Pelosi Declares People on trial have to "prove their innocense"

This was just an indictment. Trump is still innocent until proven guilty. Y'all acting like he's been found guilty, sentenced and is awaiting prison.

If you have a BS prosecutor with some fabricated evidence, then yeah, you do have to prove you're innocent. Or prove the prosecutions evidence is fabricated. Or convince at least one juror to side with you.
So if you think she just misspoke, then what are you whining about?
what part did you feel was whining? my post was in defense of Nancy [hers was a mistake, and the white liberals are unable to see it] and your post is proof of that irony.
Hysterical MAGAs gotta Hysteric.
I vote for every democrat that comes down the pike [don't even know or remember most of them] and I believe that is what is affecting your thinking here and/as it seems to be infecting your ability to communicate...
Hysterical MAGAs gotta Hysteric.]
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Pelosi triggers the rubes again! Good lord stop dunking on these people, Nancy. Go smoke some weed in one of your mansions or something.
The warnings were there with her evil. Her family was involved in the destruction of the city of Baltimore many decades ago. Riots are due to that.
In reaction to Manhattan Alvin Bragg indicting former President Donald Trump, Pelosi tweeted: “The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law. No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right.”

Conservatives knew leftists desired to abuse power.. but this is a leader saying the quiet part out loud.
Waah, there's enough evidence of guilt. Better try and prove evidence is wrong, proving innocence.
In reaction to Manhattan Alvin Bragg indicting former President Donald Trump, Pelosi tweeted: “The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law. No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right.”

Conservatives knew leftists desired to abuse power.. but this is a leader saying the quiet part out loud.
She’s one of the leaders of the demafasict movement…this is how their tyrannical process works.

They are a direct threat to our Republic, the rule of law. and freedom
Fact; PELOSI STATES: Nobody is above the law, however her and her collegues are above the law, in the same way nobody was allowed to go to the hairdressers, restaurants, boat shows, gatherings over 10, cough into their hands (or mic), inside trade to take advantage of the pandemic, weaponize the National guard, weaponize the DOJ and investigative branches, nobody is allowed to quid pro Joe threaten to terminate aid to Ukraine for favors on TV broadcasts, nobody can take campaign finance donations from Ukraine Military material dealers you lobied to get arms deals for, nobody is allowed to give Fang Fang and the like access to Congressmen or old naive lady Senators,
Nobody is allowed to take and store classified docs when not President, nobody is allowed to store them at an unsafe place & room, bor with a known foreign deals pay to play traitor.
Nobody is allowed to prevent free speech or access to already approved medications, nobody is allowed to incite and finance and organize riots looting and mayhem (except Allstate commercials). Nobody is allowed to violate the Logan act, nor obstruct investigation of political corruption, nobody is allowed to permit breaking immigration law and work with cartels to bring China Fentanyl through those open borders which is illegal. Nobody is allowed to finance or orchestrate community & national terror, nobody is allowed perjury in front of congress, However all these and more are not rules for Pelosi and her mob and terrorist connected cronnies, just everyone else.
Must be nice to be kings and queens of your own dictatorship in hell (they create)
That is the new standard.
The new standard is trying to usher in poverty for the masses through inflation, death to the next generation by letting the Mex/Sino drug culture wipe out 85,000 Americans with their fentanyl poison targeted exactly to lower the population of our Founders' progeny. Then with the influx of hostile foreigners from 150 different countries so far through our southern border with access to immediate voting to promote Communist Democrats to destroy the Constitution when they take these people to the polls that now allow anybody with a warm body (or not) to vote Democrat, and they get a free ride to and from whichever and how many polling places they can be delivered to on voting day. Good ol' Nancy Pelosi and her thousand-page + new laws with less than 3 or 4 days to read all that, pushing something that guarantees Democrats a win and ensures Republicans a loss on voting day. They've weaponized voting to make themselves the winners who take all. And the way the voting law reads now, you can guarantee it disfavors any and all Republicans. So without going through citizenship rituals of learning about America, new voters aren't even citizens and only have one clue about voting Democrat and no other way or else the rug will get pulled from under their not-so-citizenship voters who don't comply, and punitive measures for those who vote conservative, such as scraping off paint from their car doors, deflating tires, and placement of potatoes in their tailpipes that will explode on the road, disabling the vehicle.
They are currently developing plans for rewarding aliens for voting democrat. It's evil.
The new standard is trying to usher in poverty for the masses through inflation, death to the next generation by letting the Mex/Sino drug culture wipe out 85,000 Americans with their fentanyl poison targeted exactly to lower the population of our Founders' progeny. Then with the influx of hostile foreigners from 150 different countries so far through our southern border with access to immediate voting to promote Communist Democrats to destroy the Constitution when they take these people to the polls that now allow anybody with a warm body (or not) to vote Democrat, and they get a free ride to and from whichever and how many polling places they can be delivered to on voting day. Good ol' Nancy Pelosi and her thousand-page + new laws with less than 3 or 4 days to read all that, pushing something that guarantees Democrats a win and ensures Republicans a loss on voting day. They've weaponized voting to make themselves the winners who take all. And the way the voting law reads now, you can guarantee it disfavors any and all Republicans. So without going through citizenship rituals of learning about America, new voters aren't even citizens and only have one clue about voting Democrat and no other way or else the rug will get pulled from under their not-so-citizenship voters who don't comply, and punitive measures for those who vote conservative, such as scraping off paint from their car doors, deflating tires, and placement of potatoes in their tailpipes that will explode on the road, disabling the vehicle.
They are currently developing plans for rewarding aliens for voting democrat. It's evil.
New list of MAGA/nutbag talking points for the week? Damn near the same list as last week.
In reaction to Manhattan Alvin Bragg indicting former President Donald Trump, Pelosi tweeted: “The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law. No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right.”

Conservatives knew leftists desired to abuse power.. but this is a leader saying the quiet part out loud.
Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, why should he when the Grand Jury ignored the law when it came to the Statute of Limitations

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