Pelosi Continues To Dump On AOC's 'Green New Fantasy'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Now, in terms of the Green New Deal [as conceived], that goes beyond what our charge is,” Pelosi said in the interview. “Our charge is about saving the planet. They have in there things like single-payer and … what is it? Guaranteed income?"

"And then they have, I don’t know if it’s single-payer or Medicare for All," Pelosi continued. "It’s kind of, like, a broader agenda. All good values, but nonetheless, not what we hope to achieve with this focused, determined, decision-making: You’re either for the planet or you are not. There is no ‘plan B' for the planet. We have to preserve it, and it is in great jeopardy."

Pelosi praised the “enthusiasm” behind the proposal, projected by
one study to cost $93 trillion over ten years, earlier this month. However, in an earlier interview with Politico, she also dismissively referred to it as “the green dream or whatever they call it."



Pelosi Continues to Criticize Green New Deal: 'Not What We Hope to Achieve'

AOC just had a criminal referral sent to the elections commission for funneling PAC money to her boyfriend....It looks like they have the evidence...she could be how the dirty dems fall....

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