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Obama's mistakes, failures, or deliberate treason

Iriemon, no to the other thread, this is the only one on Obama/mistakes/treason.

You must of missed all my posts on "fox", I dont like fox, I dont watch fox, I have pointed it out half a dozen times, Fox is at least 37% owned by the Saudis.

Lets pray Obama is stopped short of treason. Obama's latest treasonous act, releasing the Torture memos of the Bush administration.

And now he releases , legal classified details of the legal opinions authorising the use of the extreme interrogation techniques, briefs of the president before him, never before has a president done this. To make it worst, he tells the enemy he will not use these techniques. This is the very definition of TREASON, giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Its a comfort to know you will not be tortured and its an aid to know this as well. Follows is a nice article related but not going as far as I do.

Our friends in England wrote this great piece that says it better than me, this goes out to my friend who posts the foreign press loves Obama.

Barack Obama must beware of playing party politics with security - Telegraph

Tuesday 21 April 2009
Content from the Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph newspapers

Barack Obama must beware of playing party politics with security There is little new in the revelations that the CIA had used White House-sanctioned methods of torture, writes Con Coughlin.

Con Coughlin
Last Updated: 8:52AM BST 19 Apr 2009

All it is going to take is a massive terror attack to teach President Obama that there is a world of difference between the politics of the campaign trail and those of high office.

So why did Mr Obama reopen old wounds by publishing the Justice Department's legal opinions? The answer lies more with the President's desire to heap humiliation on his predecessor than his stated aim of transparency on this dark episode. Playing party politics with sensitive security issues might work well on the campaign trail, where candidates can do so without consequences. But in office it is another matter, and runs the risk of compromising the effectiveness of intelligence and security agencies

Mistake, Failure, Treason
The point is not moot, there was no constitution in 1776, the constitution came years later. Federalist papers are important, simply the fact that all constititonal lawyers study and use them attests to this.

Your post is moot.

Actually, yours is because the Federalist Papers, the Declaration of Indpendence... all of it... while great reading... has no force of law.

You should stop seeing boogeymen under the bed.
Jillian, you are right but you do not know why, all this just obsucates whats really happeining. I will have to start another thread. Obama operates on two fronts, destroying the USA at the same time ceding all control to corporations. Did you see the thread Timothy Geithner brilliant.

What does a bow to a king, a hand shake to a dictator, and Timothy Geithner have in common
Iriemon, no to the other thread, this is the only one on Obama/mistakes/treason.

You must of missed all my posts on "fox", I dont like fox, I dont watch fox, I have pointed it out half a dozen times, Fox is at least 37% owned by the Saudis.

Lets pray Obama is stopped short of treason. Obama's latest treasonous act, releasing the Torture memos of the Bush administration.

And now he releases , legal classified details of the legal opinions authorising the use of the extreme interrogation techniques, briefs of the president before him, never before has a president done this. To make it worst, he tells the enemy he will not use these techniques. This is the very definition of TREASON, giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Its a comfort to know you will not be tortured and its an aid to know this as well. Follows is a nice article related but not going as far as I do.

Our friends in England wrote this great piece that says it better than me, this goes out to my friend who posts the foreign press loves Obama.

Barack Obama must beware of playing party politics with security - Telegraph

Tuesday 21 April 2009
Content from the Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph newspapers

Barack Obama must beware of playing party politics with security There is little new in the revelations that the CIA had used White House-sanctioned methods of torture, writes Con Coughlin.

Con Coughlin
Last Updated: 8:52AM BST 19 Apr 2009

All it is going to take is a massive terror attack to teach President Obama that there is a world of difference between the politics of the campaign trail and those of high office.

So why did Mr Obama reopen old wounds by publishing the Justice Department's legal opinions? The answer lies more with the President's desire to heap humiliation on his predecessor than his stated aim of transparency on this dark episode. Playing party politics with sensitive security issues might work well on the campaign trail, where candidates can do so without consequences. But in office it is another matter, and runs the risk of compromising the effectiveness of intelligence and security agencies

Mistake, Failure, Treason

See, I have a different view.

Torture has been banned by international treaty for decades. We prosecuted Japanese as war criminals for doing it. IMO, for the US to sanction this kind of behavior stains the reputation and credibility of the US, and ultimately harms it.

Reagan called the US the shining city on the hill and the best hope for mankind. Kind of corny, and certainly we as a nation have not always lived up to that goal, but I believe that it benefits our nation to strive to the goals as Reagan spelled out.

I think that Obama saying we aren't going to do to people what we called others "war criminals" for doing to us isn't treason, but its reaffirming the America that Reagan envisioned.

