Peggy Noonan's history making joke.

Noonan is right to a degree. But, Obama is not the central issue, or he wasn't until he attempted to lead a nation and world where it did not want to go. And, it isn't a deflection to Bushii, even though his failure led to the rise of isolationists in the gop.

McCain and Graham have been making the talking show circuit for months, calling Obama weak for not supporting the brave rebels, when in fact the only rebels apparntly with military capability are our enemies ... and Assad for all his loathsomeness has never called on muslims to attack the US. McCain and Graham are losing cred in the gop, which hasn't the appetite for military strikes anymore than the left wing of the dems.

Egypt happended on its own. Libya was really a push by the Italians and French for us to support their forary. I think Noonan's error is to assume the American public will not support fighting aggression aimed at us or an ally, such as S.Korea. We simply don't have dog in this fight.

Obama made a politically expedient move to draw a line, that he had no intention of drawing, to appease McCain and the neocons. He should have stayed true to the man who opposed Iraq in 2003

obama made an off hand, off the cuff statement, as a matter of political expediency during a presidential campaign where he needed to be perceived as presidential. He had no intention of being taken seriously. If he really said today what he meant it would be "That was the campaign. This is now".

This is from Fact Check.

Obama, Aug. 20, 2012: I have, at this point, not ordered military engagement in the situation. But the point that you made about chemical and biological weapons is critical. That’s an issue that doesn’t just concern Syria; it concerns our close allies in the region, including Israel. It concerns us. We cannot have a situation where chemical or biological weapons are falling into the hands of the wrong people.

We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.

… We have communicated in no uncertain terms with every player in the region that that’s a red line for us and that there would be enormous consequences if we start seeing movement on the chemical weapons front or the use of chemical weapons. That would change my calculations significantly.
Nothing sticks to Obama because the voters compare him to his predecessor, who was probably the worst President in American history. Get over it.

You know what, I've never been a big GWB fan and I was always highly critical of him. I didn't shed any tears when his term was over. That being said......I do indeed miss him. As bad as Bush may have been, Obama is a tenfold major clusterfuck and is absolutely the worst president in American probably about it. True story! :thup: Get over it.

PS Nothing sticks to him because to accuse or criticize makes you an automatic.......RACCCCCCIST!

I don't believe you when you say you were never a fan of GWB. What a pile. What a joke.

You were probably a fan of him the whole time, and steaming mad over the relentless bashing he was getting from liberals like me over the economy and Iraq. We danced for joy when his mistakes finally cost him the Congressional majority in 2006. And liberals didn't ease up either. We attacked Bush without mercy, and he deserved all of it.

And conservatives like you thought that it would be payback time, going after Obama for the economy and the middle east. The tea party movement raged against Obama in a lame-o attempt to blame Obama for Bush's mistakes.

But most Americans didn't buy the conservative arguments. They knew who and what was at fault for America's ills: Bush and the GOP.

The 2012 election was going to be payback time for conservatives, but was just another conservative failure.

Conservatives are wrong about everything and really just a bunch of losers.

I look down on you. And it's your fault that I do.

Not that I give two shits what you "think". Ask Mal. Ask CrusaderFrank. Ask any number of people who came over from the Hannity board. I was considered a liberal over there because of my continual criticism of Bush. If thoughts were pennies, you wouldn't have two to rub together. And it's impossible for you to look down on me with my balls flapping on your chin bitch.
uh, no. That would be because obama can't let bush go, can't stop blaming him, can't stop blaming republicans for all the ills and wrongs in his presidency, and takes zero responsibility for anything that is negative. Obama shouts "bush" and the lemming leftists say "hmm, hmm, hmmm, barack hussein obama".

Nothing sticks to obama because he ducks, dodges, blames, lies, or just plain ignores anything that is unfavorable.

you really don't realize how big a failure bush was as president, don't you. He was probably the worst president of all time, failing at domestic and foreign policy. Blaming bush this far into obama's presidency is right, because bush was in office for 8 long disastrous years, and it will take a lot of time to undo his mistakes and gaffes.

Conservatives thought that anything that went wrong would be automatically obama's fault as of 2009. Conservatives thought they'd get some "payback" for all the hammering that bush got over the economy and the iraq war fiasco. Too bad for you, that's not how it works, idiots.

Bush was that bad.

and just when does obama take responsibility for ... Well, anything? For all the bad that bush was, obama is worse yet he gets a pass from the left because bush! Really, you guys need a new tune. Your drool fest has grown tedious.

