could accommodate instead of trying to change the whole blanket law for everyone when it doesn't apply to everyone!
I don't think comparing mental illness to physical disability is fair. At all.

Dear TNHarley
1. Not all cases are mental illness and disorder
But if you believe that, sure, I Constitutionally defend your beliefs
BUT EQUALLY as beliefs that some people have a SPIRITUAL identity of the opposite gender they were born into
2. so if the two beliefs are treated equal, where neither is proven true for ALL CASES,
then we have equal faith based arguments. Both should be defended,
neither should be either ESTABLISHED nor PROHIBITED by govt.
3. thus, again, I'd say either go with neutral/single stall facilities
or work out arrangements privately case by case with each facility
and don't try to make one blanket policy unless it's neutral and doesn't affect either one
Transgenders that deny biology are mentally ill. I am sure there are some that just wanted to "change" genders and that's fine. Weird, but I wouldn't label them ill.
Spiritual identity doesn't matter. If it did, equality couldn't exist. Ever. That's why biology is the ONLY answer. It is fool proof and gives both genders EQUAL treatment.
On your third point, that's not a bad idea. But I wouldn't want to force places to accommodate.
Of course, I am never one to think we should change the law for .000001% of the population.
That's a pandoras box that would be DEVESTATING to open.

Dear TNHarley
Even when some Transgender people go through the spiritual therapy,
this doesn't always change their identity. If you want to say it is a malfunction caused
by hormones or chemicals gone astray in the womb, which prevents the "normal" gender identity,
what if that doesn't change?
some homosexual people are able to change through deep spiritual therapy,
but some are NOT. And even though they may be completely healed and at peace,
they still remain with the orientation or gender that is the opposite of what is the "biological and societal norm."

So given that, is society REQUIRED BY LAW to accommodate issues that
many believe are BEHAVIORAL and it is FAITH BASED what is
going on spiritually with internal identity of gender or orientation.

If that is personal and private, can that really be forced on others BY LAW to change
their beliefs about it?

I think not!

But I do believe that because faith based beliefs are involved,
the free EXPRESSION exercise and practice of various LGBT beliefs also cannot
be banned by govt or discriminated against any more than Muslims, Christians, or Atheists
deserved to be harassed for their beliefs.
it just can't be imposed, incorporated into law and otherwise established
due to the faith based beliefs involved on both sides of these debates.

Certainly nobody should be penalized or discriminated against by govt,
for personal beliefs either way, as neither side can be proved as applying to ALL CASES.

AT the very least TNHarley
if we are going to ask that people's beliefs be respected
that this is behavioral choice, and/or that "mental disorders" should be treated and cured
and not protected or imposed on others to the point of breaching privacy and safety of others.
I ask the same respect for people's beliefs that this is their inherent
spiritual identity and process, and they want to be able to express themselves publicly.

If we can't distinguish between which cases are
* mentally disordered
* natural for people
* criminally problematic and pose a health or safety danger,
then we need to research and prove what is going on
and derive a consistent policy based on that.

NOT based on what people "believe" is going on or not,
because that is forcing govt and the public to influence public policy
based on FAITH and BELIEFS that are not fully proven yet.

I think what we will find, once we research the spiritual healing methods
used to help people who have overcome unwanted orientation or gender issues,
that YES some people have spiritual or mental disorders that can be healed and changed.
But others, when they heal, may come out and remain homosexual, transgender, etc.
This is part of a spiritual process, and it isn't govt's place to dictate one way or another.

I think we would learn to respect each other's spiritual process
and finally learn to keep govt out of such matters. We would focus
on using these spiritual healing methods to helping people with even more
critical physical and mental illnesses, saving more lives as well as resources,
by applying spiritual healing to enhance medical and mental treatment
so we could afford universal care for the greater population.

My understanding of the Christian concern about this, is part of spiritual duty
to try to reach out and offer cure and solution to what is otherwise
seen as an unnatural problem or sickness. that is part of the faith; it is wrongful
to neglect and not to reach out to help those who are suffering and ailing.
so if LGBT policies are going to be incorporated into public policy,
perhaps an agreement could be reached to incorporate "spiritual healing"
into mental health and medical therapy so cases that DO involved sickness and abuse
CAN be diagnosed, screened and treated as part of health care policy.

This won't apply to all cases, but a lot of sickness and problems could be
resolved this way, so it would still be mutually beneficial.
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The only EQUAL way to do it is base it off biology.
Im sorry but I would bet my truck that a majority of women don't want to piss beside mentally ill grown men. I would also bet most parents don't want their little children pissing by mentally ill grown ups.
No reason they should get SPECIAL treatment.
After all, I thought equality was the point?

Dear TNHarley
There are exceptions:
Trans man takes on selfie campaign to fight 'ridiculous' bathroom bans

For "trans" men who have FULLY transitioned to male in appearance,
it is equally awkward and "harassing" to the women and girls in the restroom
if such people are forced to be in there.