Yes, sometimes striving for those goals means there are costs. It may be that by not wholesale embracing torture as a policy, we exposure ourselves to the greater risk of an attack.

But freedom isn't free. Living in a free society -- in the shining city on the hill -- means you have to take some reasonable risks to protect that freedom and objective.

Ultimately, I think America wins the war on terrorism by winning the battle of ideas and ideals. We face a tough opponent on that score because they have religious belief they can stoke. But I think ultimately, the ideals of freedom, liberty, rule of law, human rights, due process, and the other things that make America the shining city on the hill win out over the ideal of radical Islam. I really believe that.

And so every step we take towards that ideal I think we forward that cause. If people see America acting consistent with those ideals, they and America look more admirable in the battle of ideas. And every step away from ideal we take, we look more hypocritical and less noble, allowing those who oppose us to use that to debase what we are and stand for.

I believe ultimately we win by standing by what America stands for.

And so that is why I applaud Obama's action on this and on Guantanamo and his willingness to reach out and talk to other nations, even tho' there might be some short term harm, because it tells the world that we as Americans have made the decision to stand by what made America that shining city on the hill and the best hope for mankind.

So IMO Obama's acts in this regard are not treasonous, but reinforce what America stands for and that is how we win in the long run.
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nothing in this thread has shown legit treason
sheeesh, he hasnt been in office long enough

the blunders are blunders, but since when is that treason?
Iriemon, no to the other thread, this is the only one on Obama/mistakes/treason.

You must of missed all my posts on "fox", I dont like fox, I dont watch fox, I have pointed it out half a dozen times, Fox is at least 37% owned by the Saudis.

Lets pray Obama is stopped short of treason. Obama's latest treasonous act, releasing the Torture memos of the Bush administration.

And now he releases , legal classified details of the legal opinions authorising the use of the extreme interrogation techniques, briefs of the president before him, never before has a president done this. To make it worst, he tells the enemy he will not use these techniques. This is the very definition of TREASON, giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Its a comfort to know you will not be tortured and its an aid to know this as well. Follows is a nice article related but not going as far as I do.

Our friends in England wrote this great piece that says it better than me, this goes out to my friend who posts the foreign press loves Obama.

Barack Obama must beware of playing party politics with security - Telegraph

Tuesday 21 April 2009
Content from the Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph newspapers

Barack Obama must beware of playing party politics with security There is little new in the revelations that the CIA had used White House-sanctioned methods of torture, writes Con Coughlin.

Con Coughlin
Last Updated: 8:52AM BST 19 Apr 2009

All it is going to take is a massive terror attack to teach President Obama that there is a world of difference between the politics of the campaign trail and those of high office.

So why did Mr Obama reopen old wounds by publishing the Justice Department's legal opinions? The answer lies more with the President's desire to heap humiliation on his predecessor than his stated aim of transparency on this dark episode. Playing party politics with sensitive security issues might work well on the campaign trail, where candidates can do so without consequences. But in office it is another matter, and runs the risk of compromising the effectiveness of intelligence and security agencies

Mistake, Failure, Treason

See, I have a different view.

Torture has been banned by international treaty for decades. We prosecuted Japanese as war criminals for doing it. IMO, for the US to sanction this kind of behavior stains the reputation and credibility of the US, and ultimately harms it.

Reagan called the US the shining city on the hill and the best hope for mankind. Kind of corny, and certainly we as a nation have not always lived up to that goal, but I believe that it benefits our nation to strive to the goals as Reagan spelled out.

I think that Obama saying we aren't going to do to people what we called others "war criminals" for doing to us isn't treason, but its reaffirming the America that Reagan envisioned.

Yes, sometimes striving for those goals means there are costs. It may be that by not wholesale embracing torture as a policy, we exposure ourselves to the greater risk of an attack.

But freedom isn't free. Living in a free society -- in the shining city on the hill -- means you have to take some reasonable risks to protect that freedom and objective.

Ultimately, I think America wins the war on terrorism by winning the battle of ideas and ideals. We face a tough opponent on that score because they have religious belief they can stoke. But I think ultimately, the ideals of freedom, liberty, rule of law, human rights, due process, and the other things that make America the shining city on the hill win out over the ideal of radical Islam. I really believe that.

And so every step we take towards that ideal I think we forward that cause. If people see America acting consistent with those ideals, they and America look more admirable in the battle of ideas. And every step away from ideal we take, we look more hypocritical and less noble, allowing those who oppose us to use that to debase what we are and stand for.

I believe ultimately we win by standing by what America stands for.

