Pelosi and Schumer


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
These two and their Demi followers are the reason you cannot go back to work they refuse to budge on border security just remember that when election day comes again
Pelousy amazes me with her stupidity, She voted for that same wall twice and now thinks its immoral.

You can't cure stupid.
Letters: Pelosi and Schumer, not the president, are responsible for government shutdown Article here: Letters: Pelosi and Schumer, not the president, are responsible for government shutdown – Twin Cities

“Dreamers are welcome here” is a sign outside Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office. It is in Spanish. Outside her office on Jan. 16 were Angel moms and dads, waiting a lengthy amount of time to voice their concerns to Pelosi or to any of her staff. The receptionist said no one in the office responded to her phone calls. One of the women in the group was a Gold Star mother. The slap in the face came when someone with an appointment showed up and was immediately ushered into the Speaker’s office. These were people whose family members had died, either at the hands of illegal aliens or from opioids. Many of the opioids came over the southern borders."

"Why are American citizens treated so shabbily by Democrats? What would it have cost Pelosi to meet this group who had experienced tragedies caused by illegal aliens and express her condolences? Was that too much to ask? They wanted her to support funding the border wall. They wanted to tell her enough people have been killed by illegal aliens. They didn’t want more people to endure the losses, pain and agony they are going through. Pelosi had absolutely no time for these grieving families."

"The wall around Pelosi’s mansion is estimated to be 12 feet high. If she feels the rest of us don’t need protection from illegal aliens, why does she have a wall around her house? Why doesn’t she tear it down? Would it still be a “manufactured crisis” if an illegal alien harmed a member of her family?"​

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