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I have been thinking of the iconic image of American military leadership, Emanuel Leutze's painting "Washington Crossing the Delaware." There Washington stands, sturdy and resolute, looking toward the enemy on the opposite shore. If you imagine Mr. Obama in that moment he is turned, gesturing toward those in the back. "It's not my fault we're in this boat!" That's what "I didn't set a red line" and "My credibility is not at stake"

Noonan: Why America Is Saying 'No' -

I can assure you that Washington was not standing in the boat when he crossed the Delaware.
Noonan is right to a degree. But, Obama is not the central issue, or he wasn't until he attempted to lead a nation and world where it did not want to go. And, it isn't a deflection to Bushii, even though his failure led to the rise of isolationists in the gop.

McCain and Graham have been making the talking show circuit for months, calling Obama weak for not supporting the brave rebels, when in fact the only rebels apparntly with military capability are our enemies ... and Assad for all his loathsomeness has never called on muslims to attack the US. McCain and Graham are losing cred in the gop, which hasn't the appetite for military strikes anymore than the left wing of the dems.

Egypt happended on its own. Libya was really a push by the Italians and French for us to support their forary. I think Noonan's error is to assume the American public will not support fighting aggression aimed at us or an ally, such as S.Korea. We simply don't have dog in this fight.

Obama made a politically expedient move to draw a line, that he had no intention of drawing, to appease McCain and the neocons. He should have stayed true to the man who opposed Iraq in 2003

McCain & Graham are 100% in favor of helping vile Islamists take over Syria, but yet it's Obama's fault if they do. Go fig.

Obama can send in the missiles, McCain and Graham cannot. Who would you put the blame on?

on edit:

Obama made a politically expedient move to draw a line, that he had no intention of drawing, to appease McCain and the neocons.

That statement is too stupid to rebut.

I blame McClusterfk for banging the wardrums in fight there is no good outcome for the US, and in which Assad may be the least bad outcome, and I blame the media for not asking him hard questions or letting him off with answers like "not all the rebels are terrorists..." Of course they aren't, but they'll be the only ones still having heads when it's over.

I blame Obama for not making it very clear early on to Morsi that a one party state and Islmaic law was not how Egypt would play out, and I blame him for not engaging McClusterfk early on in saying there was no way the US was going to be pulled into Syria's civil war.

And I blame the fkheads who supported the boy warrior king.
On the overall thread, I don't see what is wrong with Obama saying he won't take military action w/o congressional authorization. His mistate was saying we were going to attack Syria and THEN say he'd ask congress.

Overall, what's happening is that the gop is becoming an isolationist party, at least its wannabe-libertarian wing is isolationist. That's a new element in washington. Imagine that happening when Bushii was saying "yer with us or ag-gen' us." The dems are always afraid of being seej as weak on terror, even when a decision to use force has nothing to do with killing terrorists. The reality is if we wanted to kill terrorists, we'd be paying Putin to send sarin to Assad. Not that I favor that.
Uh, no. That would be because Obama can't let Bush go, can't stop blaming him, can't stop blaming Republicans for all the ills and wrongs in his presidency, and takes zero responsibility for anything that is negative. Obama shouts "Bush" and the lemming leftists say "Hmm, hmm, hmmm, Barack Hussein Obama".

Nothing sticks to Obama because he ducks, dodges, blames, lies, or just plain ignores anything that is unfavorable.

You really don't realize how big a failure Bush was as President, don't you. He was probably the worst President of all time, failing at domestic and foreign policy. Blaming Bush this far into Obama's Presidency is right, because Bush was in office for 8 long disastrous years, and it will take a lot of time to undo his mistakes and gaffes.

Conservatives thought that anything that went wrong would be automatically Obama's fault as of 2009. Conservatives thought they'd get some "payback" for all the hammering that Bush got over the economy and the Iraq War fiasco. Too bad for you, that's not how it works, idiots.

Bush was THAT BAD.

And just when does Obama take responsibility for ... well, anything? For all the bad that Bush was, Obama is worse yet he gets a pass from the left because BUSH! Really, you guys need a new tune. Your drool fest has grown tedious.

We don't need a new tune. Bush really, really was THAT BAD. We'll be blaming him for years to come, because the damage he did will take years to fix.

Your failure to understand this is holding the GOP back.

Conservatives really hoped that blaming Obama for Bush's poor results would work? It's didn't. It failed in the 2012 election, because most Americans know that the GOP is the problem and entirely at fault for their problems.

Turns out it's conservatives that need a new tune.
You really don't realize how big a failure Bush was as President, don't you. He was probably the worst President of all time, failing at domestic and foreign policy. Blaming Bush this far into Obama's Presidency is right, because Bush was in office for 8 long disastrous years, and it will take a lot of time to undo his mistakes and gaffes.

Conservatives thought that anything that went wrong would be automatically Obama's fault as of 2009. Conservatives thought they'd get some "payback" for all the hammering that Bush got over the economy and the Iraq War fiasco. Too bad for you, that's not how it works, idiots.