And so that is why I applaud Obama's action on this and on Guantanamo and his willingness to reach out and talk to other nations, even tho' there might be some short term harm, because it tells the world that we as Americans have made the decision to stand by what made America that shining city on the hill and the best hope for mankind.

So IMO Obama's acts in this regard are not treasonous, but reinforce what America stands for and that is how we win in the long run.

Thats a nice post, its well written, I wish I could state my arguement as elegantly. I still dont see it that way.

My thought is that Obama does not have the same ideals our country is built on, that Obama's idealogy is the opposite. It does not matter what his idealogy is, what matters is its not our idealogy. I see the United States as great. I see us as the best. I dont believe Obama sees us that way.

I see people younger than me, not of my generation, I am in my forties, I see that young generation as hating the USA, (I am distracted, I heard a siren, I am in spain and its that crazy european warble I only heard in movies) anyhow to get back to my point I see the younger generation not understanding what and who we are. I believe Obama uses that to his advantage.

Whats Obama mean when he says we must change "the failed idealogies of the past." Its such an open ended statement up to interpetation, whats it mean. I see everyone interpetting that as to how the feel, I see it as a trick that obama uses. Some people will want to hate bush so it means the idealogy of bush. I see obama speaking to Chavez, a communist, and calling democracy a failed idealogy.

Am I stupid, Obama is talking to a Communist, if he makes a statement like this and I can interpet it one way, you another, does Obama not know that, he is a politician with the must cunning politicians at his side, he has to know those kinda statements are going to divide us because human nature will interpet them according to our beliefs, human nature interpets those type of statements according to what we have learned and understand.

Obama knows this and I see this as nothing more than a political trick.

Chavez is a dictator, what is shaking his hand going to do. Obama is going to talk the man into being a democrat or do they see eye to eye.

Chavez and Obama, I want to see Obama demand Cavez step down. I cannot see any good coming from being a friend to chaves.

what about cuba, Obama is allowing money to be transfered to Cuba, sounds good but all money transfered to Cuba goes into the state bank, directly into the Cuban governments pockets, not to the people, so no matter how we see the funds being sent its how they are recieved, Obama did nothing more than prop up a communist government.

How do we see two different men.

treason will come down to intent.

Is it possible to never see a treasonous president.
Iriemon, no to the other thread, this is the only one on Obama/mistakes/treason.

You must of missed all my posts on "fox", I dont like fox, I dont watch fox, I have pointed it out half a dozen times, Fox is at least 37% owned by the Saudis.

Lets pray Obama is stopped short of treason. Obama's latest treasonous act, releasing the Torture memos of the Bush administration.

And now he releases , legal classified details of the legal opinions authorising the use of the extreme interrogation techniques, briefs of the president before him, never before has a president done this. To make it worst, he tells the enemy he will not use these techniques. This is the very definition of TREASON, giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Its a comfort to know you will not be tortured and its an aid to know this as well. Follows is a nice article related but not going as far as I do.

Our friends in England wrote this great piece that says it better than me, this goes out to my friend who posts the foreign press loves Obama.

Barack Obama must beware of playing party politics with security - Telegraph

Mistake, Failure, Treason

See, I have a different view.

Torture has been banned by international treaty for decades. We prosecuted Japanese as war criminals for doing it. IMO, for the US to sanction this kind of behavior stains the reputation and credibility of the US, and ultimately harms it.

Reagan called the US the shining city on the hill and the best hope for mankind. Kind of corny, and certainly we as a nation have not always lived up to that goal, but I believe that it benefits our nation to strive to the goals as Reagan spelled out.

I think that Obama saying we aren't going to do to people what we called others "war criminals" for doing to us isn't treason, but its reaffirming the America that Reagan envisioned.

Yes, sometimes striving for those goals means there are costs. It may be that by not wholesale embracing torture as a policy, we exposure ourselves to the greater risk of an attack.

But freedom isn't free. Living in a free society -- in the shining city on the hill -- means you have to take some reasonable risks to protect that freedom and objective.

Ultimately, I think America wins the war on terrorism by winning the battle of ideas and ideals. We face a tough opponent on that score because they have religious belief they can stoke. But I think ultimately, the ideals of freedom, liberty, rule of law, human rights, due process, and the other things that make America the shining city on the hill win out over the ideal of radical Islam. I really believe that.

And so every step we take towards that ideal I think we forward that cause. If people see America acting consistent with those ideals, they and America look more admirable in the battle of ideas. And every step away from ideal we take, we look more hypocritical and less noble, allowing those who oppose us to use that to debase what we are and stand for.

I believe ultimately we win by standing by what America stands for.

