Pelosi Calls Press Conference to Unveil $140,000 Light Fixtures in House Cafeteria

No recession as far as the government is concerned... I mean why do they care care how much things cost, they will just raise taxes or borrow more money.... $140,000....WTF???????

I think their pay should be based on their approval ratings! - Pelosi Calls Press Conference to Unveil $140,000 Light Fixtures in House Cafeteria

I'd like to stuff a rag in Pelosi's mouth and then beat her senseless. This woman is a loon who should never be allowed anywhere near a reporter. And I LIKE Obama.

"Green the Capitol"? Did no one bother to point out to her this has two possible meanings?

Pelosi...she makes Palin look media-savvy......

[ame=]YouTube - Left-Wing Nut Pelosi Attacks American Families and their Babies[/ame]

One of my life's ambitions is to dance on that bitches grave. Being substantially younger than her - God Willing - I will be able to fulfill that ambition.

Well now CaliforniaGirl I don't exactly need her DEAD. SHUT THE FUCK UP would suit me. GO THE HELL AWAY would send me into orgasm.

Pelosi...proof that God hates all political parties equally.....

BTW, this is the Pelosi moment I will NEVER get over:

[ame=]YouTube - Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it[/ame]
Cali...this is my industry. You obvisouly have NO clue how to comprehend things like this. I recoemmend you stop before you embarrass yourself any further.

What, like you do by claiming that I wrote the 10 priorities for the TEA parties?

I suggest you mind your own fucking business and I'll worry about my embarrassing myself. 'K?

Deal. Now, since you think this project is such a waste, try calculating out just how much money the old light fixtures would have cost over the 10 year pay back period versus what the new ones will. THEN, calculate how our government could better spend that money they will no longer be spending on inefficient lighting and electrical costs.

It's too bad you never provide any real proof for any of your statements.. Since this is "your industry" why don't you tell us how much money this will save?????????

Just FYI, that's rhetorical... I don't actually expect to hear any results from you, and even if you do provide some numbers I am fairly confident they will be heavily skewed... :lol:
As good of an idea as this "May" be. Do we really think this is exactly the time for ANYONE on capitol hill to be spending $140,000.00 For Light fixtures? Another fine example of the stupidness of Pelosi. Get real, here is a thought, Lets put that money towards, ummm I don't know Social Security, Oh wait you probably took it from there to pay for this little project.

And Someone posted this created Jobs? For what a week? Yeah Job Creation... Now we can all want to be day laborers thanks to our friends, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid!!
Here's the real question: Will the new lighting enhance the experience of surfing porn all day for highly paid government workers?
Here's the real question: Will the new lighting enhance the experience of surfing porn all day for highly paid government workers?

Porn is best viewed under a flashing neon sign

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As good of an idea as this "May" be. Do we really think this is exactly the time for ANYONE on capitol hill to be spending $140,000.00 For Light fixtures? Another fine example of the stupidness of Pelosi. Get real, here is a thought, Lets put that money towards, ummm I don't know Social Security, Oh wait you probably took it from there to pay for this little project.

And Someone posted this created Jobs? For what a week? Yeah Job Creation... Now we can all want to be day laborers thanks to our friends, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid!!

Are all of you "conservatives" completely retarded when it comes to saving money on energy costs??????
As good of an idea as this "May" be. Do we really think this is exactly the time for ANYONE on capitol hill to be spending $140,000.00 For Light fixtures? Another fine example of the stupidness of Pelosi. Get real, here is a thought, Lets put that money towards, ummm I don't know Social Security, Oh wait you probably took it from there to pay for this little project.

And Someone posted this created Jobs? For what a week? Yeah Job Creation... Now we can all want to be day laborers thanks to our friends, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid!!

Are all of you "conservatives" completely retarded when it comes to saving money on energy costs??????

The light fixtures cost $140,000 and will take almost 10 years to pay off in saved energy.

And what is to bet that the fixtures will be changed out before then too??