We make special accommodations for disabled people in wheelchairs.
If the LGBT would get over the fact that this is a SPECIAL case and acknowledge that,
we could accommodate instead of trying to change the whole blanket law for everyone when it doesn't apply to everyone!
I don't think comparing mental illness to physical disability is fair. At all.

Dear TNHarley
1. Not all cases are mental illness and disorder
But if you believe that, sure, I Constitutionally defend your beliefs
BUT EQUALLY as beliefs that some people have a SPIRITUAL identity of the opposite gender they were born into
2. so if the two beliefs are treated equal, where neither is proven true for ALL CASES,
then we have equal faith based arguments. Both should be defended,
neither should be either ESTABLISHED nor PROHIBITED by govt.
3. thus, again, I'd say either go with neutral/single stall facilities
or work out arrangements privately case by case with each facility
and don't try to make one blanket policy unless it's neutral and doesn't affect either one
Transgenders that deny biology are mentally ill. I am sure there are some that just wanted to "change" genders and that's fine. Weird, but I wouldn't label them ill.
Spiritual identity doesn't matter. If it did, equality couldn't exist. Ever. That's why biology is the ONLY answer. It is fool proof and gives both genders EQUAL treatment.
On your third point, that's not a bad idea. But I wouldn't want to force places to accommodate.
Of course, I am never one to think we should change the law for .000001% of the population.
That's a pandoras box that would be DEVESTATING to open.

Dear TNHarley
Even when some Transgender people go through the spiritual therapy,
this doesn't always change their identity. If you want to say it is a malfunction caused
by hormones or chemicals gone astray in the womb, which prevents the "normal" gender identity,
what if that doesn't change?
some homosexual people are able to change through deep spiritual therapy,
but some are NOT. And even though they may be completely healed and at peace,
they still remain with the orientation or gender that is the opposite of what is the "biological and societal norm."

So given that, is society REQUIRED BY LAW to accommodate issues that
many believe are BEHAVIORAL and it is FAITH BASED what is
going on spiritually with internal identity of gender or orientation.

If that is personal and private, can that really be forced on others BY LAW to change
their beliefs about it?

I think not!

But I do believe that because faith based beliefs are involved,
the free EXPRESSION exercise and practice of various LGBT beliefs also cannot
be banned by govt or discriminated against any more than Muslims, Christians, or Atheists
deserved to be harassed for their beliefs.
it just can't be imposed, incorporated into law and otherwise established
due to the faith based beliefs involved on both sides of these debates.

Certainly nobody should be penalized or discriminated against by govt,
for personal beliefs either way, as neither side can be proved as applying to ALL CASES.

AT the very least TNHarley
if we are going to ask that people's beliefs be respected
that this is behavioral choice, and/or that "mental disorders" should be treated and cured
and not protected or imposed on others to the point of breaching privacy and safety of others.
I ask the same respect for people's beliefs that this is their inherent
spiritual identity and process, and they want to be able to express themselves publicly.

If we can't distinguish between which cases are
* mentally disordered
* natural for people
* criminally problematic and pose a health or safety danger,
then we need to research and prove what is going on
and derive a consistent policy based on that.

NOT based on what people "believe" is going on or not,
because that is forcing govt and the public to influence public policy
based on FAITH and BELIEFS that are not fully proven yet.

I think what we will find, once we research the spiritual healing methods
used to help people who have overcome unwanted orientation or gender issues,
that YES some people have spiritual or mental disorders that can be healed and changed.
But others, when they heal, may come out and remain homosexual, transgender, etc.
This is part of a spiritual process, and it isn't govt's place to dictate one way or another.

I think we would learn to respect each other's spiritual process
and finally learn to keep govt out of such matters. We would focus
on using these spiritual healing methods to helping people with even more
critical physical and mental illnesses, saving more lives as well as resources,
by applying spiritual healing to enhance medical and mental treatment
so we could afford universal care for the greater population.
I don't think we need policy for it. Like I said, it is absolutely ludicrous to change 350M lives for 100K people. Pandoras box would be ENDLESS.
Equating gays and trannies is not logical. They have no relation.
So, are you saying BELIEFS are protected by the COTUS? Because that isn't true at all. There are people that actually think they are animals. Does that mean they can go around and screw actual animals? Of course not.
Like I said, this is a HUGE Pandoras box with UNLIMITED possibilities.
Dear TNHarley
There are exceptions:
Trans man takes on selfie campaign to fight 'ridiculous' bathroom bans

For "trans" men who have FULLY transitioned to male in appearance,
it is equally awkward and "harassing" to the women and girls in the restroom
if such people are forced to be in there.

We make special accommodations for disabled people in wheelchairs.
If the LGBT would get over the fact that this is a SPECIAL case and acknowledge that,
we could accommodate instead of trying to change the whole blanket law for everyone when it doesn't apply to everyone!
I don't think comparing mental illness to physical disability is fair. At all.