Bush was THAT BAD.

And just when does Obama take responsibility for ... well, anything? For all the bad that Bush was, Obama is worse yet he gets a pass from the left because BUSH! Really, you guys need a new tune. Your drool fest has grown tedious.

We don't need a new tune. Bush really, really was THAT BAD. We'll be blaming him for years to come, because the damage he did will take years to fix.

Your failure to understand this is holding the GOP back.

Conservatives really hoped that blaming Obama for Bush's poor results would work? It's didn't. It failed in the 2012 election, because most Americans know that the GOP is the problem and entirely at fault for their problems.

Turns out it's conservatives that need a new tune.

:lol: You drank so much you can't even see the forest for the trees. Obama is Bush on steroids (and then some). Derp.

Two sides, one coin. But there you sit with blinders on blaming, blaming, blaming one side for all the ills of this country. Just like Obama. What sound do you lemmings make, anyway?
You really don't realize how big a failure Bush was as President, don't you. He was probably the worst President of all time, failing at domestic and foreign policy. Blaming Bush this far into Obama's Presidency is right, because Bush was in office for 8 long disastrous years, and it will take a lot of time to undo his mistakes and gaffes.

Conservatives thought that anything that went wrong would be automatically Obama's fault as of 2009. Conservatives thought they'd get some "payback" for all the hammering that Bush got over the economy and the Iraq War fiasco. Too bad for you, that's not how it works, idiots.

Bush was THAT BAD.

And just when does Obama take responsibility for ... well, anything? For all the bad that Bush was, Obama is worse yet he gets a pass from the left because BUSH! Really, you guys need a new tune. Your drool fest has grown tedious.

We don't need a new tune. Bush really, really was THAT BAD. We'll be blaming him for years to come, because the damage he did will take years to fix.

Your failure to understand this is holding the GOP back.

Conservatives really hoped that blaming Obama for Bush's poor results would work? It's didn't. It failed in the 2012 election, because most Americans know that the GOP is the problem and entirely at fault for their problems.

Turns out it's conservatives that need a new tune.

Velvetwheez, in the real world, your dick daddy Obama is twice as worse as Bush and it will take twice as many years to fix his fuckups. Question, is your colon lined with glitter and rainbows? Is that why you have such a fantasy view?
Well, assuming the Obama somehow manages to not invade syria, he won't be the clustrfuk boy george was.

George. Do the Bush's have some claim to royalty? lol
You really don't realize how big a failure Bush was as President, don't you. He was probably the worst President of all time, failing at domestic and foreign policy. Blaming Bush this far into Obama's Presidency is right, because Bush was in office for 8 long disastrous years, and it will take a lot of time to undo his mistakes and gaffes.

Conservatives thought that anything that went wrong would be automatically Obama's fault as of 2009. Conservatives thought they'd get some "payback" for all the hammering that Bush got over the economy and the Iraq War fiasco. Too bad for you, that's not how it works, idiots.

Bush was THAT BAD.

And just when does Obama take responsibility for ... well, anything? For all the bad that Bush was, Obama is worse yet he gets a pass from the left because BUSH! Really, you guys need a new tune. Your drool fest has grown tedious.

We don't need a new tune. Bush really, really was THAT BAD. We'll be blaming him for years to come, because the damage he did will take years to fix.

Your failure to understand this is holding the GOP back.

Conservatives really hoped that blaming Obama for Bush's poor results would work? It's didn't. It failed in the 2012 election, because most Americans know that the GOP is the problem and entirely at fault for their problems.

Turns out it's conservatives that need a new tune.

you and your ilk are spinning your wheels. You can get away with that for a couple of years maybe 4, but nto 6 or 8. But please try, it will be sun seeing you turkeys try and sell that.
And just when does Obama take responsibility for ... well, anything? For all the bad that Bush was, Obama is worse yet he gets a pass from the left because BUSH! Really, you guys need a new tune. Your drool fest has grown tedious.

We don't need a new tune. Bush really, really was THAT BAD. We'll be blaming him for years to come, because the damage he did will take years to fix.

Your failure to understand this is holding the GOP back.

Conservatives really hoped that blaming Obama for Bush's poor results would work? It's didn't. It failed in the 2012 election, because most Americans know that the GOP is the problem and entirely at fault for their problems.

Turns out it's conservatives that need a new tune.

you and your ilk are spinning your wheels. You can get away with that for a couple of years maybe 4, but nto 6 or 8. But please try, it will be sun seeing you turkeys try and sell that.

The best part of this is that with Syria and Afghan, the legacy of bushII is no more. And, assuming he can get past the RW whacko machine, a guy like Kasich could run as a compassionate conservative.
And for John Kasich's Next Act in Politics ... | Rothenblog

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