This is unnecessary spending at a time when the government is rampant with unnecessary spending

I could save some money with a brand new more efficient furnace over the one that I have that is 10 years old.... might take me 10 or more years to save the cost back in energy usage... but might not be the brightest idea to do when the system I have is still working and I am spending more than I am bringing in this year
As good of an idea as this "May" be. Do we really think this is exactly the time for ANYONE on capitol hill to be spending $140,000.00 For Light fixtures? Another fine example of the stupidness of Pelosi. Get real, here is a thought, Lets put that money towards, ummm I don't know Social Security, Oh wait you probably took it from there to pay for this little project.

And Someone posted this created Jobs? For what a week? Yeah Job Creation... Now we can all want to be day laborers thanks to our friends, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid!!

Are all of you "conservatives" completely retarded when it comes to saving money on energy costs??????

The light fixtures cost $140,000 and will take almost 10 years to pay off in saved energy.

And what is to bet that the fixtures will be changed out before then too??

This is unnecessary spending at a time when the government is rampant with unnecessary spending

I could save some money with a brand new more efficient furnace over the one that I have that is 10 years old.... might take me 10 or more years to save the cost back in energy usage... but might not be the brightest idea to do when the system I have is still working and I am spending more than I am bringing in this year

To be fair they should have a lifespan of 20+ years, this includes the "bulbs"

The only maintenance required should be to clean and dust them every once and a while.
Are all of you "conservatives" completely retarded when it comes to saving money on energy costs??????

The light fixtures cost $140,000 and will take almost 10 years to pay off in saved energy.

And what is to bet that the fixtures will be changed out before then too??

This is unnecessary spending at a time when the government is rampant with unnecessary spending

I could save some money with a brand new more efficient furnace over the one that I have that is 10 years old.... might take me 10 or more years to save the cost back in energy usage... but might not be the brightest idea to do when the system I have is still working and I am spending more than I am bringing in this year

To be fair they should have a lifespan of 20+ years, this includes the "bulbs"

The only maintenance required should be to clean and dust them every once and a while.

I did not talk about the lifespan... I am sure the lifespan of the lighting currently in use is still in effect... you know and I know that the government will spend to change things again, lifespan or not
The light fixtures cost $140,000 and will take almost 10 years to pay off in saved energy.

And what is to bet that the fixtures will be changed out before then too??

This is unnecessary spending at a time when the government is rampant with unnecessary spending

I could save some money with a brand new more efficient furnace over the one that I have that is 10 years old.... might take me 10 or more years to save the cost back in energy usage... but might not be the brightest idea to do when the system I have is still working and I am spending more than I am bringing in this year

To be fair they should have a lifespan of 20+ years, this includes the "bulbs"

The only maintenance required should be to clean and dust them every once and a while.

I did not talk about the lifespan... I am sure the lifespan of the lighting currently in use is still in effect... you know and I know that the government will spend to change things again, lifespan or not

If these fixtures prove to be an energy cost savings, I imagine they will replace the fixtures in all federal buildings.

Makes sense over the long run
To be fair they should have a lifespan of 20+ years, this includes the "bulbs"

The only maintenance required should be to clean and dust them every once and a while.

I did not talk about the lifespan... I am sure the lifespan of the lighting currently in use is still in effect... you know and I know that the government will spend to change things again, lifespan or not

If these fixtures prove to be an energy cost savings, I imagine they will replace the fixtures in all federal buildings.

Makes sense over the long run

So more money??

And as I stated, wingnut, you know and I know and everyone else knows that the safe bet is to believe that government (especially with another crazy bitch like Pelosi in charge of congress) will spend and replace again.... to think otherwise, in this era of irresponsible spending, is simply fooling yourself
If Nancy called a press conference every time she wasted taxpayer money it would be one non stop conference.
I hear people say it will save the US Taxpayer money.... so how much this will save the US Taxpayer??????? Anyone?
I did not talk about the lifespan... I am sure the lifespan of the lighting currently in use is still in effect... you know and I know that the government will spend to change things again, lifespan or not

If these fixtures prove to be an energy cost savings, I imagine they will replace the fixtures in all federal buildings.

Makes sense over the long run

So more money??

