PELOSI declares health care has passed

How did you get to be a super moderator with that sort of language toward someone who bothers to express an opinion on this board? Nobody is being abusive to you or your opinion. With that said, there WILL BE A CIVIL WAR because this healthcare bill isn't about health; it's about taking control of 1/6 of the American economy.

There will be NO FUCKING civil war, you fucking drama queen. There isn't even a fucking public option in this bill let alone a gov't takeover of the health care industry.

I fucking dare you to fire the first shot, tough guy.
I dont' care that you gave me 116 negative reps with your BIG powerful REP numbers, my previous statement stands. Shame on you.

Your comments stands ... knee deep in it's own bullshit.
The second amendment says otherwise. :lol:

You having the balls to do anything is as likely as me winning the powerball this saturday. And considering I haven't bought a ticket, that should inform you of your odds of actually doing anything.
she is going to not bother to call a vote and just say the house has passed the senate bill.

And they call Palin stupid.:lol::lol::lol: Pelosi is a delusional idiot- Obama, Pelosi, Reid are all kicking a dead horse to death and their poll numbers are down the crapper. 22% approval rating for congress, Obama coming in at 46%, pathetic.:cuckoo:

Congressional dems are bailing on this left and right with Reid attempting to convince the congress that --- go ahead and sign it, then we will have Obama sign it into LAW- then we will fix it on abortion, get rid of all the Cornhusker deals etc. They aren't buying it, because if Pelosi could pass it today, she would, she is not anywhere near a deal on this pig, and it gets worse everyday. The CBO still does not have an accurate score on it, in fact, there is no bill that any of these congressional bozo's have to read yet. Yet, they are expected to go ahead and vote on it, now, before Obama flys off somewhere over Easter and before congress adjourns to go home and get hammered with rotten left over easter eggs. Rotten eggs, hmmmmmmmmmmmm, I if were one of those congressional idiots under this administration, I would stay in Washington and have the Easter egg hunt done on the front lawn of the White house for my own safety.:lol::lol::lol:
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The second amendment says otherwise. :lol:

Oh yeah?

Fire the first shot, big guy. Watch what happens.
There's 300,000,000 of us and most of us are armed to the teeth. Your Fascist government ain't gonna do squat to us.

You're delusional. The majority of the 300,000,000 are politically apathetic and don't have anywhere near a strong enough opinion about health care reform to take up arms over a bill that doesn't even have a public option in it.

You're all bark and no bite lil' doggie. You got nothing. You're alone with a few other isolated nuts like yourself and if any of you do anything stupid you're going the way of Tim McVeigh.
palin doesn't have an army of 300 million?

I think the troll sees him and his "army" like this:

[ame=]YouTube - 300 - Movie Trailer[/ame]
Don't worry, we're going to make EVERYTHING a right soon. Hold on tight boys and girls, it's going to be a fun ride.

what's entailed in this "fun ride"?
By the end of Obama's first term, there'll be so many invented "rights" it won't even be funny.

You'll have a right to EVERYTHING, even those that are by default privileges or services/commodities.

That is the fun ride we'll all have!!
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