Dear TNHarley
1. Not all cases are mental illness and disorder
But if you believe that, sure, I Constitutionally defend your beliefs
BUT EQUALLY as beliefs that some people have a SPIRITUAL identity of the opposite gender they were born into
2. so if the two beliefs are treated equal, where neither is proven true for ALL CASES,
then we have equal faith based arguments. Both should be defended,
neither should be either ESTABLISHED nor PROHIBITED by govt.
3. thus, again, I'd say either go with neutral/single stall facilities
or work out arrangements privately case by case with each facility
and don't try to make one blanket policy unless it's neutral and doesn't affect either one
Transgenders that deny biology are mentally ill. I am sure there are some that just wanted to "change" genders and that's fine. Weird, but I wouldn't label them ill.
Spiritual identity doesn't matter. If it did, equality couldn't exist. Ever. That's why biology is the ONLY answer. It is fool proof and gives both genders EQUAL treatment.
On your third point, that's not a bad idea. But I wouldn't want to force places to accommodate.
Of course, I am never one to think we should change the law for .000001% of the population.
That's a pandoras box that would be DEVESTATING to open.

Dear TNHarley
Even when some Transgender people go through the spiritual therapy,
this doesn't always change their identity. If you want to say it is a malfunction caused
by hormones or chemicals gone astray in the womb, which prevents the "normal" gender identity,
what if that doesn't change?
some homosexual people are able to change through deep spiritual therapy,
but some are NOT. And even though they may be completely healed and at peace,
they still remain with the orientation or gender that is the opposite of what is the "biological and societal norm."

So given that, is society REQUIRED BY LAW to accommodate issues that
many believe are BEHAVIORAL and it is FAITH BASED what is
going on spiritually with internal identity of gender or orientation.

If that is personal and private, can that really be forced on others BY LAW to change
their beliefs about it?

I think not!

But I do believe that because faith based beliefs are involved,
the free EXPRESSION exercise and practice of various LGBT beliefs also cannot
be banned by govt or discriminated against any more than Muslims, Christians, or Atheists
deserved to be harassed for their beliefs.
it just can't be imposed, incorporated into law and otherwise established
due to the faith based beliefs involved on both sides of these debates.

Certainly nobody should be penalized or discriminated against by govt,
for personal beliefs either way, as neither side can be proved as applying to ALL CASES.

AT the very least TNHarley
if we are going to ask that people's beliefs be respected
that this is behavioral choice, and/or that "mental disorders" should be treated and cured
and not protected or imposed on others to the point of breaching privacy and safety of others.
I ask the same respect for people's beliefs that this is their inherent
spiritual identity and process, and they want to be able to express themselves publicly.

If we can't distinguish between which cases are
* mentally disordered
* natural for people
* criminally problematic and pose a health or safety danger,
then we need to research and prove what is going on
and derive a consistent policy based on that.

NOT based on what people "believe" is going on or not,
because that is forcing govt and the public to influence public policy
based on FAITH and BELIEFS that are not fully proven yet.

I think what we will find, once we research the spiritual healing methods
used to help people who have overcome unwanted orientation or gender issues,
that YES some people have spiritual or mental disorders that can be healed and changed.
But others, when they heal, may come out and remain homosexual, transgender, etc.
This is part of a spiritual process, and it isn't govt's place to dictate one way or another.

I think we would learn to respect each other's spiritual process
and finally learn to keep govt out of such matters. We would focus
on using these spiritual healing methods to helping people with even more
critical physical and mental illnesses, saving more lives as well as resources,
by applying spiritual healing to enhance medical and mental treatment
so we could afford universal care for the greater population.
I don't think we need policy for it. Like I said, it is absolutely ludicrous to change 350M lives for 100K people. Pandoras box would be ENDLESS.
Equating gays and trannies is not logical. They have no relation.
So, are you saying BELIEFS are protected by the COTUS? Because that isn't true at all. There are people that actually think they are animals. Does that mean they can go around and screw actual animals? Of course not.
Like I said, this is a HUGE Pandoras box with UNLIMITED possibilities.

Dear TNHarley
Now in the case of people who want to mistreat animals,
I believe that CAN be proven scientifically that spiritual healing
would cure such people of their addiction obsession or abuse.

With cases of sexual abuse, relationship abuse, and self-destructive
addictions such as drug and substance abuse or self-harm etc.,
YES the research on spiritual healing would likely show a very
high rate of success in ending these patterns or cycles of destructive behavior.

That is NOT the same as someone spiritually identifying
as atheist, Muslim, Christian, LGBT, etc. who wants to express themselves that way.

OF COURSE behavior has to be within legal limits and can't impose on the
protections rights and freedoms of others.

I'm glad if we can have THIS conversation.
WE need to distinguish between personal choice and belief
vs. public behavior that imposes on other people. That's the issue
that is crossing the line Constitutionally. And govt should not be abused to do so.

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