And as I stated, wingnut, you know and I know and everyone else knows that the safe bet is to believe that government (especially with another crazy bitch like Pelosi in charge of congress) will spend and replace again.... to think otherwise, in this era of irresponsible spending, is simply fooling yourself

Try them out and see what your savings work out to be. My guess is that they will be significant. Not just in energy, but in labor to replace burnt out bulbs and overall lifecycle costs.

As prices of LED technology come down....this will be a no-brainer
If these fixtures prove to be an energy cost savings, I imagine they will replace the fixtures in all federal buildings.

Makes sense over the long run

So more money??

And as I stated, wingnut, you know and I know and everyone else knows that the safe bet is to believe that government (especially with another crazy bitch like Pelosi in charge of congress) will spend and replace again.... to think otherwise, in this era of irresponsible spending, is simply fooling yourself

Try them out and see what your savings work out to be. My guess is that they will be significant. Not just in energy, but in labor to replace burnt out bulbs and overall lifecycle costs.

As prices of LED technology come down....this will be a no-brainer

As stated.. are the current systems end of life?? Are these absolutely necessary?? And do you honestly believe that these will be left in lace to reap any eventual benefits or savings?? We have a spend happy government, to the point of gross negligence... We are in absolute record deficits because of the mantra of government expansion and huge spending.. this is not a needed expense

And yes.. LED system prices WILL go down... and with us already spending WAYYY too much, it might be beneficial to wait.. maybe til after someone or some representatives slash our budget from much wasteful spending and then spends on this improvement when even more cost effective and when we are balanced in spending
So more money??

And as I stated, wingnut, you know and I know and everyone else knows that the safe bet is to believe that government (especially with another crazy bitch like Pelosi in charge of congress) will spend and replace again.... to think otherwise, in this era of irresponsible spending, is simply fooling yourself

Try them out and see what your savings work out to be. My guess is that they will be significant. Not just in energy, but in labor to replace burnt out bulbs and overall lifecycle costs.

As prices of LED technology come down....this will be a no-brainer

As stated.. are the current systems end of life?? Are these absolutely necessary?? And do you honestly believe that these will be left in lace to reap any eventual benefits or savings?? We have a spend happy government, to the point of gross negligence... We are in absolute record deficits because of the mantra of government expansion and huge spending.. this is not a needed expense

And yes.. LED system prices WILL go down... and with us already spending WAYYY too much, it might be beneficial to wait.. maybe til after someone or some representatives slash our budget from much wasteful spending and then spends on this improvement when even more cost effective and when we are balanced in spending

End of life is part of a life cycle cost analysis. You justify an early replacement by demonstrating savings in enery and maintenance.

If your 1950s refrigerator is still not at the end of its life, is it worth the added energy to keep it running?
Try them out and see what your savings work out to be. My guess is that they will be significant. Not just in energy, but in labor to replace burnt out bulbs and overall lifecycle costs.

As prices of LED technology come down....this will be a no-brainer

As stated.. are the current systems end of life?? Are these absolutely necessary?? And do you honestly believe that these will be left in lace to reap any eventual benefits or savings?? We have a spend happy government, to the point of gross negligence... We are in absolute record deficits because of the mantra of government expansion and huge spending.. this is not a needed expense

And yes.. LED system prices WILL go down... and with us already spending WAYYY too much, it might be beneficial to wait.. maybe til after someone or some representatives slash our budget from much wasteful spending and then spends on this improvement when even more cost effective and when we are balanced in spending

End of life is part of a life cycle cost analysis. You justify an early replacement by demonstrating savings in enery and maintenance.

If your 1950s refrigerator is still not at the end of its life, is it worth the added energy to keep it running?

As compared to 10 or so years til enery savings pay for themselves... and the fact that technology price for this WILL go down rather soon... andthe fact that we already have enough wasteful government spending...

As for the refridge... not worth it if I am already spending well more than I bring in and the difference is not that huge (and yes, I still have an old refridge in the garage which probably uses $10-20 more a year than the new fridge in the house, but not worth it to go out and buy a new fridge in the name of 'energy saving' or some political show for the environazis

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