And so that is why I applaud Obama's action on this and on Guantanamo and his willingness to reach out and talk to other nations, even tho' there might be some short term harm, because it tells the world that we as Americans have made the decision to stand by what made America that shining city on the hill and the best hope for mankind.

So IMO Obama's acts in this regard are not treasonous, but reinforce what America stands for and that is how we win in the long run.

Thats a nice post, its well written, I wish I could state my arguement as elegantly. I still dont see it that way.

My thought is that Obama does not have the same ideals our country is built on, that Obama's idealogy is the opposite. It does not matter what his idealogy is, what matters is its not our idealogy. I see the United States as great. I see us as the best. I dont believe Obama sees us that way.

I see people younger than me, not of my generation, I am in my forties, I see that young generation as hating the USA, (I am distracted, I heard a siren, I am in spain and its that crazy european warble I only heard in movies) anyhow to get back to my point I see the younger generation not understanding what and who we are. I believe Obama uses that to his advantage.

Whats Obama mean when he says we must change "the failed idealogies of the past." Its such an open ended statement up to interpetation, whats it mean. I see everyone interpetting that as to how the feel, I see it as a trick that obama uses. Some people will want to hate bush so it means the idealogy of bush. I see obama speaking to Chavez, a communist, and calling democracy a failed idealogy.

Am I stupid, Obama is talking to a Communist, if he makes a statement like this and I can interpet it one way, you another, does Obama not know that, he is a politician with the must cunning politicians at his side, he has to know those kinda statements are going to divide us because human nature will interpet them according to our beliefs, human nature interpets those type of statements according to what we have learned and understand.

Obama knows this and I see this as nothing more than a political trick.

Chavez is a dictator, what is shaking his hand going to do. Obama is going to talk the man into being a democrat or do they see eye to eye.

Chavez and Obama, I want to see Obama demand Cavez step down. I cannot see any good coming from being a friend to chaves.

what about cuba, Obama is allowing money to be transfered to Cuba, sounds good but all money transfered to Cuba goes into the state bank, directly into the Cuban governments pockets, not to the people, so no matter how we see the funds being sent its how they are recieved, Obama did nothing more than prop up a communist government.

How do we see two different men.

treason will come down to intent.

Is it possible to never see a treasonous president.

I thought pretty clearly that Obama's statements on breaking with the past clearly referred to the Bush administration, which many of our friends overseas found to be arrogant and bullying. Obama is setting a new tone, IMO a needed new tone.

I don't think Obama is "befriending" Chavez by shaking his hand any more than Nixon befriended Brezchnev by shaking his hand or Mao by shaking his hand.

It is possible to see treason just about anywhere. Look at all those conspiracy theories, the truthers, etc.
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What a long list of mistakes this man is making, you got to wonder if its intentional.

Did you hear about the button gimmick he sent to Russia with the secretary of state, it was a red button that was suppose to have the word "reset" in russian, instead it read overspend.

Hillary Clinton's Russian Gift Gaffe Lost in Translation - Political Machine - Politics Blog, Opinion and Analysis - AOL News

How about that letter to the president of France, Obama addressed it to Chirac

Barack Obama Insults the French - Associated Content

Obama definately is intentionally alienating us from Europe, we have become a joke to the western world and a friend to the terrorists, talk about opposite world.

Everyone here knows about obama is insulting the english, gives an Ipod to the queen and than Michelle hugs her, returns the bust of Churchill, refuses the honor of giving a press conference for the british prime minisister at the white house, gives Gordon Brown a set of CD's for a region one DVD, England is region two.

Obama just dont give a shit about the USA in my opinion.

The gift Gordon Brown gave Obama was a pen holder made of wood from the HMS Gannet, sister ship of the HMS Resolute, which the Resolute desk was made of. A pen holder made of wood from a ship built in the 1800's and Obama gives DVD's. Is he a moron or a traitor.

Whos side is Obama on? This act is against the interest of the people of the United States of America

Of course Obama DOESNT give a shit about the USA.thats a fact not an opinion.
Hell yeah he's a traitor.he has lied about EVERYTHING he said he is going to do.He said he would bring the troops HOME,not transfer them to afghanistan.He's just continuing and EXPANDING Bushs new world order plan.He is also a traitor since he has pardoned Bush for all crimes he committed in office.He definetly does not have the interest of the people at hand here.
What a long list of mistakes this man is making, you got to wonder if its intentional.

Did you hear about the button gimmick he sent to Russia with the secretary of state, it was a red button that was suppose to have the word "reset" in russian, instead it read overspend.

