So how is your Vance Derangement Syndrome coming along? Do you hate his guts yet?

Extremists who see the only path to the kind of government they want is to destroy the one that exist now.

Isn't that exactly what the Left have been doing ever since Obumma got in office 16 years ago?

Do you see any aspect of the government we have today existing before then?

Why do the Left always support what they do no matter how extreme, yet revile it the minute anyone else tries it too?

If I'm not mistaken, can't Trump change his VP candidate if he wants? I mean, HE is nominated, Vance is just his side buddy.
The whole thing about tying how many votes you get on Election Day to how many kids you have is just weird. Yet that is what he proposed as recently as 2021.

Nobody can defend it...but that is where we are...he’s a weirdo.
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  • The Left never admits to fearing anything, they just label you a "danger."
  • Everyone they fear they tell you they laugh at.
  • The Left is always telling you who they are laughing at.
  • Everyone they laugh at, they eventually lose to.
  • Because the more they tell you they are only laughing, the more they fear, and they hate who they fear.
  • They fear everyone not like them.
  • Sooner or later they get around to hurting who they hate.
  • Hating, hurting, fearing and laughing is a sign of an imbalanced mind.
  • Imbalanced minds project all their hate and fear onto their victims, who they then accuse of being the haters.
  • You can always tell because soon as you catch their hate and fear, they cover it up by claiming they are just laughing at you again.
  • But they really hate, you. Because they actually hate themselves. Deep inside.
  • Then try to cover it up with laughter.

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