Hillary Clinton's Russian Gift Gaffe Lost in Translation - Political Machine - Politics Blog, Opinion and Analysis - AOL News

How about that letter to the president of France, Obama addressed it to Chirac

Barack Obama Insults the French - Associated Content

Obama definately is intentionally alienating us from Europe, we have become a joke to the western world and a friend to the terrorists, talk about opposite world.

Everyone here knows about obama is insulting the english, gives an Ipod to the queen and than Michelle hugs her, returns the bust of Churchill, refuses the honor of giving a press conference for the british prime minisister at the white house, gives Gordon Brown a set of CD's for a region one DVD, England is region two.

Obama just dont give a shit about the USA in my opinion.

The gift Gordon Brown gave Obama was a pen holder made of wood from the HMS Gannet, sister ship of the HMS Resolute, which the Resolute desk was made of. A pen holder made of wood from a ship built in the 1800's and Obama gives DVD's. Is he a moron or a traitor.

Getting back to the French, I know they can be arrogant but that goes with being a leader of a country, so Obama sends a letter addressed to Chirac, not a mistake, Obama has no intention of winning another election and hopes to destroy the USA as we know it, there is no other explaination.

So what happened at the NATO summit, Obama kissed the leader of Turkey, its true, I could not make all this up if I tried. Further he gets into a fight with the leader of France, Sarkozy, Obama is pushing for Turkey's admitance to the European Union and Sarkozy tells Obama Europe is none of his businees.

France 24 | Obama, Sarkozy clash over Turkey's EU bid | France 24

As if this is not enough Obama sides with Turkey in trying to deny nomination of the Danish prime minister to head NATO.

Add this to a five day stand off of three US warships against teenages in a row boat and we are now the laughing stock of the world.

How about destroying our relationship with Israel, bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia and than snubbing Israeli Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi by refusing to meet him.

Israel's chief of staff comes home early after doors close in Obama's Washington

Whos side is Obama on? Certainly he has not stood by our western allies, he does not stand by Israel, he kisses the Turkish leader, Bows to the Saudi king, stalls and delays for five days giving time for the pirates to take the hostage to shore. They did not make it to shore but that was not any of Obamas doing. What more can the guy do.

Alienates our allies and gets no commitment for the troops he wants in Afganistan.

And this is just the start of this thread, what are Obama's failures, I have ran out of time for now, its most likely impossibe for one person to list all of Obama's treason, in my opinion.


Wow - that is a remarkable set of blunders in such a relatively short time.

As I have said before, up to this point, the Obama administration has been political amatuer hour.

Add to that the understanding that Obama is nowhere near as intelligent as the media attempted to prop him up as such, (a clear case of racism - "Oh look, a black man who smiles and speaks well! He must be soooooo smart!") and we have the makings for a very interesting first term.

I do hope they improve on the details a bit before the Obama team really screws up big time - well, minus the outrageous government spending they have already initiated - that could prove Obama's undoing...

Were you paying attention the last 8 years, at all? Or are you blinded by the GOP?

2 mistakes every day for BHO will still be minuscule to what GWB did in his tenure.

Wow - that is a remarkable set of blunders in such a relatively short time.

As I have said before, up to this point, the Obama administration has been political amatuer hour.

Add to that the understanding that Obama is nowhere near as intelligent as the media attempted to prop him up as such, (a clear case of racism - "Oh look, a black man who smiles and speaks well! He must be soooooo smart!") and we have the makings for a very interesting first term.

I do hope they improve on the details a bit before the Obama team really screws up big time - well, minus the outrageous government spending they have already initiated - that could prove Obama's undoing...

Were you paying attention the last 8 years, at all? Or are you blinded by the GOP?

2 mistakes every day for BHO will still be minuscule to what GWB did in his tenure.
hes about as blinded by the GOP as YOU are blinded by the DNC

I aint going to be posting much no more. What for, these boards belong to the assholes who we cant mention cause they are protected.

What a bunch of pussies. I aint mentioned nobody but obama in this thread and its a conspiracy.
I aint going to be posting much no more. What for, these boards belong to the assholes who we cant mention cause they are protected.

What a bunch of pussies. I aint mentioned nobody but obama in this thread and its a conspiracy.

Sorry to see you go. I don't see the interrelationships in things you do, but at least you have a creative way of looking at things.
I aint going to be posting much no more. What for, these boards belong to the assholes who we cant mention cause they are protected.

What a bunch of pussies. I aint mentioned nobody but obama in this thread and its a conspiracy.
come on, get off your high horse

you are claiming treason where none exist

its no better than the fucking morons that claim "Bush/Cheney war